
Tender For Mechanical Fabrication And Erection Work - Dismantling Of Pipelines From 15Mm To 300Mm (Including Nipple Bender Flange) And Molding Into Scrap. Dismantling Of Ms Pipes (Including Nipple Bender Flange) Of More Than 300 Mm Diameter And Molding I, najibabad-Uttar Pradesh

Kisan Sahkari Chini Mills Limited has published Tender For Mechanical Fabrication And Erection Work - Dismantling Of Pipelines From 15Mm To 300Mm (Including Nipple Bender Flange) And Molding Into Scrap. Dismantling Of Ms Pipes (Including Nipple Bender Flange) Of More Than 300 Mm Diameter And Molding I. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-06-2024. Dismantling Work Tenders in najibabad Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Mechanical Fabrication And Erection Work - Dismantling Of Pipelines From 15Mm To 300Mm (Including Nipple Bender Flange) And Molding Into Scrap. Dismantling Of Ms Pipes (Including Nipple Bender Flange) Of More Than 300 Mm Diameter And Molding I
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Mechanical Fabrication And Erection Work - Dismantling of pipelines from 15mm to 300mm (including nipple bender flange) and molding into scrap. Dismantling of MS pipes (including nipple bender flange) of more than 300 mm diameter and molding in scrap yard. Trial fitting by fitting on MS or SS pipe line positions ranging from 15 mm to 300 mm. Making MS pipes of more than 300 mm from 6, 8 and 10 mm MS plates and Making and changing MS or SS nipples from 15mm to 300mm. MS Nipul of size more than 300 mm and a half make and change Making and changing bands from MS pipes ranging from 15 mm to 300 mm. Making and converting MS bands of size more than 300 mm Making MS Flanges from 15mm to 1200 size by cutting them from plate and drilling and fitting them. to do . Making and converting MS/SST ranging from 15 mm to 300 mm. Making and converting MST of more than 300 mm. Making and converting cases ranging from 15mm to 300mm. Making and changing casts up to more than 300 mm. Opening valves ranging from 15mm to 300mm size. Assembling valves ranging from 15mm to 300mm in size. Opening of valves more than 300 mm Tying valves of diameter more than 300 mm. Straightening a bent circular plate. Replacement of worn out parts of vapor pipe, tank, bezel etc. Dismantling of light structure Light structure fabrication erection of light structure Dismantling of heavy structure Fabrication of heavy structures heavy structure erection Changing a circular or rectangular tank from MS plate. Removing the corroded MS gutter and replacing it with the given plate, fixing it at its place and strengthening it. Making circular coil from 15 mm to 150 mm pipe line and changing it along with nipple and flange and fitting the coil in place and giving trial along with satisfactory hydraulic testing. Making rectangular coils from 15mm to 150mm diameter pipe lines along with nipples and flanges and fitting the coils at their place and giving them trials along with satisfactory hydraulic testing. For cleaning, opening the pipelines of different sizes (from different houses) along with valves and spigots etc., cleaning them and then tying them again. 1 Cutting the headers above 6 damaged at various places and making new ones and fitting all the nipple valves etc. related to it and giving it a trial. Replacing the narrowed man hole of 600 mm to 900 mm by making it with 8 or 10 mm plate. Making MS beds from 5 to 50 HP for motor pumps and reduction gear buffets and giving satisfactory trials after fitting and element. Making MS bands from 51 to 100 HP for motor pumps and reduction gear pumps and giving satisfactory trials after fitting and alignment. Providing satisfactory trials after making fittings and alignment for pumps and motors ranging from 5 to 50 HP. Making MS welded pumps and motors ranging from 51 to 100 HP, fitting and giving satisfactory trials after alignment. Bi-manufacturing of damaged MS plates of machinery installed at various places and replacing them with new plates. (patching work) The SS plate of size 2600 x 700 mm, which was used to joint the aluminum juice tray of the mill, which was melted, was removed and the new 12 mm thick plate was replaced by drilling holes and welding it with hydra stock as before, and a satisfactory trial was conducted. To give satisfactory trials by removing the old runner of cane carrier, bagasse carrier, bagasse elevator and return bagasse carrier and fitting new runners. To give satisfactory trials by removing old runners from secondary rack carrier and inter rack carrier and fitting new runners. Removing the damaged side and volume plates of the secondary rack carrier and inter rack carriers and installing new side and volume plates and installing Agile from outside for stranding. Taking out the corroded mesh bottom tray of the old Ratu conveyor and replacing it with the earlier pearl bottom tray. Always but without the mesh. Reinstalling the gutter above the DSM screen. Making juice rings of mill rollers from MS plate and installing them. Replacement of the damaged side plates of cane carrier and side and bottom plates of bagasse elevator bagasse carrier RBC. Replacement of damaged side plates of fiberizer leveler and chopper. Construction of new racks of secondary and inter rack carriers. Rack repairing of secondary and inter rack carriers. Cutting and removing the melted tuff plates of Inter Raf Farrier and replacing them with the given 8 or 10 mm plate and giving trial. Removing square bar of trolley/running can unloader, installing new square bar and giving satisfactory trial. Remove the central plate of the fiberizer, make a new plate and install it and give a satisfactory trial. Making the top cover of bearing housing of mill rollers as per the specifications from the given 3/6 mm plate. Cutting pine apple chevron grush of mill roller. Welding the cut teeth of the chun pinion of the mill and correcting the teeth with a grinder by welding with the hardening electrode mentioned above. Welding the cut tailwar of the mill and making it according to size. Welding the rollers of TRPF mill and repairing the cut sides by welding or applying plates. Secondary Rack Carrier Inter Rack Carrier Baggas Carrier Baggas Elevator Removal of corroded angle/channel under the runner of RBC and installing new angle in its place. Making and installing the juice distribution tray attached to the pipeline of the juice pumps of the mill. Cutting and removing the old troughs of the three inter-raft farriers installed at the mill house and installing the Holkar Tuff as per the instructions from the given 10 mm plate and giving it a trial. Removing the old trough of McKendy rack carrier installed on Mill Down and making a new trough from the given 10 mm plate and installing it and giving satisfactory trial. The achille plate of the fikizer got damaged, remove the partition plate and install a new 12 mm plate at its place as per the instructions, align it and To cut out the stuck part of the DSM resin installed on the mill house and then fix it by applying the given plate. Take out the satvik time soil affected/weak satfar melter and fit the newly made coil from 10 or 12 mm plate and test it by hydraulically pumping it at 300 to 450 psi. Making film type clay sulfur melter foil of size 3 and 4 inches using the given seamless pipe as per the sample and testing it with 300 to 450 PSI hydraulic pressure. Changing the leaf flat iron fitted for bar packing on the top and bottom header of the juice heater and giving a trial by installing bar packing. Remove the fundamental bottle of juice heater, semi-fan, vaporizer or make a new 8 or 10 mm plate from the given 8 or 10 mm plate as per the specification, install it and give it a trial. Tearing out the old clogged agitator with vacuum filter noise 3 Take out all the straight and circular partition plates of the header of the zoom heater. Clean the tube plate beforehand and make a new round and straight partition plate from 10 or 12 mm plate and install it. Prepare header as before by applying MS stream and give trial by applying rubber strip. Dismantle the scrubber cooler flange cover nipple and pipe line of Satvik/Film type furnaces, take out the cooler pipe etc. and put it out and make a cell from 10 or 12 mm plate and install all the cooling pipes from seamless pipe and install the related nipple flange cover etc. To prepare properly and give trial. Cutting out the damaged bottom cone of the recovery tower of juice sulfiter and installing a new cone from 12 mm plate. Trial tena by installing associated pipeline. Dismantling the damaged tower of syrup sulfiter and putting it out and making a new tower from 8 or 10 mm plate like before and giving trial by connecting the related nipple, manhole partition plate, air bent pipe and related pipeline. Cutting and removing the heavy/light filtration juice tank (dia 1 m x height 1.5 m approx) fitted on the small vacuum filter and making the tank as before from a 10.00 mm plate and related nipple. Trial tena by installing pipelines like flanges etc. Cut out the heavy/light filtration juice tank (diameter 1.5 m, height 1.0 m approximately) installed on the big vacuum filter and make it out of 10.00 mm plate as before, by fitting the related pipe line flange nipple, prepare it as before and give it a trial. Dismantling the old damaged mud tank (dia 25 m x 20 m height) of the small vacuum filter and throwing it out and making a new one with a cover from 10.00 mm plate and preparing a nipple plunging manhole and giving it a trial. Prepare a perforated plate from the old/new plate of about 8.00 mm thickness/3.5 m diameter plate and install it under the juice sulfiter. Make about 280 holes in the plate and trial it by placing an angle support at the right place. Dismantling after burner cooler of Satvik or film type furnace. Replacement of damaged 12 pipe inside water jacket with new seamless pipe. Prepare like before by wearing jacket etc. and give trial. Remove the catcher (measuring 1.2 Preparing the concerned nipple by fitting the flange line and giving it a trial. Make the shell of sulfur furnace by bending it from 12 or 16 mm plate and make the front and back cover and water jacket and install it and do trial tena by making all the connections etc. as before. To fill the mud mixture melted plate with a new plate and to make the screw conveyor attached to it as before, install it at the same place and give it a trial. (lamsam) Like before, cut out the plate from the melted base plate of the door and make a new one and fit it. (lamsam) Cut out the over flow gallery inside the syrup sulfiter and the syrup box on the outside which is overloaded and give it a trial by making it from a tinned 8 or 10 mm plate as before. (lamsam) After removing the condenser of the vacuum filter, put it in the scrap yard and make a condenser from a new plate of 8 or 10 mm and fit it for trial. (lamsam) Dismantle the incoming and outgoing box fitted between the double beat valve of the juice heater and the header of the juice heater and make a new one from 12 mm plate and give a satisfactory trial. Juice Sulphiter Syrup Sulphiter and throat at other places Dismantle the manholes and replace them with new ones. Placement Cut out the one meter long 400 mm sized screwed nipples installed in the vapor line of the juice heater and replace them with new ones as before. Foaming chamber of the clarifier that is damaged or weak. Dismantle it and put it in the scrap yard and fabricate the foaming chamber as before using a new or 10 mm thick plate and conduct a satisfactory trial by erecting it. (lamsam) Removing the flood from the 16 inch angle valve of the juice heaters vapor and exhaust and making a new 10 mm thick plate and giving it a trial. (lamsam) Cutting out the damaged water tank (measuring 2.25 x 2.45 m approximately) of water wedging scale and making a new one from 10 mm plate. Related Pipe Line Nipple Support etc. Apply and prepare as before and give trial. Cutting and removing the side plate of the overhead hot water tank. Or making a new one from 10 mm plate and making a satisfactory trial tena. Removing the overloaded water tank of juice weighing scale, replacing it with a new plate and trial tank. (Dia 3.5 m x 30 m height) (Lumsam) Removal and replacement of damaged internal parts of the vapor cell and quad body valves and trial run. (Lamsam) (Size 2 X 1.5 m) Remove old brass or SS tubes of juice heater and semi-conditioner, weigh them and deposit them in the store. Remove old brass or SS tubes of quad and vapor cells, weigh them and deposit them in the store. Expand the juice deaerator and semi-conditioner by fitting new brass tube or SS tube and tighten it hydraulically at 75 to 100 psi. Expand the quad and vapor cells by fitting new brass tubes or SS tubes and tighten them hydraulically at 75 to 100 psi. Open the external catcher of the quad and take it out and test it using the tight agile channel and flat iron. (lamsam) Replacement and trial of condensate boxes of quad water and vapor cell calendars. Semicondenser Vapor Cell. Cutting out the bottom saucer of the quad along with valve pipeline and nipple etc. Like before, making bottom saucer from 10 or 12 mm plate and giving trial by installing related pipe line, nipple and valve etc. (lamsam) Open the top cover of the semi-conditioner to take out the tube, put the packing and tie the cover as before and give it a trial. Open the top cover of the new semi-conditioner to remove the tube, put the joint on it again and give it a trial. Remaking the external catcher/vapour body of the new semi-condenser (1000 sq.m.) from de-sized 8/10 mm plate. (Size Dia 25 m X Height 35 m) Discarding the quad catcher bottle and putting it in the scrap yard and making a new bottle of 1.2 m long and 0.8 m diameter from a new 10 mm plate and making connections and giving a vacuum trial. (lamsam) Cutting out the necked distributor of the pan and putting it in the scrap yard and making a new one from 8 or 10 mm plate, strengthening it and trial tena. (lamsam) Cutting out the damaged umbrella of the pan and making a new one from 6 or 10 mm MS plate and strengthening it and trial tena. (lamsam) Taking out the old brass tubes of the pan, weighing them and storing them in the store. Fit a new brass tube in the pan and expand it and tighten it hydraulically at 100 psi. Removing the damaged catcher of the pan and putting it in the scrap yard. Or make a new one from 10 mm plate and do a trial run by installing the element and vapor pipe as before. (Dia 1.5 m X 25 m height) Cutting out the worn out cyclone above the sugar dust miller tank and replacing it with a new one made from 5 or 6 mm plate and trial tena. (lamsam) Removing the corroded wet suit of 1350 KT Centri machine and making a new one from 3 mm plate. Take down the transit heater mounted on top of the C-Sentry machine, open its side plate and clean it, blind the leaky tubes, hydraulically install it in place and make all the connections. Opening the blinds installed in the pipeline of the spray system and cleaning the nozzle curlers, replacing the broken branch pipelines and tying all the blinds opened for cleaning and giving a satisfactory trial of the system. Vacuum crystallizer and worm wheel of crystallizer Removing and replacing the cut gun metal bush After that, put the worm nail back in place and use the same worm. Alignment of shaft R.G. box motor and Successfully trial tena. Make new side cover and upper melted plate of the ID fan installed on sugar dust with 8 or 10 mm plate and replace all the angle channels installed in its bottom frame, string it and put it in place and give it a trial. (lamsam) Removing the old tail pipe fitted in the pans and taking it to the scamp yard and fitting the new SS tail pipe on the trial vehicle. (lamsam) Removing the melted side plates and roof plates of the boilers and replacing them with 3 or 5 mm thick MS plates and installing the correct old plates. Cutting out melted plates of flue gas ducting of boilers and installing new MS plates of 5 mm thickness. Placement Dismantling the damaged side plates/shells/cones etc. installed at various places and fabricating them with new plates. To install and give trial. Cutting and packing melted plates of ID fans. Removing the damaged expansion joints in the flue gas ducting of boiler no. 1 and 2 and installing new ones from 3 or 5 mm plate. Removing the excess ash soot from the boilers and making new soot from the tee plate and installing it and doing trial tena. Cutting out the sore part of the bagasilo suit and blower installed below the bagas elevator and patching it with a new plate. Replacement of throated soot of bagasse feeder of boiler no. 1 and 2 with 6 or 8 mm MS plate. Cutting out the clogged manholes of flue gas ducting and vat scrubbers of boilers and making and installing new manholes. Cutting out the faulty mesh installed in the Bagas elevator and giving it a trial by installing a new mesh. Cutting out the old drain vessel tank of Bat Scrubber No. 1 and 2 and making and fitting new tanks and welding the drain pipe. Removing the broken bed of transmission gear of the mills and making a new one from the T-shaped 40 and 25 mm plate, after placing all the plumber blocks in place and aligning them, placing the transmission gears in place and conducting a successful trial. Dismantle the screw conveyor installed on the mill house and in its place make a new screw conveyor from 6 mm plate, install it at its place, do alignment and conduct satisfactory trials. Cutting and removing the damaged top cover of TRPF of the mill and making it as per the sample from 8/10 mm plate and installing it at appropriate place. By cutting off the drive and stool of the molasses conditioner. Removing and refitting the cut shaft To repair, fit and satisfy by welding. To give trial. Cutting out the entire 40 cm circumference of the narrow taper cone of the pans and the cell adjacent to it and cutting out the washing coil inside it and all the connections related to it and fabricating it from 10 or 12 mm plate and installing it at its place. And make all the connections related to it and give a satisfactory trial. B. Magma Mixer or Pugmill: Make a new 8 meter long plate from new or old 10 mm plate and put it in the scrap yard. Install gutter inside the mixer by cutting it from under inch size pipe and fit all the arms and run it and give satisfactory trial. Digging down the bagasil pipe line and fitting it at a height of 14 meters by fitting it at a height of 14 meters by fitting the necked pipe band, support clamp etc. and holding it for trial. (lamsam) Removing the old and damaged rail from the bridge of the cane unloader and replacing it with a new welded rail, strengthening it and giving it a trial. Removing the corroded top cover of the tee mounted on the pans and making a new one from 10 mm plate and making a satisfactory trial tena. (lamsam) Removing melted water coils of crystallizers and installing new ones and giving satisfactory trials. Installing the neck platform of pan station condenser and crystallizer by making it from old plate. De-installation of damaged rectangular melter of film type sulfur burner and replacement with milled 8/10 mm MS plate after completion of all work Trial Tena (Size 30 m x 20 m x 1.75 m) (Lamsam) Cutting out the bent dome of the pans and making a new one from 8 or 10 mm plate. Making connection of vapor pipe, strengthening as per requirement and trial tena. (lamsam) Cutting out the steam saucers of the pans and re-installing them by welding and carrying out a satisfactory trial. (lamsam) Remove the old tray from the hopper and put it in the scrap yard, make a new one from 3 or 5 mm plate and give a satisfactory trial. (lamsam) Taking out the corroded down take plate of the pans and making a new one by bending it with a plate of 8 or 10 MS and satisfactory trial tena. (lamsam) Cutting, correcting and aligning the base box of bagasse carrier and runner of RBC and satisfactory trial tena. Modifying the sugar shoots of the graders installed in the dryer house and conducting satisfactory trials. Digging the taper core of the maceration water tank. make new Taxing and facing the seat of the taper cone of the tank and The center rod in the old pipe was cut and inserted into the new pipe. Installing center rod and balancing the tank and To give a satisfactory trial. (lamsam) Cutting out the old hopper and folding it with a new plate Making a hopper and making its fame an angle. driving Fit and alignment of shaft and satisfactory trial. Tena. (lamsam) Cutting the old melted sugar melter and removing the reduction gear and motor installed on it. Making sugar melter from the new tee plate and fitting and aligning the shaft reduction box and motor etc. and making connections of all the pipe lines related to it and giving satisfactory trials. (lamsam) Cutting out the old boxes of the old semi-conditioner and making new boxes of 850 x 850 mm size from tinned 10 mm plate, welding them from inside and outside and fitting the boxes on top of the semi-conditioner. Remove the old double beat valve installed on the juice heater and replace it with a new beat valve by making a frame/base from a 20 mm welded plate. Fitting of new double beat valve and satisfactory trial tena. To install a new centrifugal machine, remove its platform, prepare the beam structure for installing the new machine and then install the platform again. (lamsam) Strengthening the header of the Vapor Nee juice heater and removing the cover of the juice heater, repairing the cover and fitting the cover. (lamsam) By installing a new vertical pump in the injection house and fitting it with a motor etc., installing a 20 meter pipeline of 650 mm diameter and making three bands of 650 mm diameter related to it and successfully trial testing the pump. (lamsam) Cut out all the coils and all the related screws fitted in the compartment of the clarifier and fit them in place until the work is completed. (lamsam) Cleaning the surface of the vertical side plates of the compartment of clarifier and overlapping them with threaded 8 mm MS plate and cutting and fitting the welded MS plate and flat iron at the remaining places and doing complete welding work to make leak proof trial tena. (Dia 30 ft. Height 5 ft) (Lamsam) Cutting out the necked distributor of the clarifier compartment and putting it in the scrap yard and installing a new one from a cut 6/8 mm MS plate and doing all the work and giving a satisfactory trial. (lamsam) 10 mm of juice was added to the weak cells of sulfiter. Fabricated from MS plate and overlapping all around. Fitting and all related connection works etc. and complete all welding work and conduct satisfactory trials. (Lamsam) Operating a reamer to make a hole sign in the tube plate of a juice heater. The weights for making the hole sign should be fitted to all the tubes (312 pieces) and expanded from both the places and made satisfactory. Giving hydraulic trial. (Lamsam) Cutting out the damaged tapercone, cell, cell (from above the tube plate) of the pan and fabricating it with new 12 mm MS plate and fixing all the connections related to it as before and stranding from inside at various places in the entire cell. For this, after installing the ribs support and completing all the related work, give a satisfactory vacuum trial (5.5 m. All connections related to the syrup tank located on the pan.. Cutting and removing the platform, staging etc. and cutting and removing the syrup tank and putting it in the scrap yard. Making a new syrup tank by fabricating it from the cut 8 mm plate and fitting it at its place and all related to it. Making connections etc. and completing all the work satisfactorily. Cutting the CI sluice valve 24 dia and NRV and all its related connections located on the ejection and putting it in the scrap yard and modifying it to install a new pop-up valve 24 dia in its place, completing the work and giving a satisfactory trial. (lamsam) Making and fitting 150 mm siphon and giving satisfactory trials. Fabrication and fitting of 100 mm dia siphons and satisfactory trial tena. (lamsam) Installation of flowmeter at various places and related nipples. Satisfactory trial tena by fitting band flange and siphon etc. Dismantling the damaged mesh of the Saxon pipe located at the injection site and fitting it with a new one made from a welded MS plate. Removing the drive of mechanical circulator installed on Pan No. 8 and cutting out the base plate of the drive and preparing base plate of 1100 mm diameter from 25 mm MS plate. Stopping the shaft with a support and aligning it by fitting the bush. Fit the motor by installing the stand and give satisfactory trial. (lamsam) Cutting out the damaged plate of shell near the roof of Sheera Tank No. 1 and replacing it with a new one made of 06 mm plate and changing the related connections in it and giving a satisfactory trial. (lamsam) Boiler installed in the mill ID of 42 kg pressure capacity Take out the fan and inspect its complete casing. Removal from foundation. a new one was added in its place Taking the casing and fan to the site and Removal of ash shoots and machines falling on the way and re-installation. Ash shoot and installation of machine followed by casing. Apply by placing it on the foundation. water labeling and Installing according to the damper of ID fan and In the ducting of the ID fan after installing the casing. As modification to be done then I.D. fan to may Putting it in the shaft casing and covering it and IMITATE THE HORK PIRAN PALL IMHHHI Installing tin shed on RBC by making pillar from MS pipe/angle/channel (Lamsam) Cutting out the damaged casing of Bagasilo fan and installing a new one from tinned 8 mm MS plate and satisfactory trial tena. Damaged channels of the platform located on Kistlyzer. Dimming of angle and beam etc. and given channels. Fitting beams and angles etc. (lamsam) Dismantling the entire MS plate casing (length 17 m) of the sugar elevator and modifying it with the cut MS plate and installing it in place. Lowering the sugar grader and dismantling all the damaged angle channels and plates etc. and removing the MS channel. To fill it with angle plate etc. and to give a satisfactory trial by fixing it in place. (lamsam) Dismantle the TRPF bottom cover of the mill and put it in the scrap yard and make the cover from 8/10 mm plate and fit it in place and keep it for trial. (lamsam) Removing the overloaded juice tray (which is mounted on the mill head stocks) of the TPF rollers and putting it in the yard and installing a new tray in its place from a newly cut 8/10 mm plate. (lamsam) Cutting out the excess furnace soot of boiler and fixing it by making it from 6/10 mm plate (Lamsam). Juice tank size installed at Mill No. 01 is 1.4 m dia. Remove the 1.5 m length which is damaged and put it in the scrap yard and make a juice tank from tinned 8/10 mm plate and erect it at the same place and make trial tena by making connections as before. (lamsam) Juice tank size installed at Mill No. 02 is 1.3 m dia. Remove the 1.5 m length which is damaged and put it in the scrap yard and make a juice tank from tinned 8/10 mm plate and erect it at the same place and make trial tena by making connections as before. (lamsam) Juice tank size installed at Mill No. 03 is 1.0 m dia. Remove the 1.5 m length which is damaged and put it in the scrap yard and make a juice tank from tinned 8/10 mm plate and erect it at the same place and make trial tena by making connections as before. (lamsam) Juice tank size installed at Mill No. 04 is 1.0 m dia. Remove the damaged 1.6 meter length and put it in the scrap yard and make a juice tank from tinned 8/10 mm plate and erect it at the same place and do trial tena by making connections as before. (lamsam) Remove the overloaded/leakage juice tank installed on Skin Juice and put it in the scrap yard and make a new one from the given 10/12 mm plate, erect it and give it a trial by making related connections etc. (lamsam) Mill no. Remove the overgrown gutter installed on 01 and put it in the yard and make a gutter from the new 12 pipe line/plate, install it at its place, connect it and give it a trial. (lamsam) Juice tank size installed on Skeen juice pump is 215 m dia. 30 meter length which is damaged/leakage should be removed and put in the scamp yard and the tee pit should be made new with new 10/12 mm plate and erected and given trial by making related connections etc. (lamsam) Removing the damaged valve guard of the count pinion of Mill No. 01. 02 and 03 and putting it in the yard and installing the cover guard as per the sample from the new 2/3 mm plate given. (lamsam) Removing the damaged top guard of the count pinion of Mill No. 01. 02 and 03 and putting it in the yard and installing the cover guard as per the sample from the new 2/3 mm plate given. (lamsam) Mill no. Remove the damaged valve guard of 04 key pinion and put it in the ward and install the cover guard as per the sample from new 2/3 mm plate. (lamsam) Mill no. Removing the damaged top guard of 04 count pinion and putting it in the yard and installing the cover guard as per the sample from the new 2/3 mm plate given. (lamsam) Mill no. Making scraper of under feed roller as per sample from new 12/18 thick MS/SS plate/MS rod/MS square as per the damaged scraper of under feed roller of 04 and satisfactory trial tena. (lamsam) Repairing damaged bearing housings for mill roller with 5/6 mm thick MS plate as per the specifications and satisfactory trial of hydraulic testing. Cutting and removing the bolt of the last motion of the transmission gear of Mill No. 03 and making the bolt as before with the new 25/40 mm plate given and giving a satisfactory trial by drilling the bolts as per the plumbers block. The line of the 20 tonne capacity EOT can installed in the mill house has been repaired at several places and a satisfactory trial run has been carried out by folding the rail as per requirement. (lamsam) Cut the CI sluice valve 24 dia located on the spray and all its related connections and put it in the scrap yard and modify it to install the new popup valve 24 dia given in its place and complete the work and give a satisfactory trial. (lamsam) Dismantling the resistance box and making a new one from tee MM plate and fixing it in place, strengthening it and making a leakproof trial by welding. (lamsam) Cutting out the damaged monitor casing and ribs inside the Centi machine and fabricating it with a new 12 mm MS plate and giving a satisfactory trial after completing the work. (lamsam) Completely cut out the taper cone of the dome of Pan No. 3 and replace it with a new 12 mm MS plate. (lamsam) Removing the neck box of the tally scope of the door by cutting it and making the box from the tee plate, installing a new pipe line of 150 mm size for the valve, putting the upper lid, hinges, welding it and giving it a trial. (lamsam) Platform, pipe under body no. 2 of the old quad set. Tank. Dilating water cones etc. and calendaria Died and kept at the specified place and new cladria Getting an erection and completing all related tasks Satisfactory vacuum trial tena. (lamsam) Cutting the CI sluice valve 12 dia and NRV and all the connections related to it located at the injection site and putting it in the scrap yard and replacing it with modification to make the popup valve 12° dia, completing the work and completing the satisfactory trial tena. (lamsam) Cutting the old necked band reducer from the Saxon pipe of the ejection and spray pump and putting it in the scam yard, cutting the flange and cleaning it and making a new band and reducer and fitting it and testing it by welding. (lamsam) Defective cyclone on vacuum filter. Mud tank box. Dismantling of flapper valves etc. and making new ones from 5 mm tinned plate and making box flapper valves and installing them by stenting the boiler tubes. Making the platform and doing all the work and holding the trial. (lamsam) Cutting out the side plate and damaged plate of the vacuum filter (size 14 26) and taking out the damaged plate of the vacuum filter and fitting it from 10 mm MS plate and fitting all the connections (nipples, box band etc.) and trial by doing leak proof welding. Give. (lamsam) Cleaning the Agil installed on the top of the clarifier and over lapping it all around with a tinned 8 mm MS plate and giving a leak proof trial by welding the Agil (50 x 50 x 6 mm) casing. (lamsam) Cleaning the surface of the steam plate of the first compartment of the clarifier and is given. Cutting the bud of MM MS plate. Cut a 100 mm dowel in the bud and overlap it with the plate and give a leak proof trial by applying a flat iron on the entire periphery of the plate along with the vertical and bottom plates. (lamsam) The catcher element (size 75 x 75 x 75 mm) fitted in the pan should be made at an angle. (lamsam) Dismantling the damaged scole of mud mixture and installing a new one from a cut 4 mm MS plate and installing it as before and giving it a trial. Cutting out the damaged external catcher of the semi-condenser ($00 m2 heating surface) and fixing it as before using a tinned 8/10 mm MS plate and making all the related connections satisfactorily. Size 2 5mtr × 2m height (lumsam) Cutting out the damaged shell (above the tube plate) of the semi condenser (1000 m2 heating surface), making a 35 meter cup × 4.5 meter height from a 10 mm MS plate, making all the related connections and giving a satisfactory trial. (lamsam) Cutting out the damaged shell (above the tube plate) of the syrup sulphiter and making a 25 meter cup × 7.5 meter height from 8/10 mm MS plate and making all the relevant connections and making a satisfactory trial setup. All the overloaded cooling coils installed in Crystallizer No. 8 and 7. Center shaft. Dismantle along with worm wheel drive and send to scrapyard. (lamsam) Coil tee of 200 meter square cooling surface in Crystallizer No. 6 and 7 was made from 3/4 dia MS pipe as per drawing and after doing hydraulic testing at 45 Kg/CuM, trial tena and its related header planings were made. . Nipple. Completing the work by installing band valve reducer etc. (lamsam) Cutting out the damaged agitator of vacuum filter size 14 × 28 and preparing and installing a new agitator from MS angle channel etc. as before and doing all the related work and doing trial tena. (lamsam) To keep the clear juice filtration tank at a height of 4 meters, make four columns from MS channel and MS angle and make a platform to keep the tank from MS beam and boiler tube. Trial tena after completing all related work including railing. (lamsam) Repairing damaged rail/square bar of can unloaders and installing new rail/square bar as per requirement and satisfactory trial tension. (lamsam) The font and side plate of Donali chute installed at Mill No. 1 has melted, which has to be removed from the side and replaced with a new B mm thick plate using MS flat support and fitted on the side to give a satisfactory trial. (lamsam) The bank plate and two side plates of Donali Chute installed at Mill No. 2, which have melted, should be removed from the side and prepared by replacing them with 8/10 mm thick new plate supported by MS flat and fit on the side and give a satisfactory trial. (lamsam) The runner bases of inter rack carrier of Mill No. 1. 2 and 3 have melted, they were removed and replaced with 150 mm channel runner bases on both sides and satisfactory trial tena. The channel at the base of the dome of the inter rack carrier of Mill No. 1. 2 and 3 has melted, remove it by dismantling it and fit a 150 mm channel in its place and give a satisfactory trial. By cutting the steam trough and side plate of Inter Rack Carrier No. 3 and making it 6 inches wide. Welding using mm thick plate and allimating and giving satisfactory trial. Erection of fabricated MS pipes of different sizes and providing leak proof trials. Sugar collar/flange of ram of A-Fame of Mill No. 02 which is broken, including making of new ring/collar at mill site and satisfactory trial tena. Removal of burnout SS plate/liner fitted in the side plates of the fibroiser and trial tena by fitting the new welded plate on the bottom and top side plates and refactor plate with the new welded SS plate. All damaged cooling pipes/arms fitted in the kitilizer cut out and 16 mm flat Iron / MS0 plate by cutting as required After making the arm and installing it and satisfactory trial Damaged top/bottom of new/old vapor line juice heater. Cutting out the header partial plate and Folding 12 mm thick plate and heater strip Applying reverse for the purpose and completing all the work satisfactorily. Trial Tena. Cutting out the damaged plate of the side plate and bottom tray of the vacuum filter size 8 x 16 and fixing it by making it from the given 10 mm MS plate and making all the connections and giving the leak puff tile. The intermediate tray of the clarifier was cut out and removed. Making a new one from MM plate and installing it and completing all the related work and giving it a leak proof trial. Taper cone portion between the calandria and cell of the pans 5450 (approx) by cutting and 12 mm thick Make it from the plate and make all the connections in place as before. By applying satisfactory trial tena. In the aeration tank installed on the ETP, making a line of 4 inches diameter by making a dadar and making 140 eight holes of 1.10 meter each from the pipe taken out of the old super heater and giving a satisfactory trial. In the Calandria (Size O.D. 2.5 m, Height 2 m) of old Quag Set No. 4 (Dating Surface 300 m) over lapping of the Calandria shell is to be done all around with 6 mm plate and for over lapping in the Calandria, the body is to be over lapped. A piece of approximately 1.5 m to 2.0 m height will have to be cut and kept outside and stopped with a body channel/angle etc. After that, the Calandria will be lifted and the work of over lapping will be done on the shell of the Calandria. All ammonia coils. stool. By installing condensate pipe line, steam inlet line etc. as before, and giving satisfactory trial at 4 to 5 kg/cm2 pressure hydraulic. The height of the vapor space body shell (diameter approx. 3.5 m) of 1000 sq. cm deating surface is to be increased by approximately 2 m and the weak part of the taper cone body shell is to be replaced with the given plate of 10 mm MOI and a new plate of 10 mm. Make and install a shell of height 2 meter and open the top cover and make leak proof welding with the shell (at 4 kg pressure) and all connections. Staircase. Providing satisfactory hydraulic testing by working on pipelines etc. Unloading of old sugar grader (15 tons) and its Installing a new 10 ton sugar grader at the location. Channel. Angle Column. fit as per drawing And all the connections of sugar grader as per drawing. To do in bin and sugar elevator shoot and all Alignment and giving satisfactory trial and as mentioned placing the old grader in place Dadar diameter of spray pond is 750 mm. 650 mm. 550 mm. 475 mm. Making 385 mm total length 50 meters by bending it from 8/10 mm MS plate and making connections with all the branch pipelines and giving satisfactory trials. Dadar diameter of spray pond is 750 mm. 650 mm. 550 mm. 475 mm. 385 mm total length about 50 meters to nipple. Band. Dismantling along with the flange and placing the scape in the scape yard. Dismantling the suction cone of the ID fan installed on the boiler and installing a new suction cone from 6 mm MS plate. Vapor Cell Deating Surface 1500 Sq. Meter Staging, Column. Beam. Platform railing. Staircase. With exhaust/vapor steam inlet connection valve. Including vapor steam inlet connection valve. To connect the header of the old vapor cell with vapor outlet pipe line valve. Juice inlet juice outlet connection, condensate line bottle. Pump, vacuum breaker ammonia coil connection, water connection. Complete all small and big works related to washout connection etc. and vapor cell and give satisfactory trial. Vapor cell dewatering surface: Inserting a two meter tube in a tube plate of 1500 square meter and expanding it and doing dihydraulic testing at 70 pounds, which is satisfactory. Staging column for juice heater 240 sq.m. Making and installing platforms etc. Juice inlet/outlet connection, vapor pipe inlet connection, installation of valve and completion of all related small and big works and giving satisfactory trial. Juice Deter: Inserting a four meter long tube in a 240 square meter tube plate, expanding it and testing it hydraulically at 70 pounds and giving a satisfactory trial. A-Vacuum Sterilizer Capacity 45 Ton: Cutting out weak cells and damaged arms and putting them at the designated place. A-Vacuum Sterilizer Capacity 45 Ton weak cell and damaged arm made from collapsed 10/12 mm plate. Maindol. Connection. give satisfactory trial by applying drill etc. 40 square meter dewatering plant at Ikumja plant Super Wash Water Warmer Behind A-Centrifugal Machine Staging to do. Column staircase. platform etc. Steam/water connections are satisfactory. Ekyumja plant for soda wailing in wailing house Lift the tank from the tank and place it on the ground and two tanks Water connecting them together. Wash out line. pump Prepare the platform by installing valves, ladders etc. Give a satisfactory trial. Cutting out the old 17 coils of one part of the vertical sterilizer capacity of 300 tonnes, installing the new coils in place, giving a satisfactory trial by checking the hydraulic test at 70 pounds and putting the extracted scape on the described scene. The flash tank installed on the clarifier will be cut out, taken out and a new 10 mm thick MS plate will be made. Preparing a siphon from a 14 inch pipe, 2 meters long, U-band and chimney etc. and giving a satisfactory trial. Damaged bottom tray of vacuum filter size 8 x 16 Cutting out and the given 10 mm Made from MS plate and all connections Give leak proof trial. Dismantling of flue gas ducting (size 1.5 m height x 3.00 m width x 4.00 length) from ID fan to vat scrubber of Boiler No. 1 and putting it in scrap yard. From ID Fan of Boiler No. 1 to Vat Square Flue Gas Ducting (Size 1.5 m height x 3.00 m) Width x 4.00 Length) of 6/8 mm Making and installing MS plate as per design and providing leak proof trials Cutting out the ash chute installed below the furnace of the boiler and removing the partition plates installed in the furnace, making and installing new plates as per the design and fitting the ash chute as before and giving a leak proof trial. Fabrication and replacement of MS or SS reducers ranging from 15 mm to 300 mm dia. Making and converting MS reducers of size more than 300 mm dia. Making and converting MS reducers of size more than 300 mm dia.

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