Bids Are Invited For Scribing Block Universal , Dual Power Supply , Power Supply , Micrometer Outside , Micrometer Depth Gauge , Digital Micrometer , Vernier Caliper , Limit Plug Gauges , Silicon Carbide Grinder For Carbide Tipped Tools , Try Square Engineer , Outside Calipers Spring , Inside Calipers Spring , Odd Leg Caliper , Scriber , Plier , Goggles , Blocks Vee , Block Parallel , Block, Parallel , C-Clamps , Height Gauge , Dial Test Indicator Complete , Diamond, Wheel Dressing , Files, Hand Flat, , Files, Round , File Flat Rough , File Flat , Feeler Gauge Metric Set , Gauge Radius , Gauge,Slip , Sine Bar , Gauge, Telescopic , Gauge, Morse Taper, , Hacksaw Frame , Keys, Allen , Spirit Level, Engineers , Internal Micrometer , Spanner D.E. Open Jaw , Vices, Machine Plain , Vices, Machine, Swivelingbase , Universal Machine Vice , Angle Truing Attachment For Surface Grinding Machine , Demagnetizer Chuck , Surface Plate , Taps And Dies Complete Set In Box Metric , Drill Twist Straight Shank , Drill Twist Metric , Set Of Sockets Morse Taper , Screw Pitch Gauge , Working Benches , Steel Lockers , Hammer Nylon Face , Magnetic V-Block With Push Button Switch , Magnetic V-Block Base , Dial Test Indicator-Lever Type-Long Point Total Quantity : 530