
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Crn4135 Rate Contract For Running Maintenance Of Rotary Parts And Pressure Parts - Boq Sl. No – 1: Shifting & Erection Of One No. Sky Climber A) Shifting Of Scaffolding Material & Sky Climber Like Wooden Pl, Jhajjar-Haryana

Aravali Power Company Private Limited has published Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Crn4135 Rate Contract For Running Maintenance Of Rotary Parts And Pressure Parts - Boq Sl. No – 1: Shifting & Erection Of One No. Sky Climber A) Shifting Of Scaffolding Material & Sky Climber Like Wooden Pl. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-06-2024. Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools Tenders in Jhajjar Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Crn4135 Rate Contract For Running Maintenance Of Rotary Parts And Pressure Parts - Boq Sl. No – 1: Shifting & Erection Of One No. Sky Climber A) Shifting Of Scaffolding Material & Sky Climber Like Wooden Pl
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid for Services - CRN4135 Rate contract for Running Maintenance of Rotary Parts and Pressure Parts - BOQ Sl. No – 1: Shifting & erection of one no. Sky Climber a) Shifting of scaffolding material & sky climber like wooden planks, pipes, sky climber material from stores to work site and transport back to stores after dismantling. b) Opening of furnace manholes for entering the furnace. c) Erection of platform inside the furnace bottom for sky climber installation. Safety of the equipment’s and the personal is very important & hence erection to be done under strict trained supervisor. d) Assembly and erection of sky climbers in any wall / platen as per requirement given by EIC. The operator should be skilled in moving the sky climber and knows the safety operations also. e) Dismantling of sky climbers, platform after completion of work. f) Inspection, checking and mechanical maintenance of sky climber equipment after each installation. g) Operation of sky climber will be done by the contractor round the clock. h) Sky climber shall be kept clean during use by agency. i) Agency shall engage qualified and experienced operator for sky climber requirement. Min 2 person shall be there while sky climber operation is on. j) Operation of sky climber for furnace cleaning, inspection, repair, refractory, burner related works, wall blower adjustment or any other work. k) Agency shall complete and make sky climber operational within 06 hrs of issue of PTW in case of unit s/d other than o/h works. l) Any delay or non-availability of trained personnel will call for suitable penalty. m) Agency should engage qualified and experienced operator for sky climber requirement. Min (2) two person shall be there while sky climber operation is on. BOQ Sl. No – 2 :Changing of Sky Climber position a) Changing of sky climber position in other wall (i.e. shifting of platforms and positions of ropes and end platform) as per engineer-in-charge. b) Maximum Time for changing - 04 hrs. c) No compromise to be made in safety of the equipment and changing / operation of the sky climber to be done under strict supervision of trained and skilled personnel. d) After changing of sky climber position, operation of sky climber will be as per scope of BOQ No 1. BOQ Sl No – 3 :Repair / replacement of boiler tubes lump sum rate up to 10 joints (irrespective of no. Of joints) a) Opening and closing (with new gasket) of manholes/scaffold doors/peep holes. Repair of the same as required. b) Making proper approach and removal of insulations for detection of leak/damage. c) Cutting of fins, seal boxes, baffle plates, scallop bar. Clits and supporting structure for making approach of tube cutting and re-welding of the same after completion of work. d) Removal of refractory for repair work and re-fixing of the same after completion of repair. e) Lifting, lowering of pulling of elements (loop) as per requirement for repair. f) Cleaning of tube surface for thickness measurement in vicinity of tube failure/damaged. g) Inspection/thickness measurement of tube in presence of FQA and area engineer. Welder to be made available at the time of marking position of tube for cutting. h) Cutting and edge preparations of damaged tubes as per the instructions of area engineer and work requirement. i) All tubes cut during repair must be capped by suitable caps, so as to avoid falling of any foreign material inside repair/replacement tubes and it’s compliance shall be contractors responsibility. j) New spool pieces preparation as per requirement and welding of the same in position. Joint welding full TIG/root TIG will be carried as per the requirement. k) If the required tube bend is not available the same is to be fabricated by contractor. l) Boxing up after repair and removal of approach platform. m) Welding of joints will be done as per laid procedure assistance. Radiography will be arranged by APCPL. However, assistance for radiography shall be provided by agency. n) Agency shall assist during hydro test like valve closing /opening, safety valve gagging, inspection of boiler inside during hydro test up to draining. o) Agency shall also carry out repair / replacement of header stubs as per requirement. Payment shall be made at rate of joint for stub repairs. p) Repair, if any, in weld joints to be done by the contractor without any extra cost. q) The agency must use generator transformer. The agency must have capability of joint work at least at 3 different locations simultaneously all the time. r) The scope of this work shall include the cleaning inside furnace in case of boiler tube failure. Cleaning shall be done by water washing after issue of PTW to agency. s) Agency shall insure immediate mobilization on information of boiler tube failure and arrange opening of manhole doors, cleaning. Agency shall also carry out cleaning reqd. For tube t/h survey locally. t) If required, cleaning by buffing wheel, wire brush to be done in affected areas during boiler tube failure in 1st/2nd pass / any other area and joint thickness survey to be done along with FQA. u) Closing of manhole doors with proper rope will be in the scope of agency. Hose pipe for air/water cleaning shall be arranged by agency. v) Any temporary work related to attending BTF is to be done by agency by trained and skilled personnels only. Necessary penalty will be imposed in case suitable personnel are not available. w) Erection/removal of temporary scaffolding to execute the work is part of this work and no extra payment shall be made for this. x) This BOQ rate will only be given in full only in case of BTF of running units where the agency is asked to immediately mobilise sufficient resources. BOQ Sl No – 4 :Repair / replacement of boiler tubes rate per joint a) Opening and closing (with new gasket) of manholes/scaffold doors/peep holes. Repair of the same as required. b) Making proper approach and removal of insulations for detection of leak/damage. c) Cutting of fins, seal boxes, baffle plates, scallop bar. Clits and supporting structure for making approach of tube cutting and re-welding of the same after completion of work. d) Removal of refractory for repair work and re-fixing of the same after completion of repair. e) Lifting, lowering of pulling of elements (loop) as per requirement for repair. Lowering of eco coils in pairs by removing the pin only. f) Cleaning of tube surface for thickness measurement in vicinity of tube failure/damaged. g) Inspection/thickness measurement of tube in presence of FQA and area engineer hp. Welder to be made available at the time of marking position of tube for cutting. h) Cutting and edge preparations of damaged tubes as per the instructions of area engineer and work requirement. i) New spool pieces preparation as per requirement and welding of the same in position. Joint welding full TIG/root TIG will be carried as per the requirement. j) If the required tube bend is not available the same is to be fabricated by contractor. k) Boxing up after repair and removal of approach platform. l) Welding of joints will be done as per laid procedure. Radiography will be arranged by APCPL. However, assistance for radiography shall be provided by agency. m) Agency shall assist during hydro test like valve closing /opening, safety valve gagging, inspection of boiler inside during hydro test up to draining. n) Agency shall also carry out repair / replacement of header stubs as per requirement. Payment shall be made at rate of joint for stub repairs. o) Repair, if any, in weld joints to be done by the contractor. p) In case of localized loose of material on tube surface due to dent or small erosion, material buildup may be required. It is to be carried out by agency after proper surface preparation. It is to be done by hp welder, for such buildup 10% of joint rate shall be paid for each build up / welding of MTM pads / flexible connectors. q) Erection/removal of temporary scaffolding to execute the work is part of this work and no extra payment shall be made for this. r) Leakages found during hydro test of unit under shut down (due to other reason than BTF) will be dealt in this BOQ. s) One (1)BOQ quantity will correspond to welding of tube having dimension (OD-51 mm, thickness 6 mm) and its cross section area will be considered as 1 joint equivalent. Cross section area will be calculated using formula π*(D2 – d2)/4, where “D” is Outer Diameter and “d” is inner Diameter. For payment of welding of tubes/pipes/stubs of different dimension, it shall be converted to joint equivalent cross section area with respect to tube of dimension 51*6 mm. For example using above formula cross section area of tube of dimension 51*6 mm is 848.2293sq mm and will be considered as 1 BOQ quantity. Cross section area of tube of dimension 63.5*12 mm using above formula is 1941.50262 sq mm. Hence for welding of tube of dimension 63.5*12 mm, (1941.50262/848.2293) = 2.29 quantity will be released. BOQ Sl. No – 5 :Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) a) Agency shall arrange and carry out pre heating and post weld heat treatment of weld at site. b) Procedure shall be with reference to ASME boiler and pressure vessel code; ASME b31.1, ASME d1.1 and Indian boiler regulation. c) Procedure shall be issued by APCPL as per requirement of work. Pre heating / post weld heating shall be done by electrical resistance heating. d) However any acetylene and other gas heating may be allowed by engineer-in-charge on case to case basis. e) Temperature shall be recorded by recorder using min 2 nos. Thermocouples at 1800 per weld. f) Heating rate, sealing time and cooling rate will be provided in procedure. All heat treatment cycle shall be controlled with in 1100c of recorded temperature. g) After completion of PWHT, chart and PWHT card shall be submitted to FQA / engineerin-charge. h) All T&P like electrical resistance, heating arrangement, thermal chalk, recorder, and thermocouple shall be arranged by agency without any extra cost. i) Arrangement of insulation etc shall also be done by agency. j) Recorder shall be duly calibrated and calibration certificate shall be produced by agency to engineer-in-charge. k) Erection/removal of temporary scaffolding to execute the work is part of this work and no extra payment shall be made for this. l) Payment of this BOQ based on surface area covered for PWHT . BOQ Sl. No – 6 : Servicing of burner tilt mechanism only one corner a) Dismantling of burner tilt mechanism. b) Repair / replacement of damaged parts of tilt mechanism. c) Servicing of tilt mechanism. d) Free operation of tilt mechanism to be made. e) Free operation checking & locking of burner tilt mechanism as per requirement. f) Erection/removal of temporary scaffolding to execute the work is part of this work and no extra payment shall be made for this. BOQ Sl. No – 7 : Replacement / Servicing/PM of HFO / LDO Pumps. Replacement / Servicing a) Take PTW. b) Dismantling of pumps. c) Internal inspection to be done. d) Check Bearings & oil seals and replace if required. e) Assembling of pumps. f) Alignment of pump with motor & coupling bolt and rubber bush to be replace if required. g) Coupling guard to be reinstalled. h) Trial run and checking of any vibration. i) Attending the defects if any. j) If the pump requires replacement then same BOQ rate will be considered. k) Erection/removal of temporary scaffolding to execute the work is part of this work and no extra payment shall be made for this. PM a) Ensure the isolation of the system. b) Check abnormal sound/vibration and report it to EIC. c) Check oil levels in bearings. d) Check leakages from gland/mechanical seals and replace if required. e) Clean both filters. BOQ Sl. No – 8 : Servicing/ PM of wall blowers, LRSB & APH soot blowers Servicing a) Clean the deposited ash from soot blower by air. b) Dismantling of soot blower gear box from motor after draining oil in container. c) Checking repair / replace the damaged / worn-out part of soot blower as per instruction of EIC. d) Servicing of puppet valve. e) Replacement of gland and gasket as per requirement to arrest any steam leakage from soot blower. f) Servicing of rack & pinion/ chain& sprocket arrangement. g) Assembly of traverse / rotating gear boxes and attachment with electric motor. h) To retract the lance tube by hand cranking and ensure free movement of soot blower. i) Lance tube replacement/adjustment as per requirement. j) Alignment of soot blower. k) Filling of oil as per requirement. l) Attending guide pipe defect or support defect, if any. m) Load trial and defect rectification, if any. n) Cleaning/repair of drive chain as per requirement o) Hose pipe for air/water cleaning shall be arranged by agency. p) Replacement of complete assembly of wall blower be considered under this BOQ. PM FOR LRSB’s & APH soot blowers a) Ensure the isolation of the system. b) Check for free opening and closing of puppet valve. c) Check the oil level of gear boxes (Transverse and Rotary) and fill, if required. d) Clean the chain. e) Check and refill grease in the carriage. f) Check carriage gland/ Gasket tightness. g) Replace the packing/gasket, if found damaged. h) Check the piping flange and hot tighten the bolts. i) Remove any jamming if found during manual operation. FOR WALL BLOWERS a) Ensure the isolation of the system. b) Check for free opening and closing of puppet valve. c) Check the oil level of gear boxes ( Transverse and Rotary) and fill, if required. d) Replace the packing/gasket, if found damaged. e) Replace the packing/gasket, if found damaged. f) Remove any jamming if found during manual operation. BOQ Sl. No – 9: Replacement /servicing of HP / LP Valves up to 10 inch a) Making proper approach to the valve to be replaced as per the instruction of area engineer-in-charge on work requirement. b) Removal and restoration of existing insulation as required. c) Cleaning of pipe, making & cutting as instructed by area engineer-in-charge for removal of valves. d) Removal of damaged valves if required. e) Servicing of new valves or old valves as per servicing procedure given in BOQ no-.14 f) Edge preparation of tube / pipe and spool piece to be fitted along with the valves. g) Welding of joints after properly aligning the valve as per laid procedure. Assistance in hydro test will be provided by the contractor. h) Defect found during hydro test, if any, in the weld joints is to be done immediately by the contractor without any extra charge. i) All hp valves replaced - joints shall be radiographed / DP tested. RT will be done by APCPL. Agency shall assist in same. Any defect shall be repaid by agency. j) DPT of welding joints shall be in the scope of agency. Material for DPT will be supplied by APCPL free of cost. k) In case of replacement of hp valves welding will be done by hp welder only. l) For only gland packing replacement 0.3 times of BOQ will be paid. BOQ Sl. No – 10 :Replacement /servicing of HP/LP v/v above 10 to 20”. a) Dismantle valve completely.. b) Check seats, disc stem and other parts after proper cleaning. Replace/repair as required c) Repair disc seat, back seat, bonnet sent by building up, grinding, lapping etc, as per instruction of engineer-in-charge. Blue check for proper sealing. d) Inspect thrust bearings of yoke spindle. Replace, if defective. Fill grease welding/filling of online points of valves as advised by engineer-in-charge. e) Replace self sealing rings / bonnet gasket / gland packing etc. f) Assemble valve and adjust gland for free movement of valve g) Dismantling of gear box; its servicing; replacement of parts/repair shall be done by agency for all valves having separate gear box between valve and actuator. h) Checking seat passing and bonnet leakage at the time of hydraulic test and boiler lightup and carry out necessary repairs. i) Erection/removal of temporary scaffolding to execute the work is part of this work and no extra payment shall be made for this. j) For only gland packing replacement 0.3 times of BOQ will be paid. BOQ Sl. No – 11 : Preventive maintenance / servicing / repair/cleaning of oil guns or damaged guide pipes of oil gun/scanner/ignitor For Oil Gun a) Remove the oil gun from position b) Dismantle the spray plate & diffuser from gun and dip in kerosene oil. After cleaning the spray plate & diffuser assemble gun and clean the oil gun by steam/air. c) Repair / replacement of oil gun diffuser including secondary air chamber, if required. d) Put back the oil gun in position with new gasket, bush & clamping properly. e) Remove the old gasket from flange in case of flange leakage f) Tight the flange with putting the new gasket between the flanges. Ensure for any steam/oil leakage. For damaged guide pipes of oil gun/scanner/ ignitor a) Take PTW. b) Open the side/front covers of burner whose guide pipe is having problem c) Repair/Replace the damaged guide pipe by removing all attachments d) Fix all attachments and close all the panels/covers e) Erection/removal of temporary scaffolding to execute the work is part of this work and no extra payment shall be made for this. BOQ Sl. No – 12 : PRVENTIVE MAINTENANCE/SERVICING OF BCW EMERGENCY COOLING WATER OVER HEAD TANK PUMP PRVENTIVE MAINTENANCE a) Ensure the isolation of the system. b) Check abnormal sound/vibration and report it to EIC. c) Check oil levels in bearings. d) Check leakages from gland/mechanical seals and replace if required. SERVICING a) Take PTW. b) Dismantling of pumps. c) Internal inspection to be done. d) Check Bearings & oil seals and replace if required. e) Assembling of pumps. f) Alignment of pump with motor & coupling bolt and rubber bush to be replace if required. g) Coupling guard to be reinstalled. h) Trial run and checking of any vibration. i) Attending the defects if any. j) If the pump requires replacement then same BOQ rate will be considered. k) Erection/removal of temporary scaffolding to execute the work is part of this work and no extra payment shall be made for this. BOQ Sl. No – 13 : HANGER RECTIFICATION a) Job includes the inspection and recording of value on gauge of hanger b) During inspection if any hanger found deviated from its standard value or hanger servicing is, then correction/rectification to be done c) Correction to be made to adjust the hanger to its design value as provided by EIC d) Make proper approach to for each Hanger e) Reading and adjustment will be done for both (no load)cold and (full load) hot value f) During full load condition hot value to be recorded and if any hanger found deviated from its design hot value, then it has to be corrected to adjust it to design hot value. g) During no load condition cold value to be recorded and if any hanger found deviated from its design cold value, then it has to be corrected to adjust it to design cold value. h) If any problem is found in hangers then it has to be rectified. BOQ Sl. No – 14 : Repair/replacement of refractory in Pressure Parts& Rotary Parts Area a) Removal of damaged refractory and re-fixing in pressure parts zone as per instruction of engineer-in-charge. b) Refractory shall be applied as per proper procedure and specification. Proper curing shall be done as per requirement. c) All the scrap material is to be shifted to scrap yard from the boiler area. d) Measurement of BOQ will be based on actual weight of Refractory applied. e) Erection/removal of temporary scaffolding to execute the work is part of this work and no extra payment shall be made for this. BOQ Sl. No – 15 : Replacement /Repair of Half Segment Shields a) Remove old damaged shield if required. b) Fixing of new shields or repair of damaged shield as per requirement along with welding and locking with clamp Arrangement. Making 90 deg. Bend from straight shall also be in Scope of agency. c) All shield shall be positioned facing flue gas flow direction as Per instruction of EICin such a way that no gap between clamp to Shield or shield to shield remains. d) No portion of tubes to be left exposed in marked area. e) In case of bend shielding, the same will have be to fabricated, as Per required bend angle. Also same shall be fixed properly. f) These shields should be fixed in position by tack weld/clamp Arrangement as per requirement. g) Erection/removal of temporary scaffolding to execute the work is part of this work and no extra payment shall be made for this. h) One number (1 no.) of this BOQ will correspond to fixing of one meter length of protection shield. In case of fixing of new shield full BOQ rate will be released. In case of fixing/repair of old shields half of the BOQ rate will be released. BOQ Sl. No – 16 : Collar replacement of Fuel Inlet Elbow a) Ensure proper isolation of coal pipe and locking of coal pipe. b) Remove the coupling from both end of elbow bend c) Take out fuel inlet elbow and remove the damaged collar and gasket. d) Mount the gasket and new collar. e) Erect the fuel inlet elbow. f) Replace the rubber gasket of coupling and remount the coupling with new gasket. g) Tight the coupling bolt. h) Cut all locking of pipe to ensure free for expansion. BOQ Sl. No – 17 :Scaffolding Erection in Boiler, Valves and Hangers etc. a) Shifting of scaffolding material from stores to site at different elevation of boiler. b) Erection of scaffolding in any of the following areas as per requirement.. c) Scaffolding should be made in a tier to cover total length of the tube/wall in the above zones as well as width of the zone also. d) Any other area in boiler as per instruction of engineer-in-charge. Any other area as instructed by EIC. e) Dismantling and shifting of the same to the stores after completion of the work. f) Agency must deploy a trained supervisor who will insure safe erection of the scaffolding. Approach to reach working platform should be suitable to climb. g) Measurement will be as per number of scaffolding platforms placed. h) This quantity will be used in cases which are not covered in other BOQ. BOQ Sl. No – 18 : Reclamation of coal burner nozzles/ coal burner tips For coal burner nozzles a) Dismantling of coal burner nozzle & tip. b) Assessment of the extent of damage in the coal burner nozzle by visual inspection. c) Repair of coal nozzle body by patching / grafting buildup to rectify thickness reduction in body at various places, as per the directions of EIC. d) Repair / replacement of coal nozzle divider plate by patching hard facing. e) Replacement of flange studs as per requirement. f) Support & holes servicing & repair if any For coal burner Tips a) Assessment of the extent of damaged in the coal nozzle tip (upper & lower) by visual inspection. b) Removal of damaged portions as per requirement by cutting. c) Cutting of fresh Stainless Steel (SS) plates. d) Fixing of new plates in position b welding and hard facing thereof as per requirement. e) Checking of final dimensions as per drawing. f) Checking & repair of pivot pin clamp as required. g) Servicing of reach rod & its pivot point. h) Assembly of coal burner tip with coal nozzle and check for freeness BOQ Sl. No – 19 : Servicing of safety valves / Servicing of ERV Servicing of safety valves a) Dismantling of safety valves (care should be taken not to disturb the settings while dismantling & fitting the valves unless and until asked to do by the Engineer-in-Charge). Better to put match mark. b) While dismantling, measure and record all the necessary readings (e.g. Gaps, settings etc.) c) Repair / replacement of damage components including assisting Ex-BHEL service personnel in case of seat cutting operation if required. d) Check spindle trueness and straighten / replace, as necessary. e) Check disc and seat. Ensure proper blue matching by lapping. f) Check floating washer’s freeness, overlap collar, lift stop, disc stop, disc holler and their locks etc. Repair / replace as required. g) Assembly of safety valve with original. h) Checking the support, clamp etc., of exhaust. Cleaning of tray and alignment, as required. i) To assist in safety valve floating / setting (setting for popping pressure, reset pressure blow / down and clear popping). j) Agency shall also provide all assistance to online floating team / ex-BHEL service personnel during overhauling and floating of safety valves. k) Gagging of safety valve during hydraulic test as per requirement. Servicing of ERV a) Dismantling of ERV main valve by removing exhaust pipe and out let flange. b) Lapping of seat, bushings and disc. c) Checking of spring and replacement, as required. d) Lapping of sealing surface of c seal ring and replacement of c seal ring of MS ERV. e) Checking of supports, clamps, silencer etc. & rectification as per requirement and boxing up. f) Dismantling of pilot valve. g) Lapping of pilot seat bushing and disc. h) Checking of stem, disc, spring and other components. Replacing defective components as required and boxing up. i) Dismantling of isolating and equalizer valve. j) Lapping of disc and seats. k) Checking of seats, disc stem and other parts and replace / repair as required. l) Replacement of c seal ring after lapping the sealing surface. m) Replace the gasket wherever required. n) Replace gland packing and boxing up the valve. o) Assistance in checking / commissioning of ERV. BOQ SL. NO – 20: 20.1) REMOVAL & RE-FIXING OF TOP HALF FAN CASING AND OGV OF PA FAN/ FD FAN. 20.2) REMOVAL, CLEANING, INSPECTION & RE-FIXING OF PA FAN/FD FAN BLADES. 20.3) COUPLING, DECOUPLING OR ALIGNMENT OF FANS (ID FAN / FD FAN / PA FAN ). 20.4) BEARING INSPECTION OF ID FAN. 20.5) REMOVAL & REAFFIXING OF ID FAN CONES AND INTERNAL CLEANING, INSPECTION & REPAIR OF ID FAN (1 QTY. FOR EACH COMPLETE WORK) 20.1 REMOVAL& RE-FIXING OF TOP HALF FAN CASING, OGV OF PA FAN / FD FAN a) Take PTW. b) Open all the access doors of the fan. c) Remove the fan insulation as per requirement. d) Remove the top half of fan housing and/or OGV after removal of rubber expansion joints and the MS strips. e) After getting clearance, reassemble fan top housing/OGV. Fit the rubber straps and the MS strips by proper fastening. f) Check impeller blade clearances with fan casing at least at 45 degree interval for the longest blade. 20.2 REMOVAL, CLEANING, INSPECTION & REFIXING OF PA FAN/ FD FAN BLADES a) The scope of work starts after removal of the Top half of the fan cover as mentioned in scope of work b) Ensure PTW. c) Remove the impeller blades and store them in a safe working area ensuring that there is no danger of falling of any blades or, any foreign object on the blades. d) Clean the blades using soap solution as per direction of the area engineer. e) Reassemble the impeller blades on the impeller hub ensuring the match marks on the blades and the impeller hub. f) Tighten the blade screws to the recommended torque using a torque wrench. g) Check all clearances and do resetting, by filing the blade tips as per requirement for recommended values. Note down the readings taken. 20.3 COUPLING, DECOUPLING OR ALIGNMENT OF FANS (ID FAN / FD FAN / PA FAN ) a) Take PTW b) Remove coupling guard, all coupling bolts, bushes and coupling inserts after confirmation of PFW. c) Lock fan shaft to arrest reverse rotation if required. d) Clean all coupling bolts, bushes and inserts and inspect. Replace if required. e) After getting clearance from E.I.C. couple fan with motor with proper coupling bolts, bushes and insets. Fix coupling guard. Alignment of Fans (ID Fan / FD Fan / PA Fan) a) Decouple fan from motor after confirmation of PTW. b) Fix dial gauges with clamps as per norms. c) Check alignment reading and record it in presence of APCPL representative. d) Align motor with fan/APH and record it in presence of APCPL representative. e) Replace damaged coupling bolt and bushes if required. f) Couple motor with fan/APH after getting clearance from EIC or his representative. 20.4 BEARING INSPECTION OF ID FAN a) Remove cooling pipes, oil pipes, top cover and end covers after confirmation of PFW and C&I connections removal. b) Clean both inner and outer bearings thoroughly. c) After cleaning of bearings check bearings clearances thoroughly. d) Box up both bearings and fit all cooling pipes end covers. 20.5) REMOVAL & REAFFIXING OF ID FAN CONES AND INTERNAL CLEANING, INSPECTION & REPAIR OF ID FAN (1 QTY. FOR EACH COMPLETE WORK) Removal & reaffixing of ID fan cones a) Ensure PTW. b) Open all the access manhole doors. c) Arrange hand lamps with sufficient length of wire for inside lighting. d) Check the condition of cone seating with the impeller and shaft and measure gap/clearances. e) Remove the impeller cones after opening all the cone flange bolts with impeller. Careful gas cutting of cone seal ring to set right the cones seating with the impeller and shaft to facilitate NDT of fan hub portion, if required. f) Remove ash, inside the cone & cleaned surface of cone. g) After the NDT work is completed, reassemble the cones after proper matching with fan impeller and ensuring gap setting with fan shaft and providing suitable sealing rope. h) Measure the gaps / clearances. Internal Cleaning, Inspection & Repair of ID Fan a) Ensure PTW. b) Inspect the ID fan internals for ash deposits, wear & tear of components like impeller wear plates, wear liners, impeller seal ring, impeller cone etc. Clean all the deposits. Measure the wear of the blade wear plate, liner thickness and replace the same wherever required. c) Inspect the blade wear liner fixing bolts & replace them wherever required. d) Check the wear plate-welding joint for crack by performing DPT. DPT kit for the same shall be provided to the contractor free of cost. Do the required grinding and re-welding wherever required as per the direction of the area engineer. e) Set all the clearances between impeller and wear ring and others as per recommended value. f) Check seal ring for wear & repairs / replace, if required. g) Check the fan casing support bracing for wear & tear. Repair/replace the same as per requirement. h) Check the rotor level. i) Check the shaft seal (labyrinth seal) for wear & replace the same if required. Setting of the seals is to be done as per recommended value. NOTE:- 1-If only internal inspection and cleaning is done 25% of BOQ will be payable. BOQ SL. NO – 21: INTERNAL INSPECTION & BLADE PITCH CHECKING OF PA/FD FANS (1 QTY FOR COMPLETE WORK) a) Confirm that the PTW is taken. b) Open all the access manhole doors. c) Arrange hand lamps with sufficient length of wire for inside lighting. d) Clean internal surface of the fan and remove dust. e) Check blade movement from 0 % to 100% and 100% to 0 % with Operation Engineer. f) Check any oil leakage and attend leakage. g) Check servomotor piston movement length & adjust it as per standard. h) Box up the internal manholes & access manholes. BOQ SL. NO – 22: 22.1 SERVICING OR REPLACEMENT & ALIGNMENT OF FLUID COUPLING OF APH (1 QTY FOR EACH WORK) 22.2 SERVICING OR REPLACEMENT OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY GEAR BOX OF APH SOOT BLOWER (1 QTY FOR EACH WORK): 22.1 SERVICING OR REPLACEMENT & ALIGNMENT OF FLUID COUPLING OF APH (1 QTY FOR EACH WORK) Servicing of Fluid Coupling of APH a) Confirm PTW. b) Shifting of old fluid couplings to site store. c) Cleaning and draining of residual oil from fluid coupling. d) Complete striping of fluid coupling including removal of coupling halves, bearings etc. e) Thorough cleaning of each parts of the fluid coupling. f) Replacement of all rubber components, gaskets, bearings and other damaged parts. g) Assembling of fluid couplings with parts certified by area in charge and oil filling. h) All the holding down bolts is to be torque tightened with specified value. i) Fitting of assembled fluid coupling in test bed after proper alignment. j) Take trial run for 24 hrs in presence of area engr.. k) Attend defects if any. l) Mark all successful fluid coupling properly with date of servicing. m) Storage of all fluid coupling as per direction of area engineer. REPLACEMENT & ALIGNMENT OF FLUID COUPLING OF APH a) Take PTW. b) Remove the coupling guard. c) Remove the bolts connecting the fluid coupling with the resilient coupling. d) Remove the other side coupling bolts. Keep the coupling bolts safely. e) Remove the fluid coupling. f) On obtaining clearance for coupling, either fit the same coupling, or, a new / serviced coupling. g) Fit the resilient coupling. h) Measure and record initial alignment reading and coupling gap. i) Align the gearbox side coupling and motor as per APCPL quality norms. j) Attend defects (if any) arising during trial, commissioning and defect liability period. 22.2 SERVICING OR REPLACEMENT OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY GEAR BOX OF APH SOOT BLOWER (1 QTY FOR EACH WORK): Servicing of Primary & Secondary Gear Boxa) Take permission of the area engineer. b) Clean the area surrounding the soot blower gearbox. If required insulation is to be removed. c) Remove the motor from the soot blower gearbox. d) Service the soot blower gearbox, swivel assembly. e) Dismantle the gearbox. Clean the gearbox thoroughly and inspect all the internals. Replace / Repair any defective component as per the instruction of the area engineer. Replace all gland ropes, oil, grease, gaskets etc. f) Reassemble the gearbox. g) Fill oil / grease in the gear box h) Reposition all the parts of the soot blowers. i) Assist in setting the limit switch for accurate operation. j) Take trial run and attend the defects observed during trial. REPLACEMENT OF APH SOOT BLOWER GEARBOX a) Ensure PTW. b) Clean the area surrounding the soot blower gearbox. If required insulation is to be removed. c) Remove the motor from the soot blower gearbox. d) Replace the soot blower gearbox. e) Alignment with motor & gearbox. f) Fill oil / grease in the gear box. g) Reposition all the parts of the soot blowers. h) Assist in setting the limit switch for accurate operation. i) Take trial run and attend the defects observed during trial. NOTE:- One BOQ includes both primary and secondary gear boxes, in case of only one gear box 50% BOQ will be payable. BOQ SL. NO – 23: SERVICING OR REPLACEMENT OF MAIN DRIVE SYSTEM OF PAPH/SAPH (1 QTY FOR EACH WORK): SERVICING OF MAIN DRIVE SYSTEM OF PAPH/SAPH: a) Take permission of the area engineer. b) Remove the drive pinion cover from the gearbox. c) Drain the oil from the gearbox. d) Open the side covers of the gearbox and inspect the bearings and the gears inside. e) If required, replace the seal, bearing etc. f) Flush the gearbox with oil. Fill the gearbox with fresh oil. g) Measure the dimension of the cog rim pins in a register. Check the radial and axial run out of the cog rims as per the instructions of the area engineer. h) If required, replace the pinion. i) Adjust the root gap and clearances. j) Fit the pinion cover. k) Clean externally the gearbox and the area in the vicinity. l) Take trial run and attend the defects if any. m) If required replace Main drive of Gear Box. Note:-In case of one side oil seal (there are two seals in each side) replacement work done by contractor then 10% BOQ will be payable. REPLACEMENT OF MAIN DRIVE SYSTEM OF PAPH/SAPH: a) Take permission of the area engineer. b) Remove the drive pinion cover from the gearbox. c) Decouple the main drive from both sides. d) Remove all foundation bolts. e) Drag out the gear box. f) Put the new gear box/ serviced gear box in position. g) Do alignment with rake and pinion arrangement, electric motor with fluid coupling and air motor with dial gauge. h) Check the oil level in fluid coupling and gear box. i) Take trial run with air motor and attend the defects observed during trial. j) Take trial run with electric motor and attend the defects observed during trial. BOQ SL. NO – 24: SERVICING OR REPLACEMENT OF SEAL AIR BLOWERS OF APH, ID, FD, PA FAN GATES AND DAMPERS. SERVICING OF SEAL AIR BLOWERS OF APH, ID, FD, PA FAN GATES. a) Take PTW. b) Dismantle all the components and clean. c) Repair/replace the damaged components. d) Re-assemble the blower. e) Take trial run. f) If required replace seal air blower of Gates g) Attend the defects, observed in trial run. REPLACEMENT OF SEAL AIR BLOWERS OF APH, ID, FD, PA FAN GATES a) Ensure PTW. b) Clean the area surrounding the seal air blower. c) Open the casing of blower. d) Dismantle the same and replace with new or serviced blower. e) Take trial run and attend the defects observed during trial. BOQ SL. NO – 25: MEJ (METTALIC EXPENSION JOINT) INSTALLATION OR NON METALLIC EXPANSION JOINTS (NMEJ) REPLACEMENT & REPAIR OF FG/ AIR DUCT. MEJ (METALLIC EXPANSION JOINT) INSTALLATIONa) Confirmation of PTW b) Cut the protection plate installed to protect NMEJ bolster. c) Measure the dimensions of space available for installation. d) Select the required metallic bellow (number of convolutions as per width of the MEJ) e) Cut the straight pieces with corner pieces (1 or 2 pieces as per requirement or available space). f) Put them inside the duct through manhole doors do initial fitting, tag weld if necessary. g) Get it checked from EIC representative or FQA if required. h) Do the final welding after clearance. i) Erect the protection plates. (Note: 1 Mtr of BOQ means 1 meter length of metallic bellow irrespective of number of convolutions or width of the bellow). NON METALLIC EXPANSION JOINTS (NMEJ) REPLACEMENT & REPAIR OF FLUE GAS / AIR DUCT. a) Confirmation of PTW. b) Erect scaffolding for approach surrounding duct. c) Remove insulation and expansion joint (NMEJ)cover. d) Remove old NMEJ (complete or part as instructed by EIC) with Bolster and clean the surrounding area. e) Erect new NMEJ (complete or part as instructed by EIC) with Bolster. f) Joint NMEJ ends. g) Identify leakage points and repair by welding. h) Cover expansion joints with 3.15/6 mm plates after getting clearance from area Engr. Note: Additional 1 Mtr quantity will be payable for each joint (applicable for 33.2 only). BOQ SL. NO – 26: PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE OF FANS (PA/FD/ID/SEAL AIR FAN, SCANNER AIR FAN) a) Take PTW. b) Clean fan area. c) Check any abnormal sound, vibration etc. d) Check alignment. If required e) Check any leakage and attend . f) Check oil level in seal air fan, if oil level low, oil to be top-up. g) Take trial run and attend the defects if any. BOQ SL. NO – 27: REPLACEMENT OR SERVICING OF FD/PA FAN ROTOR ASSEMBLY (1 QTY FOR EACH WORK): REPLACEMENT OF FD/PA FAN ROTOR ASSEMBLY: a) Confirm the PTW. b) Retract the servomotor to close the impeller blades. Stop the lube oil pumps after this. c) Open the manhole door from the suction diffuser. Remove the shaft protection tube screws and those of the bullet cover. d) Remove the expansion rubber straps at the upper half of the housings by removing the strips and remove the screws connecting the parting planes of the fan housing. e) Remove the linkages of the actuating drives, the oil connection on the servomotor and oil supply head and ensure protection of oil opening by wrapping with clean cloth. f) Remove all the mounting sleeves and ensure disconnection of all instruments and piping from the bearing housing. g) Decouple and remove the intermediate shaft. h) Lift the upper half of the impeller housing and guide vane housing with the help of hoist. i) Remove all the blades. Keep the blades in a safe position to avoid any falling of foreign objects. Clean all the blades using soap solution by using cloths. j) Remove the strip over the servomotor so as to facilitate the removal of servomotor along with the rotor assembly. k) Remove the ELA pipe connection at the bottom. l) Suspend the impeller hub from the hoist and loosely hang the hub. Remove the screws connecting impeller with shaft flange and housing flange. Lift the impeller hub along with the servomotor. m) Place the impeller assembly on a fabricated stand/wooden sleepers on an even floor horizontally with its servomotor side on top. Cover the whole assembly with tarpaulin to protect from dust & water. If required, shift the rotor assembly to the place as decided by the area engineer. n) Take a new / serviced rotor assembly from the place as shown by the area engineer. Shift it to position. Lift the same to position with the help of the hoist. o) Fit the bearing housing in position and tighten bolts at required torque. p) Connect the intermediate shaft assembly after thorough cleaning of the same. q) Connect the oil lines with bearing housing. Connect the inlet, outlet and leak off line hoses with servomotor assembly and connect the linkage system of actuator. r) Connect the ELA pipe connections. s) Mount the intermediate shaft of the coupling and align the fan with motor and get it checked by the area engineer. t) Fix the blades in position according to the matching numbers on the hub and the blade. Tighten the blade fixing screws at the required torque using a torque wrench. u) Measure the blade tip clearance, root clearance and the blade boss clearance and record it. v) Record clearance for fixing of thermocouples, vibration picks ups etc. w) Run the lube oil pump and check for any leakages. Rectify the defects if any. Servomotor settings are to be carried out as per the instruction of EIC or area Engr.. x) Fix top half of the casing and protection cover and fix the removed expansion rubber straps and the MS strips. y) Clean the internals properly and box up the fan after final inspection. SERVICING OF FD/PA FAN ROTOR ASSEMBLY: a) Confirm the PTW. b) Retract the servomotor to close the impeller blades. Stop the lube oil pumps after this. c) Open the manhole door from the suction diffuser. Remove the shaft protection tube screws and those of the bullet cover. d) Remove the expansion rubber straps at the upper half of the housings by removing the strips and remove the screws connecting the parting planes of the fan housing. e) Remove the linkages of the actuating drives, the oil connection on the servomotor and oil supply head and ensure protection of oil opening by wrapping with clean cloth. f) Remove all the mounting sleeves and ensure disconnection of all instruments and piping from the bearing housing. g) Decouple and remove the intermediate shaft. h) Lift the upper half of the impeller housing and guide vane housing with the help of hoist. i) Remove all the blades. Keep the blades in a safe position to avoid any falling of foreign objects. Clean all the blades using soap solution by using cloths. j) Remove the strip over the servomotor so as to facilitate the removal of servomotor alongwith the rotor assembly. k) Remove the ELA pipe connection at the bottom. l) Suspend the impeller hub from the hoist and loosely hang the hub. Remove the screws connecting impeller with shaft flange and housing flange. Lift the impeller hub along with the servomotor. m) Place the impeller assembly on a fabricated stand/wooden sleepers on an even floor horizontally with its servomotor side on top. Cover the whole assembly with tarpaulin to protect from dust & water. If required, shift the rotor assembly to the place as decided by the area engineer. n) Remove the servomotor &blade bearing assembly. o) Open bearing assembly and remove all bearings, rings, O-rings, etc. p) Check all dimension and box up assembly. q) Trial run. BOQ SL. NO – 28 : REPLACEMENT OF DODGES SLEEVE BEARING OF ID FAN (1 QTY FOR ONE BEARING EITHER DE OR NDE BEARING): a) After confirmation of P.T.W disconnect all the cooling water & lube oil pipes (flexible hose). b) Ensure that all RTD’s & thermocouples are removed. c) Remove the end seals of the bearings. d) Loosen & remove all the fixing bolts of upper & lower halves of bearing housing.(Both DE & NDE) e) Lift the upper bearing housing after match marking. f) Loosen & remove the upper liner cap screws & lift the upper liner cap after match marking. g) Remove the oil ring around outside of liner base & over the shaft by unscrewing the joint screws carefully. h) Remove the thrust pad halves one by one. (Plates are matched in pairs & must not be interchanged.) i) Lift the fan shaft in upward (0.5mm) direction with the help of the jack. Support the fan shaft with suitable wooden sleepers. j) Remove the lower liner base of the bearing by rotating on the lower housing base. k) Inspect shaft to ensure it’s smoothness (0.8 microns or better) and free of burrs and rough spots. In non-expansion bearings, thrust collars are to be lapped with lapping compound if necessary to get lapping finish. No identification marks or tool marks are permitted on the collar, surface. Check for square ness of shaft thrust collar with respect to the shaft (using tri square). Light should not pass through the matching surface. l) Clean the bearings, liners & thrust pads & check for any crack or scratches on Babbitt surfaces. If any scratches are found on Babbitt surfaces, remove carefully with steel wool / coir material. DPT to be done for any cracks detection. DPT kit for this shall be provided to the contractor free of cost. If UT is required to be done, the same shall be carried out by APCPL-FQA. However, manpower required for assistance shall be provided by the contractor without any additional cost. m) Apply oil to the spherical seats of the housing base. For fixing RTD make sure the holes in the liner should align with the holes in the housing when the pillow block is assembled. Apply oil to the liner bearing Surface. n) Lower the shaft. o) Place the oil ring around the outside of the liner base and over the shaft. Install & fix oil ring screws to ensure that they are secure. Make sure rings rotate freely on shaft. p) First, install the plate half without milled slots in the steel body against the thrust collar & rotate plate around shaft into liner cavity. Install retainer washer in the groove in liner base. Rotate plate until retainer washer stops it. Place other thrust plate half against the thrust collar making sure of the Babbitt faces and the thrust collar. Install the second thrust plates set in the same manner. The total gap between the shaft thrust collar & the thrust plates on the two sides shall be minimum 0.38 mm to maximum 0.76 mm. q) Apply oil to the bearing area of the cap located in liner cap on the liner base. Check match marking, install & tighten cap screws alternately. r) Check alignment of pillow block by noting clearance between housing bore & shaft at each end of the housing. s) Install back the end seals with new ‘O’ rings. Clearance should be uniform with in 1/32 inch. t) Bearing clearance are to be set as follows:- u) Top oil clearance : 0.250 mm to 0.430 mm v) Side clearance : 0.230 mm to 0.315 mm w) Position gasket on housing base, loosen plunger screw and locate housing cap on housing base. Tighten housing bolts and turn down plunger screw. x) Install grommet and grommet plate over coolant pipes. Install housing and lock nut on pipes. y) Install all oil and cooling water hoses / piping’s. z) Give clearance to fix RTD and thermocouple in its position. aa) At the fixed bearing the shaft level is to be maintained to 0.04mm / Mtr. bb) Check alignment of fan with motor. Realign if necessary and get it checked by the area engineer. cc) Inspect auxiliary seal and end closure kits. Wrap cork seal around shaft next to pillow block. Wrap seal retainer around seal. Place gasket on each auxiliary seal housing half. dd) Fill the pillow block with oil up to the top of outermost circle in the oil gauge & check the tightness of all the fasteners in presence of area engr. ee) Take trial run and rectify the defects if any. Minor work related to the main work is to be carried out as per direction of EIC or Area Engr.. ff) Check all points & tighten the screws & nuts after 48 hrs of operation. NOTE: Additional BOQ for Fan alignment and coupling will be payable. BOQ SL. NO – 29: SERVICING OR REPLACEMENT OF SEAL AIR FAN /DYNA VANE FILTER CLEANING (1 QTY FOR EACH WORK): SERVICING OR REPLACEMENT OF SEAL AIR FANa) Take PTW. b) Remove the expansion joint rubber / fabric. c) Remove the fan side casing. d) Check the impeller for any wear out/crack. e) Remove the impeller from the motor shaft after removal of lock nut with proper puller as per requirement. f) If any minor repair is required carry out the same. g) In case of any minor repair, get it balanced, if required, from O&M workshop. h) Reassemble it on the motor shaft. i) Fix back the casing after repair/patching, if any. j) Fix back the expansion joint rubber / fabric. k) Do the in-situ balancing, if reqd., after trial run. l) Removal of ducts, diffuser etc. to facilitate impeller removal after confirmation of PFW. m) Removal of impeller from motor shaft without damaging impeller/motor. n) Removal of shaft bush/sleeve from motor shaft. o) DPT of impeller, if required. p) Minor repair work if required. q) Cleaning & polishing of impeller, motor shaft key etc. to facilitate smooth mounting of impeller on motor shaft . r) Mounting of impeller on motor shaft and locking of the impeller with locking plate and stud. s) If required replace the fan. t) Alignment of motor- fan assembly. u) Fixing of diffuser and related ducts with asbestos rope sealing . v) Taking successful trial run. w) Defect rectification, if any. SEAL AIR FAN DYNA VANE FILTER CLEANING a) Removal of Dyna vane filter from seal air fan duct and bringing it to 0 mtr. b) Dismantling of Dyna vane filter assembly to remove each baffle and vanes. c) Cleaning of each baffle and vanes thoroughly. d) Assembling of Dyna vane filter with cleaned baffles and vanes. e) Fitting of Dyna vane filter in original position of the duct with fresh gasket. f) Any other minor job as directed by area Engineer. BOQ SL. NO – 30: SERVICING OR REPLACEMENT / INTERNAL INSPECTION & CLEANING AND DISCHARGE BELLOW REPLACEMENT WORK OF SCANNER AIR FAN. (1 QTY FOR EACH WORK): SERVICING OF SCANNER AIR FAN. a) Take PTW. b) Remove the expansion joint rubber / fabric. c) Remove the fan side casing. d) Check the impeller for any wear out/crack. e) Remove the impeller from the motor shaft after removal of lock nut with proper puller as per requirement. f) If any minor repair is required carry out the same. g) In case of any minor repair, get it balanced, if required, from O&M workshop. h) Reassemble it on the motor shaft. i) Fix back the casing after repair/patching, if any. j) Fix back the expansion joint rubber / fabric. k) Do the in-situ balancing, if reqd., after trial run. REPLACEMENT OF SCANNER AIR FAN. a) Take PTW. b) Remove damage fan. c) Place new fan. d) Do alignment of fan. e) Take trail run. INTERNAL INSPECTION & CLEANING AND DISCHARGE BELLOW REPLACEMENT WORK OF SCANNER AIR FANa) Ensure PTW. b) Open the door. c) Clean impeller & internal area. d) Check any leakage & attend. e) Replace discharge bellow & joint both ends. f) Closed the door & taking trial run. BOQ SL. NO – 31 : INSPECTION OF GUIDE BEARING / SUPPORT BEARING - a) Ensure PTW. b) Drain oil in oil drum & flush oil lines and clean lube oil filters. c) Remove all the connections to bearing housing. d) Remove bearing housing cover / water shield plate. e) Check bearing clearance & bearing level housing . f) Reassemble the components as per instructions of engineer in charge. Level the bearing housing to within limit. By adjusting the adjusting screws Ensure free movement of the sector plate guide bolts. g) Fill the bearing with oil. Restore Lubricating oil line. Establish oil flow by running the pumps. h) Attend defects if any during trial run of air pre heater. BOQ SL. NO – 32 : REPLACEMENT OF GUIDE BEARING OF PAPH / SAPH: a) Ensure PTW. b) Suitably lock the Air heater rotor by welding members between rotor and casing. c) Remove all the connections to bearing housing. d) Remove bearing housing cover. Remove the locking between the bearing adapter and shaft. e) Remove the Guide bearing along with adapter from the shaft and housing. Then remove the bearing housing if required. f) If it is not possible then remove guide bearing along with adapter and bearing housing. Disassemble the Bearing, adapter, bearing housing, seal tube and labyrinth seal. g) Clean and inspect the components thus disassembled. h) Replace the defective components like bearing, seal tube, adopter etc. Adjust bearing clearance as per BHEL drawing. Tighten the lock plate. i) In case repairs are required to be done on the shaft, adapter or bearing housing, metal build up by welding is to be done as per instruction of Engineer in Charge. Welding consumables (special purpose electrodes) for build-up shall be supplied by APCPL. j) Machining at Workshop or in-situ machining of shaft at site is in APCPL scope. k) Minor repairs like grinding / tapping / drilling etc to be done at site. l) For major repairs of any component, the components are to be shifted to workshop for machining and Insitu machine is to be shifted to work place. Shifting of repaired / machined components to work place and Insitu machine to storage space is contractor’s responsibility. m) Reassemble the components as per instructions of engineer in charge. Level the bearing housing within limit. By adjusting the adjusting screws Ensure free movement of the sector plate guide bolts. n) Fill the bearing with oil. Restore Lubricating oil line. Establish oil flow by running the pumps. o) Remove locking of rotor. p) Attend defects if any during trial run of air pre heater. BOQ SL. NO – 33 : REPLACEMENT OF SUPPORT BEARING OF PAPH/SAPH: a) Shift the hydraulic jacks (for rotor lifting) after their testing for proper operation to site. b) Drain oil from support bearing housing. Remove all pipeline connections to the support bearing. c) Remove the support bearing housing cover after removing all shaft sealing arrangements. Lift H.E. Sector plates to the maximum position. d) Remove Trunion shaft seal (H.E. & C.E.) and foundation bolts of support bearing housing. Loosen guide bearing housing bolts Remove any other obstruction which may restrict the rotor lifting. Rotor to be guided axially against any tilting. e) Remove the cover protection of adapter and guide fixtures. f) Place all four jacks near the cold end sector plate. g) Lift the rotor to facilitate removal of support bearing. h) Support the rotor by inserting packers. Lock the jacks. i) Remove the support bearing housing guides at four sides of the housing. Loosen the foundation bolts of the support bearing housing. j) Remove the bearing housing along with bearing and the runner plate. Shift the housing assembly to a place identified for proper inspection and replacement work.. If platform extension / modification is necessary, contractor has to do the same without any additional cost. k) Lift the runner plate and bearing assembly. Check the condition of the bearing and the lower race. If required, replace the bearing. l) Rectify any damage in the runner plate, rotor groove, bearing seating area, covers etc. m) Remove the lower race of bearing from the housing using suitable jack bolts. Removal may require gas cutting of the race in case of jamming / difficulty in removal. n) Any minor damage found in bearing housing and adapter is to be repaired by metal build up / grinding and matching. APCPL may provide available workshop facility. o) Do the assembling of new / same bearing in the reverse sequence. Care should be taken to maintain cleanliness of bearing races, adapter and housing. p) Shift the Bearing housing along with upper race and runner plate to position. Centre the housing using the stoppers at the four sides of the rotor. Adjust the support bearing housing level as per directions of the engineer in charge. q) Lower the rotor assembly after centring by unlocking the jacks and operating the jacks. r) Re check of support bearing housing level. If not within acceptable limits then levelling is to be done again. Ensure tightness of the housing foundation bolts and reposition the guide fixtures. s) Normalize & Re assemble all components removed earlier. Flush the bearing housing by oil and then fill oil in the housing. BOQ SL. NO – 34: SERVICING OR REPLACEMENT OF AIR MOTORS OF AIR PREHEATERS (1 QTY FOR EACH WORK): a) Take PTW. b) Remove the air motor from the drive. c) Remove all the air motor blades and replace the damaged rotor blades, or, remove the rotor and the gears. d) Clean the rotor and the cylinder. e) Dismantle & service the gear assembly. Replace any damaged parts. f) Replace the damaged bearings. g) Reassemble the air motor & gear assembly. h) Replace / Top up lubricating oil in the gear assembly. i) Check freeness of the air motor and also check availability of oil in the lubricator. Top up oil if required. j) Run the air motor with air and check the functioning of the air motor. k) Attend defects if any. l) If required replace the air motor of fans. BOQ SL. NO – 35: REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR OF LANCE TUBES & NOZZLE OF APH (1 QTY FOR EACH WORK): a) The scope of work starts after inspection of APH. b) Cut the protection cover of the soot blowers on which it is to be replaced. c) Disconnect the lance tubes from the soot blower drive gear box. d) Remove the lance tube and repair if it is repairable. e) If the Area Engineer decides to replace the lance tube, bring new lance tubes from APCPL stores. f) Fit the lance tube in position and connect it to the drive gearbox. g) If the nozzles are required to be replaced, replace the same. h) Fit the protection cover properly as per the instruction of the Area Engineer. BOQ SL. NO – 36 : REPLACEMENT / SERVICING OF GEAR BOX OF GATES & DAMPERS ACTUATOR (1 QTY FOR EACH WORK) . Replacement: a) Take PTW. b) Decouple the gearbox. c) Remove the Gear box from its drive/motor. d) Check the all nut bolts and its spears. e) Installed new /serviced Gearbox it place. f) Coupled the gearbox with drive/motor. g) Check all connections. h) Take the Trial run and attend the defect during the trial run. Report any other defect. Servicing of Gear Box/ Actuator of Gates & Dampers: a) Take permission of the Area Engineer. b) Dismantling the gearbox. c) Check all internal components (gears, bearings, seals, gasket’s, ‘O’ rings,etc.). d) Clean the gearbox and replace damage parts. e) Check all clearances as per area Engineer. f) Box-up the gearbox &check freeness of gearbox. BOQ Sl. No – 37 : 37.1) INTERNAL INSPECTION & RESTORATION OF ESP FIELD: 37.2) SERVICING OR REPLACEMENT OF RAPPING GEAR BOXES (1 QTY FOR EACH WORK): 37.1 INTERNAL INSPECTION & RESTORATION OF ESP FIELD: a) Open the manhole doors of respective ESP fields and hoppers after insuring PTW. b) Identify the cause of field non-availability like snapped emitting electrode, loose / misaligned collecting electrodes etc. c) Re fix the loose emitting electrodes / align the collecting electrodes. d) Inspect for condition of components like plain bearings, collecting plates, emitting electrodes, rapping hammers (inner and outer arms), shock bars, shock bar guides, rapping shafts etc. e) Prepare inspection report identifying the items that need repair/replacement/rectification along with their location as per format given by APCPL-IGSTPP. f) Reposition dislocated shock bars. Its alignment with respect to collecting plates to be ensured. Tack-weld the fasteners. g) Repair/Repositioning/Replacement of Shock bar guides: h) Damaged / distorted shock bar guide and its support to be either rectified by heating with cutting / heating gas or to be cut and removed. New shock bar guide to be placed and aligned with shock bar guide and sleeve to be fully welded. i) Damaged shock bar guide support to be replaced. j) All the fasteners of guide support to be tack welded. k) Re fixing of collecting plates on hook: l) Dislocated collecting plates (where the plate has dislocated from Inside clit / U guide) to be lifted up and repositioned on hook. Inside clit / U guide is to be repaired. Any distortion in collecting plates to be removed by heating. The plate is to be aligned with the remaining plates. m) Attend defects observed during trial charging so as to ensure the availability of the field. 37.2: SERVICING OR REPLACEMENT OF RAPPING GEAR BOXES (1 QTY FOR EACH WORK) : SERVICING OF GEAR BOXa) Drain oil from 1st & 2nd gearboxes. Collect the drain oil properly. b) Remove the drive motor. c) Inspect the condition of pinion on motor shaft and the gear on the input shaft of the 1st stage gearbox. Replace the defective damaged ones. Remove all ash from the casing of motor pinion and gearbox input gear. Clean it with diesel. d) Decouple the gearbox assembly from the rapping shaft / intermediate shaft. Inspect the condition of the coupling halves. Replace damage components. e) Remove the gearbox assembly from the foundation & shift it to an area identified by the area-in-charge for maintenance/storage. Inspect the condition of the bearing on the intermediate shaft in case of emitting rapping gearbox. Replace damage components. f) Reposition the drive motor after replacing the gasket. Tighten the foundation bolts. g) Fill oil in the gearbox up to the required level. h) Rectify defects observed during the trial run of the rapping system REPLACEMENT OF RAPPING GEAR BOXES: a) Ensure PTW. b) Shift new/overhauled gearbox assembly. (1st & 2nd stage gear boxes) to location and poison it on the foundation. Couple it with the rapping shaft/intermediate shaft. c) Reposition & alignment the drive motor with gearbox. Tighten the foundation bolts. d) Fill oil in the gearbox up to the required level. e) Rectify defects observed during the trial run of the rapping system BOQ SL. NO – 38 : RECLAMATION & REPLACEMENT OF JAW COUPLING / COUPLING OF CERM / EERM / GDRM: a) Remove the damaged Jaw Couplings/coupling of CERM/ GDRM. b) Cut & remove the worn out portion. c) Fabricate the worn out portion from flat of 10/12 mm thick. d) Weld it with the jaw coupling of grind. e) Paint with two coat of red oxide paint. f) If the coupling is irreparable replace the same with new coupling. Note:-If in-situ repair / reclamation work done by contractor then 50% of BOQ will be payable. BOQ SL. NO – 39 : 39.1) REPLACEMENT OF SHAFT/ RAPPING HAMMER/ PLAIN BEARING/ BUSH BEARING/ PINWHEEL/ SHOCK BAR PAD/ GUIDE BAR OF EERM/CERM. 39.2) ESP HAMMERS RECLAMATION: 39.1 REPLACEMENT OF SHAFT/ RAPPING HAMMER/ PLAIN BEARING/ BUSH BEARING/ PINWHEEL/ SHOCK BAR PAD/ GUIDE BAR OF EERM/CERM. a) Take permission of the area Engineer. b) Remove old shaft/rapping hammer/bearing/pin wheel/ shock bar/guide bar etc. c) Clean application area & replace the new shaft/rapping hammer/bearing/pin wheel/ shock bar/guide bar etc. d) Check freeness & lock the all bolts with welding OR do huck bolting as per instruction of EIC. 39.2 ESP HAMMERS RECLAMATION: a) Take permission from EIC for reclamation of hammer. b) Collect defective hammers & cut damage part . c) Replace the damaged part with new part. d) Apply Red oxide paint 01 coat & 02 coat paint as per EIC. BOQ SL. NO – 40: PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE OF LUBE OIL PUMPS & ITS COMPONENTS OF FANS / APH (4 WEEKLY) a) Inspect Lube oil tank for any leakage. b) Check & clean Gauge Glass. c) Clean all the equipment’s of the Lube. Oil System. d) Check the coupling guard& all foundation bolts, replace if found damaged. e) Check the visual alignment of the pump. f) Check & attend the oil leakage of the lines. g) Clean the Lube Oil Suction as well as Discharge filters. h) Take the Trial run and attend the defect during the trial run. Report any other defect. BOQ SL. NO – 41: PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE OF LUBE OIL PUMPS & ITS COMPONENTS OF FANS / APH (12 WEEKLY) a) Take PTW. b) Inspect Lube oil tank for any leakage. c) Check & clean Gauge Glass. Replace, if required. d) Clean all the equipment’s of the Lube. Oil System. e) Check the coupling spider condition and replace if found damaged. f) Check the alignment of the pump. g) Check & attend the oil leakage of the lines. h) Clean the Lube Oil Suction as well as Discharge filters. i) Take the Trial run and attend the defect during the trial run. Report any other defect. BOQ SL. NO – 42: PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE OF PAPH / SAPH / APH SOOT BLOWER / AIR MOTOR ( 1 QTY FOR EACH WORK): PM of PAPH / SAPHa) Oil level checking in Guide Bearing / Support Bearing / all gear boxes of main drive & air lubricator and oil top up as per requirement. b) General cleaning of guide bearing / support bearing and main drive area by compressed air / cotton waste. c) Arrest leakages of oil/gas/air and water if any. PM of APH Soot Blowera) General cleaning. b) Grease swivel joint. c) Check & tighten all fasteners. d) Check oil level in 1st and 2nd stage gearboxes. e) Check for oil leakages. f) Check coupling of motor to gearbox. g) Check & rectify cracks in foundation frame. h) Check linkage assembly. i) Check for any steam leakage from puppet v/v. j) Attend any defect. PM of APH Air Motora) General cleaning. b) Silencer cleaning. c) Clean the rotor and the cylinder. d) Replace / Top up lubricating oil in the gear assembly. e) Check freeness of the air motor and also check availability of oil in the lubricator. Top up oil if required. f) Run the air motor with air and check the functioning of the air motor. BOQ SL. NO – 43: PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE OF ESP PASSES-EERM/CERM/ GDRM. (1 BOQ QTY. FOR ALL RAPPING MOTORS OF ONE ESP PASS) a) Inspect all the CERM / EERM /GDRM for normal operation b) Inspect the CERM / EERM/GDRM gear boxes for oil leakage c) Clean / attend the leakage found above. d) Attend any air ingress from manhole doors. e) Top up oil in rapping motor gearbox if required. f) Check the coupling of EERM / CERM gearbox. g) Attend any air ingress from manhole doors. h) Top up oil in rapping motor gearbox if required. i) Check the coupling of EERM / CERM gearbox. BOQ SL. NO – 44: APH SEALS REPLACEMENT & SETTING (RADIAL, AXIAL, BYPASS, T-BAR) : RADIAL SEAL REPLACEMENT & SETTING IN COLD & HOT ENDS - a) Hot end/ cold end radial seals replacement & setting: b) The job should be started after levelling of the sector plates. c) Make Scaffolding platform inside cold end area. (Applicable for Cold End) d) Loosen all fasteners of the seals to be set and remove the holding strips the diaphragm seals and seal leaves. e) Replace all the worn out / damaged seals, holding strips, diaphragm seals and fasteners. f) Fix the straight edge to set seals at pre-determined finger tab or, seal leaf to sector plate gap, as directed by the area engr. g) Set all the seals one by one against straight edge and tighten all the seal fixing bolts & nuts. h) Set all the seals of every sector in the same way. Check the gap with the sector plate jointly with the area engineer and APCPL FQA. i) Remove the straight edge and check free rotation of the rotor by rotating with air motor. j) Attend to the defects, if any. AXIAL SEAL REPLACEMENT & SETTING: a) The job should be started after levelling of the axial sector plates. b) Loosen all fasteners of the seals to be set and remove the holding strips the and seal leaves. c) Replace all the worn out / damaged seals, holding strips and fasteners. d) Fix the straight edge to set seals at pre determined finger tab or, seal leaf to sector plate gap, as directed by the area engr. e) Set all the seals one by one against straight edge and tighten all the seal fixing bolts & nuts. f) Set all the seals of every sector in the same way. Check the gap with the sector plate jointly with the area engineer and APCPL FQA. g) Remove the straight edge and check free rotation of the rotor by rotating with air motor. h) Attend to the defects, if any. BY PASS SEAL & T-BAR REPLACEMENT & SETTING: a) The job should be done after rotor levelling and after obtaining clearance from the area engineer. b) The seal leaves are in pairs and one unit of payment shall be made for replacement or, setting of either one or, both the leaves as per requirement. c) Loosen all fasteners of the seals to be set. d) Replace all the worn out/damaged bypass seals, holding strips and fasteners. e) Set all the seals one by one and tighten all the seal fixing fasteners. f) Check the free rotation of the rotor by rotating with the air motor g) For T-bar :-Remove all the T-Bars including fasteners & T-Bar tabs from rotor flange. h) Clean the rotor flange area completely. i) Grind the rotor flange if required. j) Shift set of T-Bar from APCPL store to APH platform. k) Fix all the T-Bars one by one in the rotor flange with proper sequence & alignment. l) Rotate the air preheater manually or, by air motor for 3-4 rounds. Identify & attend the defects. m) Attend to the defects if any. n) Payment Percentage for Part Execution Sl.No. Type of Seals % of awarded rate payable 1 Axial Seals (Complete) 25% 2 Cold End Radial Seals 25% 3 Hot End Radial Seals 25% 4 Cold End Bypass Seals 12.5% 5 Hot End Bypass Seals 12.5% o) Note: The BOQ quantity envisaged is for one complete APH which includes both ends Radial & Bypass seals along with Axial seals & sector plate levelling of cold & hot end including axial sector plates. Note: If only seal setting work done by contractor then 50 % of awarded rate payable. BOQ SL. NO – 45 : ROTOR LEVELLING & SECTOR PLATES LEVELLING (H.E, C.E AND AXIAL OF APH: ROTOR LEVELLING OF APHa) Making arrangement of hand lamps & cleaning guide bearing area. b) Opening the guide bearing housing top cover. c) Ensure completion of the Inspection of guide bearing and support bearing ,& checking the level of support bearing housing sleeve & guide bearing housing sleeve after checking the critical dimensions of guide bearing. d) Checking the rotor level at six equally spaced points by fixing up the master level on basket module periphery & rotating the APH basket module. e) Cutting the wedges which lock the housing and making proper adjustments to level the rotor within prescribed limit. f) Final checking of the rotor level by APCPL maintenance & FQA representatives. g) Joint inspection protocol is to be maintained. h) Locking the rotor by welding the wedges which touch the housing perfectly from all side. i) Box-up of the bearing housing top cover with new asbestos rope/gasket. SECTOR PLATES LEVELLING OF APH (H.E, C.E AND AXIAL): A. Levelling of Hot End and Cold End Sector Plates a) The job should be done after ensuring that rotor levelling has been done and clearance from the area engineer. b) Fix the finger tabs on the diaphragm at inboard, intermediate area and outboard as per the instruction of the area engineer. c) Record the initial readings of both the sector plate as per the drawing provided by APCPL. The readings have to be taken on the air side and the gas side of the sector plate. d) Level the sector plate as per requirement to achieve the gaps by adjusting the adjusting screws in the actuating mechanism. e) Repair/replace the sector plate actuating mechanism if required. f) Lock the sector plate after completion of levelling by proper fitting of shims. Lock the adjusting screws. B. Levelling of Axial Sector Plates: a) Fix the finger tabs at hot and cold end. b) Record the initial readings of axial sector plate. c) Level the axial sector plate as per the requirement as directed by the Area engineer. d) Repair/replace the axial seal adjusting bolts if required. e) Lock the axial seal plates after completion of levelling. f) Hot setting is to be done after units come in full load as per instruction of EIC, if required. g) Payment Percentage for Part Execution Sr. No. Sector Plate % of awarded rate payable 1 ROTOR LEVELING 10% 2 Hot End Sector Plate (1/2) 20% for 01 sector plate 3 Cold End Sector Plate (1/2) 20% for 01 sector plate 4 Axial Sector Plate 10% Note: The BOQ quantity envisaged is for one complete APH which includes both sector plates of both ends Hot & Cold as well as Axial Sector Plate & Rotor levelling. BOQ SL. NO – 46 : SCRAP REMOVAL FROM PLANT AREA. a) Take permission of the EIC or Area Engineer. b) Collect all type scrap & send to Scrap yard. c) Collect material and shift as decided by EIC. d) Transportation(Tractor &trolley) in the contractor scope. e) Clean the area. f) If contractor fail to provide tractor or trolley then 1/2 of BOQ will be paid . BOQ SL. NO –47: DEPLOYMENT OF HYDRA CRANE /FORKLIFT OPERATOR. a) Operation of Hydra crane for loading, unloading &shifting the material inside the plant as assigned by EIC time to time. b) The agency shall ensure availability of minimum one skilled person for the completion of above work. c) Agency may be asked to deploy hydra crane operators on holidays as per instruction from EIC. BOQ SL. NO –48:. ASSISTANCE IN SHIFT MAINTENANCE a) manpower required :- a. Skilled (Fitter cum welder) -01 + Semiskilled (Rigger cum helper) -02 b) SHIFT TIMING :- Morning -06.00HR to 14.00 HR, a. Evening-14.00 HR to 22.00 HR, b. Night 22.00 HR to 06.00 HR c) Above manpower utilised to assist in maintenance activity during shift as below: - d) Oil gun cleaning. e) Scanner air filters cleaning. f) Manhole opening and closing. g) gland tightening h) peephole rectification. i) Attending jamming of SADC. j) Filter cleaning of lube oil system in pressure parts and rotary equipment. k) Filter cleaning of HFO and LDO. l) Burner tilt shear pin replacement m) Rectification of lube oil pump. n) Checking and oil top up in all boiler pressure parts and rotary equipments. o) Replacement or rectification of bellow of scanner air line or fan. p) Attending jamming of gates and damper. q) Centrifuging of lube oil system. r) Shifting of material inside plant. NOTE: -Any other works inside plant which included or not included in other BOQ will also be done under this BOQ as decided by EIC or his representative. BOQ SL. NO – 49: STEEL FABRICATION & ERECTION OF PLATFORMS: a) Bring the steel (plate, angle, channel, beam etc) from central store. b) Take the measurement of the fabricated part as per drawing. c) Cut the steel as per requirement. d) Fabricate, erect & weld the steel as per requirement. e) Basis of measurement is in MT. f) Fabrication & erection of access doors, approaches maintenance platforms, orifices in air ducts and minor modifications in the structural to facilitate easy maintenance. g) Primer and painting of fabricated item (If required as decided by EIC) will be done by contractor h) Paint and primer will be in the scope of contractor. i) NOTES: Erection/removal of temporary scaffolding to execute the work is part of this work and no extra payment shall be made for this purpose. j) Existing structure may be cut and removed to facilitate the erection of new structure and is in the contractor’s scope. k) All the scrap and other loose unwanted materials lying inside the duct to be removed before closing the duct. l) Payment shall be made based on weight of steel consumed for the above work. BOQ SL. NO – 50 : WELDING/FIN WELDING /GAS CUTTING: a) Identify the area to be welded. b) Clean the old eroded weldments / cracked edge over which welding is to be done. c) Seal welding of identified length of plate is to be done. d) All scaffoldings and platforms required for the job are to be done by the contractor. e) Notes:Unit of measurement for this item is running meter (single run up to 06 mm plate or double run for 10 and above MS plate) of welding. If gap is more in old joints of plates double run of welding is to be done by fixing rod or small plates for this single running meter will be paid. f) Hard facing electrode shall be given by APCPL for this item of work on free of cost basis. g) Erection/removal of temporary scaffolding to execute the work is part of this work and no extra payment shall be made for this. Fin Welding: a) Welding of fin will be done by qualified welder b) Unit of measurement of BOQ will be as per (above)welding BOQ. c) Erection/removal of temporary scaffolding to execute the work is part of this work and no extra payment shall be made for this. Gas Cutting: a) Identify the area where gas cutting shall be done. b) Clean the MS plate / bracing pipes / angles where gas cutting is to be done. c) Mark the area where gas cutting is to be done. d) Cut the MS plate / bracing pipes / angles of required size as per instruction of EIC. Remove the debris generated during cutting & clean the area. e) Erection/removal of temporary scaffolding to execute the work is part of this work and no extra payment shall be made for this. BOQ SL. NO – 51 : MISCELLANEOUS WORKS IN BOILER AREA EQUIPMENT: Manpower required:-Skilled (Fitter) -01 + Skilled (welder) -01 + Semiskilled (rigger cum helper) -02 Deployment of resources on regular basis in general hours(9.00am to 06.00 pm) but as per need of plant or as decided by EIC, manpower can be utilised 24 hour to cover the contingent type of jobs as below :- a) proving of oil gun during boiler light up to synchronisation b) safety related work. c) Pressure setting of wall blower,LRSB,APH soot blower, d) Reclamation of spare and unit assemblies. e) Gland packing replacement and tightening of gland. f) Servicing of SADC. g) Repair /replacement of flexible hose h) sampling line welding i) Assistance in wall blowing and LRSB operation and minor repair. j) Servicing/replacement of lube oil pump. k) Cleaning of lube oil cooler. l) Centrifuging of lube oil system m) Servicing of peep holes. n) Rectification of inspection indicator. o) Rectification of manhole. p) Replacement of Scanner air filter. q) Replacement of lube oil filter. r) Replacement of oil in pressure parts and rotary equipment’s. s) Shifting of material inside plant. t) Unit of measurement for this BOQ. shall be No. and one No. will be lump sum per deployment of resources for 8 hours. NOTE :-Any other works inside plant which is included or not included in other BOQ will also done under this BOQ as decided by EIC or his representative. BOQ SL. NO – 52 : MISCELLANEOUS WORKS IN ASH BRICK PLANT: Manpower required: -Skilled (Fitter) -01 + Skilled (welder) -01 + Semiskilled (rigger cum helper) -02 a) Attending day to day problems of ash brick machine b) Checking of oil level and top up/replacement of oil on EIC recommendation. c) Repair/ Servicing of mixer gear box, rotating table. d) Repair/Servicing of hydraulic pump. e) Repair/ Servicing of rotating table. f) Replacement of conveyer belt. g) Unit of measurement for this BOQ. shall be No. and one No. will be lump sum per deployment of resources for 8 hours. NOTE: -Any other works inside ash brick plant which is included or not included in other BOQ will also done under this BOQ as decided by EIC or his representative. Total Quantity :

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INR 2.89 Crore /-
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