
Tender For Works Increasing Capacity Alongwith Associate Bays 01 No. 132 Kv Transfer Bus Coupler Bay 01 No. 33 Kv Transfer Bus Coupler Bay, 02 No. Cap Bank Dismantle Work And 132 Kv Bus Bar Strengthening Work Including Supply Of Material At 132 Kv Sec-66,, noida-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Power Transmission Corporation Limited has published Tender For Works Increasing Capacity Alongwith Associate Bays 01 No. 132 Kv Transfer Bus Coupler Bay 01 No. 33 Kv Transfer Bus Coupler Bay, 02 No. Cap Bank Dismantle Work And 132 Kv Bus Bar Strengthening Work Including Supply Of Material At 132 Kv Sec-66,. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-06-2024. Transmission Line Tenders in noida Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Works Increasing Capacity Alongwith Associate Bays 01 No. 132 Kv Transfer Bus Coupler Bay 01 No. 33 Kv Transfer Bus Coupler Bay, 02 No. Cap Bank Dismantle Work And 132 Kv Bus Bar Strengthening Work Including Supply Of Material At 132 Kv Sec-66,
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

tender for Works Increasing Capacity Alongwith Associate Bays 01 No. 132 Kv Transfer Bus Coupler Bay 01 No. 33 Kv Transfer Bus Coupler Bay, 02 No. Cap Bank Dismantle Work And 132 Kv Bus Bar Strengthening Work Including Supply Of Material At 132 Kv Sec-66, Noida, Increasing Capacity (3x63 MVA To 4x63 MVA) alongwith associate Bays 01 No. 132 KV Transfer Bus Coupler Bay 01 No. 33 kV Transfer Bus Coupler Bay, 02 No. Capacitor Bank Dismantle Work & 132 kV Bus Bar Strengthening work including Supply of Material at 132 kV Sub Station Sector-66 Noida Under ETD-II Noida., 1 Work Portion 2 Sorting and Stacking of Structures 3 Erection of Main & Auxiliary structure lattice type ATM,AXM,BBL,BTI,BCT, ALP, ABL,etc consisting of coloumn, beam peak, mast etc. and auxiliary structure for installation of CTs, PTs, Las etc. The Job consist of shifting of all material from store to site of erection, erection of structure as per drawing with the help of GI nut & bolt, flat & spring washer, matching the hole, cutting & matching of member if required including cost of all men and T&P excluding GI structure Nut & bolt to complete the work. Erection of Main & Auxiliary structure lattice type BCT, ALP etc. upon foundation and its proper tightening. 4 Erection of the following Equipments/Panels as per technical specification, manual and instruction as per direction of supervising engineer. 5 145 KV SF-6 Circuit Breaker 6 145 KV Current Transformer 7 145 KV CT Junction Box 8 145 KV Bus Isolator without Earth Switch 9 145 KV Tandom isolator 10 145KV Post Insulator for support 11 120 KV Lighting Arrestor 12 132 KV 63 MVA Control & Relay Panel 13 33 KV VCB 14 33 KV Current Transformer 15 33 KV Potential Transformer 16 33 KV Bus Isolator 17 33 KV CT/PT Junction Box 18 33 KV Lighting Arrestor 19 33 KV Tripple feeder Panel 20 Delta earthing of 120 & 30 KV LAs and nuetral of 63 MVA Transformer by 150 mm long conical shape its placing inside the ground in rectangular shape and connecting all 6/4/3 nos. electrodes with 75x10/50x6 mm MS flat laid on its edge and then this rectangle/triangle shape be connected strictly as per drawing 21 120 KVLA (Rectangle shape by 06 electrodes) 22 63 MVA Transformer 132/33 KV (Tringuler shape) 23 33 KV LA (Rectangle shape 04 electrodes) 24 Re-arrangement of Earthmat at Transformer Plinth 25 Laying of 40mm dia MS round bar 700 mm below the ground level by the cutting straightening welding painting excavation back filling of trench after laying of earth mat including shifting of MS round bar from place at the Sub-Station to switchyard. 26 Fabrication of 3 Meter long lectrodes with 400 mm dia MS round bar having 150 mm long conical shape by digging, cutting, straightening etc. and then placing it verical inside the ground with Top 700mm delow the ground level including shifting of MS round bar from storage place at the Sub-Station to switchyard. 27 Making of end joint of above laid 40 mm dia MS round bar with Top of the alrrady verically pierced MS electrodes 700 mm below the ground level by due welding 28 Earthing of equipments by cutting straightening, bending, laying 700 mm below ground and above ground of following size of MS flat for earthing of main and auxiliary structure, equipments structure. Transformer body and its neutral point including welding with main earthmat and with object to be earthed. Excavation of trenches, its back filling, painting and all other associated work as required to complete the work. 29 Laying of MS Flat of size 75x10 mm 30 Laying of MS Flat of size 50x6 mm 31 Laying of MS Flat of size 25x6 mm 32 Opening cutting and dismantling of 132 KV main bus bar of single phase ACSR Zebra conductor, length-24 Mtr & height-8 Mtr. between bus section below gantries step by step during busbar replacement work including dismantling of all type of associated clamp fittings and suspension string, (One job defined as above work one phase). 33 Stringing of bus bar of various voltage level, length, height and conductor and different length of span as mentioned below. The work includes cutting & bending of conductor, fixing of single/double bolted type tension fitting/suspension. Hoisting of disc insulator and shifting of material from store site to erection siteand all other associated work to complete the work satisfactorioly (One jobdifined as above work of one phase) 34 132 KV Jack Bus, Length-12 Mtr. Height-11 Mtr, single panther conductor for 63 MVA T/F-II 35 132 KV Jack Bus, Length-45 Mtr. Height-11 Mtr, single panther conductor for 63 MVA T/F-IV 36 132 KV Jack Bus, Length-45 Mtr. Height-11 Mtr, single moose conductor for 132 KV Transfer bus coupler bay. 37 132 KV Main Bus, Length-24 Mtr. Height-08 Mtr, twin zebra conductor for 132 KV Transfer bus coupler bay. 38 33 KV Main Bus, Length -30 Mtr, Height-06 Mtr, single moose conductorfor 33 KV main bus 39 33 KV TransferBus, Length -30 Mtr, Height-06 Mtr, single panther conductor for 33 KV transfer bus 40 Opening of jumper work including dismantling of all type of associated clamp. 41 132 KV main bus bar pnather conductor. 42 Reconnecting of R Y & B phase of 132 KV main bus bar-I of Twin ACSR Zebra conductor betweenbus section below gantries step by step on 132KV newly elected bus section isolator. 43 Jumpering, interconnection of equipment with various size conductor & voltage level. The work includes cutting of conductor, bending in proper shape, clamping with the help of clamps and all other associated work to complete the work 44 132 KV main bus bar, twin panther conductor. 45 132 KV main bus bar, twin zebra conductor. 46 132 KV main bus bar, single panther conductor. 47 132 KV 63 MVA T/F-IV bay, single panther conductor 48 132 KV Transfer bus coupler bay, moose conductor 49 33 KV 63 MVA T/F-IV bay, twin moose conductor 50 33 KV Transfer bus coupler bay, panther conductor 51 Laying & Termination of following size dontrol cable in trench/cable trays from different control room equipment to 132 KV CB,CT,CVT and their junction boxes. Transformer marshaling box, isolators box and other outdoor equipments installed in 132 KV switchyard as per cable schedule including carriage of cable drum from store and all other associated work. 52 2 core x 2.5 mm² 53 4 core x 2.5 mm² 54 6 core x 2.5 mm² 55 10 core x 2.5 mm² 56 Termination of control cable including of required cable gland and lugs 57 Erection of 63 MVA 132/33 kV Transformer 58 Dragging of new 63 MVA T/F main tank from unloading site to T/F plinth including the turning of transformer at 132 kV Substation Sector-66 Noida approx distance-20 Mtr. 59 Additional shifting 1 job for every 5 mtr. 60 Complete erection of 63 MVA T/F by erection of radiator, conservator tank, bushing with its turrets (if availabel) connection of alll oil pipe line, erection of cooling fans, making control cables connection, buchholz relay etc. for completing the work, topping of T/F oil and final oil filling in tank, radiator, conservator tank and all other associateds work such as modifications in cable terminations etc. for completing of work. 61 Placement of new RTCC panel of this new 63 MVA T/F in control room at 132 KV S/S Sector-66 including its Termination & fitting and laying of control cable if required as per site requirement and its connections. 62 Centrifuging of complete T/F oil in T/F by connecting centrifuging pipes circulating the T/F oil through PVT. Centrifuging machine and taking the BDV value of the oil periodically till the required value is achieved. 63 02 No. 33 KV, 10 MVAR capacitor bank dismantaling 64 De-jumpering work as given below by ACSR Panther Conductor.Between 33 KV cable to Isolator-6Between Isolator to CT-6Between CT to bus-6Between Bus to Bus Isolator-12Between bus isolator to cell-12Between cell to series reactor-24Between Series reactor to NCT-8 65 Dismantling of 33 KV bus bar for Capacitor bank with ACSR Panther Conductor. Having approx. length 19 meter & height 6 meter between the two gantries and also shifting of all materials from switchyard site to store site and all other work to complete the work satisfactorilly as per technical specification (One job defined as above work of one phase) 66 Opening termination of cantrol cable in switchyard from 33 KV CB, CTS, CT junction box, NCT and 33 KV Isolator etc. and in control & relay panel of capacitor bank in control room. 67 Removal of Control cable from trenches after opening of termination in switchyard & control panel in control room opening of trench cover for removal of control cables & covering back all the trench covers. 68 2 C x 2.5 mm² 69 4 C x 2.5 mm² 70 10 C x 2.5 mm² 71 Dismantling of following equipment safely by opening of nut and bolt, cable connection, Earthing and shifting upto sotre. 72 33 KV Isolator 73 33 KV circuit breaker. 74 33 KV CT & NCT 75 33KV series reactor. 76 Control & relay panel of Capacitor bank 77 Capacitor bank cells along with structure & PI 78 Complete dismantling of main and auxiliary structure of (2x5MVAR+2x5MVAR) Capacitor bank CCM and CGM (main structure) and ABL, ALP washer etc to store and all other associated work to complete the work satisfactorily approximate quantity and weight of these structure alongwith nut and washer is as under main structure CC (8Nos.), Main structure CGM (4 Nos.), Auxiliaty structure ABL (6 Nos), Auxiliaty structure ALP (12 Nos) 79 Dug out of 33 KV, 3Cx300 sq.mm power cable for Cap. Bank and shifting at store 80 Switchyard Lighting 81 Providing and fixing of new generation energy saving and environment friendly long life versatile pressure die casting aluminium outdoor high beem fllod light with high oiwer 120 watt LED as light source and exclusively designed polycabonate cover alongwith electronic drver complete fitting suitable 220 volt input supply ISI mark make CGL/HAVELLS/SURYA/BAJAJ or equivlent electrical connections also to be done by the contractor. 82 Providing and fixing of junction box on gantry structure of size 200x200x150mm made of MS sheet of 16 gauge duly power coated in side fixing 01 no. 6 amp. MCB, 01 no. TB of 04 no. terminal and 01 no. kitkat 16 amp fuse fixed up on mica and backside a half round MS clamp and along with PVC pipe fixing on unction box as per technical specification. 83 Providing and fixing of half round GI pipe OD-50mm for mounting the 120 Watt LED light upon gantry mounting of 02 No bracket up on gantry and fixing GI pipe complete with nut bolt and washer as per technical specification. 84 Part-B Supply Portion:- 85 4 Bolted Type PG clamp suitable for following Conductor, Complete with HDG nut bolt & washer as per technical specification. 86 Moose to Panther 87 Zebra to Zebra 88 Moose to Moose 89 Zebra to Panther 90 Panther to Panther 91 Bolted type single Tension fitting for Panther Conductor Suitable with hardware set as per techinical specification. 92 Bolted type single Tension fitting for Moose Conductor Suitable with hardware set as per techinical specification. 93 Bolted type single Suspension fitting for Moose Conductor Suitable for Discwith hardware set as per techinical specification. 94 Bolted type single Suspension fitting for Panther Conductor Suitable fordisc with hardware set as per technical specification. 95 132 KV Bus Post Insulator suitable for Panther conductor complete with hot dip galvanized nut, bolts & washer as per technical specification. 96 33 KV Bus Post clampsuitable for twin moose conductor complete with hot dip galvanized nut, bolts & washer as per technical specification. 97 Bolted type Single tension fitting with turnbuckle for Twin Zebra conductor suitable with hardware as per technical spacification. 98 Spacer for bundle conductor for various spacing as per technical specition 99 Zebra to Zebra spacing 250 mm 100 Panther to Panther spacing 250 mm 101 Moose to Moose spacing 250 mm 102 132 KV Isolator clampfor twin Panther conductor with nut & bolts and washer as per Technical specification. 103 132 KV Isolator clampfor twin Zebra conductor with nut & bolts and washer as per Technical specification. 104 132 KV Isolator clampfor Moose conductor with nut & bolts and washer as per Technical specification. 105 Bimetallic 132 KV Breaker clamp made of aluminum alloy LM-6 for moose conductor with HDG nuts & bolts and washer as per technical specification 106 Bimetallic 33 KV Isolator clamp for ASCR Twin Moose conductor with nut, bolts and washer as per technical specification. 107 33 KV Breaker clamp for ACSR twin Moose conductor with nut, bolts and washer as per technical specification. 108 33 KV CT clamp for ACSR twin moose condctor with nut, bolts and washer as per technical specification.

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 590 /-
INR 16000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 15.33 Lakhs /-
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