
Tender For Revamping Of Quay3 Substation, kochi-Kerala

Cochin Shipyard Limited has published Tender For Revamping Of Quay3 Substation. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-06-2024. Rough Finishing Tools Tenders in kochi Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Revamping Of Quay3 Substation
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Revamping Of Quay3 Substation; 1 Dismantling GI/ Aluminium sheets of roofing & cladding, aluminium flashing sheets, Structural steel work of roofing & cladding and stacking the dismantled materials in CSL premises including cost of providing and fixing temporary lifeline, cost of scaffolding, all labour, tools, other incidentals, etc. complete. 2 Dismantling of plastered brickwork, RCC Plinth beams, columns, beams & sunshades, PCC work, RR work, Aluminium doors, windows, partitions, PVC false ceiling etc. and stacking the materials in CSL premises including cost of scaffolding, cost of all labour, conveyance, tools, sundries etc.complete. 3 Removing Rolling shutter with all fittings including cost of scaffolding, labour, axle, cover, lathes etc. without any damage and stacking within CSL premises for reuse. 4 Earthwork excavaton in all type of soil and depositing on bank with a lift upto 1.5m including backfilling and the disposal of surplus soil within CSL premises etc. complete. 5 Providing and laying plain cement concrete 1:4:8 using 40mm stone aggregate, including cost and conveyance of all materials, cement, formwork, labour for mixing, laying, consolidating curing etc. complete. 6 Providing and laying PCC/RCC work 1:1 1/2: 3 using 20mm stone aggregate including cost and conveyance of all materials, cement, formwork, labour for mixing, laying, consolidating, curing etc. complete but excluding cost of reinforcement. (Except concreting of Drain & cable trench) 7 Providing and laying PCC/RCC work 1:1 1/2: 3 using 20mm stone aggregate for Drain & Cable trench, including cost and conveyance of all materials, cement, formwork, labour for mixing, laying, consolidating, curing etc. complete but excluding cost of reinforcement. 8 Supplying and laying tor steel reinforcement bars of approved brands of different diameters for RCC work including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour for uncoiling, straightening, cutting, bending, tying with 22G binding wire etc. complete 9 Providing and laying plain cement concrete 1:2:4 using 20mm stone aggregate including cost and conveyance of all materials, cement, formwork, labour for mixing, laying, consolidating, curing etc. complete. 10 Supply, fabrication & erection of Structural steel work, using MS rectangular or square tubes,MS pipes, angles, plates, flats etc. including cutting, bending, welding/ bolting, fabrication, erecting in position, aligning the erected structure, cost of providing and fixing temporary lifeline, cost of scaffolding, cost of all accessories, welding rods, hire for tools and plants etc. complete. 11 Supply, fabrication & erection of Chequered plates for trench covering including cutting, welding fabrication, erecting in position, aligning the erected structure, cost of all accessories, welding rods, hire for tools and plants etc. complete. 12 Painting with two coat Synthetic Enamel paint over one coat zinc chromate primer, after buffing and cleaning the surfaceincluding cost and conveyance of all materials, cost of scaffolding, labour, tools, other incidentals etc. complete. 13 Roofing/Cladding with 0.56mm thk coloured aluminium trafford sheets with overlaps of 150mmlongitudinally and on crest along the width, using 6mm dia. self tapping screws of make M/sCorroshield/ HILTI. The rate including cost and conveyance of all materials, cost of providing and fixing temporary lifeline, cost of scaffolding, cost of providing and fixing roof ladder, labour, tools etc. complete. 14 Supplying and fixing aluminium flashing with 0.5mm thick Aluminium coloured sheet with 200mm overlap at ends including cutting and bending, using 6mm dia self tapping screwsof make M/s.Corroshield/HILTI including cost and conveyance of all materials, cost of providing and fixing temporary lifeline & roof ladder, cost of scaffolding, labour etc. complete. It should be ensured that theflashing area should be leak proof after completion of work. 15 Solid blockwork (30x20x15cm size blocks) in CM1:5for all leads and lifts including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour, other incidentals, curing etc. complete. 16 Plastering with CM 1:4, 12mm thick floated hard and trowelled smooth including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour, curing etc. complete. 17 Cement flushing coat over the plastered surface including cost and conveyance of cement, labour, other incidentals,, curing etc. complete. 18 Repairs to plaster of thickness 12mm to 20mm in patches of area 2.5m2 and under, including cutting the patch, preparing and plastering the surface, cost of all materials & labour, sundries etc.complete. 19 Painting with two coat Exterior Plastic Emulsion paint over one coat Cement primer, for all works, after rubbing and cleaning the surface using wire brush, sand paper etc., including cost and conveyance of all materials,cost of providing and fixing temporary lifeline, cost of scaffolding, all labour, other incidentals etc. complete. 20 Bolt Assembly with 16mm dia bolts 6 Nos connected with the foundation reinforcement by welding. The rate includes all material, labour, tools, other incidentals etc. complete. 21 Providing and fixing in position aluminium partition using 63.5x38.1x2mm thk.or nearest available size powder coated aluminium rectangular sections of approved quality and shade panelling with 4 mm thk.or nearest available thickness hylam board fixed with necessary EPDM beading including cost and conveyance of all materialslabour etc.complete. 22 Providing and fixing in position fully glazedaluminium supersliding window/ventilator with lock system,powder coated aluminium heavy section with sliding shutters using following sizes or higher available size,63.5 x 31.75 x 2mm for frames, 38.10 x19.5 x 2mm for shutter interlock, vertical and horizontal and plain glass 4mm thickincluding all fixtures like hinges, locking arrangements, handles, EPDM beadings etc including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour, other incidentals etc. complete. 23 Providing and fixing in position powder coated aluminium single leaf door with outer frames of size 63.5mm x 38.1mm x 2mm or nearest available size all round, vertical styles & top horizontal member of size 50mm x 44.5mm x 2mm, bottom horizontal member of size 100mm x 45mm x 2mm of superior quality powder coated aluminium sections panelled with4 mm thk.or nearest available thickness hylum boardincluding cost and labour charges for all materials and fixing etc., complete. The door is to be provided with 1No. door lock,2 Nos anodized aluminium handles 150mm or nearest size one on each face ofdoor shutter, 1No of door closer of approved make etc. 24 Providing and fixing in position powder coated aluminium single leaf sliding door with outer frames of size 63.5mm x 38.1mm x 2mm or nearest available size all round, vertical styles & top horizontal member of size 50mm x 44.5mm x 2mm, bottom horizontal member of size 100mm x 45mm x 2mm of superior quality powder coated aluminium sections panelled with4 mm thk. or nearest available thickness hylam boardincluding cost and labour charges for all materials and fixing etc., complete. The door is to be provided with 1No. door lock,2 Nos anodized aluminium handles 150mm or nearest size one on each face ofdoor shutter,sliding channels, wheels, 1no of door closer of approved make etc. 25 Supply and fixing of PVC false ceiling with skeleton frame work at all heights made out of Aluminium 1” T sections in an interval of not more than 61cm. The perimeter channels will be fixed along with the roof with a dimension of 25 x 25 x 1 mm with wall thickness of 1.2mm. The main channel is made at Aluminium T sections having thickness, of 1.2 mm x 25mm with wall thickness of 1mm. The inter mediate channels will be same and will be fastened to the roof using 1.2 mm dia GI wire hangers, at closer intervals. The edge profile‘s made with 25 mm x 25 mm x 1mm Aluminium powder Coated ‘L’ Angle section. The joints should be covered with Aluminium powder coated key Gola Sections, with PVC sleaves inserted hence no screws will be visible. The grid work will be covered by PVC materials confirming. The multi-chambered PVC sections having overall dimension of 250 x 6mm with wall thickness of 0.8mm and with the help of selftapping screw 13 x 4mm, necessary cutout for Electrical connection shall be provided. Only individual damaged PVC panels only need to be replaced. Rate is inclusive of supporting members including providing additional support members from truss according to the purlin spacing available/ concrete slabs & grid ceiling members in the damaged existing ceiling tile areas. The rates including cost of all materials, cost of scaffolding, labour, cost of welding charges to existing steel purlin, joint profile, cornice, other incidentals, etc complete.(Labourrate includes providing necessary openings forelectrical works. Mesurements will be taken laterally).The height of tie members shall vary and rate of the same is inclusive in this item. 26 Fixing of already removed rolling shutters with all accessories to the strutural member and make it functioning. Rate inclusive of cost of providing and fixing temporary lifeline, cost of scaffolding, all labour, tools, equipments etc. 27 Supplying and fixing 200mm dia PVC gutter 4kg/cm2 with GI/MS clamp @50cm c/c including cost and conveyance of all materials, cost of providing and fixing temporary lifeline, cost of scaffolding, labour etc.complete. 28 Supplying and fixing 160mm dia PVC downwater pipes 4kg/cm2 to the correct line and level including cost of specials for fixing the pipes by means of necessary brackets in steel structurals, fabricating and fixing clamps @ 1.5m c/c, cost and conveyance of all materials, cost of scaffolding, labour, all necessary fixtures, couplers, incidentals etc. complete, excluding cost of structurals. 29 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and certification of Fall protection lifeline system upto roof height of 30m & designed for 4 people working at a time. The system shall have components like tensioner, shock absorber, SS Roof posts (ends, corner & intermediate) of 316 grade having max. spacing of 10m to be fixed on purlin or truss member, brackets in each post (ends, corner & intermediate), SS Wire rope - 8mm dia. (7x7) of 316 grade (with swaging termination), carriage body/travelling trolley for 4 peoples freely movable from one end to other end,steel screw Karabiner, 4 nos. of Rope graber with adjuastable lanyard 8m & other accessories for safety as per design, confirming to EN 795:2012 Type C & CEN/TS 16415:2013 Type C, including cost & conveyance of all materials, labour, cost of sheet cutting for fixing roof post, leak proof work for the roof post fixing area using FRP, other incidentals etc. complete. Layout of Fall protection system shall be in L-shaped & same shall be approved by CSL. Rate is inclusive warranty of atleast 10 years for individual components. Rate is also inclusive of testing, maintenance & recertification for next five years after installation.Recertification shall be done four times annually after first 12 months certification. 30 Carrying out miscellaneous works like patchworks for existing structures, drainage patchworks etc. by arranging various categories of labour. 31 Skilled labour 32 Unskilled labourr

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Document Fees
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INR 72300.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 36.11 Lakhs /-
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