Bids Are Invited For Physics Chemistry And Bio Lab Items Concave Mirror , Convex Mirror , Convex Lens , Concave Lans , Battary Eliminator 2 Amp , Battary Eliminator 3 Amp , Galvanometer , Voltmeter , Ammeter , One Way Key , Prizm , Tool Kit , Meter Scale , Stop Clock , Bob , P N Juction Diode , Meter Bridge , Optical Bench 1.5 Mtr , Sonometer Complite , Methanol 2.5 Ltr , Ethanol 500 Ml , Sucrose 500 Gm , Boric Acid 500Gm , Plane Slide , Cover Slip , E.T.O Solution_Ethanol 5 Ltr , Dissecting Box , Calcium Nitrate 500 Gm , Potassium Nitrate 500 Gm , Fehling Solution _A 500 Ml , Fehling Solution_B 500 Ml , Phenol 500 Ml , Acetic Acid 500 Ml , Ferric Chloride 500 Gm , Nesseler Reagent 100 Ml , Lead Acetate 500 Gm , Test Tube Holder , 2_4 Dinitrophenolhydrazin 25 Gm , Sprit Lamp , Dropper , Wash Bottle 500 Ml , Burette Stand With Clamp , Brush , Silver Nitrate 500 Ml , Oxalic Acid 500 Gm , Ammonium Sulphate 500 Gm , Aluminium Sulphate 500 Gm , Ammonia Solution 2.5 Ltr , Spatula , Tollens Reagent 100 Ml , Reagent Bottle 250 Ml , Reagent Bottle 500 Ml , Acetaldihyde 500 Ml , Electronic Balanc Total Quantity : 551