
Supply Of Electrical Items And Stores Hardware Items For Sub-Transmission Division-Ii, Jpdcl, Jammmu For The Year 2024-25, Jammu-Jammu And Kashmir

Power Development Department has published Supply Of Electrical Items And Stores Hardware Items For Sub-Transmission Division-Ii, Jpdcl, Jammmu For The Year 2024-25. Submission Date for this Tender is 08-07-2024. Heavy Equipment Component Tenders in Jammu Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Supply Of Electrical Items And Stores Hardware Items For Sub-Transmission Division-Ii, Jpdcl, Jammmu For The Year 2024-25
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Supply of Electrical Items and Stores Hardware Items for Sub-Transmission Division-II, JPDCL, Jammmu for the year 2024-25 , 33 Kv & 11 Kv Cable Kits Indoor/Outdoor (Make Hot Set Or Any Other Reputed Make Conforming To Relevant Is Specifications) Raychem, 3M, Densen Or Equivalent A) Cable Kits 33 Kv Single Core Heat Shrinkable Indoor 630 Mm2 , B) Cable Kits 33 Kv Single Core Heat Shrinkable Indoor 300 Mm2 , C) Cable Kits 33 Kv Single Core Heat Shrinkable Outdoor 630 Mm2 , D) Cable Kits 33 Kv Single Core Heat Shrinkable Outdoor 300 Mm2 , E) Cable Kits 11 Kv Single Core Heat Shrinkable Indoor 630 Mm2 , F) Cable Kits 11 Kv Single Core Heat Shrinkable Outdoor 630 Mm2 , G) Cable Kits 11 Kv 3 Core Heat Shrinkable Indoor 400 Mm2 , H) Cable Kits 11 Kv 3 Core Heat Shrinkable Indoor 300 Mm2 , I) Cable Kits 11 Kv 3 Core Heat Shrinkable Indoor 240 Mm2 , J) Cable Kits 11 Kv 3 Core Heat Shrinkable Indoor 185 Mm2 , K) Cable Kits 11 Kv 3 Core Heat Shrinkable Indoor 120 Mm2 , L) Cable Kits 11 Kv 3 Core Heat Shrinkable Outdoor 400 Mm2 , M) Cable Kits 11 Kv 3 Core Heat Shrinkable Outdoor 300 Mm2 , N) Cable Kits 11 Kv 3 Core Heat Shrinkable Outdoor 240 Mm2 , O) Cable Kits 11 Kv 3 Core Heat Shrinkable Outdoor 185 Mm2 , P) Cable Kits 11 Kv 3 Core Heat Shrinkable Outdoor 120 Mm2 , Q) Cable Kits 11 Kv 3 Core Straight Through Joining, Heat Shrinkable 185 Mm2 , R) Cable Kits 11 Kv 3 Core Straight Through Joining, Heat Shrinkable 300 Mm2 , S) Cable Kits 11 Kv 3 Core Straight Through Joining, Heat Shrinkable 400 Mm2 , T) Cable Kits 11 Kv Single Core Straight Through Joining, Heat Shrinkable 630 Mm2 , U) Cable Kits 33 Kv Single Core Straight Through Joining, Heat Shrinkable 630 Mm2 , Spares For 33 Kv C&R Panels And 11 Kv Vcb/Ocb Panel Banks.A) Inner Baffle For 33 Kv Mocb Bhel , C) Grid Spout Assembly Suitable For 11 Kv Ocb Panel Bhel Make , D) Grid Spout Assembly Suitable For 11 Kv Ocb Panel Bicco Lawrie Make , E) Grid Spout Assembly Suitable For 11 Kv Ocb Panel Crompton Greaves Make , F) Trolly Copper Bushing Rod Suitable For11 Kv Ocb Panel Ssg Make (Parma Wood)/Crompton Greaves Make , G) Male Contact For 11 Kv Ocbbicco Lawrie Make (Copper) With Silver Coating 11 Ocb Panel , H) Male Contact For 11 Kv Ocb S.S.G Make (Top Tip Of Iron) With Silver Coating , I) Male Contact For 11 Kv Ocbcrompton Greaves Make (With Silver Coating) , J) Male Contact For 11 Kv Ocbbhel Make(With Silver Coating) , J) Male Contact For Ocbmei Make (With Silver Coating) , K) Female Contact For 11 Kvocb Bicco Lawrie Make (With Silver Coating) , L) Female Contact For 11 Kv Ocb S.S.G Make (With Silver Coating) , M) Female Contact For 11 Kvocb Cromption Greaves Make (With Silver Coating) , N) Female Contact For 11 Kv Ocb Bhel Make (With Silver Coating) , O) Trip Bridge Assembly (Bl) , P) Roller Assembly (Bl) , Q) Female Contact For 11 Kv Ocb Mei Make (With Silver Coating) , R) 11 Kv Pt Fuse , S) 11 Kv Vcb Bottle Assembly Bracket , T) Shower Contact Mei Make , U) Shower Contact Crompton Greaves Make , V) Arc Pot Mei Make , W) Tripping Coil Suitable For 33 Kv And 11 Kv Ocb / Vcb Panels (Operating Voltage 30-36 Volt Dc) , X) Tripping Coil For 66 Kv Ocb / Vcb Panels , 11 Kv Cts Of Different Ratios, Make Mei/ Bicco Lawrie / Crompton Greaves / Bhel/ Er/ Ssg/ Alstorm/ Megawin/ Sudhir/Electricfield For 11 Kv Ocb/ Vcb Panels I) 800/400/5-5 , Ii)750/375/5-5 , Iii)600/300/5-5 , Iv)400/200/5-5 , V) 300/150/5-5 , Vi)150/75/5-5 , Spares For Power Transformers A) Breather For 6.3 Mva 33/11 Kv Transformer (2 Kg) , B) Breather For 10 Mva 33/11 Kv Transformer (3 Kg) , C) Breather For 5 Mva 33/11 Kv Transformer (2 Kg) , C) Breather For 5 Mva 66/11 Kv Transformer (3 Kg) , C) Breather For 6.3 Mva 66/11 Kv Transformer (3 Kg) , C) Breather For 10 Mva 66/11 Kv Transformer (3 Kg) , D) 20 Mm Lt Bush Rod For 33/11 Kv Transformer , E) 12 Mm Lt Bush Rod For 33/11 Kv Transformer , F) 20 Mm Copper Bush Rod Assembly For 33/11 Kv, 10 Mva Power Transformer With Oil Seal , G) Silica Gel , H) Oil Seal For 33/11 Kv Power Transformer , I) Adaptor For Bush Rod Extension For 33/11 Kv Power Transformers , Oil Temperature Indicator 6-Inch Dia , Winding Temperature Indicator 6-Inch Dia , Relays A) Numerical Relay 3-Pole (24-50 V) 2 O/C And 1 E/F Relay (Mit 103)/Asida , B) Master Trip Relay 24-50 V , B-24 , C) Master Trip Relay Ashida (Make) 18-52 (V) , D) Ashida Numerical Relay 2 O/C & 1 E/F , 33 Kv & 11 Kv Insulatorsmake Iec, Bhel, Rastriya, Top Line, Tcpl Or Any Other Reputed Make Conforming To Relevant Is Specification A) 33 Kv Pin Insulator With Pins (Porcelain Type) , B) 33Kv Pin Insulators For Panther Conductor With Pins (Polymer Type) With Base Pin 25 Mm , C) 33Kv Pin Insulators For Wolf Conductor With Pins (Polymer Type) With Base Pin 25 Mm , D) 33Kv Pin Insulators For Dog Conductor With Pins (Polymer Type) , E) 33 Kv G.I. Pins , F) 11 Kv Pin Insulator (Polymer Type) With Pins , G) 11 Kv Pin Insulator (Porcelain Type) With Pins , H) 11 Kv G.I. Pins , I) 11 Kv Disc Insulator (B & S Type) 70 Kn (Porcelain Type) , J) 33Kv Disc Insulators (Polymer Type) , K) 33 Kv Post Insulator , L) 22 Kv Post Insulator , M) 11 Kv Post Insulator , N) Drive Insulator Of Sorts , O) 11 Kv Guy Insulator , P) 33 Kv Guy Insulator , 33 Kv Tension Fittings For Acsr Dog Conductor, B&S 3 U-Bolts Type (Approx. 2.8 Kg) , 33 Kv Tension Fittings For Acsr Wolfconductor, B&S 4 U-Bolts Type (Approx. 3.8 Kg) , 33 Kv Tension Fittings For Acsr Panther Conductor, B&S 4 U-Bolts Type (Approx. 4.6 Kg) , 33 Kv Suspension Fittings For Acsr Dog Conductor , 33 Kv Suspension Fittings For Acsr Wolf Conductor , 33 Kv Suspension Fittings For Acsr Panther Conductor , Hardware & Clamps For Conductor A) 33 Kv Isolator Clamps For Acsr Dog Conductor (Heavy Duty) , B) 33 Kv Isolator Clamps For Acsr Wolf Conductor (Heavy Duty) , C) 33 Kv Isolator Clamps For Acsr Panther Conductor (Heavy Duty) , D) 33 Kv Pt Clamps For Acsr Panther Conductor(Heavy Duty) , E) 33 Kv Pt Clamps For Acsr Wolf Conductor (Heavy Duty) , F) 33 Kv Pt Clamps For Acsr Dog Conductor (Heavy Duty) , G) 33 Kv Ct Clamps For Acsrpanther Conductor (Heavy Duty) , H) 33 Kv Ct Clamps For Acsrwolfconductor(Heavy Duty) , I) 33 Kv Ct Clamps For Acsrdog Conductor(Heavy Duty) , J) 33 Kv La Clamp For Acsr Panther Conductor (Heavy Duty) , K) 33 Kv La Clamp For Acsr Wolf Conductor (Heavy Duty) , L) 33 Kv La Clamp For Acsr Dog Conductor (Heavy Duty) , M) T-Clamps For Acsr Panther Conductor (Heavy Duty) , N) T-Clamps For Acsr Wolf Conductor (Heavy Duty) , O) T-Clamps For Acsr Dog Conductor (Heavy Duty) , P) Pg Clamps For Panther Conductor (Heavy Duty) , Q) Pg Clamps For Wolf Conductor (Heavy Duty) , R) Pg Clamps For Dog Conductor (Heavy Duty) , Nuts & Bolts 4/8, 5/8 & 6/8 Dia Of Different Lengths (Full Threaded) , Galvanized Nuts & Bolts Of Different Lengths (Full Threaded) , G.I. Spring Washers , Aluminium Thimble 95Mm2 , Aluminium Thimble 120Mm2 , Aluminium Thimble 185Mm2 , Aluminium Thimble 240Mm2 , Aluminium Thimble 300Mm2 , Aluminium Thimble 400Mm2 , Aluminium Thimble 630Mm2 , Paints (Make Asian, Burger, Nerolac Or Any Other Reputed Make Conforming To Relevant Is Specifications) A) Aluminium Paint , B) Red Oxide Paint , C) Black Paint , Cold Galvanizing Compound Cold Galvanizing Compound For Anti Corrosive Galvanized Protection To Steel Structure, Dried Flow Of Compound Containing 95% Metallic Zinc , M-Seal , Welding Rod 3.5 / 4 Mm (Electrode) , Pvc Tape , Empire Tape , Para Plast Compound , Earth Wire , Guy Wire 7/16 , G.I. Wire (8Swg) Of Sorts , Barbed Wire , Manilla Rope 1 Inch Thick , Manilla Rope 1½ Inch Thick , P.P. Rope 1 Inch Thick , P.P. Rope 1½ Inch Thick , Emergency Lights , Insulation Rubber Mat (1 M X 2M) X 12Mm Thick , Rubber Boots , Search Light / Dragon Light With In Built Charging System , Hand Gloves 33 Kv , Safety Belts Of Standard Quality , Safety Helmets Of Standard Quality , Megger 5000 V , Tool Kit Complete With Tool Box , Drill Bit 18/20/25/28Mm , I/C Switch 200 Amp , Fire Extinguisher For Electrical Sub Stations Of Relevant Is Specifications , A)Co2 (4.5 Kg) , B) Power Based(Abc Type) 4 Kg. , C)Power Based(Abc Type) 6 Kg. , D)Power Based(Abc Type) 9 Kg. , Fire Buckets With Stand , Anti Climbing Device , Turn Table , Aluminium Jointing Sleeve , Mid Span Compressor Joint For Panther Conductor , 11 Kv Isolators & 33 Kv Isolators A) 11 Kv Isolator With Earthing Blade 630 Amp (Polymer) , B) 11 Kv Isolator Without Earthing Blade 630 Amp (Polymer) , C) 33 Kv Isolator With Earthing Blade 1250 Amp (Polymer) , D) 33 Kv Isolator Without Earthing Blade 1250 Amp (Polymer) , E) 11 Kv Isolator 600 Amps With 25 Ka Breaking Capacity Double Break Type With Complete Manual Operating Mechanism. , 11 Kv Hg Set , 11 Kv Do Set , 11 Kv G.O Set , 11 Kv Link Set With 50 Mm Copper Strip , 33 Kv Isolator Jaws (Plate Type) Heavy Duty , 33 Kv Isolator Jaws (Pipe Type) Heavy Duty , Battery Chargers & Batery Bank &Ac / Dc Distribution Board A) 36 Volts Battery Bank 100 Ah, 2 V, 18 Nos Cellscomplete With All Accessories , B) 30 Amp Manually Operated Battery Charger. , C) Maintenance Free 30 V Lead Acid Battery (Vrla) Bank Comprising Of 16 Nos Of 2 Volt Cells Of 100 Ah Capacity , D) 30 V Battery Charger Automatic (Float & Boost) Compatible For Vrla Batteries , E) 30 Volt, Dc Distribution Board Indoor Type, Floor Mounted Made Out Of 14/16 Swg Crc Sheet, Dust, Vermin Proof, Duly Powder Coated And Wired As Per Standard Engineering Practice , F) Ac Distribution Board Indoor Type, Floor Mounted Made Out Of 14/16 Swg Crc Sheet, Dust, Vermin Proof, Duly Powder Coated And Wired As Per Standard Engineering Practice , Lightening Arrestors (10 Ka, Make Oblum / Raychem / Rashtriya / Adinath / Or Any Other Reputed Make Conforming To Relevant Is Specifications, Compatible Strictly For Safety Of System) A) 11 Kv L.A. Set (Station Type) Polymer(Make Oblum / Raychem / Rashtriya / Adinath / Or Any Other Reputed Make Conforming To Relevant Is Specifications, Compatible Strictly For Safety Of System) , B) 33 Kv L.A. Set (Station Type) Polymer (Make Oblum / Raychem / Rashtriya / Adinath / Or Any Other Reputed Make Conforming To Relevant Is Specifications, Compatible Strictly For Safety Of System) , C) 11 Kv L.A. Set (Station Type) Porcelain (Make Oblum / Raychem / Rashtriya / Adinath / Or Any Other Reputed Make Conforming To Relevant Is Specifications, Compatible Strictly For Safety Of System) , D) 33 Kv L.A. Set (Station Type) Porcelain (Make Oblum / Raychem / Rashtriya / Adinath / Or Any Other Reputed Make Conforming To Relevant Is Specifications, Compatible Strictly For Safety Of System) , Control Cable Armoured A) 2.5 Mm2 Cu 2-Core , B) 2.5 Mm2 Cu 4-Core , C) 2.5 Mm2 Cu 6-Core , D) 2.5 Mm2 Cu 8-Core , E) 2.5 Mm2 Cu 10-Core , F) 2.5 Mm2 Cu 12-Core , G) 2.5 Mm2 Cu 16-Core , Control Cable Unarmoured A) 2.5 Mm2 Cu 2-Core , B) 2.5 Mm2 Cu 4-Core , C) 2.5 Mm2 Cu 6-Core , D) 2.5 Mm2 Cu 8-Core , E) 2.5 Mm2 Cu 10-Core , F) 2.5 Mm2 Cu 12-Core , G) 2.5 Mm2 Cu 16-Core , 11 Kv Vacume Interupter Bottle (1200A) A) G.E.C. , B) Crompton Greaves , C) Allind , D) Alstrom , E) Bhel /A.B.B , 11 Kv Vacume Interupter Bottle (800A) A) G.E.C. , B) Crompton Greaves , C) Allind , D) Alstrom , E) Bhel /A.B.B , H.T. Tape , 33 Kv Xlpe Power Cable (Make Havells Or Any Other Reputed Make Conforming To Relevant Is Specifications) A) 33 Kv Single Phase Xlpe Cable 630 Mm2 , B) 11 Kv Single-Core Xlpe Cable 630 Mm2 , C) 11 Kv 3-Core Xlpe Cable 400 Mm2 , D) 11 Kv 3-Core Xlpe Cable 300 Mm2 , E) 11 Kv 3-Core Xlpe Cable 240 Mm2 , F) 11 Kv 3-Core Xlpe Cable 185 Mm2 , G) 11 Kv 3-Core Xlpe Cable 120 Mm2 , H) 11 Kv 3-Core Xlpe Cable 95 Mm2 , Twin Core 16 Mm2 Pvc Cable (Al) , Pvc Cable 3.5 Core Armoured X35 Sqmm , Pvc Cable 4 Core Armoured 16Mm² , 3.5 Core Lt Cable 50 Mm² Armoured , Earthing Material A) Charcoal , B) Salt , C) G.I. Plate (2X 2) , D) G.I. Pipe 40 Mm F (1½) , E) G.I. Pipe 50 Mm F (2) , F) G.I. Strip 25X3 Mm , G) G.I. Strip 50X6 Mm / 25X6 Mm , G.I. Flat 50X6 Mm / 50X8 Mm , Aluminium Bus Bar Strip 75X6 Mm , Aluminium Bus Bar Strip 100X10 Mm , Copper Bus Bar 10Mm /12 Mm Thick , 11 Kv Danger Plates With Clamps , 33 Kv Danger Plates With Clamps , 66 Kv Danger Plates With Clamps , Mesh Fence Of Different Sizes , G.I. Mesh Fence Of Different Sizes , Transformer Oil Confirming To Is-335-1993 With Ammendmentsup To Date , 33 Kv Ct Of Different Ratios , 33 Kv Pt Of Different Ratios , 33 Kv Vcb , 33 Kv C&R Transformer Panel With Differential Protection , 33 Kv C&R Line Panel , 66 Kv Ct Of Different Ratios , 66 Kv Pt Of Different Ratios , 66 Kv La Set , 66 Kv Isolator Set With Earthing Blades , 66 Kv Isolator Set Without Earthing Blades , 66 Kv C&R Transformer Panel , 66 Kv C&R Line Panel , Acsr Weasel Conductor , Acsr Rabbit Conductor , Acsr Dog Conductor , Acsr Tiger Conductor , Acsr Wolf Conductor , Acsr Panther Conductor , Street Light / Yard Light (100 Watt) , Street Light / Yard Light (250 Watt) , Led Bulbs (9W) Isi Mark , Led Bulbs (15W) Isi Mark , Led Bulbs (30W) Isi Mark , Led Bulbs (50W) Isi Mark , Lifting & Pulling Machine (Capacity 5 Ton To 8 Ton) , Safety Chart 3X2 Ft, Laminated Board , 11 Kv Indoor Incomer Vcb Panel 1250 A , 11 Kv Outdoor Vcb Panel 1250 A , 11 Kv Indoor Incomer Vcb Panel 800 A , 11 Kv Outdoor Vcb Panel 800 A , Exhaust Fan 20 Inches, Heavy Duty , Digital Ammeter Of Standard Ratings , Digital Voltmeter Of Standard Ratings , 11 Kv Earthing Rod , 33 Kv Earthing Rod , Iron Of Sorts Ms Angle 50X50x6 , Ms Flat 50X6 , Ms Angle 65X65x6 , Ms Channel 100X50x6

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 26-06-2024 Extension Notice-I Date 08-07-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 50000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 30 Lakhs /-
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