
Bids Are Invited For E 92907 Turbo Charger Core And Other Spares 1. 70250007850 O-Ring Pn-07002-21423 , 2. 70250039280 Sprocket Bolt 198-27-32231 , 3. 70250050360 Sprocket Nut 01803-03034 , 4. 70250104790 Turbo Bolt D475-E0 Pn- 6138-13-4510 , 5. 7025, Koraput-Odisha

Ministry Of Mines has published Bids Are Invited For E 92907 Turbo Charger Core And Other Spares 1. 70250007850 O-Ring Pn-07002-21423 , 2. 70250039280 Sprocket Bolt 198-27-32231 , 3. 70250050360 Sprocket Nut 01803-03034 , 4. 70250104790 Turbo Bolt D475-E0 Pn- 6138-13-4510 , 5. 7025. Submission Date for this Tender is 20-05-2024. Vehicle Accessories and Component Tenders in Koraput Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For E 92907 Turbo Charger Core And Other Spares 1. 70250007850 O-Ring Pn-07002-21423 , 2. 70250039280 Sprocket Bolt 198-27-32231 , 3. 70250050360 Sprocket Nut 01803-03034 , 4. 70250104790 Turbo Bolt D475-E0 Pn- 6138-13-4510 , 5. 7025
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For E 92907 Turbo Charger Core And Other Spares 1. 70250007850 O-Ring Pn-07002-21423 , 2. 70250039280 Sprocket Bolt 198-27-32231 , 3. 70250050360 Sprocket Nut 01803-03034 , 4. 70250104790 Turbo Bolt D475-E0 Pn- 6138-13-4510 , 5. 70250104800 Gasket D475-E0 Part No- 6218-11-5830 , 6. 70250204440 Turbo Bolt E0 Pn-01020-11025 , 7. 70250287870 Packing Pt.No- 6211-11-5890 , 8. 70251000130 Bolt Matser Link 198-32- 31341 , 9. 70251000730 Shoe Bolt And Nut Kit P.No.198- 32-05030 , 10. 70251001130 Teeth P.No.198-27-42263 , 11. 70251011050 Core Assy Pt.No. 6505-51-7830 , 12. 70258788170 Gasket 07003-01621 , 13. 70258788180 Gasket 07003-02026 , 14. 70259124730 Bolt Muffler D475a-5 Pn-01010-E1060 , 15. 70259124740 Bolt Muffler D475a-5 Pn-01010-E1065 , 16. 70259124750 Nut Muffler D475a-5 E0 Pn-01580-01008 , 17. 70259124760 Spacer D475a-5 E0 Pn-6631-11-5630 , 18. 70259124770 Spacer D475a-5 Pn-6131-12-5920 , 19. 70259124780 Bolt D475a-5 E0 Pn-01010-E1050 , 20. 70259124790 Bolt Muffler D475a- 5E0 Pn-01010-E1055 , 21. 70352003260 Gasket Pt.No. 6151-51-8151 , 22. 71050003920 01010-81025 Bolt Total Quantity : 660

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