
Tender For Providing Of Otm Accn For Single Jcos Of Coy Asc (Sup) Under Ge Missamari, missamari-Assam

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Providing Of Otm Accn For Single Jcos Of Coy Asc (Sup) Under Ge Missamari. Submission Date for this Tender is 14-05-2024. Paver Blocking Tenders in missamari Assam. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Providing Of Otm Accn For Single Jcos Of Coy Asc (Sup) Under Ge Missamari
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Providing Of Otm Accn For Single Jcos Of Coy Asc ( Sup ) Under Ge Missamari-- 1 Excavating in trenches n.exc. 1.5 m width and n.exc. 1.5 m in depth for foundation in soft/loose soil & getting out, complete all as directed. 2 Excavating in trenches exc. 1.5 m width andnot exc. 3.00 m in depth for foundation in mud soil & getting out as in fundation, complete alland directed. 3 Surface dressing 15cm deep and getting outin soft/loose soil complete alland directed. 4 Removing excavated material (soil) n exc 50 m & depositing where directed at a level n exc 1.5 m, complete all asdirected. 5 Returning filling in, including spreading, levelling, watering & well ramming in layers not exc 25 cm, complete all as specified and directed. 6 M&L cement concrete with PCC type D2 1:4:8 using 40mm graded aggregate as in foundation, complete all as specified and directed. 7 M&L for brick work with burnt old size bricks built in cement mortar 1:6 straight or curved on plan exceeding 6mtr mean radius and all as directed. 8 M&L for brick work with burnt old size bricks built in cement mortar 1:4 straight or curved on plan to any radius in half thick walls andcomplete all as specified and directed.. 9 M&L rendering 15mm thick on other than fair faces of brick or concrete Surfaces in cement mortar 1:6 finished even and fair (without using extra cement), complete all as specified and directed.. 10 M&L rendering 20mm thick with cement mortar 1:4on fair faces of brick workin two layers (10mm and 10mm) sperately mixed with and including water proofing compund in top layer as per manufacturers instruction and finishing the surfaces even and faircomplete all as specified and directed. 11 M&L for rendering 5 mm thick on ceiling or concrete Surfaces in cement mortar 1:3 finished even and smooth without using extra cement, complete all as specified and directed. 12 M&L forRCC design mix M25 using 20 mm graded aggrgate for Foundations, including rafts, footings, foundation beams; plinth beams; bases for columns, etc.; basement slabs, under-reamed piles and mass co, complete all as specified and directed. 13 M&L for RCC design mixM25 using 20 mm graded aggregate for Slabs supported on walls,beams and columns in floors, roofs, landings, balconies, canopies, deck slabs and in shelves and the like complete all as specified and directed. 14 M&L forRCC designmixM25 using 20 mm graded aggregate for columns, pillars,posts and struts, complete all as specified and directed. 15 M&L for RCC design mix M25 using 20 mm graded aggregate for chajjascomplete all as specified and directed. 16 M&L Form work for Formwork to sides of concrete foundations, footings, bases of columns, raft and raft beams, sides and soffits (if any) of foundation and plinth beams; and similar work; vertical or to batter, flat, rought finished surfaces of concerete complete all as specified and directed. 17 M & L Formwork to sides and soffits of floor or roof beams, beam haunchings, girders, bressummers, lintels, cantilevers, shelves including sup- ports, overhangs, etc. also splays between floors and beams, etc flat, rought finished surfaces of concerete complete all as specified and directed. 18 M & L Form work for sides of pillars, posts, columns & similar works, square rectangular or polygonal flat, rought finished surfaces of concerete complete all as specified and directed. 19 M & L Formwork to soffits of suspended slabs such as roof slabs, floor slabs, landings and similar work; not exceeding 200mm thick (Horizontal or sloping) flat, rought finished surfaces of concerete complete all as specified and directed. complete all as specified and directed. 20 M & L for TMT reinforcement 10 mm dia and over cut to length bent to shape including cranking, banding spirally for hooping columns, hookingend and binding with and includingmild steel wire not less than 0.90 mm dia (annealed) complete all as specified anddirected . 21 S & F mild steel TMT bar 5 mm dia and over upto and including 10mm dia in strrups as inincluding cutting, bending and binding with and including mild steel not less than 0.9 mm dia (annealed)complete all as specified anddirected . 22 M&L Treating the soil under plinth protection at the rate of 5 litres of emulsion per square metre of surface area complete all as specified and directed. 23 M<reating the top surface of filled earth at the rate of 5 litres of emulsion per square metre of surface complete all as specified and directed. 24 M<reating the backfill in contact with foundation at the rate of 7.5 litres of emulsion per square metre of vertical surface (Area of the sub structure in contact with backfill to be measured) complete all as specified and directed. 25 M&L 75mm thick cement concrete (1:3:6) type C-2( using 40mm graded crushed stone aggregate) as in plinth protection laid in alternatebays (not exceeding 2 Sqm each)and finished even and smooth without using extra cement and providing jointsthroughout the thickness of the plinth protection filled with mastic filling comprising one part of bitumen 85/25 grade and three parts of sand by weight complete all as specified and as directed. 26 M&L for 75mmthick cement concrete type D-2 (1:4:8) using 40 mm graded stone aggregate as in sub base complete all as specified and directed.. 27 M&LNon - skidcoloured Ceramic tiles 7 to 8 mm thick (square/ rectangular) area of each tile exceeding 0.18 sqm but not exceeding 0.38 sqm, in floors etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured including 15 mm thick Screed bed or bedding layer of cement mortar 1:6,for laying floor finishes, including dismantling floor tiling with cement mortar beddingcomplete all as specified and directed. 28 M&LNon - skidcoloured Ceramic tiles 7 to 8 mm thick (square/ rectangular) area of each tile exceeding 0.11 sqm but not exceeding 0.18 sqm, in floors etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured including 15 mm thick Screed bed or bedding layer of cement mortar 1:6,for laying floor finishes,including dismantling floor tiling with cement mortar beddingcomplete all as specified and directed. 29 M&L Glazed ceramic coloured tiles in vertical surfaces 450x 350x 7 mm thick set and jointed in neat cement slurry & pointed in white or colour cement to match including backing coat 10 mm thick in Cement Mortar 1:4,complete all as specified and directed. 30 S&F Anodised aluminium powder coated (minimum thickness of poweder coating 50 micron). frame for doors,windows, ventilators with one or more rebates including joining cleat for fixing etc. complete all as specified and directed. 31 S&F powder coated (minimum thickness of poweder coating 50 micron) Anodised aluminium window and ventilator shutters, side hung type without sash bars, aluminium sections weighing 0.55 kg/m including necessary joining cleats, glazing clips, rubber packing, anodised aluminium snap beading, screws, anodised aluminium fittings such as peg stays 150mm long (1 no.). hinges type B-21100mm long (2 no.) suitable handle (1 no.) complete all as specified and directed. Note:- (i) Wire cloth/Glass shall be measured and paid separately at SUPPLY only rates under appropiate items. (ii) Labour charges for fixing of wire cloth/glass panes is demeed to be included in unit the unit rate quoted. 32 Supply only Sheet glass 4.00 mm thick frosted glass, ordinary quality andfixed with aluminiup beads in squares not exceeding 0.50 Sqm in each pane,complete all as specified and directed. 33 Supply only GI wire cloth with 0.63 mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.40 mm and fixed with aluminiup beads complete all as specified and directed. 34 S&F Solid PVC Double door frame of size 50mm x 95mm made out of 5mm Plain colour PVC sheet reinforced with M.S. tube, as per specification & drawing as specified in section 8 of SSR Part I complete all as specified and directed. 35 S&F Factory Made Solid PVC Moulded Door Shutter,(With Wood free EPS). 28 to 30mm thick (stiles), with 2, 4, or 6 raised panel design with 2mm thick Moulded PVC Sheet on the front face & 2mm plain colour PVC sheet on back face, supplying & fixing in frame at site as per specification & drawing specified in section 8 of SSR Part I complete all as specified and directed. 36 S&F 30mm thick Flush shutters, solid core construction, with particle board core and plywood face panels, commercial type on both sides,complete all as specified and directed. 37 S & F 35 mm thick factory made Second class hard woodkiln seasoned and chemically pressure treated Glazed and skeleton shutters, open rebated and prepared to receive glass, gauze, etc., (without sash bars), edges of framing plain, chamfered or rounded, fitted with cut mitred beads for securing glass etc,complete all as specified and directed. 38 S&F 1.25mm thick Pressed steel frames for doors with one or more rebates including size of frame 125X60mm necessary fixing lugs, hinges, lock strike plate, hold fast etc., complete, as specified and directed. 39 S&F PCC 1:3:6 type C-1 using 20 mm graded stone aggregate as in back filling of pressed steel door frames complete all as specified and as directed. 40 S&F 150mm aluminium handle cast type anodised, complete all as specified and directed. 41 S&F 150mm long aluminium anodised barrel tower bolts of extruded section, complete all as specified and directed. 42 S&F mild steel 300mm, ordinary rat tail rod pattern springs including roller and roller platecomplete all as specified and directed. 43 S&F 100 mm long stainless steel butt hinges fixed with SS screws complete all as specified and directed. 44 S&F Floor door stopper of aluminium alloy body and tongue, Overall length of cover plate 140mm, anodised, with hard drawn steel spring, fixed in floor complete all as specified and directed. 45 S&F aluminium alloy 300mm long anodised sliding door bolts with hasp, staple (bolt type) & fixing clips of sheet, cast or extruded sections and fixing bolts and sliding bolts of extruded section or cast - aluminium alloy and fixed, complete all as specified and directed. 46 M&L Sand filling under floors or in foundations including watering and conosoldiation complete all as specified and directed. 47 M&L Hardcore of gauge n exc. 63 mm, Broken stone or boulders, deposited, spread and levelled in layers n exc. 15 cm thick, watered and rammed to a true surface,complete all as specified and directed. 48 M&L Preparation of new plastered surface and applying Two or more coats of 100% Premium acrylic emulsion paint having VOC less than 50 gm/litre and UV resistance as per IS 15489:2004, Alkali & fungal resistance, dirt resistance exterior paint of required shade (Company Depot Tinted) with silicon additives @ 1.43 litre/ 10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 0.90 litre/ 10 sqm over new surfaces complete all as specified and directed. 49 M&L Prepration of new plastered surfaces on ceiling over applying three coats of white washing complete all as specified and as directed. 50 M&L Preparation of new plastered surfaces and applying 1mm thick wall care putty on plastered surfaces and two coats of Distempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper (ready mixed) having VOC content less than 50 gms/litre, of approved manufacturer, of required shade and colour complete, as per manufacturers specification complete all as specified and as directed. 51 M&L Preparation of new or previously untreated wood surfaces of any description, over 10 cm width or girth, not otherwise described appling applying two coat of synthetic enamel paint overone coat of pink primer,complete all as specified and directed.. 52 M&L preparation of new steel surfaces of any description over 10cm width or girth and applyingtwo coats of synthetic enamel paint complete all as specified and directed. 53 M&L for rendering 10 mm thick on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces in cement mortar 1:4 Mixed with and including water proofing compound as per manufacture instruction complete all as specified and directed. 54 M&L 3mm thick APP based polymeric membrane (minimum weighing 3.5Kg/sQM)and reinforced with polyster non woven laid fabric (wt. not less than 160 gms/sqm) on primed surface by torched application. Side overlaps shall be minimum 75mm and the end laps shall be minimum 100mm and sealing of all overlaps and joints including coating the surface with water based bituminous primer blow bitumen of 85/25at 1.2 Kg/Sqm both at bottom and top of the membrance and finally finished with one coat of bitumenous aluminium paint @ 100 gm per sqm complete all as specified and as per manufacturers instrcutions.Note : Work shall be carried out by manufacturer or his Authorised applicator of manufacturer. 55 S&F 10 Ltrs. Capacity PVC flusing cisternlow level float and handle including brackets, flush pipe, whitewith inlet ball valve with all accessories,complete all as specified and directed. 56 S & F in repairs Vitreous China Ware Wash hand basin white, flat back, size 550 x 400 mm sizeincluding cutting for and pinning ends of brackets or erecting stand, with and including 32mm bore Waste coupling of PTMT (half or full threaded) (Minimum weight 32mm-45gms), 32mm bore PVC solid waste pipe 800mm long complete all as specified and directed. 57 S&F Vitreous China squatting pan Orissa patern size 630x450mm white with integral foot rest , including S or P traps (Excluding flushing cistern & flush pipe), laid over 150mm thick cement concrete (1:5:10) type E2 using(40mm graded aggregate) of complete all as specified and directed. 58 S&F 15 mm bore Fancy type pillar taps, Cast Copper alloy, with capstan heads, chromium plated, screwed down high pressure with or without lettered Hot or Cold with long screwed shanks and fly nuts, screwed for iron pipe and fixed,complete all as specified and directed. 59 S&F Towel Rail 600mm long of PTMT fixed with and including Chromium plated brass screws and wooden/plastic cleats. (Minimum weight 190gms) complete all as specified and as directed. 60 S&F 15 mm bore, fancy type, chromium plated bib taps, cast copper alloy, with crutch or butterfly handle, screwed down, screwed for iron pipe or for brass ferrule,complete all as specified and directed. 61 S&F 15mm bore Stop valves, cast copper alloy, screwed down, high pressure, with crutch or butterfly handle, screwed both ends for iron pipe or for unions and fixed complete all as specified and as directed. 62 S&F 15mm bore, fancy type, with long shank and cup (concealed type), Stop valves, cast copper alloy, screwed down, high pressure, with crutch or butterfly handle, screwed both ends for iron pipe or for unions and fixed complete all as specified and as directed. 63 S&F 125mm size Chromium plated shower rose with or without swivel joints, any size, including fixing tosteel pipe or union,complete all as specified and directed. 64 S&F PVC connection pipe 15 mm bore with PTMT nuts 450 mm long,complete all as specified and directed. 65 S&F Shelf of PTMT fixed with and including Chromium plated brass screws and wooden/plastic cleats (Minimum weight 300gms) complete all as specified and directed. 66 S&F Mild steel Peg set of four hooks size 50mm to 60mm complete all as directed. 67 S&F 600mm x 450 mm bevelled edge mirror of selected quality glass, mounted on 6 mm thick AC building board or commercial plywood and fixed to wooden plugs with chromium plated brass screws and cup washers,complete all as specified and directed. 68 S&F 20mm bore dia of tubing with screwed socket joints, medium grade galvanized steel with all necessary tube fittings and fixing complete with clips, wall hooks etc to wall and ceilings or laid in floor including necessary cutting chases pining in, in brick/concrete surfaces and making good the disturbed surface in cement mortar 1:3 complete in all respectas specified. 69 S&F 15mm bore dia of tubing with screwed socket joints, medium grade galvanized steel with all necessary tube fittings and fixing complete with clips, wall hooks etc to wall and ceilings or laid in floor including necessary cutting chases pining in, in brick/concrete surfaces and making good the disturbed surface in cement mortar 1:3 complete in all respectas specified. 70 S&F 75mm bore PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed, in any length with rubber ring joints, laid in trenches or in floors,complete all as specified and directed. 71 S&F 75mm bore PVC (SWR) Soil, waste and vent pipes single socketed in any length with rubber ring joints fixed to walls,complete all as specified and directed. 72 S&F 110mm bore PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed, in any length with rubber ring joints, laid in trenches or in floors,complete all as specified and directed. 73 S&F 75 mm bore PVC (SWR) bends of any radius,complete all as specified and directed. 74 S&F 110mm bore PVC (SWR) bends of any radius,complete all as specified and directed. 75 S&F 110mm PVC (SWR) junction single,( Double T) equal or unequal complete all as specified and directed. 76 S&F 75mm bore PVC (SWR) junction single,( Single T) equal or unequal complete all as specified and directed. 77 S&F PVC reducers(SWR) 110 x 75 mm.complete all as specified and directed. 78 S&F 75mm outer dia PVC (SWR)floor trap, plain with grating including jointing with solvent cement complete all as specified and directed. 79 S&F 75mm PVC(SWR) vent cowl complete all as specified and directed. 80 S&F 500 Ltrs. Capacity rotational moulded polyethylene water storage tanks (cylinder vertical with class top) hoisted and fixed in position all as specified including 20mm bore ball brass valves, high pressure, with polythene float and flynut complete screwed for iron pipe or brass ferrule and fixed,complete all as specified and as directed. 81 S&F 20mm nominal bore Gun-metal Globe or gate valves with gate with iron wheel head screwed both ends for iron pipes and fixed all complete all as specified and as directed. 82 S&F Harrison rails, mild steel, chromium plated fixed alongwith 2 Nos. of brackets, stops, rollers etc, complete all as specified. 83 M&L for Providing, cement concrete in roof kerbs or mud stops, rounded or chamfered on edges B0 1:2:4 using 12.5 mm graded aggregate including of Demolition of Cement concrete of any description and in any position complete all as specified and directed. 84 M&L cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-1 (using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate) as in fixing of hold fasts, copings, bed plates,kerbs or mud stops,lintels upto 1.50m span, plinth courses , seismic and other bands and the like, finished the surface fair andeven, including necessary form work complete all as specified and directed. . 85 M&L preparing surface of wood and wood based materials, new steel surface, iron surface treating small articals such as stop, covers, gully gratings, holdfasts,ends of posts, back of chowkats, etc, area tarrednot exceeding0.1 sqm each and treated with coal tar or coal tar black paint, complete all as specified and directed. 86 M&L for PrecastRCC design mix M25 using 20 mm graded aggregate as in cover slab etc, laid dry, including provision of necessary form work complete all as specified and directed. 87 M&L 150 mm bore pipes Concrete bed in Plain cement concrete (1:3:6) type C-2 using 40mm graded stone aggregate to drain pipes including packing under,and haunching againstthe sides of pipes after they are laid and tested complete all as specified and directed. 88 M&L reinforced cement concrete pipes class NP2 150 mm borelaid in trenches at any depth including jointing with collars and testing complete all as specified and directed. 89 Cutting into existing manhole for connecting new drain of 150 mm bore pipe making good to pipe and rendering, cutting out existing benching for and forming branch channel (1/2 rounds of ¾ section) in cement concrete 1:2:4 type B1 smooth finished reforming benching as required, complete all as directed 90 M&L pre-polished glazed, coloured designer tiles, coloured, 30cm x 30cm x 10cm thick , set, jointed and pointed in neat cement slurry, pointed in white or coloured cement to match in floors over and including 15mm thick Screed bed in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed. 91 M&L PCC in foundations, filling and mass-concrete type B2 (1:2:4) using 40 mm graded stone aggregate complete all as specified and directed. 92 S&FRolled sections as in main and cross beams, hip and jack rafters; purlins where connected to common rafters and running rails and guides for sliding doors; fixed with angle cleats or other connecting plates confrming to Fe-290 (Gde E- 165) including necessary prepration of new surfaces and applying a coat of red oxide zinc chrome primer complete all as specified and directed. 93 S&F pre painted galvalume aluminium zinc coating GI based corrugated steel sheet 0.50 mm thick of an colour having tensile strength of 550 Mpa as in roof covering/cladding to wall fixed with self tapping screws complete all as specified and directed. 94 M&L for 40 mm thick Damp proof course to horizontal or vertical surfaces including necessary form work in cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-0 (Using 12.5 mm graded stone aggregate) mixed with and including WPC as per manufactures instruction with a coat of hot blown bitumen of Grade VG-10 @ 1.5 Kg/Sqm and blended with clean dry sand @ 0.05Cum/Sqm complete all as specified and directed. 95 M&L 60mm thick factory made chamfered edge cement concrete paver block of M-35 grade with approved colour, design & pattern as in footparth, parks, lawns, drive ways or light traffic parking etc., of required strength, thickness & size/shape, made by table vibratory method using PU mould, laid in required colour & pattern over and including 50mm thick compacted bed of fine sand, compacting and proper embedding/ laying of inter locking paver blocks into the sand bedding layer through vibratory compaction by using plate vibrator, filling the joints with sand and cutting of paver blocks as per required size and pattern, finishing and sweeping extra sand; complete all as specified and directed. 96 M&L for concealed point wiring with two single core 1.5 Sq.mm size FRLSH multistranded copper conductor PVC insulated cables and one single core 1.5 Sq.mm size green FRLSH colour PVC insulated,multistranded copper conductor PVC cable as earth continuity conductor,1100 volts grade, complete drawn in and including 20mm(minimim) medium grade rigid PVC CONDUIT and conduit accessories i.e. joint boxes, terminal boxes for mounting or housing switches, socket outlets, fan regulators, etc. confirmingto IS specifications, including Mild Steel Pressed Terminal Box 1.22mm thick of suitable size duly painted with red oxide metal primer with 3.0mm thick Plastic Laminated Sheet Top Cover for mounting Switches, Sockets, etc. with including cutting chases for conduits & sinkings for MS Sunken boxes & making good to walls, floors etc. complete all as specified & as directed for the following :- 97 All as per item No 96 herein before but light point controlled by one, one way switch 5 Amps 98 All as per item No 96 herein before but One 3 point 5 Amps socket outlets point controlled by one switch on the same board 99 All as per item No 96 herein before but One 3 pin 5 Amps switch socket outlet point controlled by one switch on independent board 100 All as per item No 96 above but with two run of 2.5 sqmm multi stranded Single core copper conductor 1100 volts grade FRLSH PVC insulated sheathed cable with one run of FRLSH PVC 2.5 Sqmm multi standard insulated sheathed copper wire as earth continuity conductor along with wiring and connecting to the common earth dolly on independent board. 101 S&F Switch piano (White)flush type single pole one way 5 Amp, 230 Volts complete all as specified. 102 S&F Socket outlet (White)2 in 1, 5 pin, 5 Amps complete all as specified and directed. 103 S&F Switch socket combination(White)flush type multipurpose 5 pin 5 Amps two in one , 230volts complete all as specified and as directed 104 S&F Switch socket combination (White)2 in 1 5/6 pin, 15 Amp flush type universal,complete all as specified and as directed 105 S&F bell pushflush type (white), single pole, 5 Amps, 230 volts.complete all as specified and directed.. 106 S&F call bell suitable to work on 230 volts, single pole, complete all as specified. 107 S&F ceilling rose (White)three terminal surface bakelite type AC 50 Hz 230 Volt of size 65x50mm complete all as specified and as directed. 108 S&F ceiling fan regulator (White)step type, flush type heavy duty suitable to work on 230 Volt AC supply complete all as specified and as directed 109 S&FLamp holder (White)with insulated body, with back plate suitable for batten fittings complete all as specified and as directed 110 S&F LED bulb 10 watt5 STAR LAMPwith B 22 base capacity 1200 lumencomplete all as specified. 111 S&F sheet metal enclosure MCB DBSPN 8 way with 200 amps rated bus bar 230 volts double doorfixed in wall complete all as specified and directed. 112 S&F MCB Double Pole 32 Amps 240Volt, confirms to IS/IEC 60898 Breaking Capacity of 10 kA, B-curve, complete all as specified and directed. 113 S&F MCB SP, 240 volts, 6-32A Amps 50 Hz ,confirms to IS/IEC 60898 Breaking Capacity of 10 kA, B-curve, complete all as specified and directed. 114 S&F LED lights fitting 1x 20W, 220V, AC decorativeultra slim round profile LED lighting fixture with extruded polycarbonate , environmental friendlyenergy efficiebt ready to use packwith driver, holder including LED tube lightconnecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size from ceiling rose complete all as specified and directed. 115 S&F Energy saving new generation environmental friendly long life versatile presure die cast aluminium IP 66 security light fitting luminaire with high power LEDs as light source and PC Cover having TOP opening seperate driver compartment with IP 66 Protection and impact resistance of IK07 with electronic driver of capacity 20 watts with pre wired andnecessary mounting arrangements, provision of new 3 core multistrandedcopper conductor of size 23/0.193 to fitting with 32mm bore GI pipe, Light grade, bracket of 1.5 mtr long bend to required shape, and fixing with MS clamps, nuts bolts including applying a coat of red oxide zinc chrome primer on clamps and applying two coats of syntheic enamel paint complete all as specified and as directed 116 S&F ceiling fans without remote complete with blades, down rods, electronicregulator , fan hook and accessories, 230 V, 1200mm sweep. Min air delivery 210 CFMwith service value 6.00 BEE. Five star rated with brushless direct current motor(BLDC) complete all as specified and directed. 117 S&F exhaust fan, steel bodyAC single Phase. 230V of size 300m sweep with, blades, and frame and louvers including making holes duly fixing with fastnuts connected with cables complete all as specified and directed . 118 M&L concealed sub-main wiring alongwith earth wire of size of 2 x 6.0 sq. mm + 1 x 6.0 sq. mm earth wire, ISI marked, FRLSH, PVC insulated, multi stranded, copper conductor, single core cable drawn through andincluding 20mm(minimim) medium grade rigid PVC CONDUIT (ISI marked) of suitable size with all fittings and accessories ISI marked including cutting chases for conduits & and making good to walls, floors etc as per existing specifications.complete all as specified & as directedNOTE: (i)Two runs of PVC wire, one run of earth wire & one run of PVC Conduit will be measured as one length.(ii) Loop length as required and as directed deemed to be included in the UNIT RATE QUOTED. 119 M & L sand cushioning in trenches for cable protection with coarse sand laid dry in trenches with uniform thickness including consolidation complete all as directed. 120 Supply & Laying well burnt brick , locally available best quality (sub class B bricks ) laid in trences perpendicular to UG Cable protection complete all as specified. 121 Supply & Laying XLPE LT heavy duty UG Cable of size 16 Sqmm 2 Core laid in trences /floor/on wall/service connection PVC Insulated, sheathing and armoured 1100 Volts grade with aluminium conductor including connection to the main switch/cut out MCB/MCCB with necessary lugs after cutting to required length complete all as specified and directed. 122 S&F GI Tubing light grade of size 32mm bore as in protection of cable at road crossing /hard standing/pole protection fixed with clamp as per site requirement etc all as specified and directed. 123 M&L earthing with GI earth plate electrode 600x600x6mm thick buried directly in ground vertically to depth not less than 2.25m below the ground level with top edge of earth plate at a depth not less than 1.5m below the ground level connected to galvanized iron wire 4mm dia earth lead by means ofbolts & nuts,check nuts & washers made of galvanised steel, earth wire protected by and including PCC (1:2:4) type B1 precast RCC cover slab(1:2:4) reinforced with 8mm dia TMT bars 100mm center to center bothways including one handle made of 10 mm dia round bar, including necessary excavation and earthwork in any type of soil, 20 mm dia medium grade galvanized steel tube for watering with one end fixed with cast iron funnel and wire mesh, 15 mm bore medium grade galvanized steel tubing for drawing earth wire GI strip protection & common salt, charcoal in alternate layers etc. complete all as shown in EP No 3 of SSR Part 1 and testing on completion complete all as specified and as directed. 124 S&F 50mm outrt dia 3- layer PP-R Polypropylene random copolymer) concealed pipes SDR 7.4 (PN16) UV stabilized and antimicrobial fusion welded having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply all PP-R plain & brass threaded polypropylene random fittings laid in trenches, complete all as specified and as directed. 125 S&F 32mm outrt dia 3- layer PP-R Polypropylene random copolymer) concealed pipes SDR 7.4 (PN16) UV stabilized and antimicrobial fusion welded having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply all PP-R plain & brass threaded polypropylene random fittings laid in trenches, complete all as specified and as directed. 126 S&F PP-R Gate Valves (Brass Insert) 32mm Outer dia and fixed, complete all specified and as directed. 127 S&F PP-R Gate Valves (Brass Insert) 50 mm Outer dia and fixed , complete all specified and as directed. 128 Making connection of PP-R distribution branch with DI/CI main of 100 mm size by providing and fixing tee of 100 mm x 50 mm including cutting and making fusion joint etc complete all as directed.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 02-05-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 09-05-2024
2 09-05-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 14-05-2024
3 24-04-2024 BOQ CORRIGENDUM BOQ 02-05-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 56340.0 /-
Tender Value
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