
Bids Are Invited For Procurement Of Mt Store Lv6 Mt6 2525 2030 5801 Rubber Hose , Lv6 Mt6 4720 000022 Hose Rubber Engine Coolant , Lv6 Mt6 9330 000108 Sheet Cellular 12Mm Thick , Lv6 Mt6 4720 015281 Hose Radiator Inlet , Lv6 Mt6 Wo 65 32 611 Belt V ,, Pune-Maharashtra

Indian Army has published Bids Are Invited For Procurement Of Mt Store Lv6 Mt6 2525 2030 5801 Rubber Hose , Lv6 Mt6 4720 000022 Hose Rubber Engine Coolant , Lv6 Mt6 9330 000108 Sheet Cellular 12Mm Thick , Lv6 Mt6 4720 015281 Hose Radiator Inlet , Lv6 Mt6 Wo 65 32 611 Belt V ,. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-05-2024. Vehicle Accessories and Component Tenders in Pune Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Procurement Of Mt Store Lv6 Mt6 2525 2030 5801 Rubber Hose , Lv6 Mt6 4720 000022 Hose Rubber Engine Coolant , Lv6 Mt6 9330 000108 Sheet Cellular 12Mm Thick , Lv6 Mt6 4720 015281 Hose Radiator Inlet , Lv6 Mt6 Wo 65 32 611 Belt V ,
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Procurement Of Mt Store Lv6 Mt6 2525 2030 5801 Rubber Hose , Lv6 Mt6 4720 000022 Hose Rubber Engine Coolant , Lv6 Mt6 9330 000108 Sheet Cellular 12Mm Thick , Lv6 Mt6 4720 015281 Hose Radiator Inlet , Lv6 Mt6 Wo 65 32 611 Belt V , Lv7 Av 15 578 003 028 652 80 Fuse , Lv7 Hrv Av 15 309 503 181 240 Screw M12x90 , Lv7 Hrv Av 15 311 693 502 004 Rivet 2X4 , Lv7 Hrv Av 15 405 542 380 017 Relay Rp 701V 4P , Lv7 Hrv Av 15 311 733 000 550 Securing Ring 55 Csn 02 2930 , Lv7 Hrv Av 15 578 003 001 052 30 Front Glass Sheet , Lv7 Hrv Av 15 578 003 162 252 28 Fuse , Lv7 Hrv Av 15 273 111 882 570 Damper Absorber , Lv7 Hrv Av 15 449 324 008 0 Hand Fire Extinguisher , Lv7 Hrv Av 15 574 741 426 600 Electromagnatic Horn Water Tight , Lv7 Hrv Av 15 578 003 126 852 43 Screw , Lv7 Hrv Av 15 309 103 180 817 Screw M8x22 , Lv7 Itr Beml 50 38 7 Washer Od 30 Id 50 Thk 10 Lot 1 , Lv7 Itr Beml 50 319 118 Hex Bolt M 18 X 10 Lot 3 , Lv7 Itr Beml 5340 003298 Plate Mending , Lv7 Itr Beml Rfn 2212010 Hex Lock Nut M 20 X 1 5 Rh , Lv7 Itr Beml 273 110 418 000 Sealing Ring 137X5 Sil 070M202 , Lv7 Itr Beml 50 24 22 Conical Head Grease Nipple Bm 10 X 1 , Lv7 Itr Beml 50 58 35 Hexagonal Bolt M 12 Lot 1 , Lv7 Itr Beml 50 114 2 Hex Bolt M 27 For D Shackle Lot 2 , Lv7 Itr Beml 50 331 Knob Lot 3 4 , Lv7 Itr Beml 50 319 139 Hex Nut 12 Lot 3 , Lv7 Itr Beml 4730 000926 Lubricating Nipple Conical Head Degree , Lv7 Itr Beml 50 24 11 Key Lot 1 , Lv7 Itr Beml 3120 000669 Bushing Sleeve Mosd 125 X Id 80 X Thk , Lv7 Itr Beml 50 213 21 Hex Bolt M 12 X 46 Lot 2 , Lv7 Itr Beml 5310 006671 Washer Flat Steel A 33 Lot 1 2 3 , Lv7 Itr Beml 50 62 104 Pipe L 450 X 3 8 Od X 18 G Seamless , Lv7 Itr Beml 50 389 11 Hex Head Screw M6 X 16 Lot 2 To 4 , Lv7 Itr Beml 50 223 6 Pvc Sleeve 3 Id 25 Mm Long Red Lot 2 To 4 , Lv7 Itr Beml 50 62 102 Pipe 1 13025 Mm Long Red Lot 2 To 4 , Lv7 Itr Beml 50 62 102 Pipe Lv7 Sca 152675 Bulb , Lv7 Sca 811233 Hose , Lv7 Sca 246853 Switch , Lv7 Sca 6220 72 046 2994 Black Out Light 243

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