Tender For Supply Of Laboratory Consumables - FCS(Fetal Calf Serum) North America, RPMI(1640), DMEM, Transferrin Hydrocortisone, Keratinocyte media with supplement, Petri Dishes(90mm)(Tissue Culture), ECl Reagent, Trypsin,EDTA in molecular biology lab, 2) glassware / plasticware -Pipette aids, Pipettte sets(2ϻl,20ϻl,100 ϻl,1000 ϻl), DNA Stool minikit(200 samples), Petri Dishes (sterile,Non-coated), Serological Pipettes(5ml,10ml), Petri Dishes(90mm)(Tissue Culture), Cell culture Flasks(T25 & T75), Falcon Tubes(sterile)15ml,50ml, Tissue Culture Plates(6,24,96)wells, Polystyreneflat Bottom ELISA plates, Tips(10μl,100 μl,200 μl,1 ml), 1.5ml tube holder(40 tube capacity), Tube racks(50ml), 3) antibodies, Anti-hPDL-1 antibody, isotype matched control antibody, anti-actin antibody, FITC and HRP-labeled anti-mouse Ig antibody, anti-PDL-1 antibody - for flow cytometry as well as Western blotting, Secondary antibody-(Fab)2 anti-mouse Ig antibody, Anti-mouse Ig antibodyHRP – labelled, HRP labelled &FITC / PE – labelled anti mouse Ig antibody, Cytokine Kits (hIL-8 and hIL-1b)each, etc For IUST-PURSE.