
Bids Are Invited For Professional Training Services (Version 2) - Hybrid; Monthly - Training And Awareness Program On Different Statutory Requirement During A Calendar Year. It Is A Mandatory Requirement For Hpcl Kolkata Asf To Comply With The Statutory, Kolkata-West Bengal

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited has published Bids Are Invited For Professional Training Services (Version 2) - Hybrid; Monthly - Training And Awareness Program On Different Statutory Requirement During A Calendar Year. It Is A Mandatory Requirement For Hpcl Kolkata Asf To Comply With The Statutory. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-06-2024. Training Service Tenders in Kolkata West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Professional Training Services (Version 2) - Hybrid; Monthly - Training And Awareness Program On Different Statutory Requirement During A Calendar Year. It Is A Mandatory Requirement For Hpcl Kolkata Asf To Comply With The Statutory
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Professional Training Services (Version 2) - hybrid; MONTHLY - Training and awareness program on different statutory requirement during a calendar year. It is a mandatory requirement for HPCL Kolkata ASF to comply with the statutory guidelines of various statutory bodies. To have better understanding of various rules, acts, SOPs, Firefighting, usage of equipment etc. Location proposed to educate the staff thru experienced faculty from different industries. Training Subjects has been framed for a calendar year where expert faculty from various department such as PESO, DGCA, OISD, Factories & RTO will impart training to location staff & officers thru online as well as offline mode. This will enhance knowledge of all and allow them to perform their duty in a more secure and safer manner. Trainings Programs details are as follows S.NO. Training Program 1 First Aid, BLS, CPR& ALS Training 2 CMV Rule 9- Transportation of hazardous & Dangerous Goods. 3 Training on Factories Act & Rule 4 OISD-235 Training to contractual Staff 5 Training on PESO Guidelines 6 Training on DGCA Guideline 7 Training on Access Control & Security 8 Safety Training to Officers as per OISD 235 9 Live Fire Training 10 Training on M&R by Automobile industry 11 Training on Environmental protection & Prevention 12 Training on Electrical Safety & Earthing Connections 13 Hazop study & Risk Assessment 14 Safety Culture & BBS Management 15 Safety at Scaffolding & working at height 16 Accident investigation reporting & analysis 17 Disaster Management 18 Work Permit & Job Safety Analysis Topics covered in various Training Program 1) First Aid, BLS, CPR& ALS Training  HEALTH & SAFETY  INTRODUCTION OF FIRST AID  ASPHYXIA OR SUFFOCATION AND ITS CONTROL WITH C.P.R. / BLS/ ALS SYSTEM  WOUNDS, BLEEDING AND ITS CONTROL  SHOCK AND ITS CONTROL  FRACTURE & DISLOCATION, STRAIN, SPRAIN, ETC AND ITS CONTROL  BURNS, SCALDS AND ITS CONTROL  UNCONSCIOUSNESS & ITS CONTROL  EQUIPMENT OF FIRST AID BOX.  POISONS AND ITS CONTROL  DRESSING & BANDAGE 2) CMV Rule 9- Transportation of hazardous & Dangerous Goods  Defensive Driving: Cause of accident, Accident Statistics. Video on Faulty Driving  Drivers Personal Fitness, Vehicle Condition, Breaking Distance  Highway Driving, Road/Pedestrian Crossing, Railway Crossing  Adapting to weather, Head on collision, Rear end Collision  Night driving  Check before starting vehicle  Correct speed ,correct gear, signalling, lane control, overtaking/giving side, speed limit/safe distance, driving on slope  Safe parking, Signalling ,Road width  After Stopping: Preventing vehicle movement, Vehicle attendance,  Night Driving: Mandatory Lighting requirement, Head lamp alignment, Use of dipper beam.  UN Classification,Hazchem Code,Toxicity,Flamability  Fire Extinguishers :Operation & Maintenance  Trem Card ,Materials safety data,Importance of temperature,Explosive limits,  Safety fittings  Action In Emergency 3) Training on Factories Act & Rule  The Factories Act,1948 :- CHAPTER IV A:  PROVISIONS RELATING TO HAZARDOUS PROCESSES (SEC.41A-41H)  Introduction to Hazardous Process under Factories Act  Section 41A: Constitution of Site Appraisal Committees  Section 41B: Compulsory disclosure of information by the occupier  Section 41C: Specific responsibility of the occupier in relation to hazardous processes  Section 41D: Power of Central Government to appoint an Inquiry Committee  Section 41E: Emergency standards  Section 41F: Permissible limits of exposure of chemical and toxic substances  Section 41G: Workers’ participation in safety management  CHAPTER IV A Provision relating to hazardous processes Rules prescribed under sections 74 (3), 41 B (2) and 112.  63C. Safety Committee  63D. Collection, development and dissemination of information  Rule prescribed under Section 41B and 112. 63E. Disclosure of information to workers:  63F. Disclosure of information to the Chief Inspector –  63G. Information on industrial wastes:  63H. Review of the information furnished to workers etc.: -  63 I. Confidentiality of information:  63J. Medical Examination: -  63K. Occupational Health Centres-  63L. Ambulance Van.  63M. Decontamination Facilities  63N. Accessibility to Health Records:  63O. Qualifications etc. of Supervisors  63P. Issue of Guidelines 4) OISD Training to contractual Staff  Hazardous Properties of Petroleum Products.  Safe Operating Procedures  Fire-Causes, Prevention and Control  Fire Protection Facilities-Operation & Maintenance.  Personal Protective Equipment  Housekeeping.  Emergency Procedures /Drills  Industrial First Aid. 5) Training on PESO Guidelines  PETROLEUM RULES-2002  CHAPTER I to CHAPTER XII  Restriction on delivery and dispatch of petroleum  Approval of containers  Capacity of Container exclusive of the free space Minimum thickness in mm. Prescribed in subrule (6) of sheet iron or steel  Containers for petroleum Class B and Class C  Empty receptacles & Repairs to receptacles.  Prevention of escape of petroleum.  Prohibition of employment of children and intoxicated persons.  Prohibition of smoking, fires, lights, etc  Special precautions against accident. –  Payment of fees  CHAPTER II IMPORTATION OF PETROLEUM  PART I General  Licence for import of petroleum.  Petroleum exempted.  PART II IMPORTATION BY SEA  EXPLOSIVES APPROVALS FOR REFUELLERS AND HYDRANT DIPSENSERS  Renewal of PESO licenses on time.  PART III IMPORTATION BY LAND  PART – IV TRANSPORT ON LAND BY VEHICLES  PART – V TRANSPORT BY PIPELINES  CHAPTER V STORAGE OF PETROLEUM REQUIRING LICNECE  CHAPTER VII LICENCES  FORM I TO XIX 6) Training on DGCA Guideline  CAR Section 5 APPROVAL OF ORGANISATION - CATEGORY E- AVIATION FUEL, AVIATION LUBRICANTS AND SPECIAL PRODUCT ORGANISATIONS. Part VI  Requirement for approval  Quality Control Requirements  Manual Requirements  Quality control check by Regional Airworthiness office  CAR Section 2 Airworthiness- Series H Part-III  PART - I RECEIVING BULK FUEL SUPPLIES  PART - II STORAGE OF FUELS IN BULK  PART III AIRCRAFT FUELLING VEHICLES  PART IV SYSTEMS  PART V BARRELED SUPPLIES  PART VI DEFUELLING  PART VII FUEL GRADE CHANGES  PART VIII SAMPLING PROCEDURES  PART IX TESTING OF AVIATION PRODUCTS 7) Training on Access Control & Security  OISD TRAINING TO SECURITY PERSONNEL  Layout of Plant and Facilities - Explanation of Vulnerable Locations.  Safety Regulations (Statutory and In company)  Fire Protection Facilities and Locations.  Handling of Petroleum Fires.  Disaster Management Plant, Emergency procedures & Drills.  Personal Protective Equipment.  Housekeeping  Work Permit System  Industrial First Aid  Hazardous Properties of Petroleum and its Products.  BCAS Security at airside  AVSEC Awareness program 8) Safety Training to Officers as per OISD 235  Industrial Safety in Petroleum Industry & Safety Regulation.  Safety Regulations (Statutory and In-company) & Accident Prevention.  Classification of Hazardous Areas  Work Permit System  Hazardous Properties of petroleum Products.  Fire - Causes, Prevention & Control  Fire Protection Facilities Operation & Maintenance  Personal Protective Equipment  Safety Instruments for Detection of Hazardous Atmosphere  Safe Operation and Maintenance Procedures  Safe Practices in Tank Cleaning  Safety Audit  Housekeeping  Disaster Management Plan/Emergency Procedures / Drills  Industrial First Aid  Supervisor’s Role in Safety  Electrical Safety  Occupational Health Hazards.  Near Miss and accident/incident reporting  Hazardous Properties of Aviation Fuel  Safe Operation and Maintenance Procedures with Special Reference to the Following:  Receipt Operations.  Refueling  Work Permit System  Tank Cleaning.  Hazop study & Risk Assessment  Safety Culture & BBS Management  Safety at Scaffolding & working at height  Accident investigation reporting & analysis 9) Live Fire Training  Classroom Session of Class of Fire  Type of fire extinguisher  Handling of Hose pipe & Branches  Approaching & combating different type of fire  Usage of Fire extinguisher  Folding & unfolding to hose pipe  Connection with hydrant branch  Usage of PPEs :- SCBA Suit & Fire Proximity Suit  Combating Electric Fire  Roles of different team in fire fighting  Precautions while entering in closed chamber / confined space  Communicating with mutual aid members  Wet Drill 10) Training on M&R by Automobile industry  Troubleshooting Refueller breakdown  Monthly check of Refueller  Periodic M & R of DG Set  Periodic M & R of Fire engine Set  Troubleshooting Aviation mechanism system in refueller  Periodic M & R of Product Pumps 11) Training on Environmental protection & Prevention  Training on Lifestyle For Environment  Compliance as per CPCB & SPCB  Monitoring Stack emission  Monitoring waste disposal  Monitoring Effluent discharge  Awareness about using eco-friendly products  Adopting eco-friendly measures in daily operations  HSE Policy and Sustainability policy 12) Training on Electrical Safety & Earthing Connections  Electrical Safety  Electrical Safety Audit & Inspection  PPEs while using electrical work  Shock Treatment Chart  Usage of Lock out/ Tag Out device  Work Permit for carrying out Electrical Jobs  Combating Electric Fire  Importance of Earthing/ Bonding  Earthing connection as per IS 3043  Provision of Earth pit as per OISD 235  Earth pit strip laying & size as per OISD 235 Total Quantity :

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INR 3.12 Lakhs /-
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