
Tender For Supply Of Instrument & Equipments To Bhima Bhoi Medical College & Hospital, Balangir For The Year 2024-25., Balangir-Odisha

Medical College Hospital has published Tender For Supply Of Instrument & Equipments To Bhima Bhoi Medical College & Hospital, Balangir For The Year 2024-25.. Submission Date for this Tender is 20-03-2024. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in Balangir Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Instrument & Equipments To Bhima Bhoi Medical College & Hospital, Balangir For The Year 2024-25.
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Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Instrument & Equipments To Bhima Bhoi Medical College & Hospital, Balangir For The Year 2024-25. Abdominal Retractor Stainless steel 2 Adsons Forcep Blunt 3 lnch Stainless steel 3 Adsons Forcep Blunt 4 lnch Stainless steel 4 Adsons Forcep Blunt 5 Inch Stainless steel 5 Adsons forceps 6 inches 6 Adsons Forcep Tooth 3 lnch Sta nless steel 1 Adsons Forcep Tooth 4 lnch Sta nless steel 8 Adsons Forcep Tooth 5 lnch Sta nless steel 9 Adult Weight Machine 10 Digital Adult Weight Machine 17 Allis Forceps (45 teeth)size-3 lnch 72 Allis Forceps (4 5 te€th) size-4 lnch 74 Allis Forceps (4 5 teeth) size6 lnch 15 Allis Forceps (4-5 teeth) size-8 lnch 76 Artery Forcep Straight 3 lnch Stainless steel 77 Artery Forcep Straight 4 lnch Stainless steel 18 Artery Forcep Straight 5 lnch Stainless steel 19 Artery Forcep Straight 6 lnch Stainless steel 20 Artery Forcep Straight 8 lnch Stainless steel 21 Artery Forceps Curved size 3 lnch Stainless steel 22 Artery Forceps Curved size 4 lnch Stainless steel 23 Artery Forceps Curved size 5 lnch Stainless steel 24 Artery Forceps Curved size 5 lnch Stainless steel 25 Artery Forceps Curved size 8lnch Stainless steel 26 B.P. Handle size-3 21 B.P. Handle size-4 (Scalpel Handle 24 Size) 28 Babcock Forcep 4 lnch Stainless stee 29 Babcock Folgep 5 lnch Stainless stee EaLeur-1, Furcep 6 lnch Stairlless stee Stainless Steel CE Marking stalnless Steel CI Markhls Each 30 tach 31 Babcock Forcep 8 lnch stainless stee 32 Back Rest Sta nless Steel CE Marking Each 33 Bone Cutter Sta nless Steel CE Marking Each 34 BowelSmallsize 5ta nless SteelCE Marking Each 35 Bowel Big Size Sta nless Steel CE Marking Each 36 Bull Dog Clamp (Normal) Sta BuJl Dog Clamp (T Shape) Cheatle Forcep Stand Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 39 Cheatle Forceps Size-4 lnch Stainless 40 cheatle Forceps Size-s lnch Stainless 41 cheatle Forceps Size-6 lnch stainless Cheatle Forceps Size-8 Inch Stainless steel 43 cheatle Forceps Size-10 lnch stainless steel 44 cockers Straight Size-5 lnch stainless steel 45 Cockers Straight Size-6 lnch Stainless steel 46 cockers Strai8ht Size-8 lnch Stainless steel 47 Cord Cutting Scissor Stainless steel 5ta 48 Diverse Retractor Medium Stainless steel 49 Doyen Abdominal Retractor Length-23.5 Cm, Width-7.5cm, Thickness- 37x31mm Eech 50 Diverse Retractor Small Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 51 Epistomy Scissor Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each s2 Fine curved Scissor Size-3 lnch stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 53 Fine Curved Scissor Size-4 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 54 Fine Curved Scissor Size-s lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 55 Fine Curved Scissor Size-6 lnch Stainless steel Sta ess SteelCE Marking Each 56 Fine Scissor Tissue Cutting Sta nless steel Sta ess SteelCE Marking Each 51 Galli Pot 3 lnch Stainless stee Sta ess SteelCE Marking Each 58 Galli Pot 4 lnch Stainless stee Sta ess SteelCE Marking Each 59 Galli Pot 5 Inch Stainless stee Stain ess stee CE Marking Each 60 Galli Pot 6 lnch Stainless stee Stain ess stee CE Markins Each 61 creen Armytage Forcep Size-4 lnch Stainless steel Stain ess stee CE Marking Each 62 creen Armytage Forcep 5ize-5 lnch Stainless steel Stain ess Stee CE Marking Each 63 Green Armytage Forcep Sjze-6 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Markine Each 64 Green armytage Forcep Size-8 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 65 Hynis lnstrument Set Stainless Steel CE Marking Each Set 66 Kidney Tray Small 6 lnch Stainless steel Sta nless Steel CE Marking Each 67 Kidney Trav Size- 8 lnch Stainless steel Sta n ess Steel CE Marking Each 68 Kidney Tray Size-10 lnch stainless steel Sta n ess Steel CE Marking Each 69 Kidney Tray Size-12 lnch Stainless steel Sta n ess Steel CE Marking Each 70 Kochers Forceps (Curved) 6 lnch Stainless steel Sta n ess Steel CE Marking Each 71 Kochers Forceps (Curved) 8 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 72 Kochers Forceps (straight) 6 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 73 (ochers Forceps (straight)8 lnch Stainless steel stainless Steel CE Marking Each 74 Lona Curved Fin e Scissor Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 75 Lona curved Thin Artery Forcep Stainless Steel CE MarkinB Each l6 Mavo Tissue Cutting Scissorsize-4 hch Stainles5 steel stainless Steel CE Marking Each 11 lvlayoTissue cuttingScissorSize s lnch Stoinlcts stccl Mayo Tissue CuttinS Scissor Size-6 lnchStainlesssteel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 79 MayoTissue CuttinA Sclssor Ske 7.5 lnch Stainlesssteel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 80 MayoTissue Cutting Scissor Size 8 hch Stainlesssteei Stainless Steel CE Markine Each 81 Mayo Tissue CuttinBscissorSlze-10 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 82 MayoTirsue (Curued) scissorsize-12 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 83 Metallic Tongue Depressor Small Each 84 Metallic Tongue Depressor Medium Each 85 Metallic Tongue Depressor Large Each 86 MosquitoArtery Forcep Cutued Size-3 lnch Stalnles steel Stain ess SteelcE MarkinB Each 87 MosqultoArtery Forcep Cu.ved Slze-3,5 lnch Stainless Stainless Steel cE Marking Each 88 MosquitoArtery Fo.cepCurved Size-4 lnch Stainles5 steel Stainless Stee CE Marking Each 89 Mosquito ArteryForcep Curved Slze-5 lnch Stainless steei Stain esr SteelcE Marking Each 90 MosquitoArtery Forcep Curved 5De-6 lnch Stainlesssteel Stainless Steel cE Marking Each 91 Mosquito Art€ryforcep Straight Size-3 lnch Stainless StainlessSteel CE Marking Each 92 MosquitoArtery Forcep 5traiBht 5ize-4 lnch Stainless Stalnless Steel CE Marking Each 93 Mosquito Artery Forcep Straight Size-5 lnch Stainless steel Staioless Steel CE Marking Each 94 Mosquito Artery Forcep Straight Size-6 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 95 Needle Holder Straight 2500 teeth/ Sq. lnch Stain less steel- 10 lnch Stainless steeles Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 96 Needle HolderStraight 2500 teeth/Sq. lnch Stainless steel 3 lnch Stainless st€eles Sta in,ess Steel CE Marking Each 97 Needle Holder Straight 2500 teeth/ Sq. lnch Stain less steel-4 lnch Stainl€ss steeles Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 98 Needle HolderStraight 2500 teeth/5q. lnch Stalnless steelS lnch Stainless steeles Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 99 Needle Holder Straight -6 lnch Stainless steeles Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 100 Needle Holder Straight -8 lnch Stainless steeles Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 101 Needle holder heavy 6 inches Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 102 Needle holder heavyS inches Stainless Steel CE IMarking Ea ch 103 Plain Forceps 5i2e-4 nch Sta nless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 144 Plain Forceps Size-5 nch Sta nless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 105 Plain Forceps Size-6 nch Sta nless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each Plaln Forceps Slze-B lnch sra nless sreel 5ralnless sreel at lvlarklnq Lach rc7 Plain Scissor 4 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 108 Plain Scissor 5 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 109 Plain Scissor 6 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 110 Plain Scissor 8 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 111 Proctoscope Clamps (Adult) Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 112 Proctoscope Clamps (small For Child) Recta ngu lar Steel Tray l0x8lnchStainlesssteel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 114 Rectang!lar SteelTray 12x10 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE MarkinB Each 115 Right Angle Retractor Small4 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 716 RightAngle Rekactor 5mall5 lnch Stainless steet Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 717 RiBht Angle Retractor Small 6 tnch stainless steet Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 118 Right Angle Retractor 8 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 119 Scissor Straight Size-6 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 120 Scissor Straight Size-8 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 121 Scissor Long Curved 4 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 122 Scissor Long Cu;ved 5 lnch Stainless steel Stain ess Steel CE Marking Each 723 Scissor Long Curved 6 Inch Stainless steel Stain ess Steel CE Marking Each 124 Scissor Long Curved 8 lnch Stainless steel Stain ess SteelCE Marking Each 725 Scissor Long Straight 4 lnch Stainless steel Stain ess Steel CE Marking Each 126 Scissor Long Straight 5 lnch Stainless steel Stainless SteelCE Mark n8 Each 121 Scissor tong Straight 5 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 128 Scissor Long Straight 8 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Mark n8 Each 129 Scissor Short Curved 4 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 130 Scissor Short Curved 5 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 131 Scissor Short Curved 6 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 132 Scissor Short Curved 8 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 133 Single Blade Speculum Sta nlest Steel CE MarkinB Each 734 Double Blade Speculum Sta nless Steel CE Marking Each 135 Sinus Forcep 3 lnch Stainless steel 5ta nless Steel CE Marking Each 136 Sinus Forcep 4 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 131 Sinus Forcep 5 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 138 Sinus Forcep 5 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 139 Sims Speculum Stainless Steel CE Marklng Each 140 Cosco Speculum Stainless Steel CE Marking tach 141 Speculum SmallSize Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 142 Sponge Hold n8 Forcep 4 lnch stainless steel Stainless Stee CE Marking Each 743 Sponge Holding Forcep 5 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Stee CE Marking Each 144 Sponge Holdin8 Forcep 6 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Stee CE Marking Each 745 SponSe Holding Forcep 8 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Stee CE Marking Each 145 Sponge Holding Forcep 10 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Stee CE Marking Each 147 Sponge Holding Forcep Straight 10 lnch Stainless steel Stethoscope (Adult & Paediatric) Sterili2ed Drum Size 11x9 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 150 Sterilized Drum Size-9x9 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Markine Each 151 Stitch Cutting Scissor Stain ess Stee CE Marking Each 152 Suture Cutting Scissor Stain ess Stee CE Marking Each 153 Tailors Scissor 12 lnch Stainless steel (Bie) Stain ess Stee CE Marking Each 154 Disposable Tetra Stain ess stee CE Marking Each 155 Tissue Cutting Scissor Stainless Stee CE Marking Each 156 Tooth Forceps 3 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 757 Tooth Forceps 4 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 158 Tooth Forceps 5 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 159 Tooth Forceps 6 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Markins Each 160 Tooth Forceps 8 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Markins Each 161 Tooth Forceps (Large) 10 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 162 Torch Light Each 163 TonvelClip Stainless Steel CE Marking 164 Baby Tray 18x12 Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 165 lnstrument Tray 15x12 Sta nless Steel CF Markins Each 166 Tray Small 10X8 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 767 Trav Small 8X6 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 168 Urethral Dilatation (Metallic) Each 169 Urethral Dilatation (Teflon) Each 770 Dilator Sets Stainless Steel CE Marking Each Uterine Sound Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 172 Uterine Curate 8 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 173 Uterine Curate 10 lnch stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 174 Uterine Clamp 8 Inch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Marking Each 115 Uterine CIamp 10 lnch Stainless steel Stainless Steel CE Markins Each 176 Venesection Set Stainless Steel CE Marking Each SET 177 DigitaJ Hae m oglobin ometer (BIOSENSE) Each 118 Myoma Screw Each 119 Tubal Recanalisation 5et Each 180 Ventouse Cup Ea€h 181 Outlet Forceps INSTRUMENT STERILIZER (ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT STERILIZER (ELECI Dressing Trollev Linear Gl Stapler With catridge Blue-100mm/3.8mm, Green-80mm/4.8mm tarh skin Hook (Adult) Stalnless steel 6 Inches Fafh Palr LAt 188 1e! lntestinal alamp (non crushing) Stralght Fehland tach Each Eaah lntestinal clamp (non-crushing) Skin 6r!fting Blodc Nem6-Fsemann standard 190 watsons skin Srafting handle Trucut automatic Biopsy Gun Size-16G, 10cm length Each 792 Trucut Biopsy Needle (manual) Each 193 Stevenson Tenotomy Scissor Stainless steel size-stra lnch, Curved sharp-4.25 ght sharp-4.25 nch super cut Each 794 Czerny Retractor Each 195 SPC Trocar Size-16,18 Each 796 Torumo guide wire Size 150cm 0.035 inch Each 191 Urology Teflon lerial dilator Each 198 Tweezer Forcep (fine) Name-Adson Microforcep Size-6 lnches,4lnches Each 199 Twin intestinal clamp (non-crushing) Each 204 Cooleys Bull dog Forcep Stainless steel Size-90mm/3.50 inches Each 207 Facial Nerve Dissector Each 242 Weitlaner Retractor (2x3 Prongs Blunt) Each 203 Weitlaner Retractor (2x3 Prongs Sharp) Each 204 Weitlaner Retractor (3x4 Prongs Blunt) Each 205 Weitlaner Retractor {3x4 Prongs Blunt) Each 206 ICD Drain Clamper Each 207 satinskys vascualr clamp { large) Each 208 satinskys vascualr clamp ( medium) Each 209 satinskys vascuak clamp ( small) Each 2to Drain Milker Each 211 Bull dog curve vascular clamp meduim and large size Each 212 Abdominal Mopping Tetra Laproscopic Maryland Bipolar Cautery Each 214 Safety Trocar atrumatic (5mm) Each 215 Safety Trocar atrumatic (10mm) Each 216 Vesselsealer Each 211 Haemostatic Forcep Each 218 V Lock Suture Each 219 Grasper Plane Each 220 Grasper Tooth Each 221 10mm Port Each Pair 222 5mm Port Each Pair

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2000 /-
INR 50000.0 /-
Tender Value
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