
Tender For Rfq-Fixing Manganse Liner Welding Bin-1, Pr 2000150470, Kirandul-Chhattisgarh

Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel India Limited has published Tender For Rfq-Fixing Manganse Liner Welding Bin-1, Pr 2000150470. Submission Date for this Tender is 14-03-2024. Footwears Tenders in Kirandul Chhattisgarh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Rfq-Fixing Manganse Liner Welding Bin-1, Pr 2000150470
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Tender Details

Tender For Rfq-Fixing Manganse Liner Welding Bin-1, Pr 2000150470 1 2000150470 10 10 10 MODIFICATION & ERECTION OF STRUCTURE 40 TO Email : Badrinath.Katta@amns.in Contact : 9425267934 Name : Badrinath, Katta - AM/NS India - Mechani Item Details : Any Special terms <(>&<)> Conditions 1.Supply of relevant PPE such as Helmet, Safety Shoe, Gum boots, Wedling aprons etc under Vendors scope 2. The contractor shall ensure personal protective equipment to his employees is properly used and well maintained 3. Tea, Snacks is under vendor scope during job execution. 4. SAFETY Induction shall be provided all workmen by AMNS Safety officer prior to job start up 5. All statutory requirements to be fulfilled in line with Chhattisgarh Govt.,. 6. Insurance of work men is vendors scope 4. Working crew must be fit physically and mentally. 7. Medical Fitness Certificates to be submitted to AMNS 8. Statutory requirement like PF UAN number <(>&<)> Insurance to be submitted to AMNS for necessary Gate pass entry SAFETY Terms 1. Safety norms to be taken care by contractor as per the AMNS Safety policy. 2. Safety interaction shall be provided to workforce deployed by AMNS Safety officer prior to start up the job. 3. The contractor shall provide all necessary personal protective equipment to his service personnel and ensure properly and well used 4. Contractor must ensure relevant PPE is given such as Jackets, helmet, safety shoe / gum boots, ear plugs, welding aprons, safety goggles and gloves, Face shields etc Item Note

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