
Tender For Supply Of Books, Tezpur-Assam

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Tender For Supply Of Books Zoology Department Concepts of Ecology (4 Edition) 2 Fundamental of Ecology Biotechonolgy Genetics Practical Manual of Biotechnology and Biochemistry 2 Microbilogy- A laboratory Manual 10 Edition 4 Biochemical method by 5 Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture 6 Molecuair Biology A Practical Manual Hardcover-1 November 2021 7 Microbiology 5th edition B Bioprocess Technology 9 Current Science Physic 1 Mathematics for Physics Students 2 Mathematical Methods for Physicistis Mechanics 4 Mathematical Physics 5 Mathematical Physics 6 Fundamentals of Physics 7 Electricity and Magnetism Physics for Scientist and Engineers 9 Electrodynamics Indian Journal of Physics 10 Introduction to mechanics 11 Electricity and Magnetism 12 Feynman Lecture Series, Vol-1& Mathematics 1 Ordinary Differential Equation (A first Course) 2 Higher Algebra (Classical) 3 Calculas 4 Differential Equatiom 5 Introduction to Real Analysis 6 Complex Variable and Application 8 7 Analytical Geometry of two and three dimensions Elementary Number Theury Contemporary Abstract Algebra 10 Linear Algebra and its Applications 11 Melric Space Statistics 1 Mathematical Analysis, 2 Edition A course of Mathemtical Analysis, 12 Revised edition Statistical Methods: And introductory Text An Outline of Statistical Theory Vol-14 Edition An Introduction to Probability and Statistics 2 Edition (Reprint) Sampling Theory & Statistical Methods 6 7 An Introduction to Linear Algebra II, IV, V) Applied Statistics Stochastic Procesa Economics 1 Micro Economics Theroy 2 4 5 6 Principle of Economics Micro Economics Theory Macro Economics Public Finance Indian Economy- Protilems of Development and Painning Indian financial System Statistical Method for Economics Indian Economy 10 Fundamentals of Statistics 11 Sampling Techniques 12 Macroeconomics, Theories and Policies 13 Macroeconomics 14 Basic Econometrics 15 Micro Economics 16 Monetary Economics 17 Monetary Economics English 1 Semester 1 The Penguin History of the world 2 The English and their History 3 The Routledge Hatory of Literature in English: Britain and Ireland, 3d Edition, 2021 A Short History of England, London, 2018 Semester 1 The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, 2015 2 A Glossary of Literary Tenns, 11th Edition, 2015 The Bedford Glossary of Critical & Literary Terms, 4 Edition, 2019 4 The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory, 5th Edition, 2015 1) political philosophy by Dudley Knowles 2) parties and party politics in India (edited by Zoya Hasan) Oxford University press 3) Indian democracy: Meanings and practices By R. Vora and 5 palisikar (ed. Sage, Nirw Delhi) 4) Globalization: A basic text By G.Pitzer (2002) London Willy Blackwell 5) international relations: A concise Introduction By M. Nicholsan (2002) New work: palgrave. 6) Introduction to global politics By R. Mansback, K. Taylor (2012) New York Routledge 7) Global politics- By Andrew Heywood Palgrave McMillan 8) Politics By Andrew Heywood, New York: Palgrave 9) Understanding public policy By T Dye (1984) USA. Prentice hall 10) Comparative Politics: Interests, Identities and institutions in a changing global order. (Cambridge University press) 11) Indias living constitution: Ideas, practices, controversies By-Z Hasan, E sridharan, R. SUDARSHAN (EDS) 12) Social movements and the state (edited by G. shah, Sage publications. 13) The Oxford companion to politics in India New Delhi (Oxford University press) by P. Mehta, N jayal (eds) 14) Global transformation Reader politics, Economics and culture by David Held, A. Macgrow 15) Handbook of political theory (Editted) by C. Kukathas, G. Gaus, Sage publications. 16) Political philosophy essential selection. New Delhi: Pearson education, By A shoble, T Machan 17) Political Thinkers from Socrates to the present. By D. Boucher and P. Kelly Oxford University press 18) Alexander Kollantai The lonely struggle of the women who defled Lenin By Cporter (1980) New York Dutton childrens book 19) Political thought in modern India [Edited) by Thomas pentham And K Deutsch. New Delhi sage publications. 20) An introduction to Markist economic theory By E. mandal Newyork path finder press 21) A brief history of neoliberalism By D Harvey Oxford University press 22) Women in modern India By Geraldine Forbes (1980) Cambridge University press. 22) Feminist politics and human nature By Alison Jagger. U. K Harvester press. 23) The creation of patriarchy. By Gerda Lerner Oxford University press. 24) Gandhi in his times and ours By D. Hardiman (2003) Oxford University press 25) The High cast Hindu women By Ramabai Critical quest Delhi Department of Community Science (home Science) Authors Name Textbook of Home Science Premlana Mullick Name of Books Elizabeth Hurtack Developmental Child Development Elizabeth Hurlock Psychology Elements of Child KC-Fanda Psychology Food Science and Nutrition Dietetics Slashm Food Science and Singh and Pratibha Human Nutritian Textile Science EPG Gol Texthook of sing Sushma Gupta Textile and laundry Neeru Sarg Textbook of family Sushme Supta Rasource management Neeru Garg Family Resourc Management anit Bela Bhargave Interior Decoration Textbook of Home Science Serene Shekhar Extension Education Santosh Ahlawat Extension Communication Ray And Management Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert System Dan W. Patterson Artificial Intelligence-Flaine Rich Computer Organization and Architecture-William Stallings Programming in ANSI C-E. Balaguruswamy Discrete Mathematics Structures and is Applications to Computer Science-LP. Tremblay, R. Manohar Fundamental of Database System-R. Elmani, 8.B. Navattic Systems Programming - Dhananjay Dhamdhers An Introduction to Formal Languagım and Automata-Peter Lino, Narosa 1 semester 1. Financial accounting B.B DAM, HC Gautam, D. Chakraborty 2. Business Mathematics Dr. P.L. Hazarika 3. Indian Financial Systets Bhari Pathak: Pearson Publication 4. Environmental studies- Azad Ali: Kalyani Publication House, 5. Information Technology in Business-Puneet Kumar: Kalyani Publication House 2 semester 1. Principles and practices of Management: De. Arpita Sharma Nath. Publisher: Ashok Publication House 2. Principles and practices of Management: KK Sharma & Sashi K. Cupta (NEP), Kalyani Publisher. 3. Principles of Marketing Concepts strategies and Techniques- Rana Bijoy Deb (NEP Kalyani Publisher. 4. Trade and commerce in India Jai Prakash Rath & Samira Puins (NEP), Kalyani Publisher 3. Corporate Accounting-B.B Dam & H.C Gautam (NEP), Kalyani Publisher. 6. E-Commerce- Sushil Bhardwaj Kalyani Publisher 7. Business Economics: H.L. Ahuja: S Chand & PN Chopra: Kalyani Publication House A textbook of Physical Chemistry 2. A textbook of Physical Chemistry-1 3. A textbook of Physical Chemistry-II 4 A textbook of Physical Chemistry-II 5. A textbook of Physical Chemistry-III A textbook of Physical Chemistry-IV 6. A textbook of Physical Chemistry-V 7. A textbook of Physical Chemistry-V1 8. Physical Chemistry through Problems 9 Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy-IV Ed 10. Introduction to Spectroscopy 11. Elementary Organic Spectroscopy (Principle and Chemical Applications) 12. Organic Chemistry Vol 1 Organic Chemistry Vol 1 13. Organic Chemistry Vol. II 14. Organic Chemistry Vol III 15. Inorganic Chemistry 16 Modern Inorganic Chemistry 17. Concise Inorganic Chemistry 18 Inorganic Chemistry 19. Inorganic Chemistry L 4. 5 7 A. Descriptive Analysis of Bodo Ithasha Bigyan Rao Arw Rao Bigiyan Growth and Development of Bedo Language Boro Thunlaini Jarinun A history of Bodo Literature Rao Bugiyan A history of Bodo Literature Jarımıni Nwjwzao Boto Thuilai 10 Latim Bikhayao Indramaloti 11 Boro Raokhanth 12 Boro Rap 13. Giwdan Boro Raokhanihi 14. Horo Raom Stmaithu 15. Boro-Garo Rao Hanja 16. Bandi Bithing Hardi Saomaithai 17 Sungiwhan Boro 18 Kirata Jana Kritt 19. Raum Mohor (Part-1) 20 Gwnang Raokhunthi 21. Gwjwo Raokhanthi 22. Boro Kocharms Sooraj Arw Harimu 23 Aspects of Social Customs of the Bodos Rao Arw Ronsai 15 The Kacharis 26 Boro Mwsanay 27, Baroni Subung Harimu 28. The Traditional Boro Festivals: A Chtical Study 2. Bengali childrens literature Mbikash 3. Introduction chapter of childrens literature 4. Veeraman Shavya 5. History of the Bengali sub-period (both 73) 6 The play of nineteen sides 7. Remembrance of Utpan Dut * Bara of modern Kari ng literature 19. In Badla Essay Literature 11. Folk culture of Bengal 12. Shalla Folklore too Discussion and Dramatic Judgment of Dramatic Literature 14 Evolution of Bengali and Bengali 5 Paramana past: search and 16 Bengali Manuscript Lessons and Plans 7. Itima of Bengali literature f. ask for 10. Modern Hindi Literature Sati and Santhati 11. Northeast Bengal is short 20 Lakshminath Bejabarumar Premchands story 1 Assamese style Literature review Form of Bengali poetry Various aspects of Bengali literature Literary culture Bengali Literature of North East India Ten novels Exiles Sky : Intensive Reading Samresh Manumdars main novel is the resulting novel Dept. of Sanskrit, Darrang College 1. Altekar, A.S. State and Government in Ancient India. Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 2001. 2. Belvalkar. S.K. Mahabharata: Santi Parvam, 1954. 3. Ghosal. U.N. A History of Indian Political Ideas, Bombay, 1959, 4. Law, N. S. Aspect of Ancient Indian Polity, Calcutta, 1960. 5. Prasad. Beni. Theory of Government in Ancient India, Allahabad, 1968. 6. Saletore, B.A. Ancient Indian Political Thought and Institutions. Bombay, 1963. 7. Sharma, R. S. Aspects of Political Ideas and Institutions in Ancient India, Morital Banarsidass, Delhi, 1996. 8. Verma, V.P. Studies in Hindu Political Thought and its Metaphysical Foundations, Delhi, 1954. 9. Arthashastra of Kautilya (ed.) Kangale, R.P. Delhi, Motilal Banarasidas 1965. 10. Visnu purana, (Eng. Tr.) H.H. Wilson, PunthiPustak, reprint. Calcutta. 1961. 11. Satapatha brahmana (3 Vols), (Eng, trans, ed.) Jeet Ram Bhatt. E. B.L. Delhi, 2009, 12. Chatterjee. P. The Nation and its Fragments: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories, 13. Manus Code of Law (ed. & trans.): Olivelle, P. (A Critical Edition and Translation of the Manaya- Dharmašästra), OUP, New Delhi, 2006, 14. Ramayana of Valmaki. (Eng. Tr.) H.P. Shastri. London, 1952-59. 13 Vols). 15. Gandhi, M.K. The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Ahmedabad, Navajivan, 1958. 16. Pradhan, R. Raj to Swaraj. Macmillan. New Delhi, 2008 17. Sharma, J. Hindutva: Exploring the Idea of Hindu Nationalism, Penguin, 2003. 18. Shukla, Hiralal, Modern Sanskrit Literature, Delhi, 2002, 19. Bhandarkar, D.R. Some Aspects of Ancient Indian Hindu Polity. Banaras Hindu University. 20. Singh, G.P & Singh. S. Premananda. Kingship in Ancient India: Genesis and Growth, Akansha Publishing House. Delhi, 2000. 21. M. Krishnamachariar. History of Classical Sanskrit Literature, MLBD, Delhi 22. Gaurinath Shastri, A Concise History of Sanskrit Literature MI BD, Delhi. 23. Maurice Winternitz, Indian Literature (Vol. 1-III), also Hindi Translation. MLBD, Delhi 24. A.B. Keith, History of Sanskrit Literature, also Hindi translation, MLBD. Delhi. 25. Baldev Upadhyay, Sanskrit Sahitya ka Itihas, Sharda Niketan, Varanas 26. Rksöktävali, H. D. Velankar, VaidikaSanshodhana Mandala. Pune, 1965. 27 Vaidik Sangrah, Krishmalaal, Fastern Book 1 inkers, Delhi, 28. Bksüktasagayanti, H.D. Velankar. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1972 29. SatapathaBrahmana, (Ed) Ganga Prasad Upadhyaya, SL BSRS Vidyapeeth. Delhi. 30. Šuklayajurveda-Samhita, (Väjasaneyi-Madhyandina), (Ed.) Jagadish Lal Shastri, MLBD, Delhi, 1978. 31. Atharvaveda (Saunaktya): (Ed.) Vishva Bandhu, VVRI, Hoshiharpur, 1960, 32. Prahlad Kumar Sukanäsopadeśa, Meharchand Laksmandas, Delhi 33. Surendradeva Visrutacaritam, Sahitya Bhandar, Meerut 34. M.R. Kale: Abhijñanaśakunatalam, MLBD,Delhi. 35. Edgerten, Franklin (1924). The Pancatantra Reconstructed (Vol 1: Text and Critical Apparatus, Vol.II: Imreduction and Translations. New Haven: American Oriental Series 36. B.N. Shastri, (ed) Kalikapurana, Nag Publishers 37. Prabhat Ch.Sarma, Kadamhari, Translated into Assamese, ABILAC Guwahati, Assam 38. Mahulikat, Dr. Gauri, Effect of Ramayana On Various Cultures And Civilisation, Raniayana Institute, 39. The Pancatantra, Vişnušarma, translated from Sanskrit with an Introduction by Chandra Rajan. Penguin Books, India, 1993. 40. Banerji, Suresh Chandra, Influence of Sanskrit outside India, A Companion to Sanskrit Literature, ML,BD,1971 41 ChakravartyShrutidhara-Architecture in the Natyasastra. Studies In Sanskrit Literature. Culture and Art, Pratibha Prakashan, Delhi, 2011 42. Biswanarayan Shastri, Sanskrit Studies in Assam, 43. Malini Goswami, Asamat Sanskrit Carecar Itihas, Publication Board, Assam 44. Mridusmita Bharadwaj, Indian Epigraphy, Paleography and Chronology, Ashok Publication, Guwahati, ISBN 978-93-93610-37-9, 2022 45 Mridusmita Bharadwaj, Indian Social Institutions and Polity, Ashok Publication, Guwahati, ISBN 978-03 93610-79-9 46. ​​MANUSMRITI, By Shivraj Acharya, Chaukhambha Vidya Bhawan. Varanasi. 47. The Age of Poetry, By Dhindi Ras Upadhyaya, Purba yon Publication, Guwahati, ISBN-978-93-84440-97-8 48. Vaibha Varm Ebl. Dhindi Raj Upadhyyu, Purbayan Publication, Sauwahati, ISBN- Karma & Chand, Basics of Tourism, Theory Operation and Practices AK Bhatia, International Tourism Management AK Bhatia, Tourism Development Mishra, S.N.Sadual S K, Basics of Tourism Management Bhagawati, A.K.Bora Geography of Assam Bhattacharaya, Tourism in Assam, Trend and Potentialities Bora, Sheila and M.C: The story of Tourism: an enchanting journey through Indias North East Sinha, R.K Tourism strategies, Planning and Development Sharma, K.K Planning for Tourism Iskeep, E: Tourism planning: an integrated and sustainable development approach Mandal,V.K Travel and Transport agency Negi, travel agency and Tour operation Negi, K.S Travel Agency Management M.Chadhary, Tourism Marketing J.C.Holloway, Marketing for Tourism P.Kotler, J.Bowen&J.Makens Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism E.J McCarthy, Basic Marketing

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