
Bids Are Invited For Pharmacy Lab Equipments Total Quantity : 1334, Gurugram-Haryana

Department of Higher Education has published Bids Are Invited For Pharmacy Lab Equipments Total Quantity : 1334. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-05-2024. Waxes Tenders in Gurugram Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Pharmacy Lab Equipments Total Quantity : 1334
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Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Pharmacy Lab Equipments, Haemocytometer , RBC pipettes , WBC pipettes , Sahlis haemocytometer , Hutchinsons spirometer , Spirometer , Spygmomanometer , Stethoscope , Permanent Slides for various tissues , Models for various organs One model of each organ system , Specimen for various organs and systems , Skeleton and bones One set of skeleton and one spare bone , Different Contraceptive Devices and Models One set of each device , Muscle electrodes , Lucas moist chamber , Stimulator , Physical Chemical Balance , Phrenic Nerve electrode , Electrical E12 Student Kymograph 12 Speed , Kymograph cylinder with clamp 15x15 , Kymograph cylinder with clamp 30cmx 15cm , Organ Bath with thermostat Single unit , Organ bath with thermostat Double unit , Smoking Stand with turning handle , Smoking Burner Gas , Varnishing Tray Stainless steel tray with foot leverwall fixing , Circular Drying Stand Stainless steel for 24 papers Neat space saving and portable , FROG HEART CHAMBER , FROG MUSCLE CHAMBER perspex bath with clamp and drain pair of adjustable silver electrodes adjustable muscle lever fitment , Y Maze , Swimming Test apparatus , Hebb william maze with digital time interval counter , Elevated Plus Maze , Audiogenic Chamber , Stereotaxic apparatus , Aerators , Actophotometer , Digital Rotarod as PP157 , Cooks Pole limbing apparatus , Analgesiomter Eddys hot plate methods , Tail Flick Aalgesiometer Radiant Heat type , Electro Cnvulsiometer , Histamin appts Double chamber with sphygmmanometer Nebulizer with working manual , Physioraph One channel with accessories , Physigraph Two channel with accessories , Digital single channel ECG machine , Digital telethermometer 6 probes , Langendroffs Assembly Digital Assembly for perfusion of excised mammalian heart Serving both for heart , Bull dog Clamps Artery Forceps from sprung stainless steel straight pointed serrated jaws , Bull dog Clamps Artery Forceps from sprung stainless steel jaws straight knobbed , Bull dog Clamps Artery Forceps from sprung stainless steel but jaws bent pointed , Bull dog Clamps Artery Forceps from sprung stainless steel but jaws bent knobbed , Kymograph paper Sheets 50 cm x 15 cm wide pkt Of 100 , Kymograph paper Sheets 100 cm x 15 cm wide pkt Of 100 , Oxygen Cylinder with Trolley , Carbondioxide cylinder with trolley , Simple lever without after-load screw , Simple lever with after load screw , Straw Holder with straw writing point , Brodies Universal lever for universal applications , Isotonic lever with hook weight , Isotonic Lever with Ink Writing Pen , After load lever , After load lever with weight , Myograph lever with afterload screw fixing nuts to fit any Myograph , Starling Heart Lever to fit 9 mm dia rods , Cushny Myocardiograph single with universal lever , Muscle lever for use with Muscle Chamber , Heart Lever fitting for use with Heart Nerve Muscle Chamber 6mm stem , Gimbal lever for universal applications falls to the writing surface , Student Isometric lever adjustable tension , Perspex Ink pen , Frontal Writing lever from stainless steel capillary light sturdy , Frontal Writing lever holder without upright Fulcrum , Frontal Writing lever holder , Lever Arm stainless steel capillary 23cm With celluloid writing point Pkt of 10 Stylus , Cushny Myocardiograph pair with universal lever , Arterial Cannula corning glass Box of 5 , Venous cannula corning glass Box of 5 , Symes Perfusion cannula corning glass Box of 5 , Heart Perfusion Cannula for Langdroff Assembly Box of 2 , T Cannula corning glass Box of 5 , Y Cannula, corning glass Box of 5 , Y Trachael Cannula with mm Nozzle , Trachael cannula straight with adjustable vent 11mm , Trachael cannula bent with adjustable air vent 1 Imm , Folin Wu tubes , Dissection Tray with wax 10 x 12 , Tissue homogenizer 1by20 HP , Frog Dissection Boards 23x15 cm , Haemostatic artery forceps , Hypodermic syringes and needles of size 15 24 26G , Pithing needle , X Block Open Type Brass Small size , X Block close type Brass Small size , X Block Close Type close type Brass large size , X Block Close Type open type Brass large size , Oxygen clamp holder , Bath Upright , Tissue bath , Oxygen Tube , Coiled tube , BRODIE ANAESTHETIC BOTTLE AND AIR WARMER , RAT OPERATING STAND with heating controlled by a thermostat , ANIMAL OPERATING TABLE , MULTIPURPOSE EXPERIMENTAL TABLE Total Quantity : 1334

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