
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Rpnc242050 Arc For Miscellaneous Instrumentation Jobs In Cmu Unit Of Panipat Naphtha Cracker Panipat - Supply Of Skilled, Unskilled & Semiskilled Manpower, Cable, Cable Gland, Fixing Of Pressure Gauge /, Panipat-Haryana

Indian Oil Corporation Limited has published Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Rpnc242050 Arc For Miscellaneous Instrumentation Jobs In Cmu Unit Of Panipat Naphtha Cracker Panipat - Supply Of Skilled, Unskilled & Semiskilled Manpower, Cable, Cable Gland, Fixing Of Pressure Gauge /. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-06-2024. Man Power Supply Tenders in Panipat Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Rpnc242050 Arc For Miscellaneous Instrumentation Jobs In Cmu Unit Of Panipat Naphtha Cracker Panipat - Supply Of Skilled, Unskilled & Semiskilled Manpower, Cable, Cable Gland, Fixing Of Pressure Gauge /
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid for Services - RPNC242050 ARC for miscellaneous Instrumentation jobs in CMU Unit of Panipat Naphtha Cracker Panipat - Supply of Skilled, unskilled & semiskilled manpower, Cable, Cable gland, FIXING OF PRESSURE GAUGE / VACUUM GAUGE, Receiving & shifting of instrument with its accessories from store/any other place inside refinery & transport to work site. Fixing the gauges on existing manifold at any height. Testing of any leakage. If any leakage is found rectification of the same. Necessary skilled & unskilled manpower, supervision, tools & tackles, transporting vehicle, supply of all sorts of consumables including Teflon etc. shall be in contractor#s scope., REMOVAL OF PRESSURE GAUGE / VACUUm GAUGE / DRAUGHT GAUGE (STANDARD) : Removal of gauge from process line/equipment at any height after taking proper clearance. Proper cleaning of the gauge with water/steam/solvent etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Shifting of the gauges to instrument work shop / any other place inside refinery. Necessary skilled & unskilled manpower, supervision, tools & tackles, transporting vehicle, supply of all sorts of consumables including Rustolene etc. shall be in contractor#s scope., Pressure Transmitter / Pressure Switch, D.P. Transmitter / D.P Switch, Removal of pressure transmitter / switch (Standard), Removal of D.P. transmitter / switch Standard), FIXING OF PRESSURE GAUGE / VACUUM GAUGE / DRAUGHT FOURTEEN & THOUSAND FOUR GAUGE (REMOTE SEAL), Receiving & shifting of instrument with its accessories from store/any other place inside refinery & transport to work site. Fixing the gauges on existing manifold at any height. Diaphragm and capillary of the gauge must be properly protected. Testing of any leakage. If any leakage is found rectification of the same. Necessary skilled & unskilled manpower, supervision, tools & tackles, transporting vehicle, supply of all sorts of consumables including Teflon tape, etc. shall be in contractor#s scope. IOCL will provide gasket sheet, however all gasket cutting for completing the job will be in contractor#s scope., REMOVAL OF PRESSURE GAUGE / VACUUM GAUGE / DRAUGHT GAUGE (REMOTE SEAL) - The job includes the following: Removal of gauge from process line/equipment at any height after taking proper clearance. Proper cleaning of the gauge with water / steam / solvent etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Shifting of the gauges to instrument work shop / any other place inside refinery. Diaphragm and capillary of the gauge must be properly protected. Necessary skilled & unskilled manpower, supervision, tools & tackles, transporting vehicle, supply of all sorts of consumables including Rustolene etc. shall be in contractor#s scope., Pressure Transmitter / Pressure Switch, , D.P. Transmitter / D.P Switch, Removal of pressure transmitter / switch (Remote seal), Removal of D.P. transmitter / switch (Remote Seal), Pressure Transmitter, Differential Pressure Transmitter., Fixing of Pitot Tube / Annubar, Fixing of Target Flow Transmitter / Vortex / Turbine Flow Meter., line, HYDRAULIC TESTING OF TRANSMITTER MANIFOLD & CONNECTED IMPULSE LINE, CLEANING & SERVICING OF LEVEL GAUGE / GAUGE GLASS IN POSITION, INSTALLATION/FIXING OF TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER, INSTALLATION / FIXING OF TEMPERATURE GAUGE / TEMP. SWITCH / THERMOCOUPLE / RTD WITH OUT THERMOWELL, REMOVAL OF TEMP. GAUGE / TEMP. SWITCH / THERMOCOUPLE / RTD WITH OUT THERMOWELL, Thermo well with flange , INSTALLATION / FIXING/ REMOVAL OF TEMPERATURE GAUGE WITHOUT THERMOWELL, FIXING OF AIR FILTER REGULATOR, REMOVAL OF AIR FILTER REGULATOR, SERVICING OF AIR FILTER REGULATOR, DIN rail mounted instruments such as Barrier, Trip Amplifier and other similar type devices., Relay with base., Wire, DIN rail mounted instruments such as barrier, trip amplifier and other similar type devices., Fuse holder and other similar type devices, REMOVAL OF DIN RAIL MOUNTED INSTRUMENTS, RELAY, FUSE HOLDER SWITCHES & OTHER SIMILAR TYPE DEVICES INSIDE A PANEL, REMOVAL OF PANEL WIRING, REMOVAL & FIXING BACK OF FALSE FLOORING tiles, Solenoid valve 3 way / 4 way, Remote O/P meters / Receiver Gauge., limit switch, REMOVAL OF SOLENOID VALVES, OUT PUT meter, flow, Fixing of Rotameter, Removal of Rotameter, Panel instruments like Indicator,, Controller, Recorder, Scanner, Power Supply etc., Ind. Lamp(With Lamp Holder)/ Push button / switch, Fixing of Canopy over miscellaneous Instrument /JBs, Up to 6 pair cable, Above 6 pair cable, Single Instrument Support as per Drg, No. INSTL 035, Laying of copper / SS tube on RMT basis, Copper / SS Tube, GI pipe, Control Valve, CALIBRATION & STROKE CHECKING OF control valve, SPRAY PAINTING, TRANSPORTATION OF DEAD WEIGHTS, LOADING & UNLOADING OF DEAD WEIGHTS ON WEIGH BRIDGE FOR CALIBRATION & CHECKING, Power Cylinder, CYLINDER CHANGEOVER, Overall diameter upto 35 MM, OVERALL DIAMETER ABOVE 35MM UPTO 55MM, Instruments and miscellaneous scrap., FABRICATION AND ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL works – supply of STRUCTURAL STEEL, Total Quantity :

Key Value

Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 1.87 Crore /-
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