
Tender For Special Repair To Transformers And Connected Items At Cerain Locations At Af Stn Hasimara Under Ge Af Hasimara., hasimara-West Bengal

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Special Repair To Transformers And Connected Items At Cerain Locations At Af Stn Hasimara Under Ge Af Hasimara.. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-04-2024. Electrification Work Tenders in hasimara West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Special Repair To Transformers And Connected Items At Cerain Locations At Af Stn Hasimara Under Ge Af Hasimara.
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Special Repair To Transformers And Connected Items At Cerain Locations At Af Stn Hasimara Under Ge Af Hasimara.- 1 Note 1:- (Applicable for all parts/items) : The biidders/contractors are advised to read tender documents & all corrigendum/amendments and general condition of contracts before entry/quoting the rates.Note 2:- Attention to bidder is hereby invited to upload revised BOQ if published during their bid submission. Uploading ofincorrect/ pre-revised BOQ shall be treated as non bonafide and rejected. Fixed credit has been given in technical documents which shall be taken into account during acceptance of bid/tender. 2 Supply and installation and Testing of distribution transformer of capacity 100 KVA Step down out door type HT 11 KV 3 Phase, LT 433 volts, 3 Phase 4 wire, 50 HZ AC pole mounted copper wound core type transformer, outdoor type complete with standard fittings, oil immersed with ONAN type cooling with adequate number of external cooling tubes/ radiators having No load voltage ratio 11/0.433 KV detita connected on primary side and star connected on secondary side in accordance with Vector group Dyn- 11 confirming to IS 1180 Part I (2014 (Revised 2021) Level 3 with off load tappings on HT side to vary secondary voltage with in limit and including initial oil filling to required limit at conservator Tank including HT/LT cable connection with following.(a)Oil conservator and oil filling Cap and drain plug(b)One Nos of oil level gauge mounted on conservator tank with first fill of oil with Max of conservator Tank(c)Breather with silica Gel with oil seal and first fill of silica Gel.(d)Top and bottom oil filler valve.(e)Rating diagram and terminal marking plate(f)Earthing terminal -02 Nos for body and separate Neutral bushing shall be brought outside for earthing and Lifting terminal -01 Nos(g)Jaking pads and under carriage with 04 Nos of plain rollers.(h)Air release plug on main Transformer tank(j)Oil temperature and winding temperature indicator with maximum read pointer(k)Air insulated cable end box at both HT and LT side for cable end terminations. 3 Note: The quoted shall be deemed to be included the following1.The manufacture/contractor shall furnish the total Loss details, efficiency and impedance of transformer as per IS 1180 part-1 (Latest amendment) during approval of make.2.The contractor shall get the approval of make along with general arrangement drawing design details from GE before procurement and transformer shall despatch after completion of factory inspection of clearance by inspecting officer nominated by accepting officer3.Necessary fixing arrangement of Transformer on Pole structure in case of pole mounted and Necessary foundation in case of plinth mounted / Indoor/Outdoor as per site requirement/ as per manufacture instruction shall be done by contractor.4.The contractor shall supply standard tool box with spaner, socket set with drive extension bar square to hex adapter complete Tool box and one set HT 11 KV earth rod before completion of installation. 4 All as per item No 01 .00 above but indoor transformer rating 160 KVA, Level 3 complete all as specified. 5 All as per item No 01.00 above but indoor transformer rating 200 KVA Level 3 specified complete all as specified. 6 All as per item No 01.00 above but indoor transformer rating 250 KVA, Level 3 complete all as specified. 7 Supply and fixing air break switch triple pole, mechanically operated mounted on insulators and steel frame, with operating mechanism worked from ground level, for current rating 200 amps including HT 11 KV drop out fuse assembly with insulator and base complete with including insulators horizontal /vertical rod and operating pipe of suitable size and length connecting with existing HT busbar at 2/4 pole structure by using Aluminium conductor steel reinforced (ACSR) [MINK) including necessary lugs, nuts, bolts and alkathline pipe with colour code [RYB) suitable for including taking down the old unserviceable air break switch jumper connections and reconnecting of suitable size and length and making connection to new AB switch gang operated and DO fuse assembly complete all as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge 8 M&L for earthing with steel earth plate electrode 60x60cm, 6mm thick, buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 metres deep below ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 metres below normal ground level, connected to earth lead strip by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of brass or steel all as shown in electrical plate No. 5 connected to earthing test point /Equipment body /Transformer neutral including necessary excavation and earth work PCC (1:26) type C-1 with suitable size of Cl cover plate with angle iron frame and opening arrangement) incl providing charcoal or coke and common salt in alternate layer of 15 cm compacted thickness all around the earth electrode with funnel and 20mm bore galvanized iron watering pipe (light grade) wire mesh, copper lugs, complete in all respect, including galvanised iron strip of size 32 x 6 mm as earth lead including 40mm bore (medium grade) galvanized iron pipe up to earthing test point for protection of earth lead complete as directed, incl disposal of spoil to a distance not exc 50 mtr and necessary testing on completion, and writing the earth resistance value on PCC pit with black paint complete all as specified and as directed.Note:- Testing of earth resistance shall be done after completion if the desired earth Resistance ( Less than 5 ohm) is not obtained earthing will be redone at No extra Cost. 9 Supplying and fixing in repairs earth continuity conductor or main earthing lead of Galvanised iron strip of size 32 x 6 mm, fixed on wall inside the cable trench with supporting insulator fixed on wall/trench from existing earth test point complete all as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 10 M&L in replacement Tubes, light grade galvanised, with all fitting and fixed complete to walls and ceilings by flat iron clamp nuts bolts etc complete or laid in floors 40 mm dia complete all as specified and directed. (For protection of earth lead) 11 M&L for Cable jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade cable for indoor termination cold shrink type joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE armoured aluminium conductor cable of size 50 to 95 sqmm complete all as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 12 M&L for Cable jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade cable for outdoor termination cold shrink Gold type joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE armoured aluminium conductor cable of size 50 to 95 sqmm complete all as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 13 M&L for XLPE insulated, screened, PVC bedded, galvanised steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavy-duty) with aluminium conductor, 11000 volts Earthed, grade cross sectional area 95 sq. mm complete all as specified and directed. 14 M&L for dismantling oil filled transformer of capacity up to 250 KVA of any type Indoor/Outdoor) from substation pole Mounted / Plinth Mounted /From Indoor Sub Station) after disconnecting the HT/LT Connection and deposited to MES store by using the suitable Transport and Necessary T&P for shifting from installed position to MES Store without causing any damage complete all as specified and as directed. 15 Excavation in trenches not exceeding 1.5 metre wide and not exc 1.5 metre in depth for foundation of pole / stay, or cable trenches and getting out in soft/loose soil complete all as specified and as directed by the Engineer in charge. 16 Returning filling in incl spreading, levelling watering and well ramming in layers not exceeding 25 cm in soft loose soil complete all as specified and as directed by the Engineer in charge. 17 Removing excavated materials to a distance not exceeding 50 mtr and depositing where directed at a level not exceeding 1.5 metre above the starting point all as specified and as directed by the engineer-in-charge. 18 S&L sand for cushioning for cable protection in trenches 8 cm before laying cable and 15 cm deep over the cable complete all as specified and as directed.(Note: Punned thickness shall be taken for measurement) 19 Supplying and laying unreinforced precast cement concrete cable covers, Class HV, Flat, Type - 1, of size 300 mm X 180 mm X 40mm in trenches for cable protection, embossed with ELECTRIC on the top surface complete all as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 20 Supply and lay in trenches/fixed on wall GI tubing light grade with necessary fittings such as bend, tee, elbow etc. complete for the sizes 80 mm bore for protection of LT UG cable and earth strip from earth pit to test point completed all specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 21 Supply and fix fire retardant insulated synthetic mat for 11 KV of size 1 X 2 Mtrs, 2.5 mm thick +/- 10% conforming to IS 15652:2006, tested for breakdown strength, ageing properties, insulation resistance, effect of acid, Alkaline, Diesel & transformer oil, leakage current test, fire test etc. having the width of 1000mm +/-20mm complete as required suitable and using adhesive and allied chemical and scaling of all part s of all joints and border ends and fixing tape making good as paste near HT switch gear. 22 Supply, install, test & commissioning of vacuum circuit breaker 4A, HT, 11KV three phase, 250 MVA AC supply 26.3KA/3 Sec Vacuum interrupters of the circuit breakers shall not be openly exposed design and shall be completely encapsulated in epoxy housing. The offered circuit breaker should have valid type tests to support the afore-mentioned duty class. Tripping and/or release coils shall be continuous rated to ensure longer life. Integral spring charging handle to be provided in the CB with following:-a) Digital Ammeter type suitable for 11KV in built with flush type selector switch.b) Resin cast CT with ratio 50-100/5Amps with 2.5VA burden class1 for metering -Set of three. c) Microprocessor controlled numeric relay comprising of three over current, one earth fault protection relay with high set for both phase & earth and with fault memory Minimum relay setting should be at part with the CT ratio, universal auxliary supply - 1 No.d) Trip circuit supervision relay.e) Master trip relay.f)Power pack equipment with back up for 15 minutes including batteries complete suitable for operation of relays and trippling and closing coils completeg) Internal bus earthing with Copper strip of size 50x6mmh) Manual trip switchj) One No. of space heater with thermostat.k) Inside moving spot light fitting including lamp and switch (213 W LED 230V) - 1 No.l) One No. of plug point with switch (5A, 230V)m) Insulated copper bus bar common for outgoing feeders.n) Manual charging/ operating arrangement.o) Fuses for metering and protection system. 23 iv)Trip circuit unhealthy v)Breaker ONvi) Breaker OFFs) Complete control panel wiring with FRLS PVC insulated copper cable of size not less than 1.5 sqmm.t) Civil works required for foundation as per manual of manufacturer.Terminal blockNote:- (i) Incomer and outgoing VCBs should be installed in such way that cable entry at bottom side with necessary rating copper Bus bars arrangement for outgoing VCBs with rear opening fully isolated.The rates quoted deemed to be inclusive of following(a)Primary Injection test & Secondary Injection test individually at site after erection and before commissioning at presence of OEM Rep. The contractor shall get the approval of make along with general arrangement drawing, design details from GE before procurement and VCB shall despatch after completion of factory inspection clearance by inspecting officer nominated by accepting officer(b)Servicing of HT VCB 11 KV in every 3 months after installation and up to defect liability period complete by taking the shut down with prior intimation and cleaning the VCB Bus bar chamber and entire panel by using air blower tightning of connection and earth terminals and inspection of control circuit complete checking of all fuses, power pack with connection at AC & DC side for smooth functioning by employing OEM executive including caliberation /Checking of relay and testing of HT VCB and replacing the spares during the defect liability period all as directed by Engineer in charge and submit the report to engineer-in-charge. 24 (c)Contractor is liabale to attend the break down caused by any error/Fault in VCB relay, Control circuit with out any delay in time to restore the power supply irrespective of cost /number of spares to bereplaced during the defectliability period...(d)Contractor shall install one Nos UPS for back up for each VCB panels / Substation having single phase AC input 160 to 260 V and out put 230 ± 1% sine wave out put wave form of capacity 5 /5.5 KVA capacity with necessary battery bank as per following specifications.(a)Full load out put current 15 +/-0.5 A (b) Boost mode charging with battery 12 V /up to min 150/152 Ah battery - 08 Nos mounted on separate stand / inculding connection from battry bank to UPS/Charging circuit complete as per manufature Thechnical specifications(c) Over load, Short circuit, Battery deep discharge, Battery over charge Main low a, Mains high, and thermal protectionNote: Rate include UPS of 5 KVA with battery bank of capacity 12 V, with 150/152 Ah-08 Nos and necessry connection from charging point inside the battery at Main receiving station.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 02-04-2024 Schedule Of Credit Other 15-04-2024
2 02-04-2024 BoQ_Corrigendum BOQ 15-04-2024
3 15-04-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 22-04-2024
4 21-03-2024 Date Corrigendum Date 15-04-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 207250.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1.32 Crore /-
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