
Tender For Design, Manufacure With Quality Assurance, Test, Supply, Transport With All Loading And Unloading, Storing, Erection, Testing And Commissioning Of 6 Nos X 1400 Hp Vertical Turbine Pump, With Allied Electro- Mechanical Equipments As Detaile, Sangole-Maharashtra

Water Resources Department has published Tender For Design, Manufacure With Quality Assurance, Test, Supply, Transport With All Loading And Unloading, Storing, Erection, Testing And Commissioning Of 6 Nos X 1400 Hp Vertical Turbine Pump, With Allied Electro- Mechanical Equipments As Detaile. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-03-2024. Lift Irrigation Tenders in Sangole Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Design, Manufacure With Quality Assurance, Test, Supply, Transport With All Loading And Unloading, Storing, Erection, Testing And Commissioning Of 6 Nos X 1400 Hp Vertical Turbine Pump, With Allied Electro- Mechanical Equipments As Detaile
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Design, Manufacure With Quality Assurance, Test, Supply, Transport With All Loading And Unloading, Storing, Erection, Testing And Commissioning Of 6 Nos X 1400 Hp Vertical Turbine Pump, With Allied Electro- Mechanical Equipments As Detailed Below For Sangola Lift Irrigation Scheme St 1 Dist. Sangola (Maharashtra)3 Vertical Turbine Pump (1400 HP) Providing installing at site of works ard giving test to full capacity, Vertical Turbine pumps,, complete with strainer, suction assembly, Discharge case / Discharge Tee motor stool, flexible couplings, sole plates, base frame foundation, non reversible- rotation ratchet arrangement etc with all prirring arrangements & cooling arrangement. Suitable for following duties specification and confirming to detailed specifications. a) Duty point discharge 0.8978 m3/sec b) Duty point head - 102.35 Mtr. c) Maximum rpm synchronous 1000 RPM d) Head range-76 to 113 m e) Column Pipe dia. - 700 mm. f) Column pipe thickness - 12 mm i) Sump bottom level-471 m j) Pump floor level-478.1 m k) MDDL-474.5 m 1) Full reservoir level 476.298 m m) Discharge point level - 550 m n) Pump operating level - 475.7 m o) Efficiency Pump efficiency 88% p) Pump stage: Two q) No. of pumps working in parallel 6 (one R.M Dia. 1810 mm & Thickness 12 mm) r) forced water lubricated Forced Water Lubrication System-Forced Water Lubrication System with two no. of booster pumps of required Capacity with Motor and two no, of filters and allied Pipe Line and all accessories and other equipments to complete the scheme. Non Return Valves - Providing installing non return valve with bypass arrangement confirms to IS 5312, part 11 (Multi door) Al Diameter 700 mm B) P.N. Rating-2.0 Butterfly Valves - Providing installing at site of works and testing double flanged butterfly valves conforming to relevant IS BS 5155 with electric actuators with 415 Volt. A.C. motors D.O.L.. starting etc. complete suitable for following duties, specifications and conforming to detailed specifications. A Diameter - 700 mm B] P.N. Rating-2.0 Kinetic Air Valve Providing installing at site of works and testing Kinetic Air valves (Tamper proof metal cladded ball) IS 14845-2000 of 200 mm dia. For releasing air from the delivery pipe etc. complete as per detailed specifications (PN 2.0) Dismantling Joints Providing and erecting delivery pipes at site of works and testing delivery pipe lines including joints of all in between valves and upto rising main / manifold complete, suitable for following duties specifications and conforming to detailed specifications and relevant manufacturing standard/IS. a. Diameter-700 mm b. P.N. Rating-2.0 Induction Motors (H.T. Motors) Providing installing at site of works and testing to full capacity, solid shaft, squirrel cage induction motors CACW type F class installation suitable for operation. On voltage mentioned below 3 phase 50 Hz with voltage variation of 10% and frequency variation 3% suitable for direct coupling with pumps under item No. 1 as per laiest revision of IS 325, Is 4722 & other Relevant IS specifications to meet the power requirement of pumps with 10% additional capacity over entire Operating range, suitable for following duties, specifications & conforming to detailed specifications. ET MOTORS: Squirrel Cage, suitable for operated with DOL, FCMA soft Starter, Closed Air Circuit Water cooled/CACA, salid shaft, vertical flange suitable for flexible coupling. Operating volt 6.6 KV, +/- 10%, Frequency 50 Hz, +/- 3%, 3-Ph, Minimum Motor rated output power of 1133 KW, motor rpm 1000 rpm, motor efficiency 95%. (Confirming to IS: 4691/IEC:60037-5 & 12315:2011), having Continuous Rating, with F Class insulation, and Temerature rise limited to B-Class, Motor Shall be fitted with suitable space heater and 6 Nos of RTD for Windings and I No of RTDs for DE & NDE Bearings, the motor shall have P.F. as 0.8 at duty point without use of the Capacitor, energy efficient, speed switch to identify the locked rotor condition, with equired marshaliing box for Power and Aus. cable connections, with tests as per relvan: IS specification Soft Starter -FCMA or suitable neutral side Soft starter for 1133 KW, 6.6 KV Motor of appropriate capacity to limit the starting current of the Motor, up to three times, built with epoxy cast, copper wound, 5 tap position Coils Vaccum Contactor rated for full starting Current of the Motor, with 14 SWG Panel Box, IP 54, fitted with FCMA/suitable High Temperature sensors and relay system, Temp. Scanner with indicator, Current sensor with Relay, Ammeter, Timers, Indication Lamps, fuses, Switches, MCBs, Contactors and duly wired with 2.5 sq.mm Cu. multistrand wires for interlocking with Motor VCB, Aux. supply will be 230 V, A.C. 50 Hz, with space Heater, 15 Amp Power socket and switch, illumination lamp, and all other standard accessoris as may require to complete the scheme. H.T. Panel (Main Panel) Providing, installing & testing of sheet steel, 10/12 SWG, dust & vermin proof, indoor, floor mounting type H.T. Panels, 6.6 KV, 26 KA, BIL 7.2/20/70 KV Peak, Drawout Type, Alluminium Bubar, SCADA Compatiable, complete assembled, wired. tested, painted conforming to relevant ISS complete, suitable for following duties, specification and conforming to detailed specifications (2 UC, 1 B/C, 6 M/F, 1 Spare M/F, Capacitor feeder - 1 Nos) A] Electrical system 6.6 kV. 3 phase, 50 Hz A.C. With 26 KA. BIL 7.2/20/60 KV Peak, fully withdrawable B) VCB Capacity, 6.6 KV, 26 KA-160€ Amps each for 2 1/C, for 1 B/C, and 800 Amps For M/F, 800 Amps for 1 spare M/F, 800 Amps for Cap. Feeder) 1) The Incomer Panels will be equipped with VCB- 1600 Amp. Al. Bus Bar and Jumpers of adequate Capacity with Epoxy Post Insulators and supports, Epoxy Cast, Cl- 1. Wound CTs 800 1 Amp. 1 Per Phase for Both Incomers & Bus-Coupler, 3-Core, one for O.C& EF protection, one for Metering. I core of P.S. Class, Ammeter, Voltmeter, KW, KWH, KVAH. RKVAH Meter, frequency meter, Phase Sequence indicator, Withdrawable PIs Star Star connected.earthed, of 6.6 KV/Root 3/110 Volt/Root 3. with Announciaton facia, Hooter, Bell, Indication Lamps, Selector Switches, Over current and Earth Fault Relay (ABB-REJ 610 or Eqivallent) D.C. Under Voltage Relay, TCS Relay, Multi Function Meters, Master Trip Relay, fuses, MCBs Aux. Relays and Contactors for interlocking, tripping etc and duly wired with 1.5 sq.mm Cu. wire. Complete. 2) Motor Feeder panels will be equipped with VCB 800 Amp, Epoxy cast, wound type CTs, 150/1 Amp.1 per Phase. 2-Core. One for Metering and I for protection, Multi Function Motor Protection Relay, Make- ABBs REM 615 or Equivallent, Temperature Scanner- 16 Channel (Make - Masibus or Equivallent) Under Voltage Relay, Earth Leakage Relay, Master Trip Relay, CBCT-30/1, Trip Circuit Supervision Relay. Announciation facia, Voltmeter, Ammeter, Multi function meters for MWH, Voltmeter and Analaog Ammeter, Selector Switches. Indication Lamps, Aux. Relays, Announciator, Hooter, Bell, control gear wiring with 1.5 sq. mm fine stranded Copper wire, control fuses, MCBs of appropriate rating, all standard accessories, 3) Capacitor Feeder will be equipped with VCB 800 Amp, complete with Aluminim Bus-Bar jumper with CTs, Dual Core, resin Cast, One Core for all 3-phases, 150/1+1 Amp. Dual Core, for Metering & Protection, Accuracy Cl-1 for Metering and 5P10 for Protection 3-Ph Combined Over Current and Earth fault Relay, Earth Leakage Relay, Master Trip Relay. CBCT-30/1-2 Nos, Trip Circuit Supervision Relay, Announciation facia. Multi function meters KWH, etc. Analang Voltmeter and Ammeter control gear wiring with 1.5 sq. mm fine stranded Copper wire, control fuses, MCBs of appropriate rating. Aux. Relays, all standard accessories, with fully wired up as per deatils of specifications and requirement. Batteries, Battery Chargers and D.C. Distribution Board (D.C.D.B) Panels 14 SWG 1) Providing installing at site of works and testing VRLA Batteries, Battery chargers & D.CD.B. Complete unit comprising of following and as per detailed specifications. VRI.A Batteries with 55 cells, 2 Volt each, 200 Amp. Hour capacity, along with all accessories like Battery interconnection leads. Battery Stand etc. complete. 11. Total 2 sets of battery Charger, full wave controlled, Thyristorised, float cum boost type, of rating 30 Amps, with ripple less than 2% equipped with 415 Volt, 3-ph, 50 Hz Transformer of 7.5 KVA, AC, OL relay, Power Contactor on incoming side with HRC fuses and TP MCB of appropriate capacity, selector switch for Float or Boost Mode, with 110 V D.C. Power Contactors, Indication for A.C. Supply failure, Phase sequence faulty. Under and Over Voltage protection, Charger O/L. Protection, Auto Change Over from Charger 1 to Charger 2 and Vice-Versa, when one of the charger fails, III). D.CD.B. comprising of two incoming couble pole Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB) 50 Ampere and Outgiong feeder 25 Amp. INo and 10. Nos of 10 Ampere outgoing feeder with MCB or switch fuse urit, complete with accessories etc. Spares to be Supplied- Firing Card (CPC Cand)-2 Nos Water Level Indicators Providing installing at site of works & testing microprocessor based programmable water level indicators cum controller, for display the Water level of Sump with level sensing probe with Cable of required length, with U-PVC Pipe for enclosing the probe and cable length, junction Box, 6 to 8 digit display indicator, output Relays for Alarm and Tripping for low and High Level water level in Sump, etc. complete for monitoring and controlling the pump operation, suitable for operating on 230 Volts, 50 Hz. A.C. supply and as per detailed specifications Remote Control Panel Design, supplying, installing, testing and commissioning, sheet steel- 14 SWG, floor mounted, Desk Type configuration, verntin proof, powder coated & Tropicalised Remote control Panel with control switches for VCB, Actuators, Soft Starter indications and interlocks, provision for erection of Water Level indicator- 1 No. Ammeters, fault Annunciation facia windows, indication lamps, selector Switches, with aux. relays etc. for control & monitoring of Incomer breakers & Bus Coupler 3 Nos, motor feeders 6 1 Nos, Actuators 6 Nos, Soft Starers Indications & Interlocks for-6 Nos, Booster Pump interlocks, ancillary equipments, panels etc. with MCB, Fuses, Aux. Contactors for interlocks, Complete wired with 2.5 Sq.rım Cu. multistrand Panel Gr. Wire, suitable as per requirement and details of Specificat ons Providing, installation, commissioning & testing on site, etc complete of Pump house Double Girder EOT crane 12T capacity, span 6M to 8M and Lift upto 14 M including LT Beam Assembly -24 Mtr X 2 Nos and Bus Bar/DSL. Shrouded Contractor System- 24 Mtr Providing, installation, commissioning & testing on site, etc complete of Pump house Double Girder EOT crane 12T/ST capacity, spun 6M to 8M and Lift upto 14 M Bincluding LT Beam Assembly - 24 Mtr X 2 Nos and Bus Bar/DSL. Shrouded Contractor System-24 Mtr Sump model test-Design, fabricating, sump model with standard ratio & giving sump model test along with all necessory recommandations.( by taking help highly skilled superiors in this field/CWPRS etc Auto Power Factor Correction Equipments... Supply Erection Testing commissioning of Auto Power Factor Correction equipments of 4-Step with Incomer Panel, including Auto Power factor relay, total 4025 KVAR capacity, 6.6 KV, 3Ph, 50Hz each step comprising of Set of Capacitor 12/14 SWG CRCA Cubicle/ Panels duly Painted/ Powder Coated, IP 54, including rated APP Type oil filled Capacitor Units, HRC Fuses, Magnetically Shielded Copper wound Series Reactors of 0.2%, 3-Ph, 7.2 KV, 400 A np, fully draw out type, Vaccum Contactor of reputed make (CGL/ABB Make), Aluminium Bus Bars of adequate current capacity, Numerical Over Current and & Earth fault Ralay (ABB REJ 601 or equivalent, Master Trip Relay, Epoxy support Insulators, Selector Switches, Current transformer for all 3- phases each Step with Ammeter, selecto: Switches, Timers. Aux. Contactor for Interlocks, Tripping and indication circuit, and Control Cables to be connected to required feeder Panel with allied works etc. complete, comprising of 6.6KV Capacitor Bank for 6.6 KV, 3-Phase System of Ore fix Capacitor of Rating 200 KVAR and remaing 3825 KVAR Capacitor Rating in Four Steps Spares & Tools Providing at site of works tools & spares complete for Pumps, HT Motros, HT Panels, Charger Panel, HT Fuse for Capacitor Panels, Timers and Aux. Relays for Soft Starter, Fuses and SFU for LTDB, Breaker Control Switches as per detailed in specifications. A) LIST OF SPARE PARTS TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR Pump thrust bearings Impellar shaft with Bearing, sleeves/collets Pump Head Shaft with Lock Nut. Coupling Flange Pin and Flexible Joint bushes ( Pump & Motor couplings) Pump Line Shaft coupling Impeller/casing wearing ring Bowl bearings Impellers Ratchet rollers for non-reversible rotation of motors/pump Motor bearing (DE & NDE each) (a) Current transformer (CTS) as per original installed H.T. Incomer Feeder Panel, for all Phase (R-Y-B) b) Current transformer (CTS) as per original installed Motor Feeder Panel for all Phase (R-Y-B) c) Motor Protection Relay d) Master Trip Relay e) Annunciator for Incomer Panel, Motor feeder Panel, RCP Panel- 2 Nos each 1) VCB Heavy duty Control Switches (Close-Trip) Switches g) 6.6 KV Potential Transformer Primary (HV) fuses hi VCB Contact Multiplier for On-OFF condition, Aux. Relay (Contactors) i) VCB Tripping and Closing Coils, four numbers each j) HRC Fuse Links, 415 Volt for LTDB, AC 100A. 63 A. 32 A. 16 Amp, each 24 Nos k) HRC, 110 Volt, D.C. Fuse Links for HT, RCP. Charger, DCDB. Temp. Scanner, Sol Starter 2 A. 4 A, 6 A. 10 A cach 36 Nos. m) Indication Bulbs for various Panels of Colour Red, Blue, White, Amber each 20 Nos. B) Tools, Meters. Accessories required for Erection. Maintenance a) Eve Bolt b) Lifting Bolts for Thrust Collar, Journal Bearing etc c) Clamps for Coloumn Pipe, Shaft Tube, Line Shaft d) Puller for Motor Bearing. Couplings, Valves et Slings with D-Shakle of required size for Lifting of Motor and Pump- Motor assembly f) Spaners set of Open Ended and Ring Type for Coloumn Pipe assembly, Line Shaft, Bearing retainer. Motor Bolts, Flexible Coupling, etc complete g) Hydraulic Grease Gun of Standar requirement h) Straight edge 1.5 mtr i) Dial Indicator for allignment of Motor and Pump assembly (Magnetic Type) j) Pulle for Pump Impellar k) Digital Multimeter MECO make with leads capable of Measuring small resistances 1) Digital Tong Tester MECO Make with leads m) Motwane Make Analog/Digital Megger 5 KV n) Spaner Set 6 to 32 mm bothe Open Ended and Ring Type, Allen Key set 3 mm to 12 mm, Screw Driver 150 mm, 200 mm, 300 mm, 400 mm, Cutting Plier, 10 inches, Nose Plier 8 nches, Circlip plier all Tools shall be Taparia Make only with Foldable, M.S. Tool Box, Triple compartment on either side with Godrej Lock and Key Flexible coupling Bolts for Pump Motor flange coupling Lube oil for Thrust Bearing of the Pump Three Phase Welding Transformer set -200 Amps with required cables, holder, screen, tools, ere Design, Manufacure with quality assurance, Test, Supply, Transport with all Loading and Unloading, Storing Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 2 Nos X 800 HP & 2 Nos X 1460 HP Vertical Turbine Pump, with allied electro- Mechanical equipments as detailed below for SANGOLA LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME ST 2A & 2B Dist. Sangola (Maharashtra) (ST 24 & 2B ARE IN SINGLE CONSTRUCTED PUMPHOUSE) Vertical Turbine Pump (800 HP) Providing installing at site of works and giving test to full capacity, Vertical Turbine pumps. complete with strainer, suction assembly, Discharge case/Discharge Tee motor stool, flexible couplings, sole plates, base frame foundation, non reversible-rotation ratchet arrangement etc with all priming arrangements & cooling arrangement. Suitable for following duties specification and confirming to detailed specifications. a) Duty point discharge 1.4325 m3/sec b) Duty point head - 36.8 Mtr. c) Maximum rpm synchronous-750 RPM d) Head range-27 to 41 m e) Column Pipe dia. - 900 mm f) Column pipe thickness -8 mm i) Sump bottom level - 545 m 1) Pump floor level-550.5 m k) MDDL-548.5 m 1) Full reservoir level-550 m m) Discharge point level 576 m n) Pump operating level-549.5 m o) Efficiency Pump efficiency 88% p) Pump stage: One q) No. of pumps working in parallel-2 (one RM FOR 2A Dia 1300 mm & Thickness 9 mm) r) forced water lubricated Vertical Turbine Pump (1460 HP) Providing installing at site of works and giving test to full capacity, Vertical Turbine pumps. complete with strainer, suction assembly, Discharge case/Discharge Tee motor stool, flexible couplings, sole plates, base frame foundation, non reversible-rotation ratchet arrangement etc with all priming arrangements & cooling arrangement. Suitable for following duties specification and confirming to detailed specifications. a Dury point discharge 1.27 m3/sec b) Duty point head-75.83 Mir. ci Maximum rpm synchronous 750 RPM d) Head range 56 1084 m e) Column Pipe dia. - 800 mm Column pipe thickness -14 mm 1) Sump bottom level-545 m j) Pump floor level-550.5 m k) MDDL-548.5 m 1) Full reservoir level-550 m m) Discharge point level-604 m n) Pump operating level-549.5 m o) Efficiency Pump efficiency p) Pamp stage One No of pumps working in parallel 2 (one R.M FOR 28 Dia. 1250 mm & Thickness 9 mm) ri forced water lubricated Forced Water Lubrication System-Forced Water Lubrication System with two no. of booster pumps of required Capacity with Motor and two no. of filters and allied Pipe line and all accessories and other equipments to complete the scherme Kinetic Air Valve Providing installing at site of works and testing Kinetic Air valves (Tamper proof metal cladded hall) IS 14845-2000 of 250 mm dia. For releasing air from the delivery pipe etc. complete as per detailed specifications (PN 1.0) Induction Motors (H.T. Motors) Providing installing at site of works and testing to full capacity, solid shaft, squirrel cage Induction motors CACW type F class installation suitable for operation. On voltage mentioned below 3 phase 50 Hz with voltage variation of 10% and frequency variation 3% suitable for direct coupling with pumps under item No. 1 as per latest revision of I8 325. Is 4722 & other Relevant IS specifications to meet the power requirement of pumps with 10 additional capacity over entire Operating range, suitable for following duties, specifications & conforming to detailed specifications HT MOTORS: Squirrel Cage, suitable for operated with DOL, FCMA soft Starter, Closed Air Circuit Water cooled CACA, solid shaft, vertical flange suitable for flexible coupling. Operating volt-6.6KV. 10. Frequency 50 Hz, 3 3-Ph. Minimum Motor rated output power of 650 KW, motor rpm 1000 rpm, motor efficiency 95 a (Confirming to IS: 4691 /IEC 60037-5 & 12315.2011), having Continuous Rating, with F-Class insulation, and Temerature rise limited to- B- Class, Motor Shall be fined with suitable space heater and 6 Nos of RTD for Windings and 1 Noof RTDs for DE & NDE Bearings, the motor shall have FF. as 0.8 at duty point without use of the Capacitor, energy efficient, speed switch to identify the locked rotor condition, with required marshaliing box for Power and Aux. cable connections, with tests as per relvant IS specification Induction Motors (H.T. Motors) Providing installing at site of works and testing to full capacity, solid shaft, squirrel cage induction motors CACW type F class installation suitable for operation, On voltage mentioned below 3 phase 50 Hz with voltage variation of 10 and frequency variation 3% suitable for direct coupling with pumps under item No. I as per latest revision of IS 323, Is 4722 & other Relevant IS specifications to meet the power requirement of pumps with 10% additional capacity over entire Operating range, suitable for following duties, specifications & conforming to detailed specifications. HT MOTORS: Squirrel Cage, suitable for operated with DOL, FCMA soft Starter. Closed Air Circuit Water cooled CACA, solid shaft, vertical flange suitable for flexible coupling. Operating volt-6.6KV, +/- 10% Frequency 50 Hz.3% 3-Ph. Minimum Motor rated output power of 1185 KW, motor rpm 1000 rpm, motor efficiency 95 (Confirming to IS: 4691/IEC 60037-5 & 12315.2011), having Continuous Rating, with F-Class insulation, and Temerature rise limited te B- Class, Motor Shall be fitted with suitable space heater and 6 Nos of RTD for Windings and 4 No of RTDs for DL & NDE Bearings, the motor shall have P.F. as 0.8 at duty point without use of the Capacitor, energy efficient, speed switch to identify the locked rotor condition, with required marshaling box for Power and Aux cable connections, with tests as per relvant IS specification to limit the starting current of the Motor, up to three times, built with epoxy cast, copper wound, 5 tap position Coils Vaccum Contactor rated for full starting Current of the Motor, with 14 SWG Panel Box, IP 54, fitted with FCMA/suitable High Temperature sensors and relay system, Temp. Scanner with indicator, Current sensor with Relay, Ammeter, Timers, Indication Lamps, fuses, Switches, MCBs, Contactors and duly wired with 2.5 sq.mm Cu. multistrand wires for interlocking with Motor VCB. Aux supply will be 230 V. A.C. 50 Hz. with space Heater, 15 Amp Power socket and switch, illumination lamp, and all other standard accessoris as may require to complete the scheme. Soft Starter -FCMA or suitable neutral side Soft starter for 6.6 KV. 1185 KW Motor of appropriate capacity to limit the starting current of the Motor, up to three times, built with epoxy cast, copper wound. 5 tap position Coils Vaccum Contactor rated for full starting Current of the Motor, with 14 SWG Panel Box, IP 34, fitted with FCMA/suitable High Temperature sensors and relay system, Temp Scanner with indicator. Current sensor with Relay, Ammeter, Timers, Indication Lamps, fuses, Switches, MCBs. Contactors and duly wired with 2.5 sq.mm Cu. multistrand wires for interlocking with Motor VCB. Aux. supply will be 230 V, A.C. 50 Hz, with space Heater, 15 Amp Power socket and switch, illumination lamp, and all other standard accessoris as may require to complete the scheme. H.T. Panel (Main Panel) Providing, installing & testing of sheet steel, 10/12 SWG, dust & vermin proof, indoor, floor mounting type H.T. Panels, 6.6 KV. 26 KA, BIL 7.2/20/70 KV Peak, Drawout Type, Alluminium Bubar, SCADA Compatiable, complete assembled, wired, tested, painted conforming to relevant ISS complete, suitable for following duties, specification and conforming to detailed specifications (2 I.C 1 B/C, 4 M/F, 2 Nos (1 for 2A & +1 for 28) Spare M/F. Capacitor feeder I Nos) A] Electrical system 6.6 kV. 3 phase, 50 Hz. A.C. With 26 KA. BIL 7.2/20/60 KV Peak, Fully withdrawable B) VCB Capacity. 6.6 KV. 26 KA-1250 Amps each for 2 I/C. for 1 B/C. and 630 Amps For M/F 630 Amps for I Nos spare M/F. 630 Amps for Cap. Feeder For St.2A and 800 Amps For M/F, 800 Amps for I Nos spare M/F, 800 Amps for Cap. Feeder For St.28 1) The Incomer Panels will be equipped with VCB-1250 Amp. Al. Bus Bar and Jumpers of adequare Capacity with Epoxy Post Insulators and supports. Epoxy Cast, CI-1, Wound CTs 1100/1 Amp. 1 Per Phase for Both Incomers & Bus-Coupler, 3-Core, one for O.C& EF protection, one for Metering. I core of P.S. Class, Ammeter. Voltmeter, KW. KWH, KVAH, RKVAH Meter, CT for APFC purpose one Number at each Incomer Panel, plus Summation CT of required Capacity to be erected in Bus Coupler Panel. Single Core, C-1, of Ratio 200/1, frequency meter, Phase Sequence indicator, Withdrawable PTs Star/Star connected.carthed, of 6.6 KV/ Root 3/ 110 Volt/ Root 3, with Announciaton facia, Hooter, Bell, Indication Lamps, Selector Switches, Over current and Earth Fault Relay (ABB-REJ 610 or Eqivallent) D.C. Under Voltage Relay, TCS Relay, Multi Function Meters, Master Trip Relay, fuses, MCBs Aux. Relays and Contactors for interlocking, tripping etc and duly wired with 2.5 sq.mm Cu. wire. Complete 2) Motor Feeder panels will be equipped with VCB of 630 Amp-2 Nos for 24, Epoxy cast, wound type CTs, 75/1 Amp. 1 per Phase, 2-Core, One for Metering and 1 for protection, Multi Function Motor Protection Relay, Make- L&T. MC-2, 34M or ABBs REM 615, Under Voltage Relay, Earth Leakage Relay, Master Trip Relay. CBCT-30º 1, Trip Circuit Supervision Relay, Announciation facia, Voltmeter. Ammeter, Multi function meters for MWH, Voltmeter and Analaog Ammeter, Selector Switches, Indication Lamps, Aux, Relays, Announciator, Hooter, Bell, control gear wiring with 2.5 sq. mm fine stranded Copper wire, cortrol fuses, MCBs of appropriate rating, all standard accessories 3) Motor Feeder panels will be equipped with VCB 800 Amp- 2 Nos for 2B, Epoxy cast, wound type CTs. 150/1 Amp.1 per Phase, 2-Core, One for Metering and I for protection, Multi Function Motor Protection Relay, Make- L&T, MC- 2, 30M or ABBS REM 615, Under Voltage Relay, Earth Leakage Relay, Master Trip Relay, CBCT-30/1, Trip Circuit Supervision Relay, Announciation faria, Voltmeter, Ammeter, Multi function meters for MWH, Voltmeter and Analaog Ammeter. Selector Switches, Indication Lamps, Aux. Relays. Announciator, Hooter, Bell, control gear wiring with 2.5 sq. mm fine stranded Copper wire, control fuses, MCBs of appropriate rating, all standard accessories, 31 Capacitor Feeder - will be equipped with VCB 800 Amp, complete with Aluminim Bus-Bar jumper with CTs, Dual Core, resin Cast, One Core for all 3-phases, 150/11 Amp, Dual Core, for Metering & Protection, Accuracy CI-1 for Metering and 5P10 for Protection 3-Ph Combined Over Current and Earth fault Relay, Earth Leakage Relay, Master Trip Relay, CBCT-30/1-2 Nos, Trip Circuit Supervision Relay, Announciation facia, Multi function meters KWH. etc. Analaog Voltmeter and Ammeter control gear wiring with 2.5 sq. mm fine stranded Copper wire, control fuses, MCBs ef appropriate rating, Aux. Relays, all standard accessories, with fully wired up as per deatils of specifications and requirement Batteries, Battery Chargers and D.C. Distribution Board (D.C.D.B) Panels 14 SWG 1) Providing installing at site of works and testing VRLA Batteries, Battery chargers & D.C.D.B. Complete unit comprising of following and as per detailed specifications. VRLA Batteries with 55 cells, 2 Volt each, 200 Amp. Hour capacity, along with all accessories like Battery interconnection leads, Battery Stand etc, complete. II). Total 2 sets of battery Charger, full wave controlled, Thyristorised, float cum boost type, of rating 30 Amps, with ripple less than 25%. equipped with 415 Volt, 3-ph, 50 Hz Transformer of 7.5 KVA, A.C. O/L relay, Power Contactor on incoming side with HRC fuses and TP MCB of appropriate capacity, selector switch for Float or Boost Mode, with 110 V D.C. Power Contactors, Indication for A.C. Supply failure, Phase sequence faulty, Under and Over Voltage protection, Charger O/L. Protection, Auto Change Over from Charger 1 to Charger 2 and Vice-Versa, when one of the charger fails, III) D.C.D.B.comprising of two incoming double pole Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB) 50 Ampere and Outgiong feeder 25 Amp. INo and 10 Nos of 10 Ampere outgoing feeder with MCB or switch fuse unit, complete with accessories etc. Spares to be Supplied- Firing Card (CPC Card)-2 No Water Level Indicators Providing installing at site of works & testing microprocessor based programmable water level indicators cum controller, for display the Water level of Sump with level sensing probe with Cable of required length, with U-PVC Pipe for enclosing the probe and cable length, junction Box, 6 to 8 digir display indicator, output Relays for Alarm and Tripping for low and High Level water level in Sump. etc. complete for monitoring and controlling the pump operation, suitable for operating on 230 Volts. 50 Hz. A.C. supply and as per detailed specifications Remote Control Panel Design, supplying, installing, testing and commissioning, sheet steel-14 SWG, floor mounted. Desk Type configuration, vermin proof, powder coated & Tropicalised Remote control Panel with control switches for VCB, Actuators, Soft Starter indications and interlocks, provision for erection of Water Level indicator-1 No. Ammeters, fault Annunciation facia windows, indication lamps, selector Switches, with aux. relays etc. for control & monitoring of Incomer breakers & Bus Coupler-3 Nos, motor feeders 4+1 Nos, Actuators 4 Nos, Soft Starers Indications & Interlocks for-4 Nos Booster Pumps interlock ancillary equipments, parels etc. with MCB. Fuses, Aux. Contactors for interlocks, Complete wired with 2.5 Sq.mm Cu. multistrand Panel Ge. Wire, suitable as per requirement and details of Specifications. Providing, installation, commissioning & testing on site, etc complete of Pump house Double Girder EOT crane 127 capacity, span 6M to 8M and Lift upto 12 M including 1.1 Beam Assembly -20 Mir X2 Nos and Bus Bar/DSL. Shrouded Contractor System -20 Mir Providing, installation, commissioning & testing en site, etc complete of Pump house Double Girder EOT crane 12T/ST capacity.pan 6M to 8M and Lift upto 12 M including LT Beam Assembly -20 Mir X 2 Nos and Bus Bar/DSI. Shrouded Contractor System-20 Mtr Sump model test -Design, fabricating, sump model with standard ratio & giving sump model test along with all necessory recommandations.( by tacing help highly skilled superiors in this field/ CWPRS etc.) (ST 24 & 28 ARE IN SINGLE CONSTRUCTED PUMPHOUSE) Auto Power Factor Correction Equipments... Supply Erection Testing commissioning of Auto Power Factor Correction equipments of 4-Step with Incomer Panel, including Auto Power factor relay, total 2090 KVAR capacity, 6.6 KV, 3Ph. 50Hz each step comprising of Set of Capacitor 12/14 SWG CRCA Cubicle/ Panels duly Painted/Powder Coated, IP 54, including rated APP Type, oil filled Capacitor Units, HRC Fuses, Magnetically Shielded Copper wound Series Reactors of 0.2%, 3-Ph, 7.2 KV, 400 Amp, fully draw out type. Vaccum Contactor of reputed make (CGL/ABB Make), Aluminium Bus Bars of adequate current capacity, Numerical Over Current and & Earth fault Ralay (ABB REJ 601 or equivalent, Master Trip Relay, Epoxy support Insulators, Selector Switches, Current transformer for all 3-phases each Step with Ammeter, selector Switches, Timers. Aux. Contactor for Interlocks, Tripping and indication circuit, and Control Cables to be connected to recuired feeder Panel with allied works etc. complete, comprising of 6.6KV Capacitor Bank for 6.6 KV, 3-Phase System of One fix Capacitor of Rating 100 KVAR and remaing 1990 KVAR Capacitor Rating in Four Steps Spares & Tools Providing at site of works tools & spares complete for Pumps, HT Motros, HT Panels, Charger Panel, HT Fuse for Capacitor Panels, Timers and Aux. Relays for Soft Starter, Fuses and SFU for LTDB, Breaker Control Switches as per detailed in specifications. A) LIST OF SPARE PARTS TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR Pump thrust bearings Impellar shaft with Bearing sleeves/collets Pump Head Shaft with Lock Nut. Coupling Flange Pin and Flexible Joint bushes ( Pump & Motor couplings) Pump Line Shaft coupling Impeller/casing wearing ring Bowl bearings Impellers Ratchet rollers for non-reversible rotation of motors/pump B) Tools, Meters. Accessories required for Erectien, Maintenance Eve Bolt b) Lifting Bolts for Thrust Collar, Journal Bearing etc C Clamps for Coloumn Pipe Shaft Tube, Line Shaft d) Puller for Motor Bearing, Couplings. Valves e Slings with D-Shakle of required size for Lifting of Motor and Pump-Motor assembly approx. for 1) Spaners set of Open Ended and Ring Type for Coloumn Pipe assembly, Line Shaft, Bearing retainer, Motor Bolts, Flexible Coupling, ete complete g) Hydraulic Grease Gun of Standard requirement hi Straight edge 1.5 mtr Dial Indicator for allignment of Motor and Pump assembly (Magnetic Type Puller for Pump Impellar k) Digital Multimeter MECO make with leads capable of Measuring small resistances Digital Tong Tester with leads mi Motwane Make Analog/Digital Megger 5 KV n) Spaner Set 6 to 32 mm bothe Open Ended and Ring Type, Allen Key set 3 men to 12 mm, Screw Driver 150 mm, 200 mm, 300 min, 400 mm, Cutting Plier, 10 inches, Nose Plier 8 inches. Circlip plier all Tools shall be Tapuria Make only with Foldable, M.S. Tool Box, Triple compartment on either side with Godrej Lock and Key o) Flexible coupling Bolts for Pump Motor flange coupling Lube oil for Thrust Bearing of the Pump 4) Three Phase Welding Transformer set-200 Amps with required cables, holder, screen, tools, etc Spares & Tools Providing at site of works tools & spares complete for Pumps, HT Motros, HT Panels, Charger Panel, HT Fuse for Capacitor Panels, Timers and Aux. Relays for Soft Starter, Fuses and SFU for 1.TDB. Breaker Control Switches as per detailed in specifications. A) LIST OF SPARE PARTS TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR Pump thrust bearings Impellar shaft with Bearing, sleeves/collets Pump Head Shaft with Lock Nut, Coupling Flange Pin and Flexible Joint bushes (Pump & Motor couplings) Pump Line Shaft coupling Impeller/casing wearing ring Bowl bearings Impellers Ratchet rollers for non-reversible rotation of motors/pump b) Current transformer (CTS) as per original installed Motor Feeder Panel for all Phase (R-Y-8) B) Tools, Meters. Accessories required for Erection, Maintenance al Eve Bolt b) Lifting Bolts for Thrust Collar, Journal Bearing etc c) Clamps for Coloumn Pipe, Shaft Tube, Line Shaft d) Puller for Motor Bearing, Couplings, Valves e) Slings with D-Shakle of required size for Lifting of Motor and Pump- Motor assembly approx. for 1) Spaners set of Open Ended and Ring Type for Coloumn Pipe assembly, Line Shaft, Bearing retainer. Motor Bolts. Flex ble Coupling etc complete 1) Puller for Pump Impellar Flexible coupling Bolts for Pump Motor flange coupling Design, Manufacure with quality assurance, Test, Supply, Transport with all Loading and Unloading, Storing, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 2 Nos X 175 HP Subemercible Pump, with allied electro- Mechanical equipments as detailed below for SANGOLA LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEME ST3 Dist. Sangola (Maharashtra) Subemercible Pump Motor Unit (175 HP 1 Providing installing at site of works and giving test to full capacity Subemercible pumps Vertically Mounted with motor, complete with strainer, suction assembly, Discharge case/Discharge Tee motor stool, Bexible couplings, sole plates, base frame foundation, Motor housing shall be conforming to IP-68, pump shall be suitable for 3% floting sand Pump casing & cover shall be of material grade CIFG 260 15210. Pump impeller shall be confirming to stainless steel CF8M-SS316, SS410-Shaft & Hardware shall be confirming to 55316 Motor winding with class H insulation with temp rise limited to class F The motor works on 3.3 KV, 3 Phase 20 for motor winding, winding, water leak sensors etc. The pump shall be started with provided Soft Starter Appropriate control system protection & interlock should be provided for over temp, water leak, over load, low water leval with fault annunciation & trip alarm. The purip shall be supplied with appropriate spares as per manufacturers recommendations etc complete for following duties, Specification. The pump shall be supplied with suto coupling with guide har system. Suitable for following duties specification and confirming to detailed specifications Hz.AC, Duty S1 supply with cable of required specifications and Cable guard with Length sufficient to connect direct (without intermediate) to Motor Starter Panel, thurst bearing 2 RTDs for top & bottom bearing, 6 RTDDS a) Duty point discharge 0.1284 m3/sec B) Duty point head-81.18 Mtr. 4) Maxinuum rpm synchronous - 1500 RPM d) Head range-60 to 90 m s) Column Pipe dia- 300 mm 1) Column pipe thickness 8 mm Sump bottom level - 589 m Pump floor level-593 m 2) MDDL-591.5 m Full reservoir level-592.876 mm m) Discharge point level - 644 m a) Pump operating level-592 417 m ) Efficiency Pump efficiency 80 % p) Pump stage Two 4) No of pumps working in parallel 2 (one R.M Dia. 400 mm & Thickness 6 mm) Soft Starter -FCMA or suitable neutral side Soft starter for 3.3 KV, 142 KW Submersible Pump of appropriate capacity to limit the starting current of the Motor, up to three times, built with epoxy cast, copper wound, 5 tap position Coils Vaccum Contactor rated for full starting Current of the Motor, with 4 SWG Panel Box, IP 54, fitted with FCMA/suitable High Temperature sensors and relay system, Temp Scanner with indicator, Current sensor with Relay, Ammeter, Timers, Indication Lamps, fines Switches, MCBs, Contactors and duly wired with 25 sq.mm Cu. multistrand wires for interlocking with Motor VCB, Aux supply will be 230 V, A.C. 20 Hz, with space Heater, 15 Amp Power socket and switch, illumination lamp, and all other standard accessoris as may require to complete the scheme. H.T. Panel (Main Panel) Providing, installing & testing of sheet steel, 10/12 SWG, dust & vermin proof, indoor, floor mounting type HT. Panels, 3.3 KV, 26 KA, BIL 7.2/20/70 KV Peak. Drawout Type, Alluminium Bubar, SCADA Compatiable, complete assembled, wired, tested, painted conforming to relevant ISS complete, suitable for following duties, specification and conforming to detailed specifications (2 1/C 3/C. 2 M/F, 1 Spare M/F, Capacitor feeder-1 Nos) Al Electrical system 3.3 kV. 3 phase, 50 Hz A.C With 26 KA, BII. 72/20/60 KV Peak, fully withdrawable B) VCB Capacity, 3.3 KV, 26 KA-630 Amps each for 2 L/C, for 1 B/C, and 630 Amps For M/F, 630 Amps for 1 spare M/F, 630 Amps for Cap Feeder) 1) The Incomer Panels will be equipped with VCB-630 Amp. Al. Bus Bar and Jumpers of adequate Capacity with Epoxy Post Insulators and supports, Epoxy Cast, CI-1, Wound CT 225/1 Amp. 1 Per Phase for Both Incomers & Bus-Coupler, 3-Core, one for O.C & E.F protection, one for Metering, core of P.S. Class, Ammeter, Voltmeter, KW, KWH, KVAH, RKVAH Meter, frequency meter, Phase Sequence indicator, Withdrawable PTs Star Star connected, earthed, of 3.3 KV/ Root 3/ 110 Volt/ Root 3, with Announciaton facia, Hooter, Bell, Indication Lamps, Selector Switches, Over current and Earth Fault Relay (ABB-REJ 610 or Eqivallent) I.C. Under Voltage Relay, TCS Relay, Multi Function Meters, Master Trip Relay, fuses, MCBs Aux. Relays and Contactors for interlocking, tripping etc and duly wired with 1.5 sq. mm Cu. wire, Complete. 2) Motor Feeder panels will be equipped with VCB 630 Amp, Epoxy cast, wound type CTs, 40/1 Amp 1 per Phase, 2-Core, One for Metering and I for protection, Multi Function Motor Protection Relay, Make- ABBs REM 615 or equivallent, Temperature Scanner 16 Channel, Make - Masibus or equivallent, Under Voltage Relay, Earth Leakage Relay, Master Trip Relay, CBCT-30/ 1. Trip Circuit Supervision Relay, Announciation facia, Vol meter, Ammeter, Multi function meters for MWH, Voltmeter and Analaog Animeter, Selector Switches, Indication Lamps, Aux. Relays, Announciator Hooter, Bell, control gear wiring with 1.5 sq. mm fine stranded Copper wire, control fuses, MCBs of appropriate rating, all standard accessories, 3) Capacitor Foeder will be equipped with VCB 630 Amp, complete with Aluminim Bus-Bar jumper with CTs, Dual Core, resin Cast, One Core for all 3-phases, 40/1 Amp, Dual Core, for Metering & Protection, Accuracy CI-1 for Metering and 5P10 for Protection 3-Ph Combined Over Current and Earth fault Relay, Earth Leakage Relay, Master Trip Relay, CBCT-30/1-2 Nos, Trip Circuit Supervision Relay, Announciation facia, Multi function meters KWH, etc. Analaog Voltmeter and Ammeter control gear wiring with 2.5 sq. man fine stranded Copper wire, control fuses, MCBs of appropriate rating. Aux. Relays, all standard accessories, with fully wired up as per deatils of specifications and requirement Batteries, Battery Chargers and D.C. Distribution Board (D.C.D.8) Panels 14 SWG 1) Providing installing at site of works and testing VRLA Batteries, Battery chargers & D.C.D.B. Complete unit comprising of following and as per detailed specifications. VRLA Batteries with 55 cells 2 Volt each, 200 Arap. Hour capacity, along with all accessories like Battery interconnection leads, Battery Stand etc. complete. 11). Total 2 sets of battery Charger, full wave controlled, Thyristorised, float cum boost type, of rating 30 Amps with ripple less than 2%. equipped with 415 Volt, 3-ph, 50 Hz Transformce of 7.5 KVA, AC O/L relay, Power Contactor on incoming side with HRC fuses and TP MCB of appropriate capacity, selector switch for Float or Boost Mode, with 110 V DC. Power Contactors, Indication for A.C. Supply failure, Phase sequence faulty, Under and Over Voltage protection, Charger O/L. Protection, Auto Change Over from Charger 1 to Charger 2 and Vice Versa, when one of the charger fails, II DCDB comprising of two incoming double pole Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB) 50 Ampere and Outgiong feeder 25 Amp. INo and 10 Nes of 10 Ampere outgoing feeder with MCB or switch lase unit, complete with accessories etc Spares to be Supplied- Firing Card (CPC Card)-2 Nos. Water Level Indicators Providing installing at site of works & testing microprocessor based programmable water level indicators cum controller, for display the Water level of Sump with level sensing probe with Cable of required length, with U-PVC Pipe for enclosing the probe and cable length, junction Box, 6 to 8 digit display indicator, output Relays for Alarm and Tripping for low and High Level water level in Sump. etc. complete for monitoring and controlling the pump operation, suitable for operating on 230 Volts, 50 Hz. A.C. supply and as per detailed specifications Providing, installation, commissioning & testing on site, ete complete of Pump house single Girder suitable EOT crane 5T capacity, soan 3 M to 4vM and Lift upto 6 M including LT Beam Assembly. 4 Mtr X 2 Nos and Bus Bar/DSL. Shrouded Contractor System - 4 Mir Sump model test -Design, fabricating, sump model with standard ratio & giving sump model tes: along with all necessory recommandations.( by taking help highly skilled superiors in this field/CWPRS etc) Spares & Tools Providing at site of works tools & spares complete for Pumps, Panels, fuses Relays for Soft Starter, Fuses and SFU Control Switches as requires, please add list & rates of the same with specificat on

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