
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Pressure Vessels Jobs In Offsite Flare Area In Bpcl Kr- 1.0 Scope In General The Job Include Lumpsum Payment For The Following Jobs:  Vessel Replacement- 4 Nos- Yv81, Yv82a (Cdu-2 Flare Area) & Yv36 & Yv8, Kochi-Kerala

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited has published Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Pressure Vessels Jobs In Offsite Flare Area In Bpcl Kr- 1.0 Scope In General The Job Include Lumpsum Payment For The Following Jobs:  Vessel Replacement- 4 Nos- Yv81, Yv82a (Cdu-2 Flare Area) & Yv36 & Yv8. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-06-2024. Pressure Vessel Tenders in Kochi Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Pressure Vessels Jobs In Offsite Flare Area In Bpcl Kr- 1.0 Scope In General The Job Include Lumpsum Payment For The Following Jobs:  Vessel Replacement- 4 Nos- Yv81, Yv82a (Cdu-2 Flare Area) & Yv36 & Yv8
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Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid for Services - PRESSURE VESSELS JOBS IN OFFSITE FLARE AREA IN BPCL KR- 1.0 SCOPE IN GENERAL The job include lumpsum payment for the following jobs:  Vessel replacement- 4 Nos- YV81, YV82A (CDU-2 flare area) & YV36 & YV83 (FCCU flare KOD) vessels. Job include equipment dismantling & erection.  Vessel cleaning jobs- 9 Nos.- YV90, YV161, YV157( KOD’s of spheres and MB’s- CDU2 flare area), YV301, YV302, YV303, YV304 ( CEMP-2 flare area), YV83A, YV6 ( FCCU flare area) 1.1 SCAFFOLDING Scaffolding erection inside confined space and outside required for vessel dismantling and erection shall be in contractor’s scope . 1.2 HOSE CONNECTIONS: The work involves fixing of steam hoses/ air hoses/ water hoses/ fire water hoses for draining of the vessels, steaming out, water washing, air for entry in vessel etc . No separate line item is included for payment for this activity and is included in lumpsum rate., 1.3 SPADING and DESPADING Spading and despading of each equipment as per blind list . Blinding/deblinding activity involves the following: 1.3.1 Arrangement of all spades with the required rating and sizes from BPCL shutdown store 1.3.2 Getting blind list for each work and familiarize at site 1.3.3 Collecting all blinds of required size & rating from issue point 1.3.4 Carrying out all preparatory work which includes graphiting (servicing by opening one by one) of the bolts 1.3.5 Carrying out blinding / de-blinding using flange spreaders for positive isolation of the equipment. 1.3.6 Supplying & fixing of metallic blind tags at the blinded locations 1.3.7 Carrying out wedge opening of blinds for steam out. 1.3.8 Returning all blinds to stores and getting acknowledgement 1.3.9 Blinds/ spades shall be supplied by BPCL. 1.3.10 CAF gaskets for blinding shall be supplied by BPCL 1.3.11 Spiral wound gaskets required after de blinding shall be supplied by BPCL. 1.3.12 The scaffolding for spading/despading locations shall be identified by contractor during the pre-Shutdown mobilization time and necessary quantity of scaffolding shall be available for the smooth execution of job. No separate line item is included for payment for this activity and is included in lumpsum rate. 1.4 MANWAY OPENING AND BOXING UP The work involves opening all the vessel external man ways, servicing all fasteners by cleaning with wire brush/ applying molykote / antisieze compound, easing of all man way davits by using rust remover or heating using gas torch and boxing up of all man ways after completion of the work. Hole watchers should be there at all manways and register should be maintained while taking entry in vessels/ columns . No separate line item is included for payment for this activity and is included in lumpsum rate., 1.5 AIR EDUCTORS : The work involves fixing air eductors at external man ways for ventilation before taking entry into vessel. Supply of air eductors shall be done by the contractor . No separate line item is included for payment for this activity and is included in lumpsum rate. 1.6 LIGHTING : The work involves fixing 24 volt flame proof hand lamps and transformers inside vessel for safe working. Arrangement of 24V light is in contractor’s scope of supply. 1.7 CLEANING : The work involves thorough cleaning of internals/ surfaces of the vessels and offering for inspection. Internal stainless steel lining & weld seams are to be cleaned using stainless steel wire brush. Dust/ rust inside the vessel is to be removed completely using heavy-duty industrial vacuum cleaner. Contractor Shall use power tools for efficient cleaning of vessels. No separate line item is included for payment for this activity and is included in lumpsum rate. 1.8 DEMISTER CLEANING / REPLACEMENT : Work involves removal of old demister pads from vessel . New demister pads shall be issued from warehouse . Same to be collected . Replace the demister pads with new one . In case new demister pads are not available , old demisters to be steamed and cleaned thoroughly and reused . 1.9 NOZZLES : The work involves unbolting of vessel nozzle flanges, cleaning of corroded flanges, cleaning of gasket faces, cleaning / deplugging, flushing vessel nozzles, dismantling & cleaning of gauge glasses, painting of nozzles, replacing gaskets, bolts & rebolting of flanges 1.10 VESSEL BOX UP & DEBLINDING:The work involves boxing up and deblinding of all the vessel manways with proper gaskets after completion of cleaning/ repair works., 1.11 : Dismantling & Erection of replacement vessels (4 Nos.) Any hot works on the vessel and structural /piping work shall be in contractor’s scope as per the direction of Engineer-In-Charge. Shifting vessels from warehouse to respective flare area, cutting & removal/ dismantling old vessel, installation & hydro testing of new vessel- including crane & trailer included in the lumsum rate quoted by the vendor. YV-81, YV-82A, YV-36, YV-83 : These vessels to be shifted to site as pre-shutdown activity. The vessels to be opened and offered to inspection before TA. The internal painting of the vessel to be carried out in pre-TA. Cleaning and supply of paint is in contractor’s scope. YV-83 require dismantling of fire water line / hydro carbon piping for crane positioning. These lines are to be welded back on completion of the job. Required NDT/Hydro testing shall be done as per the direction of the Engineer-In-Charge. The contractor should engaged skilled manpower for welding / rigging activities. Intrinsically safe mobile should be available with contractor (authorised personnel inside refinery) from the day1 of shutdown. 2.0 SCOPE IN SPECIFIC – 1. Offer all the pressure vessels listed below for inspection. 2. Open all man ways and offer for inspection 3. Provide air eductors/ air hose at the man ways 4. Erect suitable scaffolding for visual inspection and ultrasonic thickness survey (internal) and or NonDestructive Examination (NDE) (if specified). 5. Provide sufficient lighting inside the vessel. Lighting shall be provided at regular interval so as to getmaximum visibility of the vessel. 6. Provide scaffolding externally at the location where insulation removal or any Non Destructive Examination(NDE) is specified. 7. Offer the vessel/column for inspection before cleaning and after cleaning. 8. Clean inside the column/vessel listed below. In case any NDE like WFMPI or PT is specified, the cleaning &surface preparation required for carrying out such NDE shall be done at the area specified. 9. Vessel which cannot be internally inspected shall be hydro-tested. Calibrated pressure gauge (2 Nos) ofproper range as per code shall be used for hydro-test. 10. In case of paint damage observed after removal of insulation, painting shall be done as per specificationbefore reinsulation. 11. Level gauge cleaning and servicing shall be carried out. LG/LT Hydro test shall be carried out. 12. Structural platforms/valve operating platforms/hand rails shall be painted after thorough cleaning. 13. All Dimensions are in mm unless otherwise specified. 14. Internal painting of the vessel is to be carried out by the contractor wherever mentioned in the job list. Scope of supply of paint is also in contractor’s scope. Total Quantity :

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