
Bids Are Invited For Electro-Optics Components - Technical Specifications For Electro-Optical Components The Technical Specification Is As Follows: 1) Aspheric Lens (Quantity 2 No) A. Diameter 100Mm+/-1Mm B. Ar Coating 1550Nm+/-400Nm (Broadband Coati, Pune-Maharashtra

Department Of Defence Research And Development has published Bids Are Invited For Electro-Optics Components - Technical Specifications For Electro-Optical Components The Technical Specification Is As Follows: 1) Aspheric Lens (Quantity 2 No) A. Diameter 100Mm+/-1Mm B. Ar Coating 1550Nm+/-400Nm (Broadband Coati. Submission Date for this Tender is 06-06-2024. Amplifiers Supply Tenders in Pune Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Bids Are Invited For Electro-Optics Components - Technical Specifications For Electro-Optical Components The Technical Specification Is As Follows: 1) Aspheric Lens (Quantity 2 No) A. Diameter 100Mm+/-1Mm B. Ar Coating 1550Nm+/-400Nm (Broadband Coati
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Bids Are Invited For Electro-Optics Components - Technical specifications for Electro-Optical Components The Technical Specification is as follows: 1) Aspheric Lens (Quantity 2 No) a. Diameter 100mm+/-1mm b. AR Coating 1550nm+/-400nm (Broadband coating covering 1550nm is also acceptable) c. Edge thickness 15.2mm+/-0.1mm d. Focal length 499.6mm+/-1mm e. Center thickness 21.1mm+/-0.1mm f. Surface Quality (Scratch-Dig) 40-20 or better g. Laser Damage Threshold 0.3J/cm2 or higher 2) Bi-Concave Lens(Quantity 2 No) a. Diameter 1+/-0.001 b. AR Coating 1550nm+/-400nm (Broadband coating covering 1550nm is also acceptable) c. Back Focal length -25.6 mm+/-0.1mm d. Edge Thickness 7.2 mm+/-0.1mm e. Center Thickness 3.0 mm+/-0.2mm 3) Bi-Convex Lens (Quantity 2 No) a. Material N-BK7 b. Diameter 2+/-0.002 c. f = 125.0 mm+/-0.1mm d. AR Coating 1550nm+/-400nm (Broadband coating covering 1550nm is also acceptable) e. Diopter +8.0+/-0.5 f. Edge Thickness 3 mm+/-0.1mm g. Center Thickness 8.1 mm+/-0.2mm 4) Achromatic Doublet (Quantity 2 No) a. AR Coating 1550nm+/-400nm (Broadband coating covering 1550nm is also acceptable) b. Lens Diameter 50.8+/-0.2mm c. fa = 200.0 mm , fb =182.7 mm d. SM2-Threaded Mount 5) Er Doped Fiber ER80-8/125 (Quantity 50 Meter) a. Mode Field Diameter at 1550 nm 9.5 ± 0.8 pm b. Peak Core Absorption at 1530 nm 80.0 ± 8.0 dB/m c. Core Numerical Aperture 0.13+/-0.2 d. Cut-off Wavelength 1250 nm+/-10nm e. Cladding Diameter 125 pm+/-5um pm f. Coating Material Dual coated high index acrylate 6) Optical Isolator- 1550nm (Quantity 4 No) a. Polarization Insensitive Isolator b. 5.5 mm Outer Diameter c. 1 meter long 900 urn OD jacketed d. 1550nm 9/125 SM fiber pigtails e. 55dB isolation or higher f. 55 dB return loss or less g. FC/PC connectors. 7) Optical Isolator- 980nm (Quantity 4 No) a. Wavelength 980nm+/-5nm, b. Bandwidth(nm): ±10 c. Typical Peak Isolation (dB): 35 or higher d. Typical Insertion Loss (dB): 2 or less e. Return Loss (dB): 40 or less f. Power Handling(Watts):10 or higher g. Fiber Options Available: Single Mode. 8) Fiber Optics Circulator (Quantity 4 No) a. Wavelength Range 1525 — 1610 nm or higher b. Insertion Loss 0.8 dB or less c. Isolation >40 dB or higher d. Directivity (1-43) >50dB or better e. Polarization Dependent Loss 50.1 dB or better f. Polarization Mode Dispersion 5.0.05 ps or less g. Return Loss dB less h. Max Optical Power 500 mW or higher 9) 3x1 Multimode combiner(Quantity 4 No) a. Port Configuration 3x1 b. Wavelength Range 400 - 2200 nm c. Transmission Efficiency .95°/0 or less d Max Power Level per Port 10 W or higher 10) Uniform FBG (Quantity 4 No) a. Designed wavelength 1550±0.5nm b. BW <1 nm+/-0.2nm c. Power Handling 5W or higher d. Low Index recoating e. No connector f. SM28e+ fiber 11) Silicon photomultiplier (Quantity 2 No) a. Spectral Response range 400nm — 1000nm b. Peak sensitive wavelength 630nm+50nm c. One with FC Fiber connector and Second Free Space configuration d. Dark count 7 cps typical value e. Comparator output TTL compatible f. Photon detection efficiency 45% or higher 12) Single Mode Variable Optical Attenuators (Quantity 2 No) a. Operating Wavelength 630 nm b. Wavelength Range 620 - 650 nm c. Attenuation Range 3 - 50 dB d. Attenuation Resolution 0.15 dB typical 13) 2.2 A Laser Driver & Thermal Control (Quantity 4 No) a. 2.2 A of TEC and 2.2 A of LD current b. Single supply operation LD: +5 to +12 V c. Single supply operation TC +5 to +28 V d. Slow start laser diode protection e. Constant Current or Constant Power Mode f. Adjustable laser diode current limit g. Separate heat & cool current limits h. Remote TTL Shutdown / Interlock i. Failsafe Setpoint default for D/A 14) Fiber Polarization Combiner/Splitter (Quantity 2 No) a. Center Wavelength 630 nm±5 nm b. Bandwidth ±15 nm c. Extinction Ratio 20.0 dB d. Insertion Loss 50.65 dB (Typ.) e. Optical Return Loss (ORL) / Directivity 60 dB f. Max Power Level 5 W g. PM Fiber or equivalent 15) Polarizing Beamsplitter (Quantity 4 No) a. Center Wavelength 630 nm±5 nm (Quantity 2 No) and 1550nm+/-5nm(Quantity 2 No) b. Polarizing Beamsplitter Cube c. Size 12.7 mm x12.7mrn x 12.7 mm or bigger 16) Diode LASER (Quantity 4 No) a. Wavelengths 635nm+/-10nm b. Power 1.5 mW or higher c. TO Can packaging (Quantity 2 No) and TO Can packaging PM Fiber (Quantity 2 No) d. Fabry-Perot (FP) Type for TO Can packaging e. Single frequency or multimode for PM Fiber packaging 17) Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA KC705 evaluation kit EK-K7-KC705-G (Quantity 2 No) a. Processor Kintex-7 b. Clocking Fixed Oscillator with differential 200MHz output c. 128MB Flash Memory d. SD Card Interface e. Power Supply 12V with power supply adopter f. SFP+ Connector g. HDMI Port h. SMA Transriciver ports i. User SMA Clock and SMA Port j. 8line PCIe Connector k. Free Vivado Design Software I. LCD Chractor Display Module 18) ARM Processor-based Embaded Training Board (Quantity 2 No) a. ARM Processor-based b. Supports 18 types of 89 series devices c. Lock of programs in chip supported to prevent program copying d. 20 and 40 pin ZIF socket on-board e. Simple and Easy to use f. On-board ULN Driver g. RS 232 interfacing h. Tactile Switch array i 5mm bright LED array j. 3X4 key pad interfacing k. ADC interfacing On board DPDT Relay interfacing m. 16X2 LCD interfacing 19) Wavelength Division Multiplexer (Quantity 4 No) a. Wavelength 980 -port 1 & 1550 — port 2 b. Port Configuration 1x2 c. Insertion Loss 550.3 dB for both port 1 and 2 d. Transmission .931:1/0 for both port 1 and 2 e. Polarization-Dependent Loss (PDL) 50.2 dB f. Optical Return Loss/Directivity .60 dB g. Max Power Level 5 W- (Spliced) h. Fiber Lead Length and Tolerance (0.8 m +/-0.1) or better i. Operating Temperature Range -40 to 85 °C 20) 980nm Pump LASER (Quantity 5 No) a. Wavelength 980 nm+/-5nm b. Maximum Operating Power 500 mW or higher c. Spectral width 3nm or less d. Uncooled packaging e. Two Pin Configuration and Fiber Coupled Configuration 21) 980nm Pump LASER (Quantity 5 No) a. Wavelength 980 nm+/-5nm b. Maximum Operating Power 1W or higher c. Spectral width 3nm or less d. Uncooled packaging e. Two Pin Configuration and Fiber Coupled Configuration 22) 980nm Pump LASER (Quantity 5 No) a. Wavelength 980 nm+/-5nm b. Maximum Operating Power 5W or higher c. Spectral width 3nm or less d. Uncooled packaging e. Two Pin Configuration and Fiber Coupled Configuration 23) 50 GHz EA Modulator Driver/RF Amplifier (Quantity 1 No) a. Data rates up to 50 Gb/s or higher b. Variable Gain Control built-in c. Built in LCD display d. 3.3Vpp Output Amplitude e. Remote control via USB f. 3 dB S21 Bandwidth 45 GHz typ. g. S11 Characteristics < -10 dB Up to 40 GHz h. Saturated Output Power > 14.5 dBm i. RF Gain 20dB min. at 1GHz adjustable j. Max RF Input Power 1 Vpp k. Input, Output Impedance 500 I. Gain Adjustment Range 15 dB typ. m. Compatible with S.No. 23 24) EML DFB Laser Diode, 32GHz, 5mW (Quantity 4 No) a. Operating Wavelength Range 1538nm +/-10nm b. Output Power 5 dBm min. c. Side Mode Suppression Ratio 40 dB. d. Forward Voltage 2 V max. e. Bandwidth 32 GHz typ. f. 1550 nm DFB + EAM Modulator g. 7 pin butterfly package h. Single-mode fiber pigtail i. 32 GHz bandwidth j. 5 mW output power k. TEC Cooler 25) Versatile RF amplifier module (Quantity 1 No) a. Output voltage up to 8 Vpp b. Linear / pulse / digital amplifier c. Bandwidth from 16 kHz up to 11 GHz d. Cut-off frequencies 16 k - 11 G Hz e. Output voltage 8 Vpp f. Gain 33 dB g. Saturated power 23 dBm 26) Heatsink for S.No25 27) Fiber Optics TX/Rx Board a. Media Converter b. SFP+ compatible c. SFP+ wavelength 1550 nm d. SFP_ data Rate 10gbps e. LAN Part 28) Modulator Bias Controller for Digital applications (Quantity 1 No) a. Input optical power 10 dBm b. A range 1550 nm ± 20nm c. Locking accuracy 90 Degree d. Locking stability 0.1 Degree e. Extinction Ratio 50 dB f. Compatible with S.No. 24 Total Quantity : 1

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