
Bids Are Invited For Dc Lead Acid Battery -220V Lead Acid Plante Battery -1 Set Comprises 108 Nos Cell As Per Load Duty Cycle Minimum 150Ah , Dc Lead Acid Battery-Electrolyte -Sulphuric Acid For First Filling Plus 10 Percent Extra , Dc Lead Acid Batte, Nagpur-Maharashtra

Department Of Heavy Industry has published Bids Are Invited For Dc Lead Acid Battery -220V Lead Acid Plante Battery -1 Set Comprises 108 Nos Cell As Per Load Duty Cycle Minimum 150Ah , Dc Lead Acid Battery-Electrolyte -Sulphuric Acid For First Filling Plus 10 Percent Extra , Dc Lead Acid Batte. Submission Date for this Tender is 29-05-2024. Cable Clamps Tenders in Nagpur Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Dc Lead Acid Battery -220V Lead Acid Plante Battery -1 Set Comprises 108 Nos Cell As Per Load Duty Cycle Minimum 150Ah , Dc Lead Acid Battery-Electrolyte -Sulphuric Acid For First Filling Plus 10 Percent Extra , Dc Lead Acid Batte
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Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For DC Lead Acid Battery -220V Lead acid plante battery -1 set comprises 108 nos cell as per load duty cycle minimum 150AH , DC Lead Acid Battery-Electrolyte -sulphuric acid for first filling plus 10 percent extra , DC Lead Acid BatteryTeakwood racks with 3 coats of anti acid paints for 220V DC Battery , DC Lead Acid Battery-Stand insulators plus 5 percent extra , DC Lead Acid Battery-Cell interconnectors - inter cell inter row and inter bank connectors with 5 percent extra and end take off with one number extra , DC Lead Acid Battery- Lead coated connection hardware plus 5 percent extra , DC Lead Acid Battery-Cell numbering tags with fixing arrangement -1set , DC Lead Acid BatteryTeakwood Cable clamps with hardware , DC Lead Acid Battery-PVC spill trays under battery set-battery to have spill tray covering every cell , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery-Rubber syphon , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of batteryHydrometer in step of 0.005 , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery- Set of hydrometer syringes -suitable for the vent holes in different cells , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of batterySpecific gravity correction chart , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery-Thermometer with plug and cap, specific gravity correction scale for measuring electrolyte temperature , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery-Wall mounting type holder made of teak wood for hydrometer and thermometer , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery-Digital Cell testing voltmeter 2-0-2V with leads , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery-Acid Resistance Funnel , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery- Acid Resistance jug of adequate capacity , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery- Rubber apron , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery- Rubber hand gloves , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of batterySet of insulated spanners , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery-Cell lifting straps , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery- No smoking notice , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery-Bridging Clamp for cutting out individual cells in the event of defect. , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery- Goggles industrial , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of batteryInstruction card , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery-Pocket Thermometer digital Type , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery-First aid box , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery-Cable clamps with fixing hardware , DC Lead Acid Battery ACCESSORIES for each set of battery- Battery log book , DC Lead Acid Battery E and C SPARES- GLOVES , DC Lead Acid Battery E and C SPARES- VENT PLUGS , DC Lead Acid Battery E and C SPARES- Intercell connectors , DC Lead Acid Battery SUPERVISION OF E and C- LUMP SUM CHARGES PER VISIT FOR ENGINEER EXCEPT DAILY CHARGES , DC Lead Acid Battery SUPERVISION OF E and C- LUMP SUM DAILY CHARGES FOR ENGINEER , DC Ni-Cd battery -220V Ni-Cd battery 1 set comprises 170 nos. cell as per load duty cycle minimum 90AH , DC Ni-Cd battery -Electrolyte For first filling plus 10 percent extra , DC Ni-Cd battery -MS racks with 3 coats of anti alkali paints for 220V DC Battery , DC Ni-Cd battery -Stand insulators plus 5 percent extra , DC Ni-Cd battery -Cell interconnectors inter cell,inter row and inter bank connectors with 5 percent extra and end take off with one number extra , DC Ni-Cd battery - Nickel coated connection hardware plus 5 percent extra , DC Ni-Cd battery -Cell numbering tags with fixing arrangement 1set - Self adhesive PVC numbering stickers , DC Ni-Cd battery -PVC - CFRP spill trays under battery set battery to have spill tray covering every cell , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for Mercury in chemical glass Thermometer 0 - 100 deg C , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for Alkali resistance funnel , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for Alkali Resistance jug of 2 L capacity , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for Rubber Syphon , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for Rubber apron , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for Rubber hand gloves , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for Bridging Clamp for cutting out individual cells in the event of defect , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for Cell testing digital voltmeter 2-0-2V with testing leads , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for Set of insulated spanners , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for Goggles industrial , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for Instruction card , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for Battery log book , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for No smoking notice , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for First aid box , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for Cable clamps with fixing hardware If applicable , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for Cell lifting straps Cell lifting puller , DC Ni-Cd battery ACCESSORIES for Copper Cell Connector , DC Ni-Cd battery E and C SPARES- GLOVES , DC Ni-Cd battery E and C SPARES- VENT PLUGS , DC Ni-Cd battery E and C SPARESIntercell connectors , DC Ni-Cd battery SUPERVISION OF E and C- LUMP SUM CHARGES PER VISIT FOR ENGINEER EXCEPT DAILY CHARGES , DC Ni-Cd battery E and C SPARESLUMP SUM DAILY CHARGES FOR ENGINEER

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