Mrl26-Konangipatti Vadugapatti To Km62 By2 Of Trichy To Namakkal Main Road (Via) Gandhinagar, Jambumadai, Mettupatti(Km-4.57) Of Erumapatty Block Namakkal District Under Pmgsy Iii Batch I (2023-24) Pa.No-Tn10258; 1 Upgrading the road fromMRL- 18Manickampalayam Elachipalayam road to Pullachipatti (Via)Marappampalayam Km. 0/0 - 4/644 2 Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting wild vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees of girth upto 300 mm, removal of stumps of such trees cut earlierand disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned, upto a lead of 1000 m including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness as per Technical Specification Clause 201. 3 Km. 0/0 - 4/570 4 Scarifying the existing bituminous road surface to a depth of 150 mm and disposal of scarified material with a lift upto 3 m and lead upto 1000 m as per Technical Specification Clause 301.4. 5 Km. 0/0 - 4/570 6 Construction of subgrade and earthen shoulders with approved material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacted to meet requirement of Table 300.2 with lead upto 1000 m as per Technical Specification Clause 303.1.( Carted Earth) 7 Km. 0/0 - 4/570 8 Construction of embankment with approved materials deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation from drain and foundation of other structures graded and compacted to meet requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 as per Technical Specification Clause 301.5 (Gravel shoulder) 9 Km0/0-1/0 10 Km 1/0-2/0 11 Km 2/0-3/0 12 Km 3/0-4/0 13 Km. 4/0-4/570 14 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to Wet mix macadam specification including premixing thematerial with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub base/base course on a well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory rollerto achieve the desired density. 15 Km0/000-1/0 16 Km 1/0-2/0 17 Km 2/0-3/0 18 Km 3/0-4/0 19 Km. 4/0-4/570 20 Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion (SS-1) on prepared surface of granular base including cleaning of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.70-1.0 kg/sqm using mechanical means as per Technical Specification Clause 502 21 in Km. 0/0 - 4/570 22 Providing and applying tack coat with Bitumen emulsion (RS-1) using emulsion distributor at the rate of 0.25 to 0.30 kg per sqm on the prepared granular surface treated with Primer cleaned with Hydraulic broom as per Technical Specification Clause 503. 23 in Km. 0/0 - 4/570 24 Mix Seal Surfacing 25mm thick(Using Waste Plastic)Providing, laying and rolling of close-graded premix surfacing material of 25 mm thickness composed of 11.2 mm to 0.9 mm (Type-A) or 13.2 mm to 0.9 mm (Type-B) aggregates using penetration grade bitumen to required line, grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared base, including mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a three wheel 8-10 kN static roller and finishing to required level and grades as per Technical Specification Clause 509 25 Km0/0-1/0 26 Km 1/0-2/0 27 Km 2/0-3/0 28 Km 3/0-4/0 29 Km. 4/0-4/570 30 Provision of Rumble Strips with premix Bituminous carpet Provision of 15 nos. rumble strips covered with premix bituminous carpet, 15-20mm high at centre, 250mm wide placed at 1m centre-to-centre approved locations to control speed, marked with while strips of road marking paint.Rumble Strips = 3 X 3.75 X 0.25 = 2.81 31 Km0/0 - 1/0 32 Km 1/0-2/0 33 Km 2/0-3/0 34 Km 3/0-4/0 35 Km. 4/0-4/570 36 Road Marking With Hot Applied Thermoplastic Compound With reflectorising Glass Beads on Bituminous Surface:-Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.50mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC:35, The finished surface to be level uniform and free from streaks and holes etc complete as per MORTH&H specification No.803 37 Km0/0 - 1/0 38 Km 1/0-2/0 39 Km 2/0-3/0 40 Km 3/0-4/0 41 Km. 4/0-4/570 42 Providing and fixing of retro-reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC:67 made of encapsulated lens type reflective sheeding vide Clause 1701.2.3 fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 450 mm x 450 mm x 600 mm, 600 mm below ground levels as per drawings and Technical Specification Clause 801 43 Logo board 44 Sign board 60cm 45 Circular Board 60cm 46 Octagonal Board 90cm 47 Citizen board 48 Name board 49 Maintanance board 50 Provision for Kilometre Stones 51 Provision for Hectametre Stones 52 Provision for CD Works 53 Construction of 1.5 m RCC Slab culvert 54 Km 1/000 - 2/000 @ Ch. 1/873 55 Earth work Excavation for Foundation in all soils and Sub Soil to full depth as may be directed except in hard rock requiring blasting but inclusive of shoring strutting and requiring the sides of foundation. 56 Supplying and Filling foundation and basement with filling sand in layers not more than 15cm . Thick well ramed, watered and compacted Complete complying with stanard specification. 57 Cement concrete 1 : 2.5 : 5 mix using 40mm HBG metal for foundation including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick., compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed. 58 Cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 mix using 40mm HBG metal for foundation including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick., compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed.(Below Sill level) 59 Cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 mix using 40mm HBG metal for foundation including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick., compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed.(Above Sill level) 60 Cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 mix using 20mm HBG metal for foundation including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick., compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed. 61 Cement concrete 1:1.5:3 using 20mm ISS HBG metal for all RCC item of works excluding cost of Rein forcement and fabricating charges, centering and shuttering but including curing and shall be finished smooth with cement mortar 1:3, 12mm thick. and with kraft Paper 62 Supplying and Fabricating and placing in position MS steel or Ribbed Tor Steel for all Reinforced Cement Concrete works as per the design given including cost of steel and binding wire in all floors etc,Complete complying with stanard specification.(MS rod or RTS bar will be supplied departmentally at section stores and cost will be recoverd at issue rate). the binding wire shall supplied by the contactor. 63 Providing Fixing 6mm thick Bitumen felt for expansion joint Dirtywall & Deck slab 64 Providing and fixingTar Paper for bearing Between Bed Block & Deck slab 65 Providing weepholes in brick masonry/stone masonry, plain/reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall, return wall with 100 mm dia AC pipe extending through the full width of the structures with slope of 1(V):20(H) towards drawing face complete as per drawing and technical specification Clauses 614, 709, 1204.3.7 66 Gravel filling between body wall including cost and conveyance of gravel, labour for filling, watering and compacting etc complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officer. 67 Km 2/000 - 3/000 @ Ch. 2/345 68 Earth work Excavation for Foundation in all soils and Sub Soil to full depth as may be directed except in hard rock requiring blasting but inclusive of shoring strutting and requiring the sides of foundation. 69 Supplying and Filling foundation and basement with filling sand in layers not more than 15cm . Thick well ramed, watered and compacted Complete complying with stanard specification. 70 Cement concrete 1 : 2.5 : 5 mix using 40mm HBG metal for foundation including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick., compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed. 71 Cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 mix using 40mm HBG metal for foundation including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick., compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed.(Below Sill level) 72 Cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 mix using 40mm HBG metal for foundation including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick., compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed.(Above Sill level) 73 Cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 mix using 20mm HBG metal for foundation including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick., compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed. 74 Cement concrete 1:1.5:3 using 20mm ISS HBG metal for all RCC item of works excluding cost of Rein forcement and fabricating charges, centering and shuttering but including curing and shall be finished smooth with cement mortar 1:3, 12mm thick. and with kraft Paper 75 Supplying and Fabricating and placing in position MS steel or Ribbed Tor Steel for all Reinforced Cement Concrete works as per the design given including cost of steel and binding wire in all floors etc,Complete complying with stanard specification.(MS rod or RTS bar will be supplied departmentally at section stores and cost will be recoverd at issue rate). the binding wire shall supplied by the contactor. 76 Providing Fixing 6mm thick Bitumen felt for expansion joint Dirtywall & Deck slab 77 Providing and fixingTar Paper for bearing Between Bed Block & Deck slab 78 Providing weepholes in brick masonry/stone masonry, plain/reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall, return wall with 100 mm dia AC pipe extending through the full width of the structures with slope of 1(V):20(H) towards drawing face complete as per drawing and technical specification Clauses 614, 709, 1204.3.7 79 Gravel filling between body wall including cost and conveyance of gravel, labour for filling, watering and compacting etc complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officer. 80 Km 3/000 - 4/000 @ Ch. 3/300 81 Earth work Excavation for Foundation in all soils and Sub Soil to full depth as may be directed except in hard rock requiring blasting but inclusive of shoring strutting and requiring the sides of foundation. 82 Supplying and Filling foundation and basement with filling sand in layers not more than 15cm . Thick well ramed, watered and compacted Complete complying with stanard specification. 83 Cement concrete 1 : 2.5 : 5 mix using 40mm HBG metal for foundation including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick., compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed. 84 Cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 mix using 40mm HBG metal for foundation including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick., compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed.(Below Sill level) 85 Cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 mix using 40mm HBG metal for foundation including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick., compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed.(Above Sill level) 86 Cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 mix using 20mm HBG metal for foundation including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick., compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed. 87 Cement concrete 1:1.5:3 using 20mm ISS HBG metal for all RCC item of works excluding cost of Rein forcement and fabricating charges, centering and shuttering but including curing and shall be finished smooth with cement mortar 1:3, 12mm thick. and with kraft Paper 88 Supplying and Fabricating and placing in position MS steel or Ribbed Tor Steel for all Reinforced Cement Concrete works as per the design given including cost of steel and binding wire in all floors etc,Complete complying with stanard specification.(MS rod or RTS bar will be supplied departmentally at section stores and cost will be recoverd at issue rate). the binding wire shall supplied by the contactor. 89 Providing Fixing 6mm thick Bitumen felt for expansion joint Dirtywall & Deck slab 90 Providing and fixingTar Paper for bearing Between Bed Block & Deck slab 91 Providing weepholes in brick masonry/stone masonry, plain/reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall, return wall with 100 mm dia AC pipe extending through the full width of the structures with slope of 1(V):20(H) towards drawing face complete as per drawing and technical specification Clauses 614, 709, 1204.3.7 92 Gravel filling between body wall including cost and conveyance of gravel, labour for filling, watering and compacting etc complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officer. 93 Provision for Protective works 94 REACH :- Km 3/000- 4/000 95 Protective works @ Km. 3670 - 3720 RHS 96 Earth work Excavation for Foundation in all soils and Sub Soil to full depth as may be directed except in hard rock requiring blasting but inclusive of shoring strutting and requiring the sides of foundation. 97 Supplying and Filling foundation and basement with filling sand in layers not more than 15cm . Thick well ramed, watered and compacted Complete complying with stanard specification. 98 Cement concrete 1 : 2.5 : 5 mix using 40mm HBG metal for foundation including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick., compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed. 99 Cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 mix using 40mm HBG metal for foundation including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick., compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed.Below Ground level Footing 100 Cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 mix using 40mm HBG metal for foundation including watering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15cm thick., compacting etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed.Above Ground level Body wall 101 Providing Weepholes in brick masonary, Plain/Reinforced Concrete abutment, wing wall, return wall with 100mm dia AC Pipe extending through the full width of the structures with slope of 1(V) : 20(H) towards drawing face coplete as per drawing and technical specification Clauses 614, 709, 1204 3.7 102 Providing and fixing 20 mm thick compressible fibre board in expansion joint complete as per drawing and technical specifications 103 Routine Maintenance after completion ofwork the road sufrace and shoulder to be maintained in proper condition to make them free from excessive edge drop offs, roughness, scouring and pot holes and cleaning of surface drain including culverts for frre flow of water. Relettering name boards and K.M & H.M stone and other maintenance operation required to keep the road traffic worthly at all the time for the maintenance periodfor the following years. As per General condition of contract para 32.2.2 104 For 1st Year 105 For 2nd Year 106 For 3rd Year 107 For 4th Year 108 For 5th Year 109 GST Amount for providing Service to Government Contract Works for the above Construction & Maintenance Works. { GST Amount is the Total GST Amount for overall quoted amount (Both Construction and Maintenance) above this row in column BB for all works in this package}(Refer Clause 13.2 & 13.3 of Section 2 of Instruction to Bidders (ITB) of SBD)