
Bids Are Invited For 192Kits And Reagents Total Quantity : 813662, SRINAGAR-Jammu And Kashmir

Health And Family Welfare Department has published Bids Are Invited For 192Kits And Reagents Total Quantity : 813662. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-05-2024. Medical Test Kit Tenders in SRINAGAR Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For 192Kits And Reagents Total Quantity : 813662
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For 192Kits and Reagents, 1 Anti HBc IgM Elisa 2 Anti HCV 3 ASO Kit 4 Brucella Antibody 5 Brucella Antigen abortus melitensis 6 Chlamydophila Pneumoniae IgM 7 Clostridium difficile GDH Plus Toxin A Plus Tixin B 8 CMV IgG ELISA 9 CMV IgM ELISA 10 CRP Kit 11 Crypto Plus Giardia Plus Entamoeba Antigen Detectoin Test 12 Cryptococcal Antigen Detection Kit 13 Cysticercosis Antibody Detection 14 Dengue NS1 Antigen Capture Elisa 15 Dengue NS1 IgG and IgM Rapid Test 16 Dengue Virus IgM 17 DNA Extraction Kit Blood 18 DNA Extraction Kit Tissue 19 EBV IgG 20 EBV IgM ELISA Kit 21 Entamoeba Histolytica Ab Detection 22 GenoType Mycobacterium assy Hain Diagnostika Nehren Germany Equipment Already Available In Department 23 H. Influenzae S Pneumoniae N. Meningitidis E Coli Group B Streptococcus Antigen Detecton CSF 24 H. Pylori Fecal Antigen Test 25 HAV IgM 26 HBeAb 27 HBeAg Elisa Kit 28 HBsAb Elisa Kit 29 HBsAg Elisa Kit 30 HCV Core Antigen HCVcAg 31 HEV IgM 32 HSV 1 Plus 2 IgG 33 HSV 1 Plus 2 IgM 34 Hydatid IgG 35 Legionella Antigen Detection Urine 36 Leptospira IgM 37 Measles IgM 38 MPT 64 Antigen for MTB Identification 39 Mumps IgM Elisa 40 Pan Malarial Antigen Detection 41 Parvo Virus B19 42 Pneumocystis Jirovecii Antigen Detection 43 PPD 5 Units 44 Quantiferon TB Gold 45 RF Rheumatoid Factor Kit 46 Rotavirus Antigen Detection Stool Elisa 47 RPR Rapid Plasma Region 48 Rubella Virus IgG 49 Rubella Virus IgM 50 Streptococcus Pneumoniae Antigen Detection Urine 51 Toxocara Antibody Detection 52 Toxoplasma IgG Elisa 53 Toxoplasma IgM Elisa 54 TPHA Kit 55 Widal Antigen Kit 56 ANA ELISA Kit Quanttitative 57 Anti ds DNA ELISA Kit Quantitative 58 Anti sm ELISA Kit Quantitative 59 Anti CCP ELISA Kit Quantitative 60 C-ANCA ELISA Kit Quantitative 61 P-PNCA ELISA Kit Quantitative 62 Anti U RNP ELISA Kit Quantitative 63 Anti LKM ELISA Kit Quantitative 64 Anti GBM ELISA Kit Quantitative 65 ASMA ELISA Kit Quantitative 66 B2 Glycoprotein 1 IgG ELISA Kit Quantitative 67 B-2 Microglobulin ELISA Kit Quantitative 68 Anti Topoisomerase ELISA Kit Quantitative 69 Anti Ccentromere ELISA Kit Quantitative 70 IgG RID Plates 71 IgA RID Plates 72 IGM RID Plates 73 C3 RID Plates 74 C4 RID Plates 75 Total IgE ELISA Kit Quantitative 76 17 Hydroxy Progestrone ELISA Kit Quantitative 77 Endomysim Antibody EMA ELISA 78 Anti ttG ELISA Kit 79 Anti Mitochondrial Antibody AMA ELISA Kit Quantitative 80 Anto RO ELISA Kit Quantitative 81 Anti La ELISA Kit Quantitative 82 Anti Jo ELISA Kit Quantitative 83 APLA IgM ELISA Kit Quantitative 84 Apla IgG ELISA Kit (Quantitative) 85 Anti Cardio Lipin IgG ELISA Kit Quantitative 86 Anti Cardio Lipin IgM ELISA Kit Quantitative 87 Serum Free Light Chain Status Kit 88 HLA ABC Typing Kits Mol Biol Method 24 48 96 89 HLD DR Typing Kits Mol Biol Method 24 48 96 90 HLA B27 Kit Mol Biol Method 24 48 96 91 Caeliac Disease Profile Kit Mol Biol Method 92 HLA B51 Kit Mol Biol Method 93 Bcr abl Major Quantitative IVD Approved 94 Bcr abl Minor Quantitative IVD Approved 95 PML RARA Quantitative IVD Approved 96 EGFR Gene Mutation IVD Approved real time PCR Kit 97 SKIN Prick Test For Aero Allergens 60 to 100 Allergens 98 SKIN Prick Test For Food Allergens 60 to 100 Allergens 99 SKIN Patch Test 50 to 100 Allergens 100 RNA Extraction Kit Blind IVD Approved Qaigen Zymo Thermo Sigma Source Only 101 RNA Extraction Kit For Tissue 102 cDNA Synthesis Kit 103 ADA Kit With Control 104 VMA Kit with control & Calibrator 105 Urea Kit manual 106 Uric Acid Kit 107 ALP Kit 108 Calcium 109 Diluent 110 Lyse 111 Probe Cleanser 112 Glucose Reagents GOD POD 500ml With Enzyme 113 HIV I & II 114 VDRL Dip Stick 115 HIV I & II Rapid Cord 116 HBsAG Rapid Cord 117 Anti HCV Rapid Cord 118 Malaria Parasite Rapid Kit 119 Fecal Calprotectin Kit 120 IgA Antiendomysial Antibody 121 Ferritin Kits Elisa With Calibrators 122 Ferritin Control 123 Phenytoin Kit With Calibrators 124 Methotrexate Kit With Calibrators 125 Valproic Acid Kit With Calibrators 126 Digoxin With Calibrators 127 Cyclosporine With Calibrators 128 Phenobarbitone Kit With Calibrators 129 Carbamazepine With Calibrators 130 HIV Kits 131 HCG Kits 132 DNA Synthesis Kit 133 DNA Methylation Kit 50 Reaction/kit 134 RNA Extraction Kit Blood 135 RNA Extraction Kits Tissue 136 Fetal Bovine Serum FBS 137 Colchicine 138 Urine Strips With 2 Parameters 139 Urine Strips with 10 140 Medical Grade Soda Lime as per following specification 1. Should have high absorption capacity for carbon dioxide more than 100 ltr Per Kg 2. Should have low dust level. 3. Granule size 2.5-5.0 mm 4. Indicator Pink to white. 141 Hepatitis B Real Time Quantative Test Kit 142 Hepatitis C Real Time Quantative Test Kit 143 CMV Quantitative Real Time PCR Kit 144 BKV Quantitative Real Time PCR Kit 145 JC Quantitative Real Time PCR Kit 146 HSV 1 by 2 Qualitative Real Time PCR Kit 147 HHV 6 Qualitative Real Time PCR PCr Kit 148 HHV 7 Qualitative Real Time PCR PCr Kit 149 HHV 8 Qualitative Real Time PCR PCr Kit 150 EBV Qualitative Real Time PCR Kit 150 Agarose Low EEO 151 Boric Acid 152 Bovine Serum Albumin 153 Bromophenol Blue 154 Chloroform 155 Dimethyl Formamide 156 Dimethyl Sulfoxide 157 DNA Lader 100 bp 158 DNA Ladder 50 bp 159 DNA ZAP 160 dNTPs 100Mm Mix 161 Ethanol 100 Percent Pure 162 Ethidium Bromide Solution 163 Gel Loading Buffer dye 164 Glycerol Mol biology 165 Isoamyl Alcohol Mol biology 166 Isopropanol Mol biology 167 Lysozyme 168 Magnesium Chloride 25mM 169 Potassium Acetate 3M PH 5.2 170 Primers 171 Proteinase K 172 RNA ZAP 173 Sodium Acetate 3M pH 5.2 174 Sodium Hydroxide mol. Biology 175 TAE Buffer 50X 176 Taq Polymerase With 10X PCR Buffer 177 TE Buffer 178 Tris Borate EDTA Buffer 50X 179 Tris HCL 1M 180 salmonella Antisera Polyvalent 181 salmonella Antisera O Grouping A G Sero Groups 182 Salmonella Antisera H Grouping Phase I & II 183 Vibrio Cholera 01 Polyvalent 184 Vibrio Cholera 01 Inaba 185 Vibrio Cholera 01 Ogawa 186 Shigella Polyvalent Antisera 4 Sub Groups 187 a Subgroup A 2 Polyvalent Sera and Comprises 12 Mannitol Negative Serotypes. Serum A1 Shigella Dysenteriae indole Negative 1 3 4 5 6 Antiserum Serum A2 Shigella Dysenteriae Indole Positive 2 7 8 Antiserum 01 Vial Each 188 b Subgroup B 1 polyvalent Serum. 189 c Subgroup C 3 Polyvalent Sera Serum C1 Shigella Boydii Indole Negative 1 2 3 4 Antiserum. Serum C2 Shigella Boydii Indole Negative 8 10 14 Antiserum. Serum C3 Shigella Boydii indole Positive 5 7 9 22 15 Antiserum. 01 Vial Each 190 D Subgroup D 1 Mixed Serum Shigella Sonnei 191 Shigella Monovalent Antiserum Serum A1 Shigella Dysenteriae 1 Monnitol Indole Catalase Plus Antiserum Total Quantity : 813662

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