Bids Are Invited For High Frequency Motor Cube Vibrator , Le Chatelier Flask , Gi Frame Sieve 450 Mm Dia 90 Mm , Weight Balance 5 To 20 Kgs Capacity , Weight Balance 500 Gms Capacity , Weight Balance 50 Kgs Capacity , Cube Mould 150Mmx150mmx150mm , Compressive And Flexural Strength Testing Machine , Is Sieve 450 Mm Dia Gi Frame Set , Wire Basket , Water Tight Container , Shallow Tray , Electric Oven 1000X1000x1000 Mm , Flakiness And Elongation Index Test Apparatus , Pan Balance 15 Kg , Is Sieve 200 Mm Size , Thickness Guage , Cylindrical Metal Measure Of 75 Mm Dia And 50 Mm Depth , Tampering Rod 10Mm , Liquid Limit And Plastic Limit Device Complete Set , Procelain Evaporating Dish About 120 Mm Dia , Spatula , Ground Glass Plate Size 20Cmx15cm , Rod 3Mm Dia And About 10 Cm Long , Density Bottle 50Ml Alongwith Stopper , Standard Sand Ennore 30 Kgs Pack , Proving Ring For 1 Tonn Capacity , Proving Ring For 5 Tonn Capacity , Cbr Moulds Complete Set , Field Oven , Stop Watch , Glass Beakers , Measuring Cyclinder 100 To 1000 Cc Capacity , Petri Dishes 1000 Mm , Enamel Tray Size 600 Mm X450 Mmx50 Mm , Enamel Tray Size 450Mm X300 Mmx50 Mm , Enamel Tray Size 300Mm X250 Mmx40 Mm , Hydrometer With Jar , Sand Pouring Cyclinder With Conical Funnel And Tap And Complete , Sampling Pipettes Fitted With Pressure And Suction Inlet , Compaction Apparatus Proctor , Dynamic Cone Penetratation Test Apparatus , Rapid Moisture Meter Complete With Chemicals , Soxhlet Extraction Complete With Extraction Thimbles With Solvent And Filter Paper Bitumen Extractor , Ductility Meter , Softeining Point Test Apparatus , Filter Paper For Bitumen Extractor 25 Nos Set , Benzeen For Bitumen Extractor , Digital Thermometer , Gas Stove High Preasure Burner , Spring Balance 50 Kg , Cleveland Flash And Fire Point Appartus , Concrete Core Cutting Machine , Cement Mortor Mould Size 70 Point 6 Mmx70 Point 6Mmx70 Point 6 Mm , Cement Mortor Mould Size 50Mmx50mm X50mm , Marshal Stability Test Apparatus Total Quantity : 454