
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Job Work Contract For Different Agricultural Lab Field And Other Operations At Regional Station Indore - 1. Deep Ploughing 2. Cultivator /Disc Harrow Operation 3. Rotavator Operation 4. Fertilizer Applic, Indore-Madhya Pradesh

Department of Agricultural Research and Education has published Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Job Work Contract For Different Agricultural Lab Field And Other Operations At Regional Station Indore - 1. Deep Ploughing 2. Cultivator /Disc Harrow Operation 3. Rotavator Operation 4. Fertilizer Applic. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-06-2024. Soil Preparation Machinery Tenders in Indore Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Job Work Contract For Different Agricultural Lab Field And Other Operations At Regional Station Indore - 1. Deep Ploughing 2. Cultivator /Disc Harrow Operation 3. Rotavator Operation 4. Fertilizer Applic
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid for Services - JOB WORK CONTRACT FOR DIFFERENT AGRICULTURAL LAB FIELD AND OTHER OPERATIONS AT REGIONAL STATION INDORE - 1. Deep ploughing 2. Cultivator /Disc harrow operation 3. Rotavator operation 4. Fertilizer application 5. Planking (Patela) 6. FYM application (including loading and unloading) 7. Preparation of seed packets 8. Field Layout 9. Sowing and covering of seeds in 2.5 m row 10. Dibbling/Hand sowing 11. Plot sowing with tractor mounted machine 12. Field sowing by seed drill 13. Emptying and filling of pots for sowing and shifting plants in pots 14. Watering pots 15. Channels formation 16. Irrigation 17. Gap filling 18 Fertilizer top dressing 19. Hand weeding/ weeding with Kasola/Khurpi 20. Dora operation by Institute’s bullocks 21. Spray of pesticides/herbicides/rust inoculum with tractor sprayer in field/ bunds 22. Spray of pesticides/herbicides/rust inoculum with knap sack/ foot pump sprayer in field/bunds 23. Path and bund cleaning 24. Making/bund/channel after sowing 25. Preparation of sticks/pegs (90 cm) from raw bamboo 26. Fixing of bamboo/plastic sticks and tying labels 27. Bird scaring (two shift) 28. Rouging 29. Inoculation of wheat plants by syringes 30. Emasculation and pollination 31. Bulk/single plants in DUS trials (10 traits) 32. Weed count and uprooting 33. Field emergences, and plant stand count of 1 meter row length 34. Rodent control 35. Recording data (no. of tillers, plant height, spike length, peduncle length, spikelet no./spike, grains/spike.) 36. Collection of soil and plant samples 37. Harvesting and threshing one meter row length 38. Manual harvesting, tying, and pooling of wheat crop bundles 39. Bulk harvesting 40. Threshing of plots by Pullman Thresher 41. Bulk threshing 42. Cleaning of harvested seed in field/lab 43. Single plant collection and threshing separately 44. Single spike collection and threshing separately 45. Biomass assessment in wheat plots (6*1.5 m) 46. Recording grain yield of wheat plots 47. Removal of crop residues from field 48. Loading and unloading of produce during transportation/storing 49. Seed binning, fumigation and packing of bins 50. Shifting of seeds from one to another godown / processing plant etc., 51. Nucleus/Breeder/TL seed grading and packing 52. Counting of 1000 grains 53. Air drying, grinding and sieving of soil samples n the laboratory 54. Sample preparation of plant/leaf/seed for quality analysis 55. Help in quality analysis in wheat (Lab) 56. Preparation of samples for germination test 57. Dry weight observation in seedlings from each sample 58. Year round maintenance and upkeep of glass house, poly houses and surrounding areas 59. Seed store, grader hall, mobile grader and farm equipment maintenance and cleaning 60. Maintenance and upkeeping of laboratories and central facilities 61. Skilled support for office and research work 62. Unskilled support for lawn and campus; and residential complex 63. Unskilled support for house keeping of office and guest house 64. Bullocks care (2 bullocks) 65. Helping of scientists in data recording, tagging of selected material, disease scoring, crossing, harvesting, threshing and cleaning, packing etc., 66. Dalia and suji preparation 67. Vermi compost (3 pits of size 1.5 m x 5.0 m) filling and collection for field use (thrice in a year) 68. Pits digging of size 0.45 cubic meter each of papaya 69. Pits filling of size 0.45 cubic meter each of papaya 70. Papaya nursery raising 71. Papaya transplanting 72. Care with irrigation, fertilizer application, chemical spray and seed collection of papayaTotal Quantity :

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Document Fees
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INR 150000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 60 Lakhs /-
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