supply installation testing commissioning Of Key Materials Required For Operation / Maintenance Of 33Kv Lines Of Std Pulwama Under Stage Contract For The Year 2024-25 Or Till Next Rate Contract.-Supply, Erection, testing and commissioning of ST Polewith base plate and top capincluding excavation of pit and back filling by boulders upto 1ft (as per latest specification and drawings adopted and approved by the department) as per REC construction Standard 2 13 mtr Long ST Pole (ST-410SP-69) 3 11 mtr Long ST pole (ST-410-SP56) 4 Erection, testing and commissioning of ST Polewith base plate and top capincluding excavation of pit and back filling by boulders upto 1ft (as per latest specification and drawings adopted and approved by the department) as per REC construction Standard (ST pole to be supplied by deparment) 5 13 mtr Long ST Pole (ST-410SP-69) 6 11 mtr Long ST pole (ST-410-SP56) 7 Dismantling of ST Pole complete with allied accessories and returning and stacking of same to divisional stores. 8 13 mtr Long ST Pole (ST-410SP-69) 9 11 mtr Long ST pole (ST-410-SP56) 10 9mtr Long ST PoleST-410 SP-33) 11 Dismantling of wooden poles of different sizes complete with allied accessories and returning and stacking of same to divisional stores. 12 Straightening of existing tilted poles 13 13 mtr Long ST Pole (ST-410SP-69) 14 11 mtr Long ST pole (ST-410-SP56) 15 9mtr Long ST PoleST-410 SP-33) 16 DW Wooden Pole 17 Providing/ Painting of S.T Poles including fixtures with one coat of red-oxide and two coats of silver(aluminium) paint to give even shade 18 13 mtr Long ST Pole (ST-410SP-69) 19 11 mtr Long ST pole (ST-410-SP56) 20 Providingand laying of Cement Concrete (PCC) using 20/40mm crush stone aggregate including shuttering ,form work etc in the following ratios 21 Ratio 01:04:08 22 Ratio 01:1-1/2:03 23 Ratio 01:02:04 24 Providingand laying of Cement Concrete (RCC) using 20/40mm crush stone aggregate including shuttering, form work etc in the following ratios 25 Ratio 01:1-1/2:03 26 Ratio 01:02:04 27 Providing and fixing of Galvanisedspiral Earthing (in a separate pit) of8 SWG, G.I wire of 115 turns confirming to REC-J1 construction standard 28 Fixing of Galvanisedspiral Earthing (in a separate pit) of8 SWG, G.I wire of 115 turns confirming to REC-J1 construction standard 29 Providing and Fixing of Earthing complete with by GI Pipe 40mm or GI rod 20mm 2.5m long through GI strip 30 Fixing of Earthing complete with by GI Pipe 40mm or GI rod 20mm 2.5m long through GI strip 31 Providing and fixing of 33KV Galvanised Guy Set(Guy wire,Guy Rods,Turn Buckle plate ,Guy Insulators) confirming to IS 2141 / 1979 or the latest version thereof (complete) 32 Fixing of 33KV Galvanised Guy Set(Guy wire,Guy Rods,Turn Buckle plate ,Guy Insulators) confirming to IS 2141 / 1979 or the latest version thereof (complete) 33 Dismanteling of 33KV Galvanised Guy Set(Guy wire,Guy Rods,Turn Buckle plate ,Guy Insulators) confirming to IS 2141 / 1979 or the latest version thereof (complete) 34 Providing and fixing of P.G Clamps /Pad Clamps/ T-Clamps heavy duty conforming to (Aluminium to Aluminium as 2848,Part 1 Standard, 4-bolt type suitable for 35 0.2 ACSR Conductor 36 0.15 ACSR Conductor 37 0.1 ACSR Conductor 38 Fixing of P.G Clamps /Pad Clamps/ T-Clamps heavy duty conforming to (Aluminium to Aluminium as 2848,Part 1 Standard, 4-bolt type suitable for 39 0.2 ACSR Conductor 40 0.15 ACSR Conductor 41 0.1 ACSR Conductor 42 Laying,stringing ,tensioning and binding of ACSR Conductor as per REC Construction standard (material to be provided by the department) 43 0.2 ACSR Conductor 44 0.15 ACSR Conductor 45 0.1 ACSR Conductor 46 Supply, Laying,stringing ,tensioning and binding of ACSR Conductor as per REC Construction standard 47 0.2 ACSR Conductor 48 0.15 ACSR Conductor 49 0.1 ACSR Conductor 50 Re-stringing of loose conductor including tensioning, binding etc 51 0.2 ACSR Conductor 52 0.15 ACSR Conductor 53 0.1 ACSR Conductor 54 Loading of Steel Tubular Poles including manual carriage from stacking site upto loading site upto a lead of 25mtr 55 13 mtr Long ST Pole (ST-410SP-69) 56 11 mtr Long ST pole (ST-410-SP56) 57 9mtr Long ST PoleST-410 SP-33) 58 Unloading of Steel Tubular Pole including manual carriage (manual) upto dumping site and then proper stacking upto a lead of 25mtr 59 13 mtr Long ST Pole (ST-410SP-69) 60 11 mtr Long ST pole (ST-410-SP56) 61 9mtr Long ST PoleST-410 SP-33) 62 Manual Carriage of ST Poles 63 Upto first 100mtr lead 64 For every additional 50mtr or part there off 65 Loading of Steeland sundry items likeCGI sheet, nuts and bolts, Angle Iron, hardware fittings , cross arms etcincluding manual carriage,proper stacking and sorting etcupto loading siteupto 50mtr 66 Unloading of Steeland sundry items likeCGI sheet, nuts and bolts, Angle Iron, hardware fittings , cross arms etc including manual carriage,proper stacking and sorting etcupto loading site upto 50mtr 67 Manual Carriage of Sundry Items 68 Upto first 100mtr lead 69 For every additional 50mtr or part there off 70 Loading of Conductor Reels ( 0.1ACSR/ 0.2 ACSR/ 0.15 ACSR ) including manual carriage from dumping site and then proper stacking 71 Unloading of of Conductor Reels ( 0.1ACSR/ 0.2 ACSR/ 0.15 ACSR ) including manual carriagestacking site upto loading 72 Supply, installation,testing and commissioning of 33KV Polymer Toughened GlassDisc Insulators with fittings Shed diameter 90 mm, Min. Cree page distance 840mm, 25mm Height confirming to Standard: IEC, ANSI, BSCertificate: ISO9001 (suitable for temp from -10 to 40 degree Centigrade) suitable for 0.1/0.15ACSR Conductor (insulators of spark or rashtriya or equivalent make) 73 Installation,testing and commissioning of 33KV Polymer Toughened GlassDisc Insulators with fittings Shed diameter 90 mm, Min. Cree page distance 840mm, 25mm Height confirming to Standard: IEC, ANSI, BSCertificate: ISO9001 (suitable for temp from -10 to 40 degree Centigrade) suitable for 0.1/0.15ACSR Conductor (insulators of spark or rashtriya or equivalent make) 74 Supply, installation,testing and commissioning of 33KV Polymer Toughened GlassDisc Insulators with fittings confirming to Standard: IEC, ANSI, BSCertificate: ISO9001 (suitable for temp from -10 to 40 degree Centigrade) suitable for 0.2ACSR Conductor (insulators of spark or rashtriya or equivalent make) 75 Installation,testing and commissioning of 33KV Polymer Toughened GlassDisc Insulators with fittings confirming to Standard: IEC, ANSI, BSCertificate: ISO9001 (suitable for temp from -10 to 40 degree Centigrade) suitable for 0.2ACSR Conductor (insulators of spark or rashtriya or equivalent make) 76 Supply,installation,Testing and commissioning of 33 KV10 KN Polymeric Insulators with pin (composite pin type insulator) with Silicon Rubber for sheds/housing, Glass-fiber reinforced epoxy resin rod (ECR type) for core, Hop dip galvanized cast steel for metal fittings,Confirming toISO9001: 2008 standards (suitable for temp from -10 to 40 degree Centigrade) suitable for0.2(Panther) ACSR having 40mm dia fiber rod (insulators of spark or rashtriya or Equivalent make) 77 Installation,Testing and commissioning of 33 KV10 KN Polymeric Insulators with pin (composite pin type insulator) with Silicon Rubber for sheds/housing, Glass-fiber reinforced epoxy resin rod (ECR type) for core, Hop dip galvanized cast steel for metal fittings,Confirming toISO9001: 2008 standards (suitable for temp from -10 to 40 degree Centigrade) suitable for0.2(Panther) ACSR having 40mm dia fiber rod (insulators of spark or rashtriya or Equivalent make) 78 Supply,installation,Testing and commissioning of 33 KV10 KN Polymeric Insulators with pin (composite pin type insulator) with Silicon Rubber for sheds/housing, Glass-fiber reinforced epoxy resin rod (ECR type) for core, Hop dip galvanized cast steel for metal fittings,Confirming toISO9001: 2008 standards (suitable for temp from -10 to 40 degree Centigrade) suitable for0.15 ACSR having 40mm dia fiber rod (insulators of spark or rashtriya or Equivalent make) 79 Installation,Testing and commissioning of 33 KV10 KN Polymeric Insulators with pin (composite pin type insulator) with Silicon Rubber for sheds/housing, Glass-fiber reinforced epoxy resin rod (ECR type) for core, Hop dip galvanized cast steel for metal fittings,Confirming toISO9001: 2008 standards (suitable for temp from -10 to 40 degree Centigrade) suitable for0.15 ACSR having 40mm dia fiber rod (insulators of spark or rashtriya or Equivalent make) 80 Supply,installation,Testing and commissioning of 11KV Disc insulators (45KN) with fitting confirming IS:731 (1971) 3188:1980/ IS:2486 Part -II and IEC-61109-2008with latest amendments thereof (PorcelaineType) 81 Installation,Testing and commissioning of 11KV Disc insulators (45KN) with fitting confirming IS:731 (1971) 3188:1980/ IS:2486 Part -II and IEC-61109-2008with latest amendments thereof (PorcelaineType) 82 Providing and fixing of 11KV pin Insulators (5KN)with GI pinsconforming to IS : 731 (1971) standards with latest amendents thereof 83 Fixing of 11KV pin Insulators (5KN)with GI pinsconforming to IS : 731 (1971) standards with latest amendents thereof 84 Providing and fixing of tension fitting heavy duty type suitable for 85 0.1ACSR conductor 86 0.15ACSR Conductor 87 0.2 ACSR Conductor 88 Fixing of tension fitting heavy duty type suitable for 89 0.1ACSR conductor 90 0.15 ACSR Conductor 91 0.2 ACSR Conductor 92 Providing and fixing of danger plates (6X8X4mm thick) with clamps 93 Providing and fixing of anti climbing devices using GI Barbed wire at least 2.0kg per pole fixed with clamps on both ends as per REC Standards 94 Providing and fixing of fabricated GI Channel / Angle of sorts as per site requirement and REC Standards 95 Fixing of fabricated GI Channel / Angleof sorts as per site requirement and REC Standards 96 Providing and Fixing of jumper sets (3 pieces) for 33KV line 97 Fixing of jumper sets (3 pieces) for 33KV line 98 Extensive Branch cutting of trees coming in the coridor of 33KV line including cutting of trees beneath the 33KV line (complete job) 99 Providng and fixing of guard netting of existing 33KV lineusing 8 SWG GI wire comprising of minimum of 10 No. crossing per span complete with eye bolts 100 Fixing of guard netting of existing 33KV lineusing 8 SWG GI wire comprising of minimum of 10 No. crossing per span complete with eye bolts 101 Providing and fixing of fabricated MS Angle Iron /Channel Iron of different sorts and sizes as per site requirement 102 Providing and fixing of Aluminium Jointing Sleeves 103 Cutting/Felling trees of the grith (measured at height of 1mtr above ground level) including cutting of trunk and branches, removing the roots and stacking of serviceable material and disposal of unservicable material. 104 Beyond 30cm girth upto and including 60cm girth 105 Beyond 60cm girth upto and including 120cm girth 106 Beyond 120cm girth upto and including 240cm girth 107 Above 240cm grith 108 Fixing of fabricated MS Angle Iron /Channel Iron of different sorts and sizes as per site requirement (Material to be supplied by Deptt.) 109 Providing and fixing of G.I Nuts and Bolts of Sizes as per site requirement and REC standards. 110 Providing and fixing of Hollow Copper Tube with external dia 38mm and thickness of 3mm as per site requirement and REC standards. 111 Supply,installation,Testing and commissioning of 33 KV10 KN Polymeric Insulators with pin (composite pin type insulator) with Silicon Rubber for sheds/housing, Glass-fiber reinforced epoxy resin rod (ECR type) for core, Hop dip galvanized cast steel for metal fittings,Confirming toISO9001: 2008 standards (suitable for temp from -10 to 40 degree Centigrade) suitable for0.1 ACSR having 32mm dia fiber rod (insulators of spark or rashtriya or Equivalent make) 112 Installation,Testing and commissioning of 33 KV10 KN Polymeric Insulators with pin (composite pin type insulator) with Silicon Rubber for sheds/housing, Glass-fiber reinforced epoxy resin rod (ECR type) for core, Hop dip galvanized cast steel for metal fittings,Confirming toISO9001: 2008 standards (suitable for temp from -10 to 40 degree Centigrade) suitable for0.1 ACSR having 32mm dia fiber rod (insulators of spark or rashtriya or Equivalent make)