
Bids Are Invited For Sc050450159: Active Power Transducer0-600Mw, 3Ph, 3W, Input: 110V, 5Amp Ac 50Hz, Output: 4-20Ma Dc, Qty: (Q3) , Sc050450158: Reactive Power Transducer - 600 -0-+ 600 Mvar, 3Ph, 3W Input: 110V, 5Amp Ac 50Hz, Outp (Q3) , Sc05045015, Neyveli-Tamil Nadu

Ministry Of Coal has published Bids Are Invited For Sc050450159: Active Power Transducer0-600Mw, 3Ph, 3W, Input: 110V, 5Amp Ac 50Hz, Output: 4-20Ma Dc, Qty: (Q3) , Sc050450158: Reactive Power Transducer - 600 -0-+ 600 Mvar, 3Ph, 3W Input: 110V, 5Amp Ac 50Hz, Outp (Q3) , Sc05045015. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-03-2024. Audio Transducers Tenders in Neyveli Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Sc050450159: Active Power Transducer0-600Mw, 3Ph, 3W, Input: 110V, 5Amp Ac 50Hz, Output: 4-20Ma Dc, Qty: (Q3) , Sc050450158: Reactive Power Transducer - 600 -0-+ 600 Mvar, 3Ph, 3W Input: 110V, 5Amp Ac 50Hz, Outp (Q3) , Sc05045015
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Sc050450159: Active Power Transducer0-600Mw, 3Ph, 3W, Input: 110V, 5Amp Ac 50Hz, Output: 4-20Ma Dc, Qty: ( Q3 ) , Sc050450158: Reactive Power Transducer - 600 -0-+ 600 Mvar, 3Ph, 3W Input: 110V, 5Amp Ac 50Hz, Outp ( Q3 ) , Sc050450157-Apparent Power Transducer 0-600 Mva, Output: 4-20Ma Dc. Qty: 1 No. ( Q3 ) , Sc050450156: Frequency Transducer Frequency Range 45 To 55 Hz Qty: 06 Nos. ( Q3 ) , Sc050450162: Reactive Power Transducer -190.52– Var To+ 190.52 Var. Output: 4-20Ma Dc. Aux Power 24 ( Q3 ) , Sc050450150: Ac Voltage Transducer 0-137.5V, Output: 4-20Ma Dc. Aux Power 240Vac, 50Hz Qty: 12 Nos. ( Q3 ) , Sc050450155: Ac Voltage Transducer 0- 130.95V Output: 4-20Ma Dc. Aux Power 240Vac, 50Hz Qty: 4 Nos ( Q3 ) , Sc050450151: Ac Voltage Transducer 0-150V, Output: 4-20Ma Dc. Aux Power 240Vac, 50Hz, Qty: 4 Nos. ( Q3 ) , Sc050450153: Ac Current Transducer, 0-1A Ac, Output: 4-20Ma Dc. Aux Power 240Vac, 50Hz Qty: 5 Nos. ( Q3 ) , Sc050450161: Dc Voltage Transducer 0-40V, Output: 4-20Ma Dc. Aux Power 240Vac, 50Hz Qty: 1 Nos. ( Q3 ) , Sc050450146: Dc Voltage Transducer 0-10V Output: 4-20Ma Dc. Aux Power 240Vac, 50H Qty: 1 Nos. ( Q3 ) , Sc050450178: Dc Voltage Transducer 0-75 Milli Volt Qty: 4 Nos. ( Q3 ) , Sc050450180: Ac Current Transducer 0-1-6Aqty: 15 Nos. ( Q3 ) , Sc050450179: Ac Current Transduer 0-1A, Aux Power Supply 24Vdc Qty: 02 Nos. ( Q3 ) , Sc050450181: Ac Voltage Transducer 0-110Vac, Aux Power Supply 24Vdc, Qty: 02 Nos. ( Q3 ) , Sc050450177: Frequency Transducer 45-55Hz, Aux Power Supply 24Vdc Qty: 01 Nos. ( Q3 ) , Sc050450176: Power Transducer 0-106.02W, Aux Power Supply 24Vdc Qty: 01 Nos. ( Q3 ) , Sc050450185: Reactive Power Transducer 0-141.37Var, Aux Power Supply 24Vdc Qty: 01 Nos. ( Q3 ) , Sc050450184power Factor Transducer, Aux Power Supply 24Vdc Qty: 01 Nos. ( Q3 ) , Sc050450182: Ac Voltage Transducer 0-110Vac, Aux Power 85-265V Ac / Dc Qty: 05 Nos. ( Q3 ) , Sc050450183: Active Power Transducer 0-40Mw Aux Power 85-275V Ac / Dc Qty: 06 Nos. ( Q3 ) Total Quantity : 81

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