
Tender For Supply Of Various Types Of Test Kits, Rejents And Materials For Laboratory And Blood Bank Under Mukhya Mantri Niesulk Janch Yojana At Mahatma Gandhi Hospital Bhilwara, bhilwara-Rajasthan

Medical Health And Family Welfare has published Tender For Supply Of Various Types Of Test Kits, Rejents And Materials For Laboratory And Blood Bank Under Mukhya Mantri Niesulk Janch Yojana At Mahatma Gandhi Hospital Bhilwara. Submission Date for this Tender is 25-06-2024. Hand Glove Tenders in bhilwara Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Various Types Of Test Kits, Rejents And Materials For Laboratory And Blood Bank Under Mukhya Mantri Niesulk Janch Yojana At Mahatma Gandhi Hospital Bhilwara
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Various Types Of Test Kits, Rejents And Materials For Laboratory And Blood Bank Under Mukhya Mantri Niesulk Janch Yojana At Mahatma Gandhi Hospital Bhilwara , Bio Medical Waste White Bucket With Pedal Top 25 Lit. (1X1) , Glass Test Tube 4 (1X100) , Glass Test Tube 3 (1X100) , Disposable Mask (1X100) , Disposable Mask(1X50) , Mask Tripple Layer (1X1) , Mask N-95 (1X1) , Dropper Plastic 5 Ml (1X100) , Micropore Transparent Tape 1 (1X1) , Micropore Transparent Tape 2 (1X1) , Micropore Transparent Tape 3 (1X1) , Band Aid (1X100) , Bio Medical Waste Greenbucket With Pedal Top 25 Lit. (1X1) , Bio Medical Waste Red Bucket With Pedal Top 25 Lit. (1X1) , Bio Medical Waste Blue Bucket With Pedal Top 25 Lit. (1X1) , Bio Medical Waste Yellow Bucket With Pedal Top 25 Lit. (1X1) , Bio Medical Waste Black Bucket With Pedal Top 25 Lit. (1X1) , Gel+Clot Activatervial With Cap (3Ml) (1X100) , Clot Activator Vial 4Ml (1X100) , Plain Screw Cap Tube 5Ml (1X100) , Tourniquet (Buckle Type) (1X1) , Touniquiet (Velcro) (1X1) , Rectified Spirit(1X500 Ml) , Phenyl (1X5 Ltr) , Lyzol (1X5 Ltr) , Toilet Cleaner (1X500 Ml) , Acid For Washing (1X500 Ml) , Dusting Cloth (1X1) , Doormat 4*6 (1X1) , Glass Cleaner(1X500 Ml) , Puncture Proof Box(1X1) , Paper Gloves (1X100) , Surgical Gloves Latex Disposable (Large) (1X100) , Surgical Gloves Latex Disposable (Medium) (1X100) , Surgical Gloves Latex Disposable (Small) (1X100) , Surgical Gloves Latex 6 (1X1 Pair) , Surgical Gloves Latex6.5 (1X1 Pair) , Surgical Gloves Latex7 (1X1 Pair) , Surgical Gloves Latex7.5 (1X1 Pair) , Surgical Examinination Gloves (Free Size) (1X100) , Hand Sanitizer (Liquid) (1X500 Ml) , Sodium Hypo Chloride 5% (1X5 Ltr) , Disposable Needle 23 Nos (1X100) , Disposable Syringe 2Cc With Needle (1X100) , Disposable Syringe 5Cc With Needle (1X100) , Disposable Syringe 10Cc With Needle (1X50) , Disposable Syringe 20Cc With Needle (1X25) , Disposable Syringe 50Cc With Needle (1X20) , Tissue Paper (1X1 Roll) , Marker Pen Fine Tip(1X1) , Liquid Soap For Hand Wash(1X500 Ml) , Micropore Tap 4 (1X1) , Plastic Bag For Biomedical Waste 25 Ltr Red (1X100) , Plastic Bag For Biomedical Waste 25 Ltr Green (1X100) , Plastic Bag For Biomedical Waste 25 Ltr Yellow (1X100) , Plastic Bag For Biomedical Waste 25 Ltr Black (1X100) , Plastic Bag For Biomedical Waste 25 Ltr Blue (1X100) , Milkcollection Glass Bottle With Cap 160 Ml (1X1) , Milkcollection Glass Bottle With Cap 30 Ml (1X1) , Haemodialysis A Part K+ Free Solution (10Ltr) , Inj. Normal Saline 0.9%500Ml Glass Bottle (1X1) , Pathology N/10 Hcl (H B Meter Sahilis ) (1X500 Ml) , Copper Sulphate Powder (1X500 Gm) , Hb Meter Tube (Square) (1X1 Tube) , Whatsmans Filter Paper (Circular) (Bt Manual) (1X100 Pcs) , Lancet(Bt Manual) (1X100 Pcs) , Lancet(Bt Manual) (1X200 Pcs) , Capillary Tube Fine (Bt-Ct Manual) (1X100 Tube) , Neubar Chamber (Tlc Manual) (1X1 Unit) , Wbcpipette (Tlc Manual) (1X1 Pcs) , Methanol (Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1X2.5 Ltr) , Methanol (Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1X500 Ml) , Field Stain (Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1X500 Ml A+1X500 Ml B (A+B) Kit) , Glass Slides (Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1X50 Slide Pkt) , Cedar Wood Oil(Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1X500 Ml) , Reticulocytecount Fliud (Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1X100 Ml) , Mgg Stain(Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1 Kit) , Rapid Papstain(Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1 Kit) , Leishmansstain(Dlc & Pbf Manual) [1*500 Ml Cytochrome+1X500 Ml Stock Buffer (2X)] , Leishmansstain(Dlc & Pbf Manual) (1 Kit) , Esr Stand With Marking(Esrmanual) (1X1 Pcs) , Esr Test Cup (Plastic)(Esrmanual) (1X500 Cup Pkt) , Esr Pipette (Glass)(Esrmanual) (1X5 Pipette) , Esr Pipette With Bulb (Disposable Autosuck) (Esr Manual) (1X100 Pipette) , Tri Sodium Citrate 3.8% (Solution) (Esr Manual) (1X500 Ml) , Stop Watch (Esr Manual) (1X1 Pcs) , K3 Edta Tube (Double Cap) Cbc (1X100 Tube Pkt) , Urine Albumin/Sugar Strip (Manual) (1X100 Strip) , Container 50 Ml Capacity Disposable With Screw Cap Plastic (Urine Albumin/Sugar Manual) (1X100container) , Cover Slip (Urine Complete Manual) (1X50x20) , Keto Diastic (For Urine Manual) (1X50) , Sky Blue Cap Tube (For Pt Inr) (1X100) , Coombs Reagent (Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X5 Ml) , Coombs Reagent (Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X10 Ml) , Bovine Albumin 22% (Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X5 Ml) , Bovine Albumin 22% (Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X10 Ml) , Geimsa Stain(1X500 Ml) , Oil Immersion Lens (For Microscope) (1X1) , Liquid Paraffin(For Microscope) (1X500 Ml) , Slide Tray Aluminium For 20 Slides (1X1) , Slide Tray Aluminium For 24 Slides (1X1) , Grams Stain (1X500 Ml) , Thermal Printer Paper Roll (Size 57X25mm) (1X12) , Binocular Microscope Eye Piece 10 X (1X1) , Binocular Microscope Eye Piece 5 X (1X1) , Binocular Microscope Objective Lens 10 X (1X1) , Binocular Microscope Objective Lens 40 X (1X1) , Binocular Microscope Bulb (1X1) , Glass Slide Size 75Mmx25mmx1.35Mm(1X50) , Formaldehyde Solution (1X5 Ltr) , Pap Stain (1X1) , Microbiology Urine Pregnancy Test Card (Manual) (1X30 Card) , Urine Pregnancy Test Card (Manual) (1X50 Card) , Lugols Iodine (Stool Test Manual) (1X125 Ml) , Hemo Spot Test For Occult Blood (1X100) , Hemo Spot Test For Occult Blood (1X200) , Hepatitis B (Hbsag) Card (1X100) , Hepatitis B (Hbsag) Card (1X50) , Hepatitis B (Hbsag) Card (1X30 Card) , Hepatitis B (Hbsag) Strip (1X50) , Hepatitis B (Hbsag) Strip (1X100) , Hepatitis B (Hbsag) Elisa 4Th Generation (1X96) , Tpha Rapid Strip (1X30) , Tpha Rapid Strip (1X50) , Tpha Rapid Strip (1X100) , Rpr( Rapid) Kit (1X50tests) , Rpr( Rapid) Kit (1X100 Test) , Hiv Rapid Card Triline(1X30) , Hiv Rapid Card Triline(1X50) , Hiv Rapid Tridot (1X50) , Hiv Rapid Tridot (1X100) , Hiv Rapid Combaids (1X48) , Hiv Elisa 4 Thgeneration (1X96) , Anti Hcv Anti Bodyrapid Card (1X30) , Anti Hcv Anti Bodyrapid Card (1X50) , Hcv Elisa 4Thgeneration (1X96) , Malaria Rapid Card Antigen/Ldh (1X30) , Malaria Rapid Card Antigen/Ldh (1X100) , Pan Malaria (Rapid Pf/Pv)(1X100) , Pan Malaria (Rapid Pf/Pv)(1X30) , Widal Test Kit (Vials) (To,Th,Ah,Bh) Agglutination Rgf (1*4*5 Ml) , Typhoid Igm Antibody Card Test(1X1) , Typhoid Igg&Igm Antibody Card Test(1X1) , Aslo Kit (Latex Agglutination) (1X25) , Aslo Kit (Agglutination) (1X50) , R.A. Factor Kit (Agglutination,Qualitative) (1X50) , R.A. Factor Kit (Agglutination,Qualitative) (1X100) , Z.N. Stain Rapid Kit (Sputum For Afb) (100 Ml Eachx1) , Z.N. Stain Rapid Kit (Sputum For Afb) (125 Ml Kit Each) , Siprit Lamp (Sputum For Afb Staining) (1X1) , Crp (Latex Agglutination) (25 Test Kit ) , Crp (Latex Agglutination) (1X30) , Dengue Rapid Antibody (Igg+Igm)+Antigen (Ns1)Combo Card (1X1) , Dengue Antibody (Igg+Igm) Rapid Card (1X1) , Dengue Antigen (Ns1) Rapid Card (1X1) , Dengue Capture Elisa Antibody Igm (Mac) (1X96) , Dengue Elisa Antigen (Ns1) (1X96) , Scrub Tyhpus Rapid Card (Antibody Igm) (1X30) , Scrub Tyhpus Elisa (Antibody Igm) (1X96) , Scrub Tyhpus(Antibody Igm) (1X25) , Chikungunya Rapid Card (Antibody Igm) (1X25) , Chikungunya Rapid Card (Antibody Igm) (1X30) , Chikungunya Elisa (Antibody Igm) (1X96) , Vtm With Swab (For Swine Fiu) (1X1) , Ppe Kit (For Swine Flu) (1X1) , Test Tube Rack Plastic 1X48 Wells (1X1) , Tongue Dipresser Wooden (1X100) , Zipper Polythen (For Packing Medium Size) (1X100) , Test Tube Rack Plastic (1X48 Wells) (1X1) , Test Tube Rack Plastic (1X24 Wells) (1X1) , Yellow Tips (Micro) (1X1000) , Glass Marking Pencil (1X10) , Scalpal Blade 11 To 23No (1X100 Pcs) , Torch Igm Elisa (1X96) , Torch Igm Elisa (1X48) , Torch Igg Elisa (1X96) , Torch Igg Elisa (1X48) , Hepttitis A Elisa (1X96) , Anti Hav Rapid Card (1X25) , Anti Hav Rapid Card (1X50) , Anti Hev Rapid Card (1X50) , Hiv Elisa (Igg+Igm+Antibody Combo) (1X48) , Aluminium Screw For 30 Ml Glass Bottle (30 Ml) , Anti Hev Elisa (1X96 Test) , Anti Hav Elisa Igm (1X96) , Hcv Tridot Pack 4Th Genration (1X100) , Brucella Igm Elisa(1X96) , Anti Hbs Ag (Hepa Card)-Pack Size(1X100test) , Ana Elisa Test Kit(1X96 Tests) , Ana Ict Strips (16 Strips Per Pack) , Japanese Encephalitis Igm (1X96 Tests) , Rota Virus Igm Elisafor Serum& Stool (1X96) , Rota Virus Igm Rapidfor Serum& Stool (1X 25 Test) , Rotavirus/Adenovirus Latex Agglutination For Stool (1X25 Test) , Salmonella O Ag Group C For Salmonella 5 Ml X 1 (1 Vial) , Brucella Igm Elisa(96 Test/Kit) , Measles Igm(1X96 Tests) , Hsv-2 Card Test Pack Size(30 Test) , H2o2 (11%)+ Silver Nitrate Solution (0.01% W/V)(1X1 Ltr) , H2o2 (11%)+ Silver Nitrate Solution (0.01% W/V)(1X5 Ltr) , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar(500 Gm) , Mac Conkey Agar With Cv (500 Gm) , Nutrient Agar (500 Gm) , Cled Agar (500 Gm) , Mycological Peptone (500 Gm) , Mannitol Motility Agar (500 Gm) , Phenylene Deaminase Agar (100 Gm) , Christian Urea Agar With 40% Urea Solution (500 Gm) , Triple Sugar Iron Media(500 Gm) , Simmons Citrate Agar (500 Gm) , Kovacs Indole Reagent (500 Gm) , Mannitol Powder (500 Gm) , Glucose Powder(500 Gm) , Lactose Powder (500 Gm) , Sucrose Powder (500 Gm) , Methanol 95%(500Ml) , Absolute Alcohol(500Ml) , Motility Sulfide Media(100 Gm) , Agar Agar, Type I(500 Gm) , Pottasium Dichromate Powder (500 Gm) , Hydrogen Peroxide 3/6% (500 Ml) , Oxidase Reagent 100 Gm Purity > 99% (100 Gm) , Mueller Hinton Agar(500 Gm) , Potassium Di Hydrogen Phosphate Powder (500 Gm) , Robertson’S Cooked Meat Broth Medium (500 Gm) , Bile Salt Powder With Cholic Acid Content >= 45.0%, Certified,(250 Gm) , Sda With Chloramphenicol(500 Gm) , Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (Xld Agar ) (500 Gm) , Thioglycollate Powder(500 Gm) , Iodine Crystals (100 Gm) , Sodiumbicarbonate(500 Gm) , Ammonium Oxalate Powder(500 Gm) , Calcium Chloride (100 Gm) , Brain Heart Infusion Agar(500 Gm) , Brain Heart Infusion Broth(500 Gm) , Acetone 500 Ml , Leishman Stainpractical Grade For Microsopy Twin Pack 500 Ml , Bile Esculin Agar (500 Gm) , Selenite-F Brothpowder( 100Gm) , Grams Stain Kit(2 Ltr) , Dermatophyte Test Agar & Supplement (500 Gm) , Hi Chrome Agar For Candida 100Gm , Potassium Hydroxide (500 Gm) , Dmso( Diemthyl Sulphoxide) (100 Gm) , Sda Plain(500 Gm) , Sda With Chloramphenicol (500 Gm) , Sodium Chloride (Anhydrous)(500 Gm) , India Ink Or Nigrosin (100 Gm) , Lactophenol Cotton Blue(500 Gm) , Albert Stain 100 Ml Each A& B , Lowenstein Jensen Powder (500 Gm) , Phenol Crystals (500 Mg) , Mannitol Motility Agar (100 Gm) , Of Basal Medium(500 Gm) , Ferric Chloride Powder(500 Gm) , Amikacin (30Mg) , Amoxyclav (30 Mcg) , Ampicillin(2Mg) , Azithromycin(15Mcg) , Aztreonam(30Mcg) , Bacitracin (50 Discs/Vl) , Bile Esculin Discs , Cefazolin (Cz) (30 Mcg) , Cefipime(30Mcg) , Cefixime (5Mcg) , Cefoperazone-Sulbactum(75Mcg/30Mcg) , Cefotaxime (30 Mcg) , Cefoxitin (30 Mcg) , Ceftazidime (30Mg) , Ceftazidime /Clavulamic Acid (30/10Mg) , Ceftriaxone (30Mcg) , Cefuroxime(30 Mcg) , Chloramphenicol(30Mcg) , Ciprofloxacin (5Mg) , Clindamycin 2 Mcg , Colistin (10Mcg) , Co-Trimoxazole-(23-75/1.25Mg) , Erythromycin , Gentamicin(10Mcg) , Gentamicin(120Mcg) , Imipenem (10Mg) , Levofloxacin (5Mcg) , Linezolid(30Mg) , Meropenem(10Mcg) , Metronidazole(5Mg) , Nalidixic Acid (30Mg) , Nitrofurantoin(300Mcg) , Novobiocin (30 Mg) , Onpg Discs , Optochin Disc (For S.Pnemonioe ,,) , Oxidasediscs. , Ofloxacin (5Mcg) , Penicillin-G(10Units) , Piperacillin (100Mg) , Pipera-Tazobactum(100/10 Mcg) , Polymyxin-B(300Units) , Teicoplanin(30Mcg) , Tetracycline (30Mg) , Ticarcillin-Clavulanic Acid (75/10 Mcg) , Tobramycin(10Mcg) , Vancomycin(30Mcg) , Fosfomycin 200 Mcg , Cefoxitin + Cloxacillin , Tigecycline 15 Mcg , Cephazolin(30Mcg) , Cinoxacin(100Mcg) , Norfloxacin(100Mcg) , Ertapenem(10Mcg) , Oxacillin(10Mcg) , Cefoxitin(30Mcg) , Glass Petri Dish Culture,60Mm , Glass Petri Dish Culture,90Mm , Single Cavity Glass Slide For Motility , Mccartney Bottle W/ Aluminium Cap With Rubber Liner, Neutral Glass, Autoclavable, Capacity 15 Ml ; 100/Pk (100 Pcs) , Mccartney Flat Bottle :Aluminium Cap With Bromo Butyl Rubber Liner, Neutral Glass, Autoclavable, Capacity 30 Ml; 100 Piece /Pack (100 Pcs) , Volumetric Conical Erlenmeyer Flask (Glass) 50 Ml Graduated W/ Stopper, Class A, Usp Certificate, (5 Pcs) , Volumetric Conical Flasks, Erlenmeyer, Narrow Mouth, 100 Ml (5 Pcs) , Volumetric Conical Erlenmeyer Flask (Glass) 500 Ml Graduated Class A , Usp Certificate (5 Pcs) , Graduated Laboratory Dropping Bottle With Rubber Dispenser Fitted250 Ml Capacity Of Borosilicate Glass(5 Pcs) , Glass Beaker Borosil 100 Ml With Spout , U Shaped Glass Rod , Glass Beaker Of 2 Lt , Heavy Duty , Double Graduation Metric Scale , Glass Beaker With Spout (Discarding Jar) 1Lt , Test Tube Glass Size 12Cm X 150 Mm (50 Tubes Per Pack) (1X50) , Measuringpipette With Rubber Bulb 10 Ml (Mohr Type) Class-B(5 Pcs) , Measuring Cylinder, With Class-A Certificate Capacity 1000Ml With Stopper (1 Pcs) , Measuring Cylinder, With Class-A Certificate; Capacity 250Ml With Stopper (2 Pcs) , Slide Boxes For Students For 100 Slides , Heavy Duty Gloves Heat Resistant , Category Iii Glove, Preferably En 407 Performance Levels (4 Pairs) , Test Tube Stand Polypropylene 3 Tier Fortest Tubes , Paraffin Films M Rolls 2 Inch Width 250 Feet Length , Falcon Tube (Conical) Polypropylene ,Usp Class Vi, Max G Force Of 15,000Xg ;50 Ml ,360 Piece/Pk , Falcon Tube (Conical) Polypropylene 15 Ml 1 Pack Of 300 Each , Test Tube Rack Holder 40 -50 Holes Vents Plastic Centrifugal Deck(10 Pcs) , Universal Eto Sterile Plastic(Pp) Containers(30Ml) 100 Piece In Pack , Sterile Swab With Collection Vial 50 Piece/Pkt , Sterile Swab Stick For Culture Inoculation , Sterile Swab Stick For Nasopharyngeal Specimen ( Himedia Pref.) 100 Piece/Pkt , Screw Capped Cryo Vial 3 Ml Polypropylene For Serum Storage(2 Pcs) , Spatula Spoon Shaped Plastic For Chemical Dispense (Graduated) (10 Pcs) , Autoclave Bowie Dick Tape 1 Pack Of 30 Tests, Complies To Ansi/Aami/Iso 11140-5:2007 Class 2. (100 Test) , Ph Paper Strips 1-14 Ph Range Himedia , Fisher Scientific(200 Strips) , Forcep Stainless Steel Non Corosive Surgical Grade (00 & Higher) , Nichrome Straight Wire (2 Mm) Embedded In Brass Rod With Heat Resistant Handle (Preferably Himedia) , Nichrome Straight Wire (3 Mm) Embedded In Brass Rod With Heat Resistant Handle (Preferably Himedia) , Steel Surgical Scalpel Blade Chisel/ Handle , Forceps For Cover Glasses, Kuhne Type , Glass Or Diamond Marker , Stainless Steel Tub 25 Ltfor Glass Wash , Utility Tray320x260x70mm For Transport Of Samples , Forcep Autoclavable, Size 12 Inch,Blunt Tip, Ss , Forcep Autoclavable, Size 8 Inch, Blunt Tip, Ss 410 , Stainless Steel Forceps, Pointed, Autoclavable, Size 8 Inch, Ss 410 , Tongs Stainless Steel 12 Inch For Beaker (Borosil) , Stainless Steel Forceps, Pointed Tips And Handles 8 Inch, , Test Tube Washing Brushes Steel (Pack Of 10) , Zinc Sulphate 100Gm , Cover Slip 22 Mm (1X50) , Surgical Gloves Free Size (Not Powderd) (Nitrile Hand Gloves) (1X100) , Glycerol(1X500ml) , Xylene (1X500 Ml) , Slide Drying Tray Aluminium (1X1) , Sodium Polyanethol Sulphonate Powder 5 Gm (Sigma1 Bottle) , Leptospirosis Rapid Card (1X1) , Leptospirosis Elisa (1X96) , Of Sugur (Oxidative Fermentative Sugur) (1X1) , Lao (Decarboxylase) (Lyxine, Arginine, Ornithens) (1X1) , Blood Culture Bottle 120 Ml (1X1) , Universal Containor 50 Ml (Sterile) , Methyl Red Reagent 500 Mg (Powder) , Koh Pellets , Cavity Slide For Matility , Loops (Nichreme) Hi Midia , Teasing Needle (Fungus) (1X1) , Biochemistry Blood Sugar Reagent Enzymatic (For Semi-Auto God/Pod) (2X200 Ml) , Urea Berthlot (For Semi-Auto Urease End Point (Liquid)) (2X100 Ml) , Urea Kinetic (For Semi-Auto) (5X20 Ml) , Creatinine (Jaffes For Semi-Auto,Initial Rate) (R1-2X60 Ml R2-2X60 Ml) , Sgot For Semi -Auto (Without Pridoxal Phosphate-Ifcc Method) (5X20 Ml) , Sgpt For Semi -Auto (Without Pridoxal Phosphate-Ifcc Method) (5X20 Ml) , Bilirubin Total (For Semi-Auto,Jendrassik & Grof (1X200 Ml) , Bilirubin Direct (For Semi-Auto,Jendrassik & Grof (1X200 Ml) , Amalyse Kinetic (For Semi-Auto) (2X20 Ml) , Lipase (For Semi-Auto) , Ggt (For Semi-Auto) , Csf Protein Fluid (For Csf Protein Manual) (1X100 Ml) , Code Free (Blood Sugar Strip Rapid) (1X100) , Sample Cup Plastic (For Biochemistry) (1X500) , Pipette Stand Plastic (1X1) , Vaccutainer (Red Top ) For Biochemistry 5Ml (1X100) , Micro Pipette 10Ul(Fix Volume) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 20Ul(Fix Volume) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 50Ul(Fix Volume) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 100Ul(Fix Volume) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 500Ul(Fix Volume) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 1000Ul(Fix Volume) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 5-50Ul(Variable) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 20-200Ul(Variable) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 100-1000Ul(Variable) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 5 Ul (Fix Volume) (1X1) , Micro Pipette 25 Ul (Fix Volume) (1X1) , Blue Tips(1X500) , D.I. Water (1X5 Ltr) , Glucometer (Code Free) (1X1) , Blood Sugur Strip (1X50) , Glucometer Cell (1X1) , Carbon Bush For Centrifuge Machine (1X2) , D-Dimer Quantitative For Semi Auto (1X100) , Blood Bank Transfer Blood Bag (Without Anti Coagulant) 100 Ml (1X10x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Single Bag )350 Ml (1X10x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Single Bag )100 Ml (1X10x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Double Bag )350 Ml (1X6x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Double Bag )450 Ml (1X6x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpdadouble Bag With Sagm)450Ml (1X6x11) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Tripple Bag Withoutsagam ) 450 Ml (1X5x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Tripple Bag Withsagam ) 450 Ml (1X5x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Tripple Bag With Sagam ) 350 Ml (1X5x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Quadriplebag With Sagam) 350 Ml (1X4x10) , Blood Collection Bag (Cpda Quadriplebag With Sagam) 450 Ml (1X4x10) , Quantiple 450 Ml (1X3x10) , Soft Ball (Exercise Ball) (1X8) , Antisera Stand Plastic (1X1) , Antisera Anti A1 Lactin (1X5 Ml) , Antisera Anti H (1X5 Ml) , Antisera Anti Ab (1X5 Ml) , Anti Human Globulin (Ahg) (1X5 Ml) , Anti A Polycolonol (Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X10 Ml) , Anti B Polycolonol (Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X10 Ml) , Anti D Polycolonol (Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X10 Ml) , A,B,D Vial (Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X3x10 Ml) , Anti Sera Amonoclonal(Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X10 Ml) , Anti Sera Bmonoclonal(Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X10 Ml) , Anti Sera Dmonoclonal(Abo-Rh Agglutination,Slide) (1X10 Ml) , B.P. Instrument (Mercury) (1X1) , B.P. Instrument- Dial (1X1) , B.P. Instrument - Digital (1X1) , B.P. Instrument - Cuff With Cover (1X1) , B.P. Instrument - Armlet Rubber (1X1) , Bulb Rubber (1X1) , Weight Machine Digital Up To 150 Kg (1X1) , Weight Machine Arroe Up To 150 Kg (1X1) , Postal Scale 1Kg (1X1) , Tips Stand (1X1) , Beaker Glass 500 Ml (1X1) , Measuring Cylinder 500 Ml (1X1) , Slipeer Rubber (1X1) , Bucket All Colour With Sieve (For Bio Medical Waste) 60 Ltr (1X1) , Plastic Bag (For Bio Medical Waste) 60 Ltr (100X1) , Cpda Penta Bag 350 Ml (1X3x10) , Cpda Penta Bag 450 Ml (1X3x10) , Cpda Penta Bag 450 Ml (1X10x10) , D.W.(0Tds)(1X5ltr) , Digital Tharmameter (1 Pcs) , Digital Weighing Machine Cell (1X1) , Pencil Cell (Small/Medium) (1X1) , Liss/Coombs (24X12) , Diluent (1X500 Ml) , Abo/Rh (4X12) , Abo/D+ Reverse (24X12) , Biological Indicator Of Autoclabe Machine (1 Roll) , Art K3 Edta Tube 6 Ml Non Vaccume (1X100) , Multi Purpose Tube Plane 5Ml With O Ring Cap (1X100) , K3 Edta Tube 2 Mlvaccume (1X100) , Red Top Vaccutainer Plain Vial Vaccum (1X100) , Vaccum Holder (1X1) , Vaccum Blood Collection Needle (1X100) , K3 Edta 6 Ml Vaccume (1X100) , Red Top Vaccutainer Plain Vial Vaccum 6 Ml (1X100) , K3 Edta Vaccume 4 Ml (1X100) , K3 Edta Vaccume 3 Ml (1X100) , Cryo Vial With O Ring Cap Polypropylene Tube 2Ml (1X100) , Cryo Vial With O Ring Cap Polypropylene Tube 5Ml (1X100) , Sodium Floride Vial (1X100)

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2000 /-
INR 340000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1.70 Crore /-
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We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.
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