Bids Are Invited For Services - Custom Bid for Services - OPERATION OF BIOGAS , Custom Bid for Services - CATTLE DUNG FEEDING , Custom Bid for Services - MAINT OF MECH EQUIPM , Custom Bid for Services - CONTINGENCY EXPENCES - TENDER FOR “OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF BIOGAS PLANT IN BPCL MUMBAI REFINERY”. Introduction:- Operation and maintenance of Bio Gas plant at BPCL Refinery, Mahul, Chembur, Mumbai. 1 x 85 Cu M/Day Bio-Gas Plant based on kitchen waste at Refinery of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Mahul, Mumbai is to be smoothly Operated and Maintained on daily basis. Above Biogas plant consists of: 1. Digester 1 No. 2. Gas Holder with lifting arrangement 1No. 3. Mixing Unit with 15 Nos. Chambers. 4. Segregation Chambers 4Nos. 5. Crushing Chambers with crusher and motor 2 Nos. 6. Pre-digestion Chambers 2 Nos. 7. Mixing Chambers with mixer and motor 2 Nos. 8. Inlet chamber with inlet pipe 1No. 9. Intermediate Slurry Chamber (Outlet Chamber) with outlet pipe 1No. 10. Slurry Sump surrounded by Garden 1No. 11. Slurry drying beds with slurry channel 4Nos. 12. Under Ground Slurry Storage Tank 1Nos. 13. Surface Tanks (New) 4Nos. 14. Gas distribution pipe line from Biogas plant to main canteen with water removing chambers. 6Nos. 15. Canteen burners 2Nos. Scope of work:- Operation & Maintenance of 1x85CuM Biogas Plant at BPCL Refinery, Mahul, Mumbai will be as under: a. Collection of kitchen waste from various locations to Bio gas plant is arranged by BPCL MR. b. Collected kitchen waste dust beans are unloaded to mixing chamber. c. Segregation, crushing, mixing and feeding kitchen waste to the digester. d. Kitchen waste of second shift i.e. after lunch will be processed as above. e. Cow dung, which is a part of process, is required to be fed into the digester for 2 to 3 times a year as per requirement for smooth and uninterrupted functioning of the process. However, the cost of cow dung is included in the AMC (contractor’s scope) and no extra cost will be paid by BPCL. f. Any waste Solid or Liquid form generated during the operation of Biogas plant shall be disposed off at no extra cost and liability to BPCL. g. All equipment and component as described above in generation of Biogas and surrounding area of plant will be maintained neat & clean daily basis by the contractor. h. During site visit of BPCL by higher authorities, a representative of the contractor fully aware of technical knowhow of the plant will be deputed. i. Contractor has to depute Minimum 3 Nos of persons for the job. Plant operation on 08 hrs x 365 days a year basis with automated transfer of gas to the BPCL canteen and providing required materials, spares, consumables, chemicals, tools, tackles etc. and all repair/replacement free of charges of all spare parts/complete equipment as necessary for satisfactory operation of the plant. However, replacement of any piping, civil structure and painting of structures are not be included in the scope of AMC. j. However, the contractor shall inform BPCL regarding any replacement of spares or other items involved in the biogas system. k. The contractor shall ensure all the safety norms involved in O&M of biogas plant. Personal protective equipment shall be provided to personnel in Operation as well as during maintenance. 1 Manpower details: Contractor has to provide minimum 3 labours, 1 supervisor and Engineers Visit shall be planned once in a month for overall inspection a nd ensuring smooth operation of biogas plant. 2 Maintenance of equipment’s: Consumables includes the following but not limited to:(Like Spares, V belt, Engine Oil, Lubricants, Hydraulic fluids, Coolant, Motor maintenance, Fittings, Cleaning Material, etc.) All major/minor repairs of all equipment’s, pumps, motors, electrical (dual starter, panels etc complete) shall be in contractor scope. 3 Cattle Dung Feeding: Feeding of cattle dung as inoculant minimum 2 to 3 times a year with suitable quantities. (ma`x qty 80mt/yt) 4 Contingency Expenses & Statutory Overheads: ESIC, Bonus, PF, PPE Equipments and other overheads. Total Quantity :