
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Operations And Maintenance Of Pmcc And Electrical Systems At Bhopal Lpg Bottling Plant Bhopal, Job Includes Regular Monitoring, Inspection, Operation And General Day To Day Maintenance Including Minor Repa, Bhopal-Madhya Pradesh

Indian Oil Corporation Limited has published Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Operations And Maintenance Of Pmcc And Electrical Systems At Bhopal Lpg Bottling Plant Bhopal, Job Includes Regular Monitoring, Inspection, Operation And General Day To Day Maintenance Including Minor Repa. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-06-2024. Electrical Maintenance Tenders in Bhopal Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Operations And Maintenance Of Pmcc And Electrical Systems At Bhopal Lpg Bottling Plant Bhopal, Job Includes Regular Monitoring, Inspection, Operation And General Day To Day Maintenance Including Minor Repa
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid for Services - Operations and Maintenance of PMCC and Electrical Systems at Bhopal LPG Bottling Plant Bhopal, Job includes regular monitoring, inspection, operation and general day to day maintenance including minor repairs of : 1 Operation and day to day general maintenance of all available DG Sets (Alternator & Engine). Job includes daily running of DG sets as per scheduled decided by IOCL and same to be recoreded, cleaning of DG panel as well as generator,outdoor and indoor equipment. Job also includes checking of lube oil, fuel level and top-up of fuel, pressure etc. Job also include checking of battery and maintenance of battery, replacement of relay, fuse of DG panel whenever required and any other electrical or instrumentation work.All consumable item will be provided by IOCL. Providing assistanance to external vendor whenever required etc. All necessary logs should be maintained as per advice of Engineer in charge. Job requires 0.5 skilled man day 2 Checking and Servicing of Transformer (or new dry transformer under commissioninig) Job includes checking of oil level,tripping of transformer, replacement of silica gel whenever required and cleaning of outdoor of transformer. Job also include testing of HT cable once in a year for transformer and testing of transformer oil as per IS-1866:2000 once in a year, cost of which is borne by IOCL separately. Job Also includes maintenance of di-pole structure at IOCL side. All consumable item will be provided by IOCL. Providing assistanance to external vendor whenever required etc. All necessary logs should be maintained as per advice of Engineer in charge. Job requires 0.25 skilled man day 3 Checking and Maintenance of MOCB. Job includes checking tripping of MOCB on weekly basis,cleaning of MOCB room, charging and discharging of MOCB and replacing of relay, servicing of it whenever required. All consumable item will be provided by IOCL. Providing assistanance to external vendor whenever required etc. Job requires 0.5 skilled man day 4 Maintenance of PMCC Panel. Job includes ON/OFF of panels feeder, changing of fuses,cables & other accessories,checking of tripping of all feeders on weekly basis, ensuring set value of relay as per requirement, job also includes cleaning of indoor side and outdoor side, closing of opened space,checking and maintaining bonding and earthing of feeders. Job also include maintenance of APFC panel, maintaining good housekeeping of all panels and power factor to be maintained close to unity. All consumable item will be provided by IOCL. Providing assistanance to external vendor whenever required etc. Job requires 0.5 skilled man day 5 Operation and general maintenance of Fire Engines with pumps. Job includes daily running of fire engins as per fire chart and same to be recorded. Job also includes checking of lube oil, fuel, pressure etc. Job also includes checking of tripping of all fire engine on direction of Safety Incharge/Location In-charge/Maintenance In-charge. Job also includes maintenance of battery bank provided for starting of fire engine which involves charging of battery, checking of gravity level of acid and maintaining acid level as well as water level. job also includes cleaning of fire engine panel and replacing of relay,fuse, electronic card etc. whenever requiredJob also include checking of self starter and maintenance of it. All consumable item will be provided by IOCL. Providing assistanance to external vendor whenever required etc.Job requires 0.5 skilled man day 6 Maintenances & Operations of Lighting distribution boards,located at various places in plant e,g, Office ,S&D,Canteen,Store,PMCC ,DG Room,FPH,Shed,ACH and PPH, Lightening towers etc. Job includes changing of bulb wherever required as per direction of officer of IOCL. All consumable item will be provided by IOCL. Job requires 0.5 skilled man day 7 Checking and ensuring the tripping and interlocking of air compressor, vapour compressor, LPG pump. Carousel, Vapour extraction unit, High Level Alarm with Remote Operated Valve and air dryer. Job includes maintaining record of all things and replacing desired parts on direction of Officer of IOCL.All consumable item will be provided by IOCL. Providing assistanance to external vendor whenever required etc. Job requires 0.5 skilled man day 8 Opearation of Air dryer & Air Compressor and another equipment installed in PMCC,Air compressor house &Fire Pump House and so on. Job requires 0.5 skilled man day 9 Simulation of AUTO Functioning of Jockey Pumps and Security air compressor. Job includes checking & operation of Jockey pump and Security air compressor, maintain frequency of operation of these equipment as per IOCL operations guideline i.e. minimum 30 minute interval between two Consecutive start of equipment and same to be recorded & information carry to maintenance In-charge/Safety In-charge. Job requires 0.5 skilled man day 10 Servicing of UPS. Job includes supply of power through UPS to admin, S &D , all controlling point, servo gauge and gas monitoring system. Job also include checking of UPS with ground and fault rectification.Providing assistanance to external vendor whenever required etcJob requires 0.5 skilled man day 11 Electrical servicing of all equipment in other areas of plant and STP involving purging unit, all three carousels, check scale, Integrated weight correction unit, hot air sealing unit and all driving motor comprising drive unit, blower, deshaping machine, valve changing machines, LPG pump, Vapour Compressor, service water pump, air compressor at Fire pump House and STP, Servising and testing of pressure and temperature switches available in plant, Servising of exhaust fan and any other electrical facility at STP, Electrical maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plant and Effluent Treatment plant, etc. Job includesEnsuring flameproofness ( ensuring proper glanding & dummies) & earthing and bonding continuity of all the FLP Motors, Junction Boxes, Terminals etc. Job also includes changing of relay, checking of motor, etc. All consumable item will be provided by IOCL. Providing assistanance to external vendor whenever required etc. Job requires 0.5 skilled man day 12 Electrical Maintenance of the Audio Speakers Systems/PA Paging System, Door frame Metal Detector, electric barrier CCTV camera system, Control Room PC & Electrical system, Gas monitoring system, Cathodic protection system, Servo system, Radar gauge, Panels at Main gate, S&D, Fire Pump House, etc. Job includes checking and repairing of said system under supervision of In-charge Officer/ External vendor.All consumable item will be provided by IOCL. Providing assistanance to external vendor whenever required etc. Job requires 0.5 skilled man day 13 Electrical Maintenance of the Emergency Siren and ILSD system. Job includes periodically checking of siren, manual call point, emergency shut down and same to be verified by IOCLs officer. Job also include testing of Proper Functioning of ROV, HLA & Hooter.All consumable item will be provided by IOCL. Providing assistanance to external vendor whenever required etc. Job requires 0.5 skilled man day 14 Providing electrical connection for the maintenance purpose to the vendor or others with prior permission from maintenance officer or controlling officer. Also Electrical permit to be ensured before execution of any electrical job inside plant with following of Lock Out & Tag Out procedure and same to be recorded in a register as per IOCLs format. No extra payment paid to party for any type of other electrical maintenance or any modification in electrical circuit/equipment for existing equipment in plant. Job requires 0.5 skilled man day 15 Maintenance of records for Equipment running, water consumption , Solar readings, Level of water in fire water tank, Diesel Consumption with regular monitoring, battery maintenance & all other log books etc.Job requires 0.5 skilled man day 16 Execution of any other electrical works as assigned by officer-in-charge of IOCL. Job requires 0.5 skilled man day 17 Timely carrying out of various testing in the plant with submission of reports comprising Earth Pit testing, cable insulation resistenance testing, motor meggering, push button resistenance,earthing continuity, TLD arms continuity test, Testing of ELCB & MCB( Also providing of ELCB at any places as required by IOCL), thermal overload relay, ROV response time testing, system earthmass testing, checking of interlocks wherever available & Job also include maintenance of earth pit as per direction of officer in-charge. 18 Assist to external agencies like MPPKVV Co, Electrical audit,CEA for work related electrical meter reading ,meter checking,changing of DO fuse,checking of earth pit, checking tripping of all control, carrying out of cable insulation test etc. as per ordered by IOCLs Officer/Authorised person.Providing assistanance to external vendor whenever required etc. Total Quantity :

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Tender Value
INR 1.07 Crore /-
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