
Tender For Equipment Interconnecting Piping Work In Cgal, Hazira-Gujarat

Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel India Limited has published Tender For Equipment Interconnecting Piping Work In Cgal. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-04-2024. Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools Tenders in Hazira Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Equipment Interconnecting Piping Work In Cgal
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Tender Details

Tender for equipment interconnecting piping work in cgal 27016816 30 10 90 fld radiography test as per scope of wrk 5,000 in 10 fabrication of carbon steel pipes 17,000 ind 20 erec carbon steel pipes, valves, & fitng 18,000 inm 50 fab & ere of ss tubing 5,000 m 80 p & f of mechanical hilti bolts 500 no 60 fab, blasting & pntg, & erec of s- struc 10 to 40 erec. stnless-steel pipes,valves,&fiting 11,000 inm 30 fabrication of stainless-steel pipe 9,000 ind 70 chemical cleaning of cs pipeline 5,000 inm 100 miscellaneous 1 lo email : gopal.thummar@amns.in contact : name : gopal thummar item details : scope of work doc no- amns/crm2/cgal/006 scope of work for fabrication, laying, <(>&<)> fixing of terminal piping for continuous galvanizing <(>&<)> annealing line (cgal) brief summary <(>&<)> scope – am/ns, hazira is in process of installation of 1 mtpa cgal and for this we need a contractor who is specialized in continuous galvanizing line <(>&<)> annealing line for pipeline fabrication, laying and fixing of ss and cs pipelines of ng, steam, air, hydrogen, nitrogen, hnx, water etc. as per below table. sr no. description / activity uom qty 1 fabrication of carbon steel pipes ind 14000 2 erection of carbon steel pipes, valves, and fittings inm 12000 3 fabrication of stainless-steel pipe ind 8100 4 erection of stainless-steel pipes, valves, and fittings inm 11000 5 fabrication <(>&<)> erection of instrument tubing inm 2000 6 fabrication, blasting <(>&<)> painting, and erection of support structure mt 10 7 chemical cleaning of cs pipeline inm 5000 8 providing and fixing of mechanical hilti bolts size (12-16) mm no 500 location of site: hazira, surat, gujarat scope of the contractor a) pipeline fabrication and blasting <(>&<)> painting 1. job procedure / wps/ pqr/itp for work to be submit before commencement of job. 2. fabrication of pipe line and supports as per drawing <(>&<)> welding method will be as per specified by am/ns. 3. welders deployed by contractor must have valid welder qualification certificate as per wps <(>&<)> pqr (gtaw <(>&<)> smaw process) and to be submitted to am/ns before commencement of work. welder performance qualification test shall be performed after receiving request for inspection from the contractor. 4. the connections shall be made either by an but weld, in some special case the socket weld is allowed only in special cases, before to perform this type of welding , the erection contractor has to inform the site representative and obtain the agreement. 5. all the piping and accessories shall be but welded by tig process for root joint. the filling stages can be made with the electrode. the filler metal shall be perfectly compatible to the bare metal (analysis to be specified to us). 6. the root of weld shall be protected by the injection of inert gas in the tube during the weld stage. supply of inert gas cylinders will be in vendors scope. 7. tubes shall be prepared as per din 2559. for the preparation and performing of the work a receiving of all the welds by radiography shall be taken into account. in case of poor welds the repair and re-control costs shall be charged to the contractor. 8. fabrication of spools as per drawing and minimise welding joints during erection. spools end must be protected with caps after fa page 2 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details brication. 9. in order to reduce as much as possible, the welding, the pipes of size below 1.5 inch shall be cold bent by the hydraulic bending machine. the jaws of the bending machine shall perfectly fit the diameter of the tube. when it is not possible to bend the curves cold, weld accessories should be allowed. 10. testing of joints as per ts and qap. 11. blasting and painting of pipes and supports as per ts. supply of paint material <(>&<)> painting equipment will be in contractor scope as per am/ns approved make list. 12. all the required manpower, tools and tackles for completion of work in totality. 13. preparation of beds for fabrication and painting work. 14. painting specification of pipelines is given in below table and detail specification is attached. 15. unloading, shifting, unpacking, and stacking of pipes <(>&<)> fitting at the designated place (storage yard). 16. opi will be as per amns specifications and required manpower, equipment will be supplied by contractor b) scope of work for pipeline erection 1. erection of pipelines, fittings, valves, gaskets, and accessories as per drawing and p<(>&<)>id. 2. job procedure / wps/ pqr/itp for work to be submit before commencement of job. 3. maintaining drawing wise location of pipes <(>&<)> tracking, shifting to site for erection as per requirement 4. pre-fabrication and fixing of pipe support at location in accordance with the required level. regular distance as specified by oem between supports to follow. 5. providing and fixing of chemical or mechanical hilti bolts for supports as per requirement. 6. welding of pipe joints, fittings must be done according to technical specification (ts) only. 7. threading of pipes for fitment of threaded fittings and valves wherever required will be in vendors scope. 8. all the piping shall arrange in non-superposed levels, with a spacing between them and with a sufficient gap towards the bulkhead, so as to dismantle them with usual tools and particularly when the tube joining shall be made with removable fittings. 9. all the piping shall be laid without any erection difficulty. a draining shall be set at each end. an airing shall be foreseen at each high point. 10. simultaneous and sequential erection of pipeline at each level must be done along with scaffolding with all safety requirements of work at height including lifelines, safety nets and proper handrails, staircase and ladders must be provided. 11. laying of pipeline over the supports at position and fit up of joints, field welding as per specification/ ts and fixing of clamps. 12. welding of pipeline <(>&<)> joints to be done with suitable welding electrode in all pipe lines. welding electrode shall be procure as per am/ns approved make list. 13. all required consumables like - gas cutting cylinders (oxygen <(>&<)> da), welding rods of all types, argon cylinder, welding rod for argon, grinding wheels, cutting wheels, die penetration kit for welding testing, wire rope slings / web slings of appropriate sizes, spanners all types <(>&<)> sizes of etc. 14. all tools and tackles for lifting /shifting/erection will be in contractor’s scope. 15. all machines and tools for erection like pipe bending machines, arc welding machines, tig/argon welding machines, gas cutting sets, grinding <(>&<)> cutting machines, hydraulic jacks <(>&<)> pumps, flushing unit, pressure testing pumps etc. 16. charging of accumulators to be done as per ts. supply of filled nitrogen gas cylinder, n2 charging kit <(>&<)> all accessories will be page 3 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details in scope of contractor. 17. clamping of pipe lines as per drawing / ts. 18. co-ordinate with am/ns for the planning of sequential and quality work execution in accordance with the best engineering practice. 19. preparing <(>&<)> taking handing over protocols with civil/structural dept. 20. preparation of the protocol of the erection <(>&<)> submit the same to concerned authority of equipment supplier <(>&<)> am/ns for their review. 21. protocol of final alignment reading to be signed by representatives of erection team, equipment supplier <(>&<)> am/ns representatives. 22. assisting in cold <(>&<)> hot trail in line commissioning. 23. all inspection <(>&<)> testing tools/ instruments should be of highest standard quality and having zero error. calibration report to be submitted to am/ns. 24. preparation of proper scaffolding platforms for height works including railings, toe guards. scaff holding material (cup lock type) and certified scaffolding inspector. 25. ensuring enough quantity of scaffolding material to execute erection activities through the length of line. 26. all height work approach to be done only with man lifter. wherever man lifter approach is not possible contractor has to prepare scaffolding platforms for pipeline erection. 27. farhana (hydra not allowed) for loading/ unloading shifting. 28. final paint touch up need to be done as required and paint and painting equipment will be in scope of contractor. 29. working height: 0 to 35 metre (refer to cgal ga) 30. penalty will be levied on vendor if equipment / structure material got damaged during handling or erection of pipe line, same amount will be deducted from bill to contractor. 31. resources deployment plan to be submit as per requirement of project. 32. working hour for contactor’s manpower will 24 x 7, or as per requirement of site condition. 33. crane <(>&<)> man lifter required for erection will be provided by am/ns. wherever crane approach is not possible contractor has to place and erect pipes with chain pulley blocks. 34. pre filling of oil in hydraulic power pack will be scope of contractor 35. dp test – all socket weld joints must be dp tested by contractor. 36. any crimping job for instrumentation line or grease line will be in vendor scope. 37. no o-ring or gaskets should not be damaged during installation of pipe end fitting. 38. all pipe fittings , hoses and accessories unloading and record keeping at storage area will be in contractor scope . 39. crimping tool for crimping of pneumatic piping 40. all flange and clamping bolts tightening with torque wrench 41. any extra tapping points required considering site conditions c) hydro testing 1. hydro testing of all the erected lines has to be performed by vendor/contractor. 2. final pressure testing will be 1.5 times of designed pressure by oem for hydrotest. 3. pump and all accessories for pressure testing will be in contractors scope. 4. looping of the pipeline for testing will be scope of contractor. temporary material required for looping like hoses, valves, pipe fittings, fasteners etc will be in contactor’s scope. 5. system components which may present a restriction to flow or which may be damaged by pressure testing and high flushing flow should be by-passed with suitable make-up pieces. 6. after hydro testing pipe lines must be flushed and dried by compressed air. 7. itp (inspection and test plan) shall be submitted for approval before pressure testing begins. page 4 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details d) flushing 1. all the pipelines must be flushed with compressed air till quality is achieved. 2. compressed air will be provided by amns at single point. 3. temporary fittings to perform flushing will be in contractors scope. 4. system components which may present a restriction to flow or which may be damaged high flushing flow should be by-passed with suitable make-up pieces. 5. flushing quality has to be checked with white paper to achieve zero dust. 6. carboard blasting has to performed by contractor wherever required. e) rt testing 1. pipe lines after fabrication and erection must be rt tested by contractor against each welder as per media requirement given in below table s no media rt percentage 1 water lines no rt 2 pneumatic lines no rt 3 hydraulic 10% 4 steam <(>&<)> over heated water 10% 5 nitrogen n2 10% 6 hydrogen h2 100% 7 ng gas 100% 8 h2-n2 mix gas 100% 2. all compliance related to safety has to be complied with 100% without fail. 3. vendor shall deploy radiography camera with sufficient curie strength. 4. your rso/site in charge shall collect the details of welding joints offered for radiography in the evening from amns quality in charge. 5. vendor shall submit the previous day/night generated film/ report to amns by the next day. 6. helper’s will be in vendor’s scope. 7. lighting, scaffolding <(>&<)> platform to facilitate work. 8. d7 grade film will be used but slow processing film like d4 or d5 may be asked if situation demands. 9. if any rt film is given retake by amns quality due to any issue then that segment will not be considered. 10. against failure of joint vendor will have to perform rt for 3 more joints as penalty against failed joint. f) chemical cleaning of cs hyd <(>&<)> lubrication piping :- process - a. degreasing:- degreasing prior to pickling the pipes have to be degreased after installation if they have been ordered greased or phosphate treated. this consists in circulating during 2 hours the following solution in each pipe: aqueous degreasing solution: 8 % sodium hydroxide 0.8 % bi-sodium phosphate 1.15% wetting agent b. pickling :- prior to neutralisation and flushing pipes have to be pickled after installation. this consists in having during 6 hours and circulating during 2 hours the following solution (total 8 hours) in each pipe aqueous pickling solution: 8 % sulphuric acid 0.3 % inhibitor 0.5 % ammonium bi-fluoride 0.1 % rust remover 0.05 rust prevention c. neutralisation :- prior to flushing pipes have to be neutralised after pickling. this consists in circulating during 2 hours the following solution in each page 5 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details pipe. afterward a complete liquid removal shall be performed from the piping. the neutralising solution consists in 0.5 % sodium nitrite, 0.02 rust prevention d. drying with nitrogen:- after neutralisation and prior to flushing the piping has to be dried with nitrogen. this consists in blowing nitrogen under pressure in each pipe until it is dry. immediately after the pipes drying, hydraulic oil has to be filled in the circuit. scope – 1. all the material, consumables, chemicals, pumps, tools for chemical cleaning as per above process will be in vendor scope. 2. preparation of temporary spools and loops for total process. 3. temporary hoses and fittings for looping and recirculation. 4. removal and refixing of valves, fittings which may get damaged during cleaning process. 5. proper storage and handling of chemicals as per safety protocols. 6. neutralisation of all the chemicals after process completion and proper discharge. 7. required safety ppe for handling of chemicals. g) inspection and testing amns scope 1. qap/itp approval. 2. technical specification 3. job procedures approval 4. proposed wps and final wps approval 5. fabrication and erection methodology approval 6. pqr <(>&<)> welder qualification etc. approval for lab testing process. 7. rm <(>&<)> consumable lab testing approval. vendor’s scope 1. competent person to be engaged who should be having well knowledge in inspection of fabrication and erection of piping, welding, welder qualification, incoming material inspection etc. having well versed in asme b31.3, secix, secii, secv etc as per approved itp and piping ts. 2. initial approval of engaged manpower from amns concern person is required by sharing resume and subsequent interview. inspection during fabrication 1. conducting wps/pqr, welder performance qualification test after receiving request for inspection from the contractor. 2. inspection of all incoming material and signing the reports after clearing. 3. marking - dimensions checking, cutting etc. 4. piping fitup/alignment, orientation, flange alignment etc. inspection to be done as per drawing and approved wps. 5. all stagewise inspection to be carried out as per approved itp. 6. witnessing root dpt and giving clearance for further subsequent pass. 7. knowledge of film interpretation is required. 8. weld visual <(>&<)> rf pad testing (if required) inspection to be done after receiving rfi from the contractor. inspection during erection 1. inspection erection and alignment of spools valves etc. for in-situ joints of above ground - location <(>&<)> disposition of terminal joints, elevation, slope, identification of the components <(>&<)> support erection. 2. checking blasting, painting, climate monitoring etc. as per ts and standard. inspection during mechanical <(>&<)> post testing completion 1. checking test pack/loop files for mechanical clearance wrt isometric drawings, p<(>&<)>id etc. and providing punch points and same to be closed post compliance. 2. lhs checking wrt ndt and quality point of view, providing punch points if any and same to be closed post compliance. 3. witnessing hydro/pneumatic testing. 4. witnessing carboard blasting, air blowing etc. and box-up inspection. ensuring all components to be reinstate as per the p<(>&<)>id requirement. page 6 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details 5. checking all final documents and report signing as per approved itp. h) measurement criteria 1. welded joints of pipe fitting will be calculated in inch diameter. 2. pipe laying will be calculated in inch meter. no separate billing will be claimed for cold bends, will be also a part of pipe laying in inch meter. 3. one flange joint in the pipeline will be considered as per the size in inch diameter. 4. installation charges of valves, bellows, strainers in pipe fitting will be considered as 1 meter straight pipe length. 5. fabrication of pipeline mentioned in inch diameter as uom will be measured on basis of dn. 6. fabrication of special fittings such as reducers, tee branches of pipe fitting will be calculated as per welding in running inch diameter. 7. pipe and tube size less than 1 inch will be calculated as per actual running weld in inch diameter <(>&<)> actual length in inch meter. tubing will be part of piping scope. 8. any hydraulic fittings which will be fitted on pipe, will not be claimed in billing. 9. no separate bill will be claimed for pipe clamping, pressure testing <(>&<)> flushing of pipeline, it will be covered in pipe erection. i) project tentative time schedule – unit erection start time duration (max) cgal feb-24 8 months j) general points - 1. contractor shall depute adequate number of skilled, semi-skilled <(>&<)> un-skilled labours under various categories like; fitters, riggers, fabricators, certified welders, pipe fitters, instrument tube fitters to execute the job as per the time schedule. 2. contractor shall depute adequate number of experienced engineers and supervisors to supervise <(>&<)> planning the erection activities. adequate number of safety supervisors. they must execute the job in coordination with oem <(>&<)> am/ns team. 3. a qualified <(>&<)> competent safety manager to be deployed with complete safety org chart. 4. a qualified <(>&<)> competent qa/qc engineer to be deployed to meet qa/qc standard of amns 5. contractor shall arrange all necessary statutory requirements such as pf, esic, insurance, labour license for workmen <(>&<)> staff. 6. contractor shall arrange necessary accommodation and local conveyance for workmen <(>&<)> staff. no space is available on site for accommodation. 7. contractor must follow the safety rules of am/ns. 8. opening of the wooden box/steel box of the material in contractor scope. wooden material / steel box to be cut in 1m x1m size and shifting of the same to scrap yard in contractor scope. 9. packing list received from material boxes to be submitted to amns. loose items to be kept properly in rack/boxes. 10. proper housekeeping of the erection area in contractor scope. 11. contractor shall provide all the personal protective items like helmet, safety shoes, safety jacket to all the team members according to the requirement and ensure 100% use of the same. 12. all erection and related work shall be carried out by the contractor according to the equipment supplier’s drawings/documents. 13. am/ns will provide the required drawings/ documents required for erection. page 7 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details 14. shifting of scrap to the designated scrap yard. 15. all staff, supervisors, workmen should be provided with uniform <(>&<)> boiler suit and uniform must wear while working on site. 16. any revise drawing job and modification in line as per site condition should be in contractor scope. 17. safety kit/first aid box, flashback arrestor, dial guage, conduit piping, flexible wires, electrical db with proper rating elcb/rccb will be contractor scope. 18. manpower support for acid disposal tank and housekeeping activity after execution of job at work will be in contractor scope. k) information to be provided in the technical offer – technical offer should have the following information’s – 1. confirmation of all the points mentioned in am/ns inquiry. 2. quality assurance plan. 3. manpower deployment plan. 4. equipment deployment plan. 5. list of tools <(>&<)> tackles 6. list of material handling equipment like farhana, forklift, trailers etc. 7. reference list for similar kind of jobs in cold rolling complex. e. start -up commissioning <(>&<)> final acceptance (general) scope the contractor shall provide necessary equipment, tools, tackles, instruments, labor, supervision etc. for the following: a) prepare piping for trial and start-up. b) start-up and commissioning piping c) final acceptance. preparation of piping for trial and start-up: - the contractor shall provide adequate personnel as approved by the site in-charge to assist the equipment supplier and operating personnel of amnsi in starting up and commissioning of piping as well as for adjustments, repairs, and rectifications of defects in erection of the piping during commissioning of the equipment. the contractor shall adjust piping as required by the equipment supplier with the approval of the site in charge (amnsi). the contractor shall be required to clean up the piping and prepare it for trial runs and operation in accordance with the equipment supplier’s instructions. the contractor shall bring to site such equipment, tools, instruments, labor etc. as it is deemed necessary to cater for the work, which shall include but not limited to the following. 1. clean-up dirt, remove any protective coating applied by the manufacturer, clean ventilating openings and remove all visible foreign bodies from the equipment erected. 2. all flanges, inlet and outlet connections etc. shall be checked for tightness. 3. blow down all piping systems, install and remove strainers in piping and equipment as required. 4. any modification related to hydraulic power pack piping <(>&<)> hydraulic piping supplied by oem need to be done by contractor 5. any piping cleaning need to be done by pre-fitted provided by oem( removing, cleaning <(>&<)> fitting of all pipes <(>&<)> joint) 6. replacement of oil fitter during trail will be in scope of contractor if at any time during trials and commissioning, till the piping is finally accepted, any part or parts either structural or belonging to the required to be opened for inspection and checking by the equipment supplier/site in charge (amnsi), this shall be done by the contractor and the parts should be properly refitted and satisfactorily tried after refitting. if it is established that the defects are due to bad workmanship during installation and/or materials, which are within the scope of the contractor’s supply, the charges for all rectification work inclusive of labour, materials and supervision used will be borne by the contractor. until the piping are finally accepted by m/s amnsi and taken over after page 8 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details the successful commissioning, the contractor shall be responsible for any loss/ damage theft etc. for the piping erected by him. l) primary hse requirementinitial documents required to start work: 1. hse plan (approved by your project manager) 2. sop (standard operating procedure) of activities approved by project manager / hse manager. 3. hira (hazard identification and risk assessment) of activities. 4. tool and tackles- third party inspection certificates. 5. dedicated safety manager should be depute at site with organogram of company. 6. communication contact details with mobile no. /email id. 7. list of vehicle/equipment/machines with tpi and other relevant legal documents. 8. list of available emergency equipment on site like fire extinguisher, first aid box, emergency torch, megaphone etc. 9. mandatory ppe’s <(>&<)> safety materials with their test certificates. 10. scaffolding team’s (scaffolders/scaffold supervisor/scaffold inspector) adequate certification <(>&<)> experience letter (note-the scaffolding team will be screened by our team to verify their competency level.) some other focused requirements are as below:- 1. all workers coming at site with adequate and appropriate ppe’s. 2. daily tbt must be done by site engineer in presence of safety person. 3. report all incidents and near miss and conduct mock drill every month. 4. take work permit as per amns ptw system and no work allowed without work permit. 5. a permit box must be available at site. 6. all new workers must be gone through safety induction by your safety person and safety induction card must be available with person at site. 7. proper rest sheds for workers and rain cover shed for electrical equipment. 8. in case of any lifting work, no one allowed under the suspended load. 9. in case of working at height, valid height pass required as per amns norms. 10. make designated assembly point on site and valid first aid box available on site. 11. alcohol, tobacco, and smoking is strictly prohibited on site. 12. mobile phones are not allowed while entering in plant. 13. all electrical equipment’s must have protected with proper earthing and elcb/rccb. 14. only one team allowed at same level (parallel activity) to avoid injury from trip, fall of material to anyone. 15. inform work planning with manpower availability to amns safety team before one day in case of sunday, holiday. 16. area must be barricaded during height work. 17. make one separate training/induction area for workers at site. 18. only 3-pipe type torches shall be used in gas cutting set. 19. compressed gas cylinders must have separate yard for empty/full and as per category with 6m distance from one to another type and always tied with chain in vertical straight position. 20. soap solution bottle must be put on compressed cylinder (da allowed) trolley, yard, and check before starting the work. 21. gas cutting set must be kept in adequate trolley only. 22. farhana/trailer operator/driver must wear reflective jacket, fa box and fire extinguisher always available in good condition. 23. loto kit required in energy isolation work. 24. daily checklist must be filled by farhana/crane/heavy equipment by operator, site engineer and amns representative before starting the work. 25. certified first aider must be available at site or trained your team page 9 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details member by competent agency of first aid and share firs aid certificate with amns safety team. 26. safety motivational program must be done in every month for workers. 27. height register must be maintained at site during work. 28. during working hours one vehicle must be available at site for emergency case. 29. all formats of training, safety committee meeting, mock drill will be of amns. 30. every week and month proper submission of training records and reports. 31. every thursday you must submit weekly safety observation sheet and on wednesday submit good practices/ safety initiative/improvement in site. 32. at height, standard tool lanyard and standard tool bag must be ensured for safe handling <(>&<)> avoid falling of material/tool from height. 33. all rotating parts must be covered by safety guards. 34. walkie talkie required is mandatory for communication during working at height. 35. body earthing must be available in porta cabin, welding machines and other electrical equipment. 36. follow age of equipment policy and colour coding of tools and tackles as per amns standard and guidelines in amns checklist and submit. 37. don’t store any diesel or fuel in stores at site. 38. every hot work site required individual fire extinguisher and one fire point (fire buckets, fire extinguishers c02 ,dpc) must be available at site. 39. make designated assembly point with display at site. 40. no chain allowed for lifting. only web sling or wire rope sling is applicable for lifting. 41. submit tbra before night work started and inform to amns safety team. (if plan) 42. only frp helmets allowed at site. 43. each worker shall be provided with cover all/boiler suit. 44. identification numbers on each tools and tackles are compulsory on site. 45. every 50 manpower needs 1 safety officer present at site with megaphone. 46. only industrial type ladder with flat rungs is allowed in site. 47. wheel stopper required in each vehicle. 48. proper earthing pit (as per amns electrical department) with testing details displayed on site. 49. no smoking board displayed at required location. 50. availability of sufficient fire blankets/tarpaulin with mtc. 51. hose and cable for gas cutting work should be of esab brand. 52. site layout must be displayed at project site <(>&<)> electrical cable laying diagram must be displayed on each db. 53. adequate number of emergency rescue kit should be available at site with trained rescuers. 54. transportation means for workmen must be bus or any closed vehicle only. unsafe transportation is prohibited. 55. retro reflective strips shall be pasted on each vehicle/equipment body. 56. safety officer, electrician and site engineer must be available at site during working hours in day/night. 57. safety officer’s final interview will be taken by amns hse representative and safety officer must have relevant work experience and qualifications. please find the below mandatory requirements which shall be ensured before proceeding for height work test: - 1. the minimum age of joining of personnel for working at height is minimum 20 years and maximum 45 years. 2. the minimum qualifications of personnel are that he should be a literate (at least he can read the local or national language). 3. the minimum work experience of the personnel is 2 years. page 10 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details 4. he should be medically fit (the person should be free from acrophobia, vertigo, and fits. he should be having normal bp, sugar <(>&<)> ecg report ) and should possess a valid medical fitness certificate for work at height jobs from care hospital at arcelormittal nippon steel india, hazira complex(cnh) before undergoing safety induction training <(>&<)> competency assessment for work at height. all the height workers’ medical fitness certificate along with reports shall be submitted to us. after successfully completion of competency assessment, a copy of their induction card <(>&<)> height pass shall also be submitted without any delay. note:- the above mentioned guidelines along with other hse requirements shall be adhered or else adequate action will be taken as per amns guideline (safety code for contractors, hse contractual penalty guideline – amnsil/ps/hcpg <(>&<)> consequence management – amns/safe/57/sop) contractor supposed to be carry out activity within sops <(>&<)> reference documents provided by am/ns, as per annexure attached below. details documents will be shared with contractor during detailed technical discussion. sr. no sop document reference no. 1 safety signage <(>&<)> display of safety information amns/project/ts/hsem/18 2 night work safety amns/project/ts/hsem/05 3 lone work safety amns/project/ts/hsem/06 4 working near oh lines amns/project/ts/hsem/08 5 waste management amns/project/ts/hsem/11 6 unloading of container amns/project/ts/hsem/12 7 ppes management amns/project/ts/hsem/13 8 plant <(>&<)> machinery operation amns/project/ts/hsem/08 9 handling <(>&<)> storage of compressed gas cylinder amns/project/ts/hsem/06 10 working in confined space amns/project/ts/hsem/14 11 hot work amns/project/ts/hsem/10 12 hydro test amns/project/ts/hsem/06 13 work at height amns/project/ts/hsem/04 14 blasting <(>&<)> painting safety amns/project/ts/hsem/19 15 simultaneous operation amns/project/ts/hsem/17 16 management of hazardous substances amns/project/ts/hsem/15 17 structural steel fabrication <(>&<)> erection amns/project/ts/hsem/11 18 manual material handling amns/project/ts/hsem/05 19 hand tools <(>&<)> portable power tool safety amns/project/ts/hsem/07 20 age of equipment guidelines amns/safe/71 21 loto amns/project/ts/hsem/20 m) amns scope - 1. drawings, qap approved document, delivery schedule will be provided by amns 2. providing essentials like power and water at work site on single point only. 3. lifting and handling equipment’s / eot/ man lifter will be in amns scope. 4. supply of hydraulic oil <(>&<)> flushing oil. 5. raw pipe , elbow, union, tee, reducer, coupling, adaptor, valves, cap, flange, hoses, angles channels etc. 6. raw material for pipe supports. 7. supply of n2 and ca compressed air. 8. electricity will be provided at single point near entry <(>&<)> exit area of shed. n) tentative required manpower <(>&<)> resources plan:- (note : manpower <(>&<)> resources plan is purely indicative and will have to be increased as per front availability and project schedule requirement) required manpower page 11 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details category number project manager 1 safety manager 1 safety supervisors 2 admin 1 qa/qc engineer 1 scaffold inspector 1 site engineers 2 surveyor 1 storekeeper 1 supervisors 4 foreman 3 structure fitter 2 pipe fitter 6 welders 7 gas cutter 3 grinder/ cutter 6 riggers 15 scaffolders 12 helpers 20 electrician 1 housekeeping manpower 5 blaster <(>&<)> painter 3 farhana, trailer 2 total 100 required resources, tools <(>&<)> tackles category number farhana (15 ton) 1 gas cutter set with trolley 4 arc welding machines (600 amp) 4 tig welding machines 4 single phase welding machine 3 grinding/ cutting machines 10 toolboxes with spanner set 3 box spanner set 3 torque wrenches 2 chain blocks (1 ton, 2 ton <(>&<)> 5 ton) 2 each ff2 grinder 4 portable drilling machine 2 hilti bolt drilling machine 1 pipe bending machine 4 motorised pump for oil filling 1 extension board for electrical connection 5 manual pump for oil 2 web sling (2 ton, 5 ton, 10 ton) 5 pair each d shackle (wll 1 ton, 5 ton, 10 ton) 2 pair each bow shackle (wll 1 ton, 5 ton, 10 ton) 2 pair each welding cable (600 amp) of 100 m <(>&<)> earthing cable 100 m of length for each welding machine 1 lot electrical power panels, industrial extension boards with 100 m cables, db’s, jb’s, single core/ 3 core armoured cables etc as per requirement. 1 lot hydro testing pump with accessories 1 air compressor for pressure testing and flushing 1 pipe cleaning setup with accessories and chemicals 1 set blasting and painting machine with accessories 1 set temporary hoses, valves, and fittings 1 lot page 12 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details item note : 2 27016816 40 20 30 fabrication of stainless-steel pipe 24,000 ind 20 erec carbon steel pipes, valves, & fitng 30,000 inm 40 erec. stnless-steel pipes,valves,&fiting 8,000 inm 70 p & f of mechanical hilti bolts 500 no 50 fab & ere of ss tubing 10,000 m 60 fab, blasting & pntg, & erec of s- struc 10 to 10 fabrication of carbon steel pipes 60,000 ind 80 fld radiography test as per scope of wrk 100,000 in 90 miscellaneous 1 lo email : gopal.thummar@amns.in contact : name : gopal thummar item details : scope of work doc no- amns/crm2/cgal/007 scope of work for fabrication, laying, <(>&<)> fixing of furnace piping for continuous galvanizing <(>&<)> annealing line (cgal) brief summary <(>&<)> scope – am/ns, hazira is in process of installation of 1 mtpa cgal and for this we need a contractor who is specialized in continuous galvanizing line <(>&<)> annealing line for pipeline fabrication, laying and fixing of ss and cs pipelines of ng, steam, air, hydrogen, nitrogen, hnx, water etc. as per below table. sr no. description / activity uom qty 1 fabrication of carbon steel pipes ind 59000 2 erection of carbon steel pipes, valves, and fittings inm 30000 3 fabrication of stainless-steel pipe ind 24000 4 erection of stainless-steel pipes, valves, and fittings inm 7200 5 fabrication <(>&<)> erection of instrument tubing inm 2000 6 fabrication, blasting <(>&<)> painting, and erection of support structure mt 10 7 providing and fixing of mechanical hilti bolts size (12-16) mm no 500 location of site: hazira, surat, gujarat scope of the contractor a) pipeline fabrication and blasting <(>&<)> painting 1. job procedure / wps/ pqr/itp for work to be submit before commencement of job. 2. fabrication of pipe line and supports as per drawing <(>&<)> welding method will be as per specified by am/ns. 3. welders deployed by contractor must have valid welder qualification certificate as per wps <(>&<)> pqr (gtaw <(>&<)> smaw process) and to be submitted to am/ns before commencement of work. welder performance qualification test shall be performed after receiving request for inspection from the contractor. 4. the connections shall be made either by an but weld, in some special case the socket weld is allowed only in special cases, before to perform this type of welding , the erection contractor has to inform the site representative and obtain the agreement. 5. all the piping and accessories shall be but welded by tig process for root joint. the filling stages can be made with the electrode. the filler metal shall be perfectly compatible to the bare metal (analysis to be specified to us). 6. the root of weld shall be protected by the injection of inert gas in the tube during the weld stage. supply of inert gas cylinders will be in vendors scope. 7. tubes shall be prepared as per din 2559. for the preparation and performing of the work a receiving of all the welds by radiography shall be taken into account. in case of poor welds the repair and re-control costs shall be charged to the contractor. 8. fabrication of spools as per drawing and minimise welding joints during erection. spools end must be protected with caps after fa brication. 9. in order to reduce as much as possible, the welding, the pipes of size below 1.5 inch shall be cold bent by the hydraulic bending machine. the jaws of the bending machine shall perfectly fit the diameter of the tube. when it is not possible to bend the curves cold, weld accessories should be allowed. 10. testing of joints as per ts and qap. 11. blasting and painting of pipes and supports as per ts. supply of paint material <(>&<)> painting equipment will be in contractor scope as per am/ns approved make list. 12. all the required manpower, tools and tackles for completion of work page 13 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details in totality. 13. preparation of beds for fabrication and painting work. 14. painting specification of pipelines is given in below table and detail specification is attached. 15. unloading, shifting, unpacking, and stacking of pipes <(>&<)> fitting at the designated place (storage yard). 16. opi will be as per amns specifications and required manpower, equipment will be supplied by contractor b) scope of work for pipeline erection 1. erection of pipelines, fittings, valves, gaskets, and accessories as per drawing and p<(>&<)>id. 2. job procedure / wps/ pqr/itp for work to be submit before commencement of job. 3. maintaining drawing wise location of pipes <(>&<)> tracking, shifting to site for erection as per requirement 4. pre-fabrication and fixing of pipe support at location in accordance with the required level. regular distance as specified by oem between supports to follow. 5. providing and fixing of chemical or mechanical hilti bolts for supports as per requirement. 6. welding of pipe joints, fittings must be done according to technical specification (ts) only. 7. threading of pipes for fitment of threaded fittings and valves wherever required will be in vendors scope. 8. all the piping shall arrange in non-superposed levels, with a spacing between them and with a sufficient gap towards the bulkhead, so as to dismantle them with usual tools and particularly when the tube joining shall be made with removable fittings. 9. all the piping shall be laid without any erection difficulty. a draining shall be set at each end. an airing shall be foreseen at each high point. 10. simultaneous and sequential erection of pipeline at each level must be done along with scaffolding with all safety requirements of work at height including lifelines, safety nets and proper handrails, staircase and ladders must be provided. 11. laying of pipeline over the supports at position and fit up of joints, field welding as per specification/ ts and fixing of clamps. 12. welding of pipeline <(>&<)> joints to be done with suitable welding electrode in all pipe lines. welding electrode shall be procure as per am/ns approved make list. 13. all required consumables like - gas cutting cylinders (oxygen <(>&<)> da), welding rods of all types, argon cylinder, welding rod for argon, grinding wheels, cutting wheels, die penetration kit for welding testing, wire rope slings / web slings of appropriate sizes, spanners all types <(>&<)> sizes of etc. 14. all tools and tackles for lifting /shifting/erection will be in contractor’s scope. 15. all machines and tools for erection like pipe bending machines, arc welding machines, tig/argon welding machines, gas cutting sets, grinding <(>&<)> cutting machines, hydraulic jacks <(>&<)> pumps, flushing unit, pressure testing pumps etc. 16. charging of accumulators to be done as per ts. supply of filled nitrogen gas cylinder, n2 charging kit <(>&<)> all accessories will be in scope of contractor. 17. clamping of pipe lines as per drawing / ts. 18. co-ordinate with am/ns for the planning of sequential and quality work execution in accordance with the best engineering practice. 19. preparing <(>&<)> taking handing over protocols with civil/structural dept. 20. preparation of the protocol of the erection <(>&<)> submit the same to concerned authority of equipment supplier <(>&<)> am/ns for their review. 21. protocol of final alignment reading to be signed by representatives of erection team, equipment supplier <(>&<)> am/ns representatives. page 14 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details 22. assisting in cold <(>&<)> hot trail in line commissioning. 23. all inspection <(>&<)> testing tools/ instruments should be of highest standard quality and having zero error. calibration report to be submitted to am/ns. 24. preparation of proper scaffolding platforms for height works including railings, toe guards. scaff holding material (cup lock type) and certified scaffolding inspector. 25. ensuring enough quantity of scaffolding material to execute erection activities through the length of line. 26. all height work approach to be done only with man lifter. wherever man lifter approach is not possible contractor has to prepare scaffolding platforms for pipeline erection. 27. farhana (hydra not allowed) for loading/ unloading shifting. 28. final paint touch up need to be done as required and paint and painting equipment will be in scope of contractor. 29. working height: 0 to 35 metre (refer to cgal ga) 30. penalty will be levied on vendor if equipment / structure material got damaged during handling or erection of pipe line, same amount will be deducted from bill to contractor. 31. resources deployment plan to be submit as per requirement of project. 32. working hour for contactor’s manpower will 24 x 7, or as per requirement of site condition. 33. crane <(>&<)> man lifter required for erection will be provided by am/ns. wherever crane approach is not possible contractor has to place and erect pipes with chain pulley blocks. 34. pre filling of oil in hydraulic power pack will be scope of contractor 35. dp test – all socket weld joints must be dp tested by contractor. 36. any crimping job for instrumentation line or grease line will be in vendor scope. 37. no o-ring or gaskets should not be damaged during installation of pipe end fitting. 38. all pipe fittings , hoses and accessories unloading and record keeping at storage area will be in contractor scope . 39. crimping tool for crimping of pneumatic piping 40. all flange and clamping bolts tightening with torque wrench 41. any extra tapping points required considering site conditions c) hydro testing 1. hydro testing of all the erected lines has to be performed by vendor/contractor. 2. final pressure testing will be 1.5 times of designed pressure by oem for hydrotest. 3. pump and all accessories for pressure testing will be in contractors scope. 4. looping of the pipeline for testing will be scope of contractor. temporary material required for looping like hoses, valves, pipe fittings, fasteners etc will be in contactor’s scope. 5. system components which may present a restriction to flow or which may be damaged by pressure testing and high flushing flow should be by-passed with suitable make-up pieces. 6. after hydro testing pipe lines must be flushed and dried by compressed air. 7. itp (inspection and test plan) shall be submitted for approval before pressure testing begins. d) flushing 1. all the pipelines must be flushed with compressed air till quality is achieved. 2. compressed air will be provided by amns at single point. 3. temporary fittings to perform flushing will be in contractors scope. 4. system components which may present a restriction to flow or which may be damaged high flushing flow should be by-passed with suitable make-up pieces. 5. flushing quality has to be checked with white paper to achieve zero dust. page 15 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details 6. carboard blasting has to performed by contractor wherever required. e) rt testing 1. pipe lines after fabrication and erection must be rt tested by contractor against each welder as per media requirement given in below table s no media rt percentage 1 water lines no rt 2 pneumatic lines no rt 3 hydraulic 10% 4 steam <(>&<)> over heated water 10% 5 nitrogen n2 10% 6 hydrogen h2 100% 7 ng gas 100% 8 h2-n2 mix gas 100% 2. all compliance related to safety has to be complied with 100% without fail. 3. vendor shall deploy radiography camera with sufficient curie strength. 4. your rso/site in charge shall collect the details of welding joints offered for radiography in the evening from amns quality in charge. 5. vendor shall submit the previous day/night generated film/ report to amns by the next day. 6. helper’s will be in vendor’s scope. 7. lighting, scaffolding <(>&<)> platform to facilitate work. 8. d7 grade film will be used but slow processing film like d4 or d5 may be asked if situation demands. 9. if any rt film is given retake by amns quality due to any issue then that segment will not be considered. 10. against failure of joint vendor will have to perform rt for 3 more joints as penalty against failed joint. f) inspection and testing amns scope 1. qap/itp approval. 2. technical specification 3. job procedures approval 4. proposed wps and final wps approval 5. fabrication and erection methodology approval 6. pqr <(>&<)> welder qualification etc. approval for lab testing process. 7. rm <(>&<)> consumable lab testing approval. vendor’s scope 1. competent person to be engaged who should be having well knowledge in inspection of fabrication and erection of piping, welding, welder qualification, incoming material inspection etc. having well versed in asme b31.3, secix, secii, secv etc as per approved itp and piping ts. 2. initial approval of engaged manpower from amns concern person is required by sharing resume and subsequent interview. inspection during fabrication 1. conducting wps/pqr, welder performance qualification test after receiving request for inspection from the contractor. 2. inspection of all incoming material and signing the reports after clearing. 3. marking - dimensions checking, cutting etc. 4. piping fitup/alignment, orientation, flange alignment etc. inspection to be done as per drawing and approved wps. 5. all stagewise inspection to be carried out as per approved itp. 6. witnessing root dpt and giving clearance for further subsequent pass. 7. knowledge of film interpretation is required. 8. weld visual <(>&<)> rf pad testing (if required) inspection to be done after receiving rfi from the contractor. inspection during erection 1. inspection erection and alignment of spools valves etc. for in-situ joints of above ground - location <(>&<)> disposition of terminal joints, elevation, slope, identification of the components <(>&<)> page 16 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details support erection. 2. checking blasting, painting, climate monitoring etc. as per ts and standard. inspection during mechanical <(>&<)> post testing completion 1. checking test pack/loop files for mechanical clearance wrt isometric drawings, p<(>&<)>id etc. and providing punch points and same to be closed post compliance. 2. lhs checking wrt ndt and quality point of view, providing punch points if any and same to be closed post compliance. 3. witnessing hydro/pneumatic testing. 4. witnessing carboard blasting, air blowing etc. and box-up inspection. ensuring all components to be reinstate as per the p<(>&<)>id requirement. 5. checking all final documents and report signing as per approved itp. g) measurement criteria 1. welded joints of pipe fitting will be calculated in inch diameter. 2. pipe laying will be calculated in inch meter. no separate billing will be claimed for cold bends, will be also a part of pipe laying in inch meter. 3. one flange joint in the pipeline will be considered as per the size in inch diameter. 4. installation charges of valves, bellows, strainers in pipe fitting will be considered as 1 meter straight pipe length. 5. fabrication of pipeline mentioned in inch diameter as uom will be measured on basis of dn. 6. fabrication of special fittings such as reducers, tee branches of pipe fitting will be calculated as per welding in running inch diameter. 7. pipe and tube size less than 1 inch will be calculated as per actual running weld in inch diameter <(>&<)> actual length in inch meter. tubing will be part of piping scope. 8. any hydraulic fittings which will be fitted on pipe, will not be claimed in billing. 9. no separate bill will be claimed for pipe clamping, pressure testing <(>&<)> flushing of pipeline, it will be covered in pipe erection. h) project tentative time schedule – unit erection start time duration (max) cgal feb-24 8 months i) general points - 1. contractor shall depute adequate number of skilled, semi-skilled <(>&<)> un-skilled labours under various categories like; fitters, riggers, fabricators, certified welders, pipe fitters, instrument tube fitters to execute the job as per the time schedule. 2. contractor shall depute adequate number of experienced engineers and supervisors to supervise <(>&<)> planning the erection activities. adequate number of safety supervisors. they must execute the job in coordination with oem <(>&<)> am/ns team. 3. a qualified <(>&<)> competent safety manager to be deployed with complete safety org chart. 4. a qualified <(>&<)> competent qa/qc engineer to be deployed to meet qa/qc standard of amns 5. contractor shall arrange all necessary statutory requirements such as pf, esic, insurance, labour license for workmen <(>&<)> staff. 6. contractor shall arrange necessary accommodation and local conveyance for workmen <(>&<)> staff. no space is available on site for accommodation. 7. contractor must follow the safety rules of am/ns. page 17 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details 8. opening of the wooden box/steel box of the material in contractor scope. wooden material / steel box to be cut in 1m x1m size and shifting of the same to scrap yard in contractor scope. 9. packing list received from material boxes to be submitted to amns. loose items to be kept properly in rack/boxes. 10. proper housekeeping of the erection area in contractor scope. 11. contractor shall provide all the personal protective items like helmet, safety shoes, safety jacket to all the team members according to the requirement and ensure 100% use of the same. 12. all erection and related work shall be carried out by the contractor according to the equipment supplier’s drawings/documents. 13. am/ns will provide the required drawings/ documents required for erection. 14. shifting of scrap to the designated scrap yard. 15. all staff, supervisors, workmen should be provided with uniform <(>&<)> boiler suit and uniform must wear while working on site. 16. any revise drawing job and modification in line as per site condition should be in contractor scope. 17. safety kit/first aid box, flashback arrestor, dial guage, conduit piping, flexible wires, electrical db with proper rating elcb/rccb will be contractor scope. 18. manpower support for acid disposal tank and housekeeping activity after execution of job at work will be in contractor scope. j) information to be provided in the technical offer – technical offer should have the following information’s – 1. confirmation of all the points mentioned in am/ns inquiry. 2. quality assurance plan. 3. manpower deployment plan. 4. equipment deployment plan. 5. list of tools <(>&<)> tackles 6. list of material handling equipment like farhana, forklift, trailers etc. 7. reference list for similar kind of jobs in cold rolling complex. e. start -up commissioning <(>&<)> final acceptance (general) scope the contractor shall provide necessary equipment, tools, tackles, instruments, labor, supervision etc. for the following: a) prepare piping for trial and start-up. b) start-up and commissioning piping c) final acceptance. preparation of piping for trial and start-up: - the contractor shall provide adequate personnel as approved by the site in-charge to assist the equipment supplier and operating personnel of amnsi in starting up and commissioning of piping as well as for adjustments, repairs, and rectifications of defects in erection of the piping during commissioning of the equipment. the contractor shall adjust piping as required by the equipment supplier with the approval of the site in charge (amnsi). the contractor shall be required to clean up the piping and prepare it for trial runs and operation in accordance with the equipment supplier’s instructions. the contractor shall bring to site such equipment, tools, instruments, labor etc. as it is deemed necessary to cater for the work, which shall include but not limited to the following. 1. clean-up dirt, remove any protective coating applied by the manufacturer, clean ventilating openings and remove all visible foreign bodies from the equipment erected. 2. all flanges, inlet and outlet connections etc. shall be checked for tightness. 3. blow down all piping systems, install and remove strainers in piping and equipment as required. 4. any modification related to hydraulic power pack piping <(>&<)> hydraulic piping supplied by oem need to be done by contractor 5. any piping cleaning need to be done by pre-fitted provided by oem( removing, cleaning <(>&<)> fitting of all pipes <(>&<)> joint) 6. replacement of oil fitter during trail will be in scope of contractor page 18 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details if at any time during trials and commissioning, till the piping is finally accepted, any part or parts either structural or belonging to the required to be opened for inspection and checking by the equipment supplier/site in charge (amnsi), this shall be done by the contractor and the parts should be properly refitted and satisfactorily tried after refitting. if it is established that the defects are due to bad workmanship during installation and/or materials, which are within the scope of the contractor’s supply, the charges for all rectification work inclusive of labour, materials and supervision used will be borne by the contractor. until the piping are finally accepted by m/s amnsi and taken over after the successful commissioning, the contractor shall be responsible for any loss/ damage theft etc. for the piping erected by him. k) primary hse requirementinitial documents required to start work: 1. hse plan (approved by your project manager) 2. sop (standard operating procedure) of activities approved by project manager / hse manager. 3. hira (hazard identification and risk assessment) of activities. 4. tool and tackles- third party inspection certificates. 5. dedicated safety manager should be depute at site with organogram of company. 6. communication contact details with mobile no. /email id. 7. list of vehicle/equipment/machines with tpi and other relevant legal documents. 8. list of available emergency equipment on site like fire extinguisher, first aid box, emergency torch, megaphone etc. 9. mandatory ppe’s <(>&<)> safety materials with their test certificates. 10. scaffolding team’s (scaffolders/scaffold supervisor/scaffold inspector) adequate certification <(>&<)> experience letter (note-the scaffolding team will be screened by our team to verify their competency level.) some other focused requirements are as below:- 1. all workers coming at site with adequate and appropriate ppe’s. 2. daily tbt must be done by site engineer in presence of safety person. 3. report all incidents and near miss and conduct mock drill every month. 4. take work permit as per amns ptw system and no work allowed without work permit. 5. a permit box must be available at site. 6. all new workers must be gone through safety induction by your safety person and safety induction card must be available with person at site. 7. proper rest sheds for workers and rain cover shed for electrical equipment. 8. in case of any lifting work, no one allowed under the suspended load. 9. in case of working at height, valid height pass required as per amns norms. 10. make designated assembly point on site and valid first aid box available on site. 11. alcohol, tobacco, and smoking is strictly prohibited on site. 12. mobile phones are not allowed while entering in plant. 13. all electrical equipment’s must have protected with proper earthing and elcb/rccb. 14. only one team allowed at same level (parallel activity) to avoid injury from trip, fall of material to anyone. 15. inform work planning with manpower availability to amns safety team before one day in case of sunday, holiday. 16. area must be barricaded during height work. 17. make one separate training/induction area for workers at site. 18. only 3-pipe type torches shall be used in gas cutting set. 19. compressed gas cylinders must have separate yard for empty/full and page 19 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details as per category with 6m distance from one to another type and always tied with chain in vertical straight position. 20. soap solution bottle must be put on compressed cylinder (da allowed) trolley, yard, and check before starting the work. 21. gas cutting set must be kept in adequate trolley only. 22. farhana/trailer operator/driver must wear reflective jacket, fa box and fire extinguisher always available in good condition. 23. loto kit required in energy isolation work. 24. daily checklist must be filled by farhana/crane/heavy equipment by operator, site engineer and amns representative before starting the work. 25. certified first aider must be available at site or trained your team member by competent agency of first aid and share firs aid certificate with amns safety team. 26. safety motivational program must be done in every month for workers. 27. height register must be maintained at site during work. 28. during working hours one vehicle must be available at site for emergency case. 29. all formats of training, safety committee meeting, mock drill will be of amns. 30. every week and month proper submission of training records and reports. 31. every thursday you must submit weekly safety observation sheet and on wednesday submit good practices/ safety initiative/improvement in site. 32. at height, standard tool lanyard and standard tool bag must be ensured for safe handling <(>&<)> avoid falling of material/tool from height. 33. all rotating parts must be covered by safety guards. 34. walkie talkie required is mandatory for communication during working at height. 35. body earthing must be available in porta cabin, welding machines and other electrical equipment. 36. follow age of equipment policy and colour coding of tools and tackles as per amns standard and guidelines in amns checklist and submit. 37. don’t store any diesel or fuel in stores at site. 38. every hot work site required individual fire extinguisher and one fire point (fire buckets, fire extinguishers c02 ,dpc) must be available at site. 39. make designated assembly point with display at site. 40. no chain allowed for lifting. only web sling or wire rope sling is applicable for lifting. 41. submit tbra before night work started and inform to amns safety team. (if plan) 42. only frp helmets allowed at site. 43. each worker shall be provided with cover all/boiler suit. 44. identification numbers on each tools and tackles are compulsory on site. 45. every 50 manpower needs 1 safety officer present at site with megaphone. 46. only industrial type ladder with flat rungs is allowed in site. 47. wheel stopper required in each vehicle. 48. proper earthing pit (as per amns electrical department) with testing details displayed on site. 49. no smoking board displayed at required location. 50. availability of sufficient fire blankets/tarpaulin with mtc. 51. hose and cable for gas cutting work should be of esab brand. 52. site layout must be displayed at project site <(>&<)> electrical cable laying diagram must be displayed on each db. 53. adequate number of emergency rescue kit should be available at site with trained rescuers. 54. transportation means for workmen must be bus or any closed vehicle only. unsafe transportation is prohibited. 55. retro reflective strips shall be pasted on each vehicle/equipment body. 56. safety officer, electrician and site engineer must be available at page 20 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details site during working hours in day/night. 57. safety officer’s final interview will be taken by amns hse representative and safety officer must have relevant work experience and qualifications. please find the below mandatory requirements which shall be ensured before proceeding for height work test: - 1. the minimum age of joining of personnel for working at height is minimum 20 years and maximum 45 years. 2. the minimum qualifications of personnel are that he should be a literate (at least he can read the local or national language). 3. the minimum work experience of the personnel is 2 years. 4. he should be medically fit (the person should be free from acrophobia, vertigo, and fits. he should be having normal bp, sugar <(>&<)> ecg report ) and should possess a valid medical fitness certificate for work at height jobs from care hospital at arcelormittal nippon steel india, hazira complex(cnh) before undergoing safety induction training <(>&<)> competency assessment for work at height. all the height workers’ medical fitness certificate along with reports shall be submitted to us. after successfully completion of competency assessment, a copy of their induction card <(>&<)> height pass shall also be submitted without any delay. note:- the above mentioned guidelines along with other hse requirements shall be adhered or else adequate action will be taken as per amns guideline (safety code for contractors, hse contractual penalty guideline – amnsil/ps/hcpg <(>&<)> consequence management – amns/safe/57/sop) contractor supposed to be carry out activity within sops <(>&<)> reference documents provided by am/ns, as per annexure attached below. details documents will be shared with contractor during detailed technical discussion. sr. no sop document reference no. 1 safety signage <(>&<)> display of safety information amns/project/ts/hsem/18 2 night work safety amns/project/ts/hsem/05 3 lone work safety amns/project/ts/hsem/06 4 working near oh lines amns/project/ts/hsem/08 5 waste management amns/project/ts/hsem/11 6 unloading of container amns/project/ts/hsem/12 7 ppes management amns/project/ts/hsem/13 8 plant <(>&<)> machinery operation amns/project/ts/hsem/08 9 handling <(>&<)> storage of compressed gas cylinder amns/project/ts/hsem/06 10 working in confined space amns/project/ts/hsem/14 11 hot work amns/project/ts/hsem/10 12 hydro test amns/project/ts/hsem/06 13 work at height amns/project/ts/hsem/04 14 blasting <(>&<)> painting safety amns/project/ts/hsem/19 15 simultaneous operation amns/project/ts/hsem/17 16 management of hazardous substances amns/project/ts/hsem/15 17 structural steel fabrication <(>&<)> erection amns/project/ts/hsem/11 18 manual material handling amns/project/ts/hsem/05 19 hand tools <(>&<)> portable power tool safety amns/project/ts/hsem/07 20 age of equipment guidelines amns/safe/71 21 loto amns/project/ts/hsem/20 l) amns scope - 1. drawings, qap approved document, delivery schedule will be provided by amns 2. providing essentials like power and water at work site on single point only. 3. lifting and handling equipment’s / eot/ man lifter will be in amns scope. 4. supply of hydraulic oil <(>&<)> flushing oil. page 21 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details 5. raw pipe , elbow, union, tee, reducer, coupling, adaptor, valves, cap, flange, hoses, angles channels etc. 6. raw material for pipe supports. 7. supply of n2 and ca compressed air. 8. electricity will be provided at single point near entry <(>&<)> exit area of shed. m) tentative required manpower <(>&<)> resources plan:- (note : manpower <(>&<)> resources plan is purely indicative and will have to be increased as per front availability and project schedule requirement) required manpower category number project manager 1 safety manager 1 safety supervisors 2 admin 1 qa/qc engineer 1 scaffold inspector 1 site engineers 2 surveyor 1 storekeeper 1 supervisors 5 foreman 4 structure fitter 3 pipe fitter 7 welders 10 gas cutter 3 grinder/ cutter 10 riggers 25 scaffolders 20 helpers 30 electrician 1 housekeeping manpower 10 blaster <(>&<)> painter 5 farhana, trailer 2 total 150 required resources, tools <(>&<)> tackles category number farhana (15 ton) 1 trailer 1 gas cutter set with trolley 4 arc welding machines (600 amp) 4 tig welding machines 4 single phase welding machine 3 grinding/ cutting machines 10 toolboxes with spanner set 3 box spanner set 3 torque wrenches 2 chain blocks (1 ton, 2 ton <(>&<)> 5 ton) 2 each ff2 grinder 4 portable drilling machine 2 hilti bolt drilling machine 1 pipe bending machine 4 motorised pump for oil filling 1 extension board for electrical connection 5 manual pump for oil 2 web sling (2 ton, 5 ton, 10 ton) 5 pair each d shackle (wll 1 ton, 5 ton, 10 ton) 2 pair each bow shackle (wll 1 ton, 5 ton, 10 ton) 2 pair each welding cable (600 amp) of 100 m <(>&<)> earthing cable 100 m of length for each welding machine 1 lot electrical power panels, industrial extension boards with 100 m cables, db’s, jb’s, single core/ 3 core armoured cables etc as per requirement. 1 lot hydro testing pump with accessories 1 page 22 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details air compressor for pressure testing and flushing 1 blasting and painting machine with accessories 1 set temporary hoses, valves, and fittings 1 lot item note : 3 27016816 50 30 20 erec. stnless-steel pipes,valves,&fiting 12,000 inm 10 fabrication of stainless-steel pipe 7,000 ind 40 fab, blasting & pntg, & erec of s- struc 5 to 50 p & f of mechanical hilti bolts 500 no 30 fab & ere of ss tubing 3,000 m 60 fld radiography test as per scope of wrk 7,500 in 70 miscellaneous 1 lo email : gopal.thummar@amns.in contact : name : gopal thummar item details : scope of work doc no- amns/crm2/cgal/008 scope of work for fabrication, laying, <(>&<)> fixing of hydraulic piping for continuous galvanizing <(>&<)> annealing line (cgal) brief summary <(>&<)> scope – am/ns, hazira is in process of installation of 1 mtpa cgal and for this we need a contractor who is specialized in continuous galvanizing line <(>&<)> annealing line for pipeline fabrication, laying and fixing of hydraulic piping sr no. description / activity uom qty 1 fabrication of stainless-steel pipe ind 6900 2 erection of stainless-steel pipes, valves, and fittings inm 12000 3 fabrication <(>&<)> erection of instrument tubing inm 2000 4 fabrication, blasting <(>&<)> painting, and erection of support structure mt 5 5 providing and fixing of mechanical hilti bolts size (12-16) mm no 500 location of site: hazira, surat, gujarat scope of the contractor a) pipeline fabrication 1. job procedure / wps/ pqr/itp for work to be submit before commencement of job. 2. fabrication of pipe line and supports as per drawing <(>&<)> welding method will be as per specified by am/ns. 3. welders deployed by contractor must have valid welder qualification certificate as per wps <(>&<)> pqr and to be submitted to am/ns before commencement of work. welder performance qualification test shall be performed after receiving request for inspection from the contractor. 4. all the piping and accessories shall be but welded by tig process only. 5. the root of weld shall be protected by the injection of inert gas in the tube during the weld stage. supply of inert gas cylinders will be in vendors scope. 6. tubes shall be prepared as per din 2559. for the preparation and performing of the work a receiving of all the welds by radiography shall be taken into account. in case of poor welds the repair and re-control costs shall be charged to the contractor. 7. fabrication of spools as per drawing and minimise welding joints during erection. spools end must be protected with caps after fa brication. 8. in order to reduce as much as possible, the welding, the pipes of size below 1.5 inch shall be cold bent by the hydraulic bending machine. the jaws of the bending machine shall perfectly fit the diameter of the tube. when it is not possible to bend the curves cold, weld accessories should be allowed. 9. testing of joints as per ts and qap. 10. painting of supports as per ts. supply of paint material <(>&<)> page 23 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details painting equipment will be in contractor scope as per am/ns approved make list. 11. all the required manpower, tools and tackles for completion of work in totality. 12. unloading, shifting, unpacking, and stacking of pipes, fittings, valves accessories, support structure at the designated place (storage yard). 13. opi will be as per amns specifications and required manpower, equipment will be supplied by contractor b) scope of work for pipeline erection 1. erection of pipelines, fittings, valves, gaskets, and accessories as per drawing and p<(>&<)>id. 2. job procedure / wps/ pqr/itp for work to be submit before commencement of job. 3. maintaining drawing wise location of pipes <(>&<)> tracking, shifting to site for erection as per requirement 4. pre-fabrication and fixing of pipe support at location in accordance with the required level. regular distance as specified by oem between supports to follow. 5. fixing piping up to end position of machine piping will be desirable and under contractor’s scope. 6. support painting and clamping will be under the contractor’s scope. 7. fabrication, painting and fixing of pipe support will be in contractor scope. supply of red oxide and paints will be in contractor scope. (1 coat red oxide, 2 coat paints) 8. providing and fixing of chemical or mechanical hilti bolts for supports as per requirement. 9. welding of pipe joints, fittings must be done according to technical specification (ts) only. 10. threading of pipes for fitment of threaded fittings and valves wherever required will be in vendors scope. 11. all the piping shall arrange in non-superposed levels, with a spacing between them and with a sufficient gap towards the bulkhead, so as to dismantle them with usual tools and particularly when the tube joining shall be made with removable fittings. 12. all the piping shall be laid without any erection difficulty. a draining shall be set at each end. an airing shall be foreseen at each high point. 13. simultaneous and sequential erection of pipeline at each level must be done along with scaffolding with all safety requirements of work at height including lifelines, safety nets and proper handrails, staircase and ladders must be provided. 14. laying of pipeline over the supports at position and fit up of joints, field welding as per specification/ ts and fixing of clamps. 15. welding of pipeline <(>&<)> joints to be done with suitable welding electrode in all pipe lines. welding electrode shall be procure as per am/ns approved make list. 16. all required consumables like - gas cutting cylinders (oxygen <(>&<)> da), welding rods of all types, argon cylinder, welding rod for argon, grinding wheels, cutting wheels, die penetration kit for welding testing, wire rope slings / web slings of appropriate sizes, spanners all types <(>&<)> sizes of etc. 17. all tools and tackles for lifting /shifting/erection will be in contractor’s scope. 18. all machines and tools for erection like pipe bending machines, arc welding machines, tig/argon welding machines, gas cutting sets, grinding <(>&<)> cutting machines, hydraulic jacks <(>&<)> pumps, flushing unit, pressure testing pumps etc. 19. charging of accumulators to be done as per ts. supply of filled nitrogen gas cylinder, n2 charging kit <(>&<)> all accessories will be in scope of contractor. 20. clamping of pipe lines as per drawing / ts. 21. co-ordinate with am/ns for the planning of sequential and quality work execution in accordance with the best engineering practice. 22. preparing <(>&<)> taking handing over protocols with page 24 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details civil/structural dept. 23. preparation of the protocol of the erection <(>&<)> submit the same to concerned authority of equipment supplier <(>&<)> am/ns for their review. 24. protocol of final alignment reading to be signed by representatives of erection team, equipment supplier <(>&<)> am/ns representatives. 25. manpower for assisting in cold <(>&<)> hot trail in line commissioning till handover. 26. all inspection <(>&<)> testing tools/ instruments should be of highest standard quality and having zero error. calibration report to be submitted to am/ns. 27. preparation of proper scaffolding platforms for height works including railings, toe guards. scaff holding material (cup lock type) and certified scaffolding inspector. 28. ensuring enough quantity of scaffolding material to execute erection activities through the length of line. 29. all height work approach to be done only with man lifter. wherever man lifter approach is not possible, contractor has to prepare scaffolding platforms for pipeline erection. 30. final paint touch up need to be done as required and paint and painting equipment will be in scope of contractor. 31. farhana/crane if required for erection will be provided by amns but erection and handling of pipes and fittings to be done manually by contractor. 32. resources deployment plan to be submit as per requirement of project. 33. working hour for contactor’s manpower will 24 x 7, or as per requirement of site condition. 34. pre filling of oil in hydraulic power pack will be scope of contractor 35. dp test – all socket weld joints must be dp tested by contractor 36. any crimping job for instrumentation line or grease line will be in vendor scope. 37. no o-ring or gaskets should not be damaged during installation of pipe end fitting. 38. hydraulic power unit and required filters till nas value stabilization 39. all pipe fittings , hoses and accessories unloading and record keeping at storage area will be in contractor scope . 40. crimping tool for crimping of pneumatic piping 41. all flange and clamping bolts tightening with torque wrench 42. any extra tapping points required considering site conditions c) hydro testing 1. hydro testing of all the erected lines has to be performed by vendor/contractor. 2. final pressure testing will be 1.5 times of designed pressure. 3. pump and all accessories for pressure testing will be in contractors scope. 4. looping of the pipeline for testing will be scope of contractor. temporary material required for looping like hoses, valves, pipe fittings, fasteners etc will be in contactor’s scope. 5. system components which may present a restriction to flow or which may be damaged by pressure testing and high flushing flow should be by-passed with suitable make-up pieces. 6. after hydro testing pipe lines must be flushed and dried by compressed air. 7. itp (inspection and test plan) shall be submitted for approval before pressure testing begins. d) flushing 1. flushing of hydraulic lines will be under contractor’s scope as per amnsi sop(s). 2. flushing of lines with looping of pipes and its accessories including hoses , powerpack, supports, headers, valve, flanges, heater, filters, page 25 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details filtration unit and etc. will be under contractors scope. all flushing unit will be in contractors scope. 3. flushing should be in every pipes as per amnsi sop. 4. oil cleaning and maintaining oil filtration with filtration machine as per sop. providing <(>&<)> replacement of filter cartridge will be in contractors’ scope till the required nas level is achieved. 5. nas kit/machine will be in contractor scope. (the nas value should be less than or equal to 4 strictly) 6. system components which may present a restriction to flow or which may be damaged by high flushing flow should be by-passed with suitable make-up pieces. 7. flushing oil will be provided by amns. e) rt testing 1. a minimum of 10 % radiography testing (random) will be under contractor’s scope. 2. all compliance related to safety has to be complied with 100% without fail. 3. vendor shall deploy radiography camera with sufficient curie strength. 4. your rso/site in charge shall collect the details of welding joints offered for radiography in the evening from amns quality in charge. 5. vendor shall submit the previous day/night generated film/ report to amns by the next day. 6. helper’s will be in vendor’s scope. 7. lighting, scaffolding <(>&<)> platform to facilitate work. 8. d7 grade film will be used but slow processing film like d4 or d5 may be asked if situation demands. 9. if any rt film is given retake by amns quality due to any issue then that segment will not be considered. 10. against failure of joint vendor will have to perform rt for 3 more joints as penalty against failed joint. f) inspection and testing amns scope 1. qap/itp approval. 2. technical specification 3. job procedures approval 4. proposed wps and final wps approval 5. fabrication and erection methodology approval 6. pqr <(>&<)> welder qualification etc. approval for lab testing process. 7. rm <(>&<)> consumable lab testing approval. vendor’s scope 1. competent person to be engaged who should be having well knowledge in inspection of fabrication and erection of piping, welding, welder qualification, incoming material inspection etc. having well versed in asme b31.3, secix, secii, secv etc as per approved itp and piping ts. 2. initial approval of engaged manpower from amns concern person is required by sharing resume and subsequent interview. inspection during fabrication 1. conducting wps/pqr, welder performance qualification test after receiving request for inspection from the contractor. 2. inspection of all incoming material and signing the reports after clearing. 3. marking - dimensions checking, cutting etc. 4. piping fitup/alignment, orientation, flange alignment etc. inspection to be done as per drawing and approved wps. 5. all stagewise inspection to be carried out as per approved itp. 6. witnessing root dpt and giving clearance for further subsequent pass. 7. knowledge of film interpretation is required. 8. weld visual <(>&<)> rf pad testing (if required) inspection to be done after receiving rfi from the contractor. inspection during erection 1. inspection erection and alignment of spools valves etc. for in-situ joints of above ground - location <(>&<)> disposition of terminal joints, elevation, slope, identification of the components <(>&<)> page 26 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details support erection. 2. checking blasting, painting, climate monitoring etc. as per ts and standard. inspection during mechanical <(>&<)> post testing completion 1. checking test pack/loop files for mechanical clearance wrt isometric drawings, p<(>&<)>id etc. and providing punch points and same to be closed post compliance. 2. lhs checking wrt ndt and quality point of view, providing punch points if any and same to be closed post compliance. 3. witnessing hydro/pneumatic testing. 4. witnessing carboard blasting, air blowing etc. and box-up inspection. ensuring all components to be reinstate as per the p<(>&<)>id requirement. 5. checking all final documents and report signing as per approved itp. g) measurement criteria 1. welded joints of pipe fitting will be calculated in inch diameter. 2. pipe laying will be calculated in inch meter. no separate billing will be claimed for cold bends, will be also a part of pipe laying in inch meter. 3. one flange joint in the pipeline will be considered as per the size in inch diameter. 4. installation charges of valves, bellows, strainers in pipe fitting will be considered as 1 meter straight pipe length. 5. fabrication of pipeline mentioned in inch diameter as uom will be measured on basis of dn. 6. fabrication of special fittings such as reducers, tee branches of pipe fitting will be calculated as per welding in running inch diameter. 7. pipe and tube size less than 1 inch will be calculated as per actual running weld in inch diameter <(>&<)> actual length in inch meter. tubing will be part of piping scope. 8. any hydraulic fittings which will be fitted on pipe, will not be claimed in billing. 9. no separate bill will be claimed for pipe clamping, pressure testing <(>&<)> flushing of pipeline, it will be covered in pipe erection. h) project tentative time schedule – unit erection start time duration (max) cgal feb - 24 8 months i) general points - 1. contractor shall depute adequate number of skilled, semi-skilled <(>&<)> un-skilled labours under various categories like; fitters, riggers, fabricators, certified welders, pipe fitters, instrument tube fitters to execute the job as per the time schedule. 2. contractor shall depute adequate number of experienced engineers and supervisors to supervise <(>&<)> planning the erection activities. adequate number of safety supervisors. they must execute the job in coordination with oem <(>&<)> am/ns team. 3. a qualified <(>&<)> competent safety manager to be deployed with complete safety org chart. 4. a qualified <(>&<)> competent qa/qc engineer to be deployed to meet qa/qc standard of amns 5. contractor shall arrange all necessary statutory requirements such as pf, esic, insurance, labour license for workmen <(>&<)> staff. 6. contractor shall arrange necessary accommodation and local conveyance for workmen <(>&<)> staff. no space is available on site for accommodation. 7. contractor must follow the safety rules of am/ns. 8. opening of the wooden box/steel box of the material in contractor scope. wooden material / steel box to be cut in 1m x1m size and shifting of the same to scrap yard in contractor scope. 9. packing list received from material boxes to be submitted to amns. page 27 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details loose items to be kept properly in rack/boxes. 10. proper housekeeping of the erection area in contractor scope. 11. contractor shall provide all the personal protective items like helmet, safety shoes, safety jacket to all the team members according to the requirement and ensure 100% use of the same. 12. all erection and related work shall be carried out by the contractor according to the equipment supplier’s drawings/documents. 13. am/ns will provide the required drawings/ documents required for erection. 14. shifting of scrap to the designated scrap yard. 15. all staff, supervisors, workmen should be provided with uniform <(>&<)> boiler suit and uniform must wear while working on site. 16. any revise drawing job and modification in line as per site condition should be in contractor scope. 17. safety kit/first aid box, flashback arrestor, dial guage, conduit piping, flexible wires, electrical db with proper rating elcb/rccb will be contractor scope. 18. manpower support for acid disposal tank and housekeeping activity after execution of job at work will be in contractor scope. j) information to be provided in the technical offer – technical offer should have the following information’s – 1. confirmation of all the points mentioned in am/ns inquiry. 2. quality assurance plan. 3. manpower deployment plan. 4. equipment deployment plan. 5. list of tools <(>&<)> tackles 6. list of material handling equipment like farhana, forklift, trailers etc. 7. reference list for similar kind of jobs in cold rolling complex. e. start -up commissioning <(>&<)> final acceptance (general) scope the contractor shall provide necessary equipment, tools, tackles, instruments, labor, supervision etc. for the following: a) prepare piping for trial and start-up. b) start-up and commissioning piping c) final acceptance. preparation of piping for trial and start-up: - the contractor shall provide adequate personnel as approved by the site in-charge to assist the equipment supplier and operating personnel of amnsi in starting up and commissioning of piping as well as for adjustments, repairs, and rectifications of defects in erection of the piping during commissioning of the equipment. the contractor shall adjust piping as required by the equipment supplier with the approval of the site in charge (amnsi). the contractor shall be required to clean up the piping and prepare it for trial runs and operation in accordance with the equipment supplier’s instructions. the contractor shall bring to site such equipment, tools, instruments, labor etc. as it is deemed necessary to cater for the work, which shall include but not limited to the following. 1. clean-up dirt, remove any protective coating applied by the manufacturer, clean ventilating openings and remove all visible foreign bodies from the equipment erected. 2. all flanges, inlet and outlet connections etc. shall be checked for tightness. 3. blow down all piping systems, install and remove strainers in piping and equipment as required. 4. any modification related to hydraulic power pack piping <(>&<)> hydraulic piping supplied by oem need to be done by contractor 5. any piping cleaning need to be done by pre-fitted provided by oem( removing, cleaning <(>&<)> fitting of all pipes <(>&<)> joint) 6. replacement of oil fitter during trail will be in scope of contractor if at any time during trials and commissioning, till the piping is finally accepted, any part or parts either structural or belonging to page 28 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details the required to be opened for inspection and checking by the equipment supplier/site in charge (amnsi), this shall be done by the contractor and the parts should be properly refitted and satisfactorily tried after refitting. if it is established that the defects are due to bad workmanship during installation and/or materials, which are within the scope of the contractor’s supply, the charges for all rectification work inclusive of labour, materials and supervision used will be borne by the contractor. until the piping are finally accepted by m/s amnsi and taken over after the successful commissioning, the contractor shall be responsible for any loss/ damage theft etc. for the piping erected by him. k) primary hse requirementinitial documents required to start work: 1. hse plan (approved by your project manager) 2. sop (standard operating procedure) of activities approved by project manager / hse manager. 3. hira (hazard identification and risk assessment) of activities. 4. tool and tackles- third party inspection certificates. 5. dedicated safety manager should be depute at site with organogram of company. 6. communication contact details with mobile no. /email id. 7. list of vehicle/equipment/machines with tpi and other relevant legal documents. 8. list of available emergency equipment on site like fire extinguisher, first aid box, emergency torch, megaphone etc. 9. mandatory ppe’s <(>&<)> safety materials with their test certificates. 10. scaffolding team’s (scaffolders/scaffold supervisor/scaffold inspector) adequate certification <(>&<)> experience letter (note-the scaffolding team will be screened by our team to verify their competency level.) some other focused requirements are as below:- 1. all workers coming at site with adequate and appropriate ppe’s. 2. daily tbt must be done by site engineer in presence of safety person. 3. report all incidents and near miss and conduct mock drill every month. 4. take work permit as per amns ptw system and no work allowed without work permit. 5. a permit box must be available at site. 6. all new workers must be gone through safety induction by your safety person and safety induction card must be available with person at site. 7. proper rest sheds for workers and rain cover shed for electrical equipment. 8. in case of any lifting work, no one allowed under the suspended load. 9. in case of working at height, valid height pass required as per amns norms. 10. make designated assembly point on site and valid first aid box available on site. 11. alcohol, tobacco, and smoking is strictly prohibited on site. 12. mobile phones are not allowed while entering in plant. 13. all electrical equipment’s must have protected with proper earthing and elcb/rccb. 14. only one team allowed at same level (parallel activity) to avoid injury from trip, fall of material to anyone. 15. inform work planning with manpower availability to amns safety team before one day in case of sunday, holiday. 16. area must be barricaded during height work. 17. make one separate training/induction area for workers at site. 18. only 3-pipe type torches shall be used in gas cutting set. 19. compressed gas cylinders must have separate yard for empty/full and as per category with 6m distance from one to another type and always tied with chain in vertical straight position. 20. soap solution bottle must be put on compressed cylinder (da allowed) page 29 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details trolley, yard, and check before starting the work. 21. gas cutting set must be kept in adequate trolley only. 22. farhana/trailer operator/driver must wear reflective jacket, fa box and fire extinguisher always available in good condition. 23. loto kit required in energy isolation work. 24. daily checklist must be filled by farhana/crane/heavy equipment by operator, site engineer and amns representative before starting the work. 25. certified first aider must be available at site or trained your team member by competent agency of first aid and share firs aid certificate with amns safety team. 26. safety motivational program must be done in every month for workers. 27. height register must be maintained at site during work. 28. during working hours one vehicle must be available at site for emergency case. 29. all formats of training, safety committee meeting, mock drill will be of amns. 30. every week and month proper submission of training records and reports. 31. every thursday you must submit weekly safety observation sheet and on wednesday submit good practices/ safety initiative/improvement in site. 32. at height, standard tool lanyard and standard tool bag must be ensured for safe handling <(>&<)> avoid falling of material/tool from height. 33. all rotating parts must be covered by safety guards. 34. walkie talkie required is mandatory for communication during working at height. 35. body earthing must be available in porta cabin, welding machines and other electrical equipment. 36. follow age of equipment policy and colour coding of tools and tackles as per amns standard and guidelines in amns checklist and submit. 37. don’t store any diesel or fuel in stores at site. 38. every hot work site required individual fire extinguisher and one fire point (fire buckets, fire extinguishers c02 ,dpc) must be available at site. 39. make designated assembly point with display at site. 40. no chain allowed for lifting. only web sling or wire rope sling is applicable for lifting. 41. submit tbra before night work started and inform to amns safety team. (if plan) 42. only frp helmets allowed at site. 43. each worker shall be provided with cover all/boiler suit. 44. identification numbers on each tools and tackles are compulsory on site. 45. every 50 manpower needs 1 safety officer present at site with megaphone. 46. only industrial type ladder with flat rungs is allowed in site. 47. wheel stopper required in each vehicle. 48. proper earthing pit (as per amns electrical department) with testing details displayed on site. 49. no smoking board displayed at required location. 50. availability of sufficient fire blankets/tarpaulin with mtc. 51. hose and cable for gas cutting work should be of esab brand. 52. site layout must be displayed at project site <(>&<)> electrical cable laying diagram must be displayed on each db. 53. adequate number of emergency rescue kit should be available at site with trained rescuers. 54. transportation means for workmen must be bus or any closed vehicle only. unsafe transportation is prohibited. 55. retro reflective strips shall be pasted on each vehicle/equipment body. 56. safety officer, electrician and site engineer must be available at site during working hours in day/night. 57. safety officer’s final interview will be taken by amns hse representative and safety officer must have relevant work experience and page 30 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details qualifications. please find the below mandatory requirements which shall be ensured before proceeding for height work test: - 1. the minimum age of joining of personnel for working at height is minimum 20 years and maximum 45 years. 2. the minimum qualifications of personnel are that he should be a literate (at least he can read the local or national language). 3. the minimum work experience of the personnel is 2 years. 4. he should be medically fit (the person should be free from acrophobia, vertigo, and fits. he should be having normal bp, sugar <(>&<)> ecg report ) and should possess a valid medical fitness certificate for work at height jobs from care hospital at arcelormittal nippon steel india, hazira complex(cnh) before undergoing safety induction training <(>&<)> competency assessment for work at height. all the height workers’ medical fitness certificate along with reports shall be submitted to us. after successfully completion of competency assessment, a copy of their induction card <(>&<)> height pass shall also be submitted without any delay. note:- the above mentioned guidelines along with other hse requirements shall be adhered or else adequate action will be taken as per amns guideline (safety code for contractors, hse contractual penalty guideline – amnsil/ps/hcpg <(>&<)> consequence management – amns/safe/57/sop) contractor supposed to be carry out activity within sops <(>&<)> reference documents provided by am/ns, as per annexure attached below. details documents will be shared with contractor during detailed technical discussion. sr. no sop document reference no. 1 safety signage <(>&<)> display of safety information amns/project/ts/hsem/18 2 night work safety amns/project/ts/hsem/05 3 lone work safety amns/project/ts/hsem/06 4 working near oh lines amns/project/ts/hsem/08 5 waste management amns/project/ts/hsem/11 6 unloading of container amns/project/ts/hsem/12 7 ppes management amns/project/ts/hsem/13 8 plant <(>&<)> machinery operation amns/project/ts/hsem/08 9 handling <(>&<)> storage of compressed gas cylinder amns/project/ts/hsem/06 10 working in confined space amns/project/ts/hsem/14 11 hot work amns/project/ts/hsem/10 12 hydro test amns/project/ts/hsem/06 13 work at height amns/project/ts/hsem/04 14 blasting <(>&<)> painting safety amns/project/ts/hsem/19 15 simultaneous operation amns/project/ts/hsem/17 16 management of hazardous substances amns/project/ts/hsem/15 17 structural steel fabrication <(>&<)> erection amns/project/ts/hsem/11 18 manual material handling amns/project/ts/hsem/05 19 hand tools <(>&<)> portable power tool safety amns/project/ts/hsem/07 20 age of equipment guidelines amns/safe/71 21 loto amns/project/ts/hsem/20 l) amns scope – 1. drawings, qap approved document, delivery schedule will be provided by amns 2. providing essentials like power and water at work site on single point only. 3. lifting and handling equipment’s / eot/ man lifter will be in amns scope. 4. supply of hydraulic oil <(>&<)> flushing oil. 5. raw pipe , elbow, union, tee, reducer, coupling, adaptor, valves, cap, flange, hoses, angles channels etc. 6. raw material for pipe supports. page 31 of 32 arcelormittal nippon steel india limited am/ns hazira plant 27th km, surat-hazira road,,hazira,394270,gujarat,india gstin 24aaace1741p1zn pan aaace1741p cin u27100gj1976flc013787 request for quotation number 6000109306 date 01.04.2024 submission date 12.04.2024 coll req no amns deals with oems directly. we are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from oems from any part of the world in a professional manner. we also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. we do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or indian agents of vendors. we assure all oems that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.kindly respond to our rfqs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. contact for this rfq mr. animesh mishra contact email animesh.mishra@amns.in materials / services please acknowledge receipt of the rfq and provide your best quote for below given rfq details. sr. no pr no. pr item rfq item services for line item quantity uom technical details other details 7. supply of n2 8. electricity will be provided at single point near entry <(>&<)> exit area of shed. m) tentative required manpower <(>&<)> resources plan:- (note : manpower <(>&<)> resources plan is purely indicative and will have to be increased as per front availability and project schedule requirement) required manpower category number project manager 1 safety manager 1 safety supervisors 2 admin 1 qa/qc engineer 1 scaffold inspector 1 site engineers 2 surveyor 1 storekeeper 1 supervisors 4 foreman 3 structure fitter 2 pipe fitter 6 welders 7 gas cutter 3 grinder/ cutter 6 riggers 15 scaffolders 12 helpers 20 electrician 1 housekeeping manpower 5 blaster <(>&<)> painter 3 farhana, trailer 2 total 100 required resources, tools <(>&<)> tackles category number farhana (15 ton) 1 gas cutter set with trolley 4 arc welding machines (600 amp) 4 tig welding machines 4 single phase welding machine 3 grinding/ cutting machines 10 toolboxes with spanner set 3 box spanner set 3 torque wrenches 2 chain blocks (1 ton, 2 ton <(>&<)> 5 ton) 2 each ff2 grinder 4 portable drilling machine 2 hilti bolt drilling machine 1 pipe bending machine 4 motorised pump for oil filling 1 extension board for electrical connection 5 manual pump for oil 2 web sling (2 ton, 5 ton, 10 ton) 5 pair each d shackle (wll 1 ton, 5 ton, 10 ton) 2 pair each bow shackle (wll 1 ton, 5 ton, 10 ton) 2 pair each welding cable (600 amp) of 100 m <(>&<)> earthing cable 100 m of length for each welding machine 1 lot electrical power panels, industrial extension boards with 100 m cables, db’s, jb’s, single core/ 3 core armoured cables etc as per requirement. 1 lot hydro testing pump with accessories 1 air compressor for pressure testing and flushing 1 oil flushing unit with accessories 2 set temporary hoses, valves, and fittings 1 lot

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