
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Bmc For Electrical Maintenance Works Of Main Plant Offsite Areas At Ntpc Jhanor - Boq Item No. 10.10 To 10.40: Maintenance Of Light Fittings/Circuits Boq Item No. 10.10: Street Light Fittings The Work Includ, Bharuch-Gujarat

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited has published Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Bmc For Electrical Maintenance Works Of Main Plant Offsite Areas At Ntpc Jhanor - Boq Item No. 10.10 To 10.40: Maintenance Of Light Fittings/Circuits Boq Item No. 10.10: Street Light Fittings The Work Includ. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-06-2024. Rough Finishing Tools Tenders in Bharuch Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Bmc For Electrical Maintenance Works Of Main Plant Offsite Areas At Ntpc Jhanor - Boq Item No. 10.10 To 10.40: Maintenance Of Light Fittings/Circuits Boq Item No. 10.10: Street Light Fittings The Work Includ
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Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid for Services - BMC for Electrical Maintenance works of Main Plant Offsite Areas at NTPC Jhanor - BOQ item no. 10.10 to 10.40: Maintenance of Light fittings/circuits BOQ item no. 10.10: Street light fittings The work includes, 1. Finding the fault with the fitting 2. Replacement of holders, ballasts, and lamps etc. if found defective. 3. Replacement/repair of minor wiring problems. 4. Cleaning of fittings with detergent, water or dry cleaning with cloth as per requirement. 5. Cleaning of control box, JB, sealing of holes and replacement of TB if required. 6. Replacement of fused lamps, ignitors, starters, etc. wherever required. 7. Tightness of all the terminals of fixture including all accessories, JB, cable JB etc. 8. Maintenance/replacement of any other part associated with lamp circuit but not covered by any other item of BOQ BOQ item no.10.20: FTL/GLS fittings in offices/Light fittings at height less than 4 m This work shall be applicable for fittings installed in offices, on walls, roofs, high bay fittings, fittings installed on boiler etc. up to an height of 4m or more. The work shall involve repair, rectification and cleaning of the fitting. BOQ item no. 10.30: Repair of faulty circuit This work shall apply for such works where the entire circuit is tripping on fault. The work shall include identification of fault and rectification of the same including replacement of parts such as switches, plugs, MCB, etc. & maintenance/replacement of any other part associated with circuit. BOQ item no. 10.40: Lighting system Preventive maintenance The work involve Preventive maintenance of permanent lighting installations including JBs, light fittings wiring, replacement of defective lamps etc. The job will be given building (installation) wise (for example DM plant, PT plant, CW plant, etc) and for one installation one BOQ will be executed. BOQ item no. 10.50: Laying of PVC flexible wire The work shall consist of pulling in new Al/Cu wire (3cx 2.5 sqmm) through existing conduit, casing capping etc and termination to switch/socket. BOQ item no. 10.60 : Installation of recessed GI/PVC conduit with a run of 3cX2.5 sq mm. wire The work shall consist of laying of the recessed conduit. The scope shall also include chipping of brickwork/wall etc. After laying of the conduit, pulling of 3 runs of 2.5 sq. mm. wire shall also be included in this work with end termination to Switch/Socket, In case of concealed conduiting, plastering and finishing work of the wall will be in the scope of the contractor. If work involve wiring in surface with GI/PVC conduit then 75% of the BOQ item rate shall be payable. BOQ item no.10.70 to 10.120 : Erection works BOQ item no.10.70: Erection of new light fitting of any type The work shall consist of, 1. Erection of fittings along with accessories such as control gear box/ Junction box. 2. The work shall also include fabrication of suitable frame/support/clamp/bracket and any civil works required for the installation work. 3. Wiring in the existing conduits/casing capping and fixing of switches on the existing switch boards and wire termination to switch/socket shall be covered in the scope. 4. If new conduit laying/switchboard fixing is required, then it shall be covered under other BOQ items. BOQ item no. 10.80 :Erection of ceiling/wall/exhaust fans The work shall consist of, 1. Erection of fan along with ceiling rose etc. 2. Providing of clamp, fixing of Anchor fastener or any other work required for satisfactory completion of work, including any civil works. 3. Wiring in the existing conduits/casing capping and fixing of switches on the existing switch boards and wire termination to switch/socket shall be covered in the scope. 4. If new conduit laying/switchboard fixing is required, then it shall be covered under other BOQ items. BOQ item no. 10.90 :Erection of 5A/15A switch/Switch socket/socket/ fan regulator/MCB/ELCB etc. The work shall consist of Installation of new or replacement (Removal of old/faulty component and installation of new) of existing 5A/15A switch/Switch socket/socket/fan regulator/MCB/ELCB etc. in existing switchboards. BOQ item no. 10.100 :Erection of single-phase switchboards/receptacle up to 20 Amps. The work shall consist of, 1. Erection of wall mounted/concealed switch board or receptacle. 2. The required civil works shall also be in the scope of the contractor. BOQ item no. 10.110: Erection of DB/Welding receptacle more than 20 Amps and up to 63 Amps The work shall consist of 1. Erection of DB or welding receptacle on wall/structure etc. 2. Fabrication of suitable frame including any welding required for the job shall be in the scope of the contractor. BOQ item no. 10.120 :Erection of pole of length exceeding 8.0 meter. The scope of work shall be as follows, 1. The pole shall be supplied by NTPC free of cost. 2. All other inputs/materials required for satisfactory completion of work shall be in the scope of contractor. 3. All masonary work shall be in the scope of the contractor. Gravels size not more than one inch. The depth of excavation shall be as per standard. 4.The sketch for tendering purpose is enclosed, however the same is only indicative and final drawing with any minor changes shall be given at the time of execution. 5.Driving in of 30mmx3000mm ms earthing rod or burying of 1mX1m sq of 30 mm rod at a depth of 1m around the pole and making connection of the same to the pole. 6. It includes supply & erection of two GI pipes for cable entry to JB. 7.All the works as listed in BOQ shall be completed to the satisfaction of EIC 8 . For erection of Pole less than 8 meter height, 50% of BOQ item rate shall be Payable BOQ item no. 10.130 to 10.170 : Dismantling works The work shall include dismantling of items as per the BOQ. After dismantling, the area shall be properly cleaned and any openings/hole in the wall or ceiling shall be properly sealed using masonary or blanking plates. 10.130 Dismantling of light fittings of any type 10.140 Dismantling/removal of ceiling/wall/exhaust fan 10.150 Dismantling of single phase switchboards/receptacle 10.160 Dismantling of DB/welding receptacle opto 63 amps 10.170 Dismantling of pole exceeding 8 mtr height BOQ item no. 10.180 to 10.210 : Works of temporary nature BOQ item no. 10.180: Temporary installation and removal of light fitting The work shall consist of, 1. Installation of fittings/floodlights etc. as per requirement including laying of cable and making the connection at nearest available point. Providing of one or more temporary switchboards at the place of installation of temporary light. 2. Removal of the fitting and switchboards after the use and returning of the same to store. 3. The works involve temporary laying and rerolling of cable up to 100 meter. BOQ item no. 10.190:Temporary disconnection and reconnection of cables up to 50 mm dia. The scope of work is as follows, 1. Disconnection of cables (power, space heater, any other cables), Loosening of gland/gland plate and pulling the cable out of terminal box. Putting insulation tape over cable ends (lugs). The cable shall be properly supported after removal. 2. Gland holes / gland plates shall be suitably blanked. 3. Reconnection of cables (power, space heater, any other cables), including reinstallation of gland/gland plate and pulling the cable inside the terminal box. The cable shall be properly supported. BOQ item no. 10.200 Temporary disconnection and reconnection of cables above 50 mm dia. The scope of work is as follows, 1. Disconnection of cables (power, space heater, any other cables), Loosening of gland/gland plate and pulling the cable out of terminal box. Putting insulation tape over cable ends (lugs). The cable shall be properly supported after removal. 2. Gland holes / gland plates shall be suitably blanked. 3. Reconnection of cables (power, space heater, any other cables), including reinstallation of gland/gland plate and pulling the cable inside the terminal box. The cable shall be properly supported. BOQ item no. 10.210 Temporary connection and disconnection of loads such as welding machines/temp pumps/ any other loads The work shall consist of, 1. Issuing of wire/cable from dept stores. 2. Making connections of the temporary installation, both sides if required. 3. Disconnection of cable after completion of work and returning of the same to departmental store. 4. The works involve temporary laying and rerolling of cable up to 100 meter. BOQ item no. 10.220 Lighting panel/welding receptacle. The work will consist of, 1. Cleaning of panel. 2. Checking of tightness of power and earth connections and rectification of the same including minor repairs. 3. Replacement of any defective parts and missing parts such as switch handle, screws etc. BOQ item no. 10.230:Painting of poles The scope of work shall consist of , 1. Cleaning of old paint/rust using steel wire brush, emery paper of buffing as per the condition of the pole. 2. Application of red oxide primer as touch up or on the entire length, depending on the condition of the original paint and metal surface. 3. Application of one coat of Aluminium paint using paint brush. Second coat of Aluminium paint may have to be provided only in case of highly corroded poles. 4. Repainting of pole identification number. 5. For pole painting of height 4M or less, 25% of BOQ item rate shall be payable. BOQ item no.10.240: Preventive Maintenance of Permanent lighting system of Plant Buildings 1. All Electrical fittings including Tube light fixtures, GLS fixtures and local switch boards shall be cleaned and inclusive of any minor repair like replacement of tube light, GLS lamp, Switches, MCB, ELCB etc. 2. Earthing in all the Switchboards shall be checked and Neutral to earth Voltage shall be properly recorded and documented. 3. Damaged Ceiling rose/ blanking plates shall be replaced 4. Repair of any Minor burnt wiring / points 5. Tightness shall be checked at all the Switchboard points 6. All the MCBs and ELCBs shall be checked . The ELCB shall be checked for correct operation. 7. Preventive maintenance of Ceiling fans including checking & replacement of fan fixing bolts, rods etc, cleaning of blades and replacement of capacitors if required. 8. PM of distribution board/Junction boxes : Cleaning of Box, Wire tightness checking, relugging of wires if required, replacement of MCBs if required and sealing of holes. This BOQ item is applicable for Facility building, ICH, CCD, FQA and Central store and old store. One BOQ item shall be executed for PM of each of above said buildings. BOQ item no.10.250 to 10.260: Earthing works BOQ item no. 10.250: Laying of GI wire. The work shall consist of laying GI earthing wire along the wall/structure/existing conduit/casing capping etc. The wire shall be properly clamped at intervals not exceeding 800 mm. BOQ item no. 10.260: Laying of earth flat The work shall consist of laying of GI earth flat along the wall/structure etc. The earth flat shall be weld jointed as per requirement. All the works including welding of the earth flat, Making of holes for connection, providing supports at regular intervals ( not exceeding 800 mm ) shall be in the scope of the contractor. BOQ item no.10.270 to 10.320 : Periodic maintenance of switchgear / busduct BOQ item no. 10.270 15.75 KV isolated phase generator bus duct The work shall consist of, 1. Cleaning of busduct conductor, enclosure and insulators. 2. Tightening of all joints. (Cleaning of the same, if required. ) 3. Replacement of damaged gaskets. 4. Disconnection and reconnection at transformer end, if required. 5. Checking/cleaning/tightening of earthing connections. 6. Carrying out air leak test and attend the leakages. BOQ item no. 10.280 One panel of switchgear The work shall consist of carrying out the following jobs in one panel of 415/6.6 KV switchboard. 1. Cleaning of busbar chamber 2. Cleaning of panel from inside and outside using vacuum cleaner, cloth etc. 3. Tightening of all joints. 4. Cleaning and checking of all the panels. 5. Replacement of any defective parts. BOQ item no. 10.290 6.6 KV SF6 / 415 V ACB The work shall consist of, 1. Cleaning, tightness, lubrication and testing of breakers 2. Replacement of any defective parts. 3. Cleaning of breaker cubicle and its control cubicle. 4. Tightness of power and control cables. 5. Assistance in electrical testing. BOQ item no. 10.300 Generator accessory cubicle The generator accessory cubicle is divided into following chambers, 1. PT and SP cubicle. 2. Earth switch and starting isolator cubicle. 3. Excitation transformer cubicle. 4. Control cubicle. 5. Bus duct pressurisation compressor cubicle 6. Cooling air fan cubicle The work shall consist of cleaning, preventive maintenance and testing of above listed enclosures and its equipment. BOQ item no. 10.310 Generator terminal box The work shall consist of cleaning and tightness checking of generator terminals. The connections may also have to be opened for carrying out electrical tests, if required. BOQ item no. 10.320 Breakdown Maintenance of Switchgear panel 1. Replacement of Power contactor, control control contactor, O/L relay and fuses if required 2. Power cable crimping if required 3. Replacement of Current transformer, ammeter, voltmeter, and selector switches indication lamps etc if required. BOQ item no. 10.330 Periodic greasing of motors: The scope of work is as follows, 1. Issue of grease gun and grease from store. 2. Greasing of Motor as per instructions. 3. Draining of old grease and cleaning of the work area. BOQ item no. 10.340 to 10.400 : Preventive maintenance works Periodic inspection of LT motor of various rating (10.340 to 10.400) The scope of work is as follows, 1. Checking of cleanliness and tightness of power/control cables at motor and feeder end. 2. Cleaning of motor body, motor cooling fan, terminal box etc. 3. Cleaning and tightness check of feeder module/breaker. 4. Measurement of WR and IR of Motor and recording in prescribed format 5. Measurement of Space heater current and recording in prescribed format 10.340 LT MOTOR(<=2.2KW)-24W Chks 10.350 LT MOTOR(>2.2-5.5KW)-24W Chks 10.360 LT MOTOR(>5.5-18.5KW)-24W Chks 10.370 LT MOTOR(>18.5-37KW)-24W Chks 10.380 LT MOTOR(>37-55KW)-24W Chks 10.390 LT MOTOR(>55-90KW)-24W Chks 10.400 LT MOTOR(>90KW)-24W Chks BOQ item no. 10.410 Periodic maintenance of batteries The station has lead acid batteries as per the following details: 1. 220 V batteries – 5 nos, each having 108 cells 2. 24 V batteries – 12 nos, each having 13 cells 3. 24 V battery – 2 nos, each having 26 cells 4. 48 Volt battery – 2 nos each having 24 cells 5. 4 nos 12 V batteries for Diesel engine. The work shall consist of two parts. Part 1- shall consist of carrying out the following work on all working days 1. Recording of parameters of 10 % pilot cells of all the batteries in the format given by the area engineer. 2. Topping up with DM water as per requirement. 3. Cleaning of cells after taking the readings. 4. Checking of safety devices in the battery room. Part 2 – shall consist of carrying out the following works once in every month 1. Recording of battery parameters of all cells of each battery bank listed above in the format given by the area engineer. 2. Topping up all the cells with DM water up to the normal level. 3. Cleaning of all cells of battery banks. 4. Checking and maintenance of safety devices in the battery room. BOQ item no. 10.420 Periodic replacement of brushes • At our unit we have 3 nos Gas Turbine Generators and one Steam Turbine Generator. • The gas turbine generator has 12 brush holders each having 2 nos carbon brushes. The generator also has 4 nos. shaft earthing brushes mounted on 2 nos brush holders. • The Steam turbine generator has 16 brush holders having 6 nos carbon brushes and 16 brush holders having 4 nos carbon brushes. The generator also has 4 nos. shaft earthing brushes mounted on individual brush holders. • The work shall involve removal of brush holders, measurement of brush length, cleaning of brush holder, replacement of carbon brush, if required and refixing of the brush holder. BOQ item no. 10.430 Periodic cleaning of brushgear. The scope of work is as follows, 1. Removal of all the brush holders and carry out the works as in item no. 7.10 2. Clean the brush gear enclosure, slip ring, terminals etc. using cloth, vacuum cleaner etc. BOQ item no. 10.440 Periodic Maintenance of EOT Cranes The Scope of Work is as follows, 1. Measurement of IR and WR of all the Motors 2. Functional checks of crane by pendent switch for all directions and cut off by limit switches to be ensured. 3. Limit switches and Push buttons of Pendent switch to be replaced if found defective 4. Proper cleaning, tightness and cable dressing of Junction Box. BOQ item no. 10.450 to 10.490 : Motor removal and re-installation The scope of work shall consist of removal of motor from foundation and reinstallation of new/repaired motor in its place. The works shall consist of the following, 1. Disconnection of cables (power, space heater, any other cables), Loosening of gland/gland plate and pulling the cable out of terminal box. Putting insulation tape over cable ends (lugs). The cable shall be properly supported after removal. 2. Gland holes / gland plates shall be suitably blanked. 3. Disconnection of earthing connections. 4. Removal of Canopy or any other part necessary for removal of motor. 5. Removal of foundation bolts, lifting of motor using proper lifting tools and shifting of the same to workshop. 6. All the works listed above shall be done in reverse order for re-installation. 10.450 LT MOTOR (>5.5-18.5KW) Instal/Remove 10.460 LT MOTOR (>18.5-37KW) Instal/Remove 10.470 LT MOTOR (>37-55KW) Instal/Remove 10.480 LT MOTOR (>55-90KW) 10.490 LT MOTOR (>90KW) Instal/Remove BOQ item No 10.500 :Motor removal, testing & Reconnection 1. Motor removal by cable disconnection and shifting to workshop (if required) 2. Motor trial run at test bench by temporary electrical connection of motor 3. Motor Reinstallation and Cable connection 4. Replacement of Motor if the removed motor is found defective in trial operation All Cable disconnection & Reconnection, Motor installation on test bench, removal from test bench are covered in this BOQ. BOQ item no.10.510 to 10.560 : Servicing of LT Motors The common scope of work for item 10.510 to 10.560 is as follows, 1. Motor cable disconnection and shifting to workshop 2. Clean the motor body. 3. Remove the coupling half/pulley/hub, motor cooling fan cover, motor fan care fully. 4. Remove the bearing housing etc.; remove old bearing using bearing puller. 5. Check the motor leads; repair if required. Check and clean rotor. Check and repair overhang ties. 6. Preheat the motor in oven and apply varnish. Bake it in oven for required time. 7. Reinstall new bearing as per the standard practices, lubricate the same and box up the motor in reverse order. 8. Motor painting as per item No 10.600 to 10.630 9. Motor trial in test bench in workshop (installation in test bench, cable connection etc) 10. Reinstallation of Motor in service position and cable connection 11. Sufficiently skilled and experienced manpower shall be deployed for this work. At least one fitter shall always be involved in this work. 12. Necessary care shall be exercised to prevent any damage to the motor parts. The contractor shall be responsible for any damages to the equipment because of poor workmanship and the cost of repair for such defects shall be recovered from the contractor. 13. BOQ items covered under above scope of work as follow: 10.510 ELLTM01OH000 LT MOTOR (<=2.2KW) Serv 10.520 ELLTM03OH000 LT MOTOR (>5.5-18.5KW) Serv 10.530 ELLTM04OH000 LT MOTOR (>18.5-37KW) Serv 10.540 ELLTM05OH000 LT MOTOR (>37-55KW) Serv 10.550 ELLTM06OH000 LT MOTOR (>55-90KW) Serv 10.560 ELLTM07OH000 LT MOTOR (>90KW) Serv BOQ item no.10.570: Servicing of single phase and three phase ceiling/wall/exhaust/air cooler fans and air cooler pumps motors upto 1 KW. The scope shall consist of : 1. Removal of electrical connection and removal of fan from place of installation and shifting of the same to workshop. 2. Cleaning of fan with cloth or soap solution as per requirement. 3. Cleaning and regreasing of the bearings. Replacement of bearings, if required. 4. Replacement of any other parts such as capacitor as per requirement. 5. Reinstallation of the same or new fan. BOQ item no.10.580: Transformer maintenance works. The scope of work shall be as follows: 1. Disconnection of terminal connections and reconnection of the same after maintenance works. 2. Cleaning of the transformer and all its accessories 3. Replacement of Gasket of Primary & Secondary terminal 4. Any repairs of minor nature to attend leakages etc. 5. Assistance in Electrical testing of transformer. 6. For testing, the contractor’s scope shall be limited to shifting of the testing instruments from electrical lab to site, making connections for the tests and assistance in checking of protection devices and other instruments. after completion of tests the instruments shall be disconnected and returned back to the lab. 7. Any other works not listed above but necessary for checking the transformer shall be in the scope of the contractor. BOQ item no. 10.590 :Painting of control panel / Switchgear The scope of work shall consist of , 1. Masking Off of lamps, relays, meters, glass/acrylic surfaces, switches etc. 2. Cleaning of metal surfaces using cloth/emery paper etc. 3. Application of red oxide primer as per requirement, using paint brush. 4. Application of synthetic enamel paint using spray gun. 5. Removing of masking 6. Repainting of identification numbers on all modules, panels etc. The scope also includes misc. painting jobs , letter writing in panels, earth pits etc and payment shall be made on per square meter basis. BOQ item no. 10.600 to 10.630:Painting of motors. The common scope of work for item no 10.600 to 10.630 shall consist of: 1. Painting of motors in situ or in workshop. 2. Removal of fan cover and motor cooling air fan. 3. Cleaning of motor body using wire brush/scraper/solvent etc. 4. Application of one coat of red oxide primer. 5. Application of one or two coats of synthetic enamel paint using paintbrush or spray. 6. Repainting of identification numbers. 7. Item covered under above said SOW are as follow: 10. 600 ELLTM01GN750 LT MOTOR (<=2.2KW) Painting 10. 610 ELLTM05GN750 LT MOTOR (>37-55KW) Painting 10. 620 ELLTM06GN750 LT MOTOR (>55-90KW) Painting 10. 630 ELLTM07GN750 LT MOTOR (>90KW) Painting BOQ item no. 10.640:Painting of Transformer upto 2 MVA The Scope of work shall consist of: 1 Complete cleaning of oil stained area of Transformer with light detergent powder and overall cleaning of transformer 2. Masking of glasses/gauges etc 3. Apply Red oxide after cleaning 4. Spray painting in all parts of Transformer i.e. Tank, radiator, conservator tank, marshalling box etc. 5. Any lettering, marking if required will be in the scope of Contractor 6. After successful completion of painting, removal of masking, cleaning of area etc. BOQ item no.10.650 : Collection of oil sample The scope of work shall consist of: 1. Collection of oil sample from transformer, motor, oil drum etc. in SS/PVC bottles. 2. The bottle shall first be rinsed properly and then the sample shall be collected. 3. The waste oil shall be collected in plastic container and disposed in identified waste oil drum. 4. The spilled oil during the process shall be cleaned. BOQ item no.10.660: Replacement of air blower unit of office A/C The scope of work is as follows, 1. Removal of false ceiling. 2. Removal air blower, removal of motor, refixing of new motor and reinstallation of the air blower. Or else, installation of a new air blower. 3. Refixing of false ceiling. 4. Commissioning of the air blower. BOQ item no.10.670: Cleaning of tube type coolers The scope of work shall consist of, 1. Cleaning of tube type coolers of motors/stator cooling/seal oil cooling system. 2. The coolers may be required to be dismantled and shifted to maintenance bay for cleaning. 3. The work shall consist of opening of water boxes, cleaning of coolers using water and nylon wire brush, boxing up after completion of cleaning. 4. Carrying out of hydro test if required. 5. Reinstallation and re-commissioning of coolers. BOQ item no.10.680: Drawal of material from stores. The scope of the contractor shall consist of, 1. This item shall apply only for items, which are drawn for storage in Departmental stores. Any material drawn from stores for completion of assigned job shall be a part of the job and will not be included in this item. 2. Transport the material form central stores to site/dept stores or back to central store. 3. Transport of material shall be done using hand pulled trolley. For heavy loads, fork lift may also be provided. 4. The work will also include loading and unloading of material. BOQ item no.10.690: Drawal of Gas Cylinder from stores. The scope of the contractor shall consist of, 1. Transporting of empty cylinder to the central store and filled cylinder from store to site 2. Forklift shall be provided for carrying out this job. 3. The work will also include loading and unloading of material. BOQ item no.10.700: Misc Minor Maintenance Jobs The Scope shall consist of , 1. The jobs which are not covered in BOQ items shall be part of this item 2. Contractor has to deploy skilled & Unskilled manpower for the jobs as per requirement or as directed by EIC 3. The duration of jobs shall be max. one day and additional quantity will be considered if the work goes beyond one day. BOQ item no.10.710: Station earthing testing The scope consist of : 1. Assistance in station earth resistance testing 2. This includes earth pits in Main plant, Offsites and store area. 3. The earth resistance meter will be provided by NTPC. BOQ item no. 10.720 :Battery capacity test The Scope of the contractor shall consist of , 1. Shifting of Load to battery location and connection & disconnection of load 2. Hourly recording of specific gravity, Cell voltage and discharge/charge current for 24 hrs a day. 3. Top up of DM water based on requirement 4. Cleaning of Cells and battery terminals 5. Removal of Load and shifting to specified place 6. Contractor has to deploy manpower in shifts for 24 hrs and No Overtime shall be payable for the job BOQ item no.10.730 :Assistance in GRP, Excitation and starting device testing The Scope shall consist of, 1. Shifting of secondary injection kit, auto transformer, measuring instruments and test leads to relay location. 2. Power supply arrangement 3. Deployment of one technician during entire test period. 4. Return of all the materials to store after completion of testing. BOQ item no.10.740 :Excitation Panel/ Starting device panel Preventive maintenance 1. Cleaning Thyristors, Cooling fans, FCB Cubicle, Control cubicle 2. Cleaning of Cards and replacement if required 3. Hot air blower in control panel if required BOQ item no.10.750 to 10.760 : Assistance in works 1. Providing manpower for any other job not specifically described in BOQ/Job descriptions contractor shall provide manpower on man-days basis. The manpower may be required to come in shifts as well. 2. However, no overtime payment shall be applicable to manpower deployed in shifts 10.750 Skilled manpower 10.760 Unskilled manpower BOQ item no.10.770 : Cleaning of solar PV Cell panel 1. Cleaning of solar PV Cell panel in 100kw roof top solar of plant buildings, BBP school in township with water and cleaning of the surface with wiper/brush etc. 2. Any material/consumable’s for attending the above job i.e. brush , detergent etc will be in the scope of agency 3. Cleaning to be done twice in a month and it will be treated as one quantity of BOQ BOQ item no.10.780: Station earthing system maintenance/repair 1. Measurement of earth resistance 2. Thoroughly cleaning of earth pit 3. Pouring of water for two to three hours 4. Mix the rock salt, bentonite with water and pour into the earthing pit 5. Leave for 8 to 12 hours 6. Measure earth resistance 7. If earth resistance not in limits repeat the step no 4 to 5 BOQ 10.790: Deployment of Technical Assistant-Engineer The Scope of work under this item includes deployment TECHNICAL ASSISTANT in EMD for assisting NTPC officials in electrical maintenance works and all other works pertaining to EMD at NTPC Jhanor. Following TECHNICAL ASSISTANT to be deployed - SENIOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANT - 01 Nos i. The Senior Technical Assistant (01No) should be a holder of Degree in Engineering/ Technology in Electrical discipline with minimum 2 years experience in related fields. ii. The working period of the deployed assistants shall be 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM and in case of requirement, he has to work beyond the defined period for which no extra compensation will be made. iii. He shall be entitled to avail all the closed holidays of NTPC Jhanor (normally 08 days) and 01 normal weekly off of Sunday. In case of requirement weekly off of Sunday can be replaced with any other working day. In case of absent other than as mentioned above deduction from one month cost shall carried out on prorata basis (Considering 26 days as 01 Month). iv. The technical assistants shall use his own vehicle and mobile phone for supervision of work in Plant area. v. EIC has the right to interview the assistants before deployment and original qualification certificates to be produced for verification purpose. vi. Performance of the assistants shall be regularly monitored by EIC and deployment may be terminated at any time by giving one month notice and NTPC does not have to assign any reason for the termination. vii. To maintain the quality of work Contractor shall pay a minimum of Rs:18,000/- Basic + PF + insurance + Mobile allowance (Rs:700/- pm) + conveyance allowance (Rs:3000/- pm) + HRA (20% of Basic) + Bonus to each assistant per month or as per minimum wages and other statutory requirements whichever is higher. 01 quantity in this BOQ means deployment of 01no. (One number) of technical assistant for 01 (one) month. BOQ 20.10: Amount linked to safety aspects 1. Safety aspect has been dealt in detail in the document on Safety clauses for Operation & maintenance contracts, which shall be the basis for regulation and use of safety devices. 2. Other details are as per clause no 8 of special terms and conditions. 3. Amount linked to safety aspect will be released only after compliance to all safety rules and regulations defined in the contract i.e. scope of work and special terms & conditions. The decision of EIC shall be final in this regard. Total Quantity :

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INR 100000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1 Crore /-
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