
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Operation And Maintenance Of Lhp And Pdc In Mines - Scope Of Work For Lignte Handling Plant And Power Distribution Center., Bikaner-Rajasthan

Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited has published Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Operation And Maintenance Of Lhp And Pdc In Mines - Scope Of Work For Lignte Handling Plant And Power Distribution Center.. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-06-2024. Earth Moving Machinery Tenders in Bikaner Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Operation And Maintenance Of Lhp And Pdc In Mines - Scope Of Work For Lignte Handling Plant And Power Distribution Center.
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Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Operation And Maintenance Of Lhp And Pdc In Mines - SCOPE OF WORK FOR LIGNTE HANDLING PLANT AND POWER DISTRIBUTION CENTER 1.0 Regular Operation and Maintenance of Lignite Handling Plant and Power Distribution Centre of Barsingsar Mines for a period of 3 (Three) Years from date of commencement of GeM Contract. The commencement of contract will be start after 7 days from the date of issue of GeM Order. 1.1 Maintenance of the complete equipment’s (both mechanical and Electrical) mainly includes the following: 1.1.1 Maintenance of the complete system, both Mechanical and Electrical to the NLC’s satisfaction. 1.1.2 Attending all the regular and preventive maintenance works, breakdowns, replacement/repair/reconditioning of components/parts. 1.1.3 Supply of all consumables/consumable spares for conveyor system and PDC as per the list enclosed. 1.1.4 Execution of all works with required tools and tackles (as per the list enclosed), labour, supervision and transportation of men, materials etc. to the work spot from yard and vice versa. 1.1.5 Complete inspection of all components and condition monitoring, wherever applicable. The inspection report should be submitted to Purchaser as per PMC (Periodical Maintenance Chart). 1.1.6 For the components/parts and any other material, which are replaced during the maintenance contract period, necessary Test Certificates should be furnished. 1.1.7 Carrying out cold patching/minor hot repair of belt damages and vulcanizing joints, with required chemicals and other materials. 1.1.8 Correction of lining out of the belts, due to any reason. 1.1.9 Belt damages should be avoided during operation and during handling. If there is any substantial damage to the belt, which is attributable to the system/contractor, decision of the Purchaser will be final and binding on both sides. 1.1.10 Balancing and vibration analysis/mitigation of the Double roll Crushers to be carried out as and when required, otherwise suitable penalty will be recovered. In this regard, the decision of the Purchaser will final. 1.1.11 Providing Backhoe cum Loader with operator and fuel, in case of any breakdown of Lump Breakers or for any other allied works of LHP as per the directions of NLCIL executives. The back hoe cum loader engaged for the work shall not be more than 5 years old and shall be equipped with the suitable fire extinguisher. 1.1.12 Arranging services of OEM for equipment repair work/ calibration of belt weigher etc. as and when required. 1.1.13 Lubrication (manual greasing) of all required points, including conveyor drum bearings, snub pulleys, heavy duty rollers, sheave pulleys, take up guide path, pins, etc and applying Cardium compound to all winch ropes and other ropes, as per OEM recommendations. 1.1.14 Topping up/complete changing of oil and other lubricants for all the equipments as per OEM recommendations. 1.1.15 Cleaning of all equipments, components, parts materials etc. (both Mechanical and Electrical) of the conveyor system for trouble free operation and cleaning of complete conveyor system in case of spillage/choking to the satisfaction of Purchaser. 1.1.16 Transportation of all required equipments/ components/parts/materials of mechanical and electrical from yard to site and vice versa. 1.1.17 Attending any other work for smooth running of the conveyor, which are not specifically mentioned and all other related and coincidence works, as required by the Purchaser, then and there. 1.1.18 Safety & security of all the conveyor equipments, men and other materials. 1.1.19 Periodical maintenance of Transformers, LT panels, VCBs, isolators, cables, streetlights, Energy management system etc., 1.1.20 Cleaning & checking of all (Transformer, HT breakers, LT panel and the connected equipments, etc. Shall be minimum of 4 times per year) according to site requirement. 1.1.21 Necessary testing equipments, duly calibrated at any Government approved laboratory shall be used for testing. 1.1.22 LT Cable faults shall be located and also be attended to, by providing suitable joints. 1.1.23 The earth pits shall be of treated earth then and there. 1.1.24 Up keeping of the Electrical equipments and necessary caution board is to be provided and maintained. 1.1.25 Supply of safety appliances as Mines Safety Rules to all the engineers, supervisors and workers engaged by the contractor and compliance of all statutory requirements. 1.1.26 Adhering to all statutory requirements and safety norms applicable as per Mines Act, Coal Mines Regulations Act and Indian Electricity Rules 1.1.27 Providing sufficient manpower for the operation and maintenance of the conveyor equipments and power distribution center, in all three shifts, to the satisfaction of the Purchaser: a) Shift Timings: I shift- 6:00 Hrs. to 14:00Hrs II shift-14:00 Hrs to 22:00 Hrs III shift-22:00 Hrs to 6:00 Hrs General Shift- 09:00 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs b) Rate of wage of all workmen (including site engineers and site manager) is applicable for a period of 26 days only i.e. a particular workman (irrespective of labour, site engineers or site manager) shall not be engaged for more than 26/27 days per month as the case may be in concurrence with the labour law. c) Since operation is carried out in all three shifts, site engineers/ supervisors/workmen must be available at site 24/7 considering safe operation. Hence, the contractor has to arrange substitute/reliever site engineers/workmen (for both mechanical and electrical) for weekly off’s, leave, PH and absenteeism failing which penalty shall be imposed as per Clause 9.0.3 and 9.0.4 of “Special Conditions”. Provision is made for Supervisory Charges for the same in Price Schedule-II. 1.1.28 Providing Qualified manpower 1.1.29 Induction of manpower is subjected to verification of documents and oral interview by NLCIL officials which shall be final and binding (i.e. even though workmen possess required eligibility and are not competent enough as decided by NLCIL officials then those workmen won’t be inducted considering mechanical and electrical safety) 1.1.30 The Electrical contractor/ Sub Contractor should also be in possession of valid Electrical Contractor’s License of Grade ESA/EA issued by competent authority. 1.1.31 Supply of safety appliances should be as per Mines Safety Rules to all the engineers, supervisors and workers engaged by the contractor and compliance of all statutory requirements. 1.1.32 Adhering to all statutory requirements and safety norms applicable as per Mines Act, Coal Mines Regulations Act and Indian Electricity Rules. 1.1.33 Clearing of all materials, Leveling, Ground Preparation, Fencing and construction of temporary sheds for Contractor’s Maintenance Site Office, Stores rooms and Workshops, safety of Men and Material at the above places and arrangement of power and water supply from the locations shown by the Purchaser. 1.1.34 Facilitation and carrying out all other works connected with the contract, which are not covered under Sl. no. 1.3 “Responsibilities of the Purchaser during O&M Contract Period”, will be the scope of the contractor.Total Quantity :

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INR 924000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 5.90 Crore /-
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