
Auction Sale Of Olfa 025 Bloom Caster Bloom & Billet Cc, BHILAI-Chhattisgarh

Steel Authority Of India Limited has published Auction Sale Of Olfa 025 Bloom Caster Bloom & Billet Cc. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-05-2024. Scrap Tenders in BHILAI Chhattisgarh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Auction Sale Of Olfa 025 Bloom Caster Bloom & Billet Cc
Open Tender

Tender Details

Auction Sale Of Olfa 025 Bloom Caster Bloom & Billet Cc L-01 DSP 0007552467 BLOOM CB IS2830C20MMNACU 160*230*230.000*9000.000 SEC20121 23.780 61688 T-03 DSP 0007552468 BLOOM CB IS2830C20MMNACU 160*230*230.000*9000.000 SEC20121 23.660 61688 T-03 47.440 2 L-02 DSP 0007623121 BILLET CC IS2830C25HMN 125*125*125.000*9000.000 WC22161123978 4.360 61688 R-02 DSP 0007623122 BILLET CC IS2830C25HMN 125*125*125.000*9000.000 EC12100425706 1.080 61688 R-02 5.440 3 L-03 DSP 0007824810 BLOOM CB IS 2830 C20 A 160*210*210.000*9000.000 SEC21140925435 2.340 61688 R-02 DSP 0007824811 BLOOM CB IS 2830 C20 A 160*210*210.000*9000.000 SEC21141070356 11.880 61688 R-02 14.220 4 L-04 DSP 0007824812 BLOOM CB IS2830C20HMNA 160*210*210.000*9000.000 SEC21140925435 21.280 61688 R-02 DSP 0007824813 BLOOM CB IS2830C20HMNA 160*210*210.000*9000.000 SEC21141070356 26.060 61688 R-02 47.340 5 L-05 ISP 0007931683 BLOOM CB IS2830C20MMNC 150*150*150.000 CG07CC1945 1.167 61688 R-02 ISP 0007931684 BLOOM CB IS2830C20MMNC 150*150*150.000 CG07CC1945 3.372 61688 R-02 ISP 0007931685 BLOOM CB IS2830C20MMNC 150*150*150.000 CG07CC1945 2.124 61688 R-02 ISP 0007931687 BLOOM CB IS2830C20MMNC 150*150*150.000 CG07CC1945 2.125 61688 R-02 ISP 0007931688 BLOOM CB IS2830C20MMNC 150*150*150.000 CG07CC1945 2.125 61688 R-02 ISP 0007931689 BLOOM CB IS2830C20MMNC 150*150*150.000 CG07CC1945 3.981 61688 R-02 ISP 0007931690 BLOOM CB IS2830C20MMNC 150*150*150.000 CG07CC1945 2.310 61688 R-02 ISP 0007931692 BLOOM CB IS2830C20MMNC 150*150*150.000 CG07CC1945 5.261 61688 R-02 ISP 0007931694 BLOOM CB IS2830C20MMNC 150*150*150.000 CG07CC1945 4.236 61688 R-02 L-06 ISP 0007822787 BLOOM CB SAILTOWER6 NB 200*280*280.000 SECR21141130302 23.940 61688 R-02 23.940 7 L-07 BSP 0007996021 BILLET CC IS2830C25HMN 105*105*105.000 CG07C5238 24.820 61688 C-02 BSP 0007996022 BILLET CC IS2830C25HMN 105*105*105.000 CG07N2693 27.820 61688 C-02 BSP 0007996023 BILLET CC IS2830C25HMN 105*105*105.000 CG04JD3042 31.780 61688 C-02 BSP 0007996024 BILLET CC IS2830C25HMN 105*105*105.000 CG04JA8671 30.780 61688 F-02 BSP 0007996025 BILLET CC IS2830C25HMN 105*105*105.000 CG04JA6689 2.448 61688 C-02 BSP 0007996026 BILLET CC IS2830C25HMN 105*105*105.000 CG04JA6689 29.332 61688 C-02 BSP 0007996027 BILLET CC IS2830C25HMN 105*105*105.000 CG12S3595 32.780 61688 C-02 BSP 0007996028 BILLET CC IS2830C25HMN 105*105*105.000 CG07C5238 7.960 61688 C-02 187.720 8 L-08 ISP 0007494025 BLOOM CB IS2830C20MMNC 200*280*280.000 NR94031810349 8.020 61688 J-04 8.020 360.821

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