
Tender For Rfq - Store 3No Hsm 8No Corex Mech 2No Csp 8No Crmnew 3No, Hazira-Gujarat

Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel India Limited has published Tender For Rfq - Store 3No Hsm 8No Corex Mech 2No Csp 8No Crmnew 3No. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-04-2024. Rolling Hardware Tenders in Hazira Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Rfq - Store 3No Hsm 8No Corex Mech 2No Csp 8No Crmnew 3No
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Tender Details

Tender For Rfq - Store 3No Hsm 8No Corex Mech 2No Csp 8No Crmnew 3No 33395680 0001 0001 300898941 WHEEL-ASSY,MTLC,DRG:C6428/LTWA-IT-2 Technical Details Name : Anil Bhujade Contact : Email : abhujade1@domainamns.in 2 NO WHEEL ASSEMBLY,METALLIC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:LT WHEEL ASSEMBLY APPLICATION AREA EQUIPMENT:10T S/G EOT CRANE MAKE NAME:REVA INDUSTRIL INDIA P LTD. , DRAWING DRG NO:C6428/LTWA-IT-2 DRAWING REV NO:0 Item Details : Item Note : 2 33395680 0001 0002 300898941 WHEEL-ASSY,MTLC,DRG:C6428/LTWA-IT-2 Technical Details Name : Anil Bhujade Contact : Email : abhujade1@domainamns.in 2 NO WHEEL ASSEMBLY,METALLIC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:LT WHEEL ASSEMBLY APPLICATION AREA EQUIPMENT:10T S/G EOT CRANE MAKE NAME:REVA INDUSTRIL INDIA P LTD. , DRAWING DRG NO:C6428/LTWA-IT-2 DRAWING REV NO:0 Item Details : Item Note : 3 33395680 0002 0003 300898652 WHEEL-ASSY,MTLC,DRG:C6428/CTWA-IT-2 Technical Details Name : Anil Bhujade Contact : Email : abhujade1@domainamns.in 1 NO WHEEL ASSEMBLY,METALLIC APPLICATION AREA EQUIPMENT: 10T S/G EOT CRANE MAKE NAME:REVA INDUSTRIL INDIA P LTD. , DRAWING DRG NO: C6428/CTWA-IT-2 DRAWING REV NO:0 Item Details : Item Note : 4 33399283 0004 0004 300894828 WHL,EOT,DRG:710_140_190_22228_155 Technical Details Name : Devashish Singh Bora Contact : Email : DEVASHISH.BORA@AMNS.IN 2 NO WHEEL,EOT CRANE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:DRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY DRAWING DRG NO:710_140_190_22228_155 , DRAWING REV NO:A Item Details : Vendor has to submit following 1. Performance Test Certificate 2. Material Test Certificates. 3. Vendor to submit all internal inspection reports as well as MTC-Hardness test, heat treatment, NDT( UT,DPT,MPT,RT) 4. Performance and fitment Gurantee. 5. VENDOR TO SUBMIT Drawing<(>&<)> QAP ALONG WITH OFFER/QUOTATION FOR NECESSARY TECHNICAL EVALUATION PURPOSE 6.Proper packing of material requires ensure safe handling. 7.Any deviation subjected to material,dimensional etc not acceptable Item Note : 5 33399283 0005 0005 300894878 WHL,EOT,DRG:711_140_190_22228_155 Technical Details Name : Devashish Singh Bora Contact : Email : DEVASHISH.BORA@AMNS.IN 2 NO WHEEL,EOT CRANE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:IDLE WHEEL ASSMEBLY DRAWING DRG NO:711_140_190_22228_155 , DRAWING REV NO:A Item Details : Vendor has to submit following 1. Performance Test Certificate 2. Material Test Certificates. 3. Vendor to submit all internal inspection reports as well as MTC-Hardness test, heat treatment, NDT( UT,DPT,MPT,RT) 4. Performance and fitment Gurantee. 5. VENDOR TO SUBMIT Drawing<(>&<)> QAP ALONG WITH OFFER/QUOTATION FOR NECESSARY TECHNICAL EVALUATION PURPOSE 6.Proper packing of material requires ensure safe handling. 7.Any deviation subjected to material,dimensional etc not acceptable Item Note : Page 2 of 5 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS HAZIRA PLANT 27th KM, Surat-Hazira Road,,HAZIRA,394270,Gujarat,India GSTIN 24AAACE1741P1ZN PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000109103 Date 28.03.2024 Submission Date 04.04.2024 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ Mr. Anand Talabhatula Contact Email anand.talabhatula@amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Material / Service No. Quantity UOM Detail Description Other Details 6 33399283 0006 0006 300898822 WHEEL-ASSY,MTLC,DRG:40002000-3/IT1,3-18 Technical Details Name : Devashish Singh Bora Contact : Email : DEVASHISH.BORA@AMNS.IN 2 NO WHEEL ASSEMBLY,METALLIC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:TRAILING WHEEL ASSEMBLY DRAWING TABLE REF:EC/D/RWSH/50.2.400.02.000-3 APPLICATION AREA EQUIPMENT:CRANE , DRAWING DRG NO:40002000-3/IT1,3-18 DRAWING REV NO:0 Item Details : Vendor has to submit following 1. Performance Test Certificate 2. Material Test Certificates. 3. Vendor to submit all internal inspection reports as well as MTC-Hardness test, heat treatment, NDT( UT,DPT,MPT,RT) 4. Performance and fitment Gurantee. 5. VENDOR TO SUBMIT Drawing<(>&<)> QAP ALONG WITH OFFER/QUOTATION FOR NECESSARY TECHNICAL EVALUATION PURPOSE 6.Proper packing of material requires ensure safe handling. 7.Any deviation subjected to material,dimensional etc not acceptable Item Note : 7 33399283 0007 0007 300899333 WHEEL-ASSY,MTLC,DRG:02.000-3/IT1,2,4-18 Technical Details Name : Devashish Singh Bora Contact : Email : DEVASHISH.BORA@AMNS.IN 2 NO WHEEL ASSEMBLY,METALLIC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:DRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY DRAWING TABLE REF:EC/D/RWSH/50.2.400.02.000-3 APPLICATION AREA EQUIPMENT:CRANE , DRAWING DRG NO:02.000-3/IT1,2,4-18 DRAWING REV NO:0 Item Details : Vendor has to submit following 1. Performance Test Certificate 2. Material Test Certificates. 3. Vendor to submit all internal inspection reports as well as MTC-Hardness test, heat treatment, NDT( UT,DPT,MPT,RT) 4. Performance and fitment Gurantee. 5. VENDOR TO SUBMIT Drawing<(>&<)> QAP ALONG WITH OFFER/QUOTATION FOR NECESSARY TECHNICAL EVALUATION PURPOSE 6.Proper packing of material requires ensure safe handling. 7.Any deviation subjected to material,dimensional etc not acceptable Item Note : 8 33399406 0001 0008 300902930 WHL,STACKER,PN:270D,MN:EGV1600-40,DV Technical Details Name : Sarjan Mahida Contact : Email : sarjan.mahida@amns.in 1 NO WHEEL,STACKER TYPE:DRIVE , MAKE NAME:BAKA , MAKE MODEL/BRAND:EGV1600-40 MAKE PART NO:270D , APPLICATION AREA EQUIPMENT:STACKER Item Details : DRIVE WHEEL 270D Item Note : 9 33399406 0002 0009 300902925 WHL,STACKER,PN:0097-011,MN:EGV1600-40 Technical Details Name : Sarjan Mahida Contact : Email : sarjan.mahida@amns.in 2 NO WHEEL,STACKER TYPE:SUPPORT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:SIDE SUPPORT WHEEL WITH BEARING P.U. MAKE NAME:BAKA , MAKE MODEL/BRAND:EGV1600-40 MAKE PART NO:0097-011 , APPLICATION AREA EQUIPMENT:STACKER Item Details : SIDE SUPPORT WHEEL 125 DIA WITH BEARING PU 0097-011/L WB [125]Ø Item Note : Page 3 of 5 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS HAZIRA PLANT 27th KM, Surat-Hazira Road,,HAZIRA,394270,Gujarat,India GSTIN 24AAACE1741P1ZN PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000109103 Date 28.03.2024 Submission Date 04.04.2024 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ Mr. Anand Talabhatula Contact Email anand.talabhatula@amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Material / Service No. Quantity UOM Detail Description Other Details 10 33400500 0001 0010 300903999 WHEEL-ASSY,MTLC,DRG:PG-07-0006 Technical Details Name : Amar Dhok Contact : Email : AMAR.DHOK@AMNS.IN 1 NO WHEEL ASSEMBLY,METALLIC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:REAR WHEEL ASSEMBLY , DRAWING DRG NO:PG-07-0006 DRAWING REV NO:2 Item Details : 1. Drawing will be approved by AMNSIL before start manufacturing. 2. QAP will be approved by AMNSIL before start manufacturing with considering below minimum quality requirements. Wheel and Axle Forged: MOC: 42CrMo4 DIN:17200-Volume Hardened and tempered(forging ratio-4:1) Mechanical properties: UTS,YS, EL, RA, Notch Impact energy, Hardness-Identification and stamping before detaching the integral test bar from forging for axle and separate test bar for wheel after HT / proof machining will be witnessed by AMNSIL. Chemical , Mechanical properties and hardness will be witnessed by AMNSIL during stage inspection. UT(proof machined):SA388-2mm FBH on DGS scale. It will be witnessed by AMNSIL during stage and final inspection. MPT:SA275 acceptance criteria-ASME SEC VII Div 2-clause linear indication permitted). It will be witnessed by AMNSIL during stage and final inspection. DPT:ASME SEC V. SE165-Acceptance criteria, ASME Sec VII Div.1. Appendix 8. No linear indication permitted. Heat treatment to be done. Hardness(For Axle: 38±2 HRC, Wheel: OD surface hardness 38±2 HRC-Depth 4 to 6 mm, Apart from thread and flange:190 to 230 BHN) For Bearing Inspection test certificate will require for AMNSIL review. Bearing block MOC should be CAST STEEL IS2644GR2 or equivalent, cover and bush MOC should be E250 BR-IS2062 3. All NABL certified test reports(UT.RT,MTC,CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, other related reports) to be provided by vendor before dispatch. 4. VALID CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES OF ALL METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS AND NABL CERTIFICATE OF TESTING LAB . 5. Final inspection will be as per approved QAP. Item Note : Page 4 of 5 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS HAZIRA PLANT 27th KM, Surat-Hazira Road,,HAZIRA,394270,Gujarat,India GSTIN 24AAACE1741P1ZN PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000109103 Date 28.03.2024 Submission Date 04.04.2024 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ Mr. Anand Talabhatula Contact Email anand.talabhatula@amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Material / Service No. Quantity UOM Detail Description Other Details 11 33400500 0002 0011 300903914 WHEEL-ASSY,MTLC,DRG:PG-07-0004 Technical Details Name : Amar Dhok Contact : Email : AMAR.DHOK@AMNS.IN 1 NO WHEEL ASSEMBLY,METALLIC DRAWING DRG NO:PG-07-0004 , DRAWING REV NO:2 Item Details : 1. Drawing will be approved by AMNSIL before start manufacturing. 2. QAP will be approved by AMNSIL before start manufacturing with considering below minimum quality requirements. Wheel and Axle Forged: MOC: 42CrMo4 DIN:17200-Volume Hardened and tempered(forging ratio-4:1) Mechanical properties: UTS,YS, EL, RA, Notch Impact energy, Hardness-Identification and stamping before detaching the integral test bar from forging for axle and separate test bar for wheel after HT / proof machining will be witnessed by AMNSIL. Chemical , Mechanical properties and hardness will be witnessed by AMNSIL during stage inspection. UT(proof machined):SA388-2mm FBH on DGS scale. It will be witnessed by AMNSIL during stage and final inspection. MPT:SA275 acceptance criteria-ASME SEC VII Div 2-clause linear indication permitted). It will be witnessed by AMNSIL during stage and final inspection. DPT:ASME SEC V. SE165-Acceptance criteria, ASME Sec VII Div.1. Appendix 8. No linear indication permitted. Heat treatment to be done. Hardness(For Axle: 38±2 HRC, Wheel: OD surface hardness 38±2 HRC-Depth 4 to 6 mm, Apart from thread and flange:190 to 230 BHN) For Bearing Inspection test certificate will require for AMNSIL review. Bearing block MOC should be CAST STEEL IS2644GR2 or equivalent, cover and bush MOC should be E250 BR-IS2062 3. All NABL certified test reports(UT.RT,MTC,CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, other related reports) to be provided by vendor before dispatch. 4. VALID CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES OF ALL METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS AND NABL CERTIFICATE OF TESTING LAB . 5. Final inspection will be as per approved QAP. Item Note : 12 33401132 0001 0012 300901681 WHL,MTLC,DRG:EN4346S Technical Details Name : Piyushbhai Nogosh Contact : Email : Piyushbhai.Nogos@amns.in 2 NO WHEEL,METALLIC DRAWING REV NO:0 , DRAWING DRG NO:EN4346S Item Details : 1.MATERIAL SHOULD BE AS PER AMNS DRAWING ONLY. 2.MOC AS PER DRAWING ONLY 3.INSPECTION REPORT REQUIRED 4.MTC REQUIRED 5.SPECIAL TREATMENT REPORT REQUIRED IF MENTIONED IN DRAWING 6.AFTER DCC FROM AMNS , MATERIAL SHOULD BE DISPATCH Item Note : 13 33401132 0002 0013 300902059 WHL,MTLC,DRG:EN4348S Technical Details Name : Piyushbhai Nogosh Contact : Email : Piyushbhai.Nogos@amns.in 2 NO WHEEL,METALLIC DRAWING REV NO:0 , DRAWING DRG NO:EN4348S Item Details : 1.MATERIAL SHOULD BE AS PER AMNS DRAWING ONLY. 2.MOC AS PER DRAWING ONLY 3.INSPECTION REPORT REQUIRED 4.MTC REQUIRED 5.SPECIAL TREATMENT REPORT REQUIRED IF MENTIONED IN DRAWING 6.AFTER DCC FROM AMNS , MATERIAL SHOULD BE DISPATCH Item Note : 14 33401132 0003 0014 300725960 WHEEL,DRG.NO:CQ6318S Technical Details Name : Piyushbhai Nogosh Contact : Email : Piyushbhai.Nogos@amns.in 2 NO APD NOMENCLATURE : DIA 710 WHEEL , DRAWING NUMBER : CQ6318S MAJOR ASSEMBLY : TORCH TABLE ASSEMBLY MAJOR ASSEMBLY DRAWING NO : LD1001S ADDITIONAL INFORMATION : RHS TORCH SHIFTER TABLE WHEEL Item Details : 1.MATERIAL SHOULD BE AS PER AMNS DRAWING ONLY. 2.MOC AS PER DRAWING ONLY 3.INSPECTION REPORT REQUIRED 4.MTC REQUIRED 5.SPECIAL TREATMENT REPORT REQUIRED IF MENTIONED IN DRAWING 6.AFTER DCC FROM AMNS , MATERIAL SHOULD BE DISPATCH Item Note : Page 5 of 5 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS HAZIRA PLANT 27th KM, Surat-Hazira Road,,HAZIRA,394270,Gujarat,India GSTIN 24AAACE1741P1ZN PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000109103 Date 28.03.2024 Submission Date 04.04.2024 Coll Req No AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ Mr. Anand Talabhatula Contact Email anand.talabhatula@amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Material / Service No. Quantity UOM Detail Description Other Details 15 33401132 0004 0015 300725959 WHEEL,DRG.NO:EN1527S Technical Details Name : Piyushbhai Nogosh Contact : Email : Piyushbhai.Nogos@amns.in 2 NO APD NOMENCLATURE : DIA 710 WHEEL , DRAWING NUMBER : EN1527S MAJOR ASSEMBLY : TORCH TABLE ASSEMBLY MAJOR ASSEMBLY DRAWING NO : LD1001S ADDITIONAL INFORMATION : LHS TORCH SHIFTER TABLE WHEEL Item Details : 1.MATERIAL SHOULD BE AS PER AMNS DRAWING ONLY. 2.MOC AS PER DRAWING ONLY 3.INSPECTION REPORT REQUIRED 4.MTC REQUIRED 5.SPECIAL TREATMENT REPORT REQUIRED IF MENTIONED IN DRAWING 6.AFTER DCC FROM AMNS , MATERIAL SHOULD BE DISPATCH Item Note

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