Bids Are Invited For Miscellaneous Items Allin-One Computer Set , Laptop , Color Printer , Air Conditioner , Lcd Projecter , Lcd Screen , Over Head Projecter , Medium Size Tray , Big Size Tray , Small Kidney Tray , Bug Kidney Tray , Straight Artery Forceps , Straight Scissors , Small Bowl , Medium Bowl , Mucous Extractor , Cord Clamp , Mayo Sousors Curved , Sponge Holding Forceps , Speculum , Valsellum , Speculum Sirmss , Hegar Cervical Dilator , Needle Holder , Toothed Forceps , Episiotomy Scissors , Kellys Pad , Ryles Tube , Small Size Basin , Big Size Basin , Utility Gloves , Plastic Aprons , Boot , Goggles , Black Bucket Yellow Bucket Blue Bucker White Hocker , Measuring Jar , Nail Brush , Torch , Focus Light , Sterlizer , Rectal Thermometer , Enema Can With Tubing , Wooden Food Rest , Infentometer , Food Operated Suction Machine , Electrical Suction Machine , Feeding Cup , Feeding Spoon , Glucometer With Strip , Dinner Set , Mixer Grinder , Refrigerator , Microwave Oven , Patient Cotsadult , Child , Bed Side Locker , Revolving Stools , Adult Male Importedadult Female , Child Manikin , New Born , Trays 24X16tray 14X10tray 11X9tray 8X5 , Trays With Cover Associated Sizes , Bowls 16 Diameter , Bowls 10 Diameter , Bowls 4 Diameter , Bowls 2-3 Diameter , Bowls With Cover 6 Diameterbowls With Cover 4 Diameter , Kidney Trays Of Assorted Sizes Big , Mesuring Jugs 1000 Ml , Mesuring Jugs 500 Ml , Mesuring Jugs 250Ml , Assorted Size Basins , Catheter Dish With Cover , Knife Dish With Cover , Feeding Cups , Douche Can , Sputum Mugs , Bed Pans , Funnel 4Diameter , Funnel 2Diameter , Jars With Covers 6X4 , Dressing Drums 8X4dressing Drums 12X9 , Tub For Sitz Bath , Saucepan With Lid 1 Lt Capacitysaucepan With Lid 2 Lt Capacity , Kettle With 1 Lt Capacitykettle With 2 Lt Capacity , Trolleys With Upper And Lower Shelves Without Steel Top , Pint Measure , Gallipotsmugs , Bottle Brish , Cheatle 1 116Pint Measure , Gallipotsmugs , Bottle Brish , Cheatle Bid De Ft Oa Ri Cle Sp S S P O N Ge Holding Forcepsartery Clamps Straight 6Artery Clamps Curved 6Dissecting Forceps Toothed , Dissecting Forceps Non Toothed , Mosquito Forceps , Kochers , Scissors Surgical 8 , Bandage , Mayos Cutting Scissors , Tissue Foreceps , Sinus Forceps , Biopsy Forceps , Liver Biopsy Needle , Alice Forceps , Probegroove Director With Probe , Month Gagtongue Depressortongue Holding Forceps , Nasal Specilumaural Speculum , Retractors Single Hook , Retractorsdoublehook , Catheters , Airwaylaryngoscope Paediatriclaryngoscope Paediatric Adultproctoscope , Infusion Set , Autoscopeophthalmoscopetrachcostomy Set , Head Minortranning Fork , Oxygen Cylinder With Stand , Measuring Cups 240 Mlmeasuring Cups 120 Mlmeasuring Cups 30 Mlundineeyebath Cup , Pipettesdroppers , Pulse Meter , Glass Slides With Cover Box , Bottles 500 Ml Capacity For Lotion And Mixtures , Automizrmanometer , Glucometer , Head Mirror , Syrings And Needles 2 Ml , Syrings And Needles 5 Ml , Syrings And Needles 10 Ml , Syrings And Needles 20 Ml , Tuberculin Syringe , Insulin Syrings With Needle , Needle All Sizes One Dozeb Each , Lumbar Puncture Needle , Trochar Cannula For Abdominal Paracenteisi , Ivcannula Different Types Sand Sizes , Biopsy Needleb Adult , Biopsy Needleb Children , Lumber Puncture Needle , Needle Holder 6 , Needle Holder 7 , Needle Holder 8 , Suture Cutting Scissors , Suture Needle Straight , Suture Needle Curved , Mackintosh Roll Full Bed Length Qtyin Metres , Draw Mackintosh , Extra For Treatment And Dressing , Hot Water Bag , Ice Caps , Ice Collar , Corrugated Rubber Sheet , Gloves Different Sizes , Urinary Catheters , Foleys Catheters , Nasal Catheters , Plain Catheters , Rectal Catheters , Finger Stalls Different Sizes Set , Air Rings , Mucus Sucker , Breast Pump , Nipple Shield , Gastric Lavage Tube , Ryles Tube , Flatus Tube , Blakemore Sange Staken Tube , Rubber Tubes With Different Diameter And Size , Rectale Syringe With Nozzle , Ring Pressories Each Size , Douche Nozzle Different Size , Mortar And Postal , Nelsons Inhaler , Spirit Lamp , Test Tube Stand , Test Tube Holder In Dozen , Sterilizer Small , Portable Autoclave , Adult Weighing Scale , Baby Weighing Scale , Back Rest , Splints Different Sizes , Iv Stand , Microscopes , Sphypgmomanometer Mercury , B Electronic Digital , Stethoscope , Over Bed Tablecardiac Table , Screens Bed Side Curtains , Three Way Adapter , Matress Adult , Matress Child , Mattress Cover Adult , Mattress Cover Child , Bed Sheets , Baby Cot Sheets , Draw Sheets , Sand Bags Covers , Sponge Cloth , Hot Water Bag Covers , Ice Cap Covers , Air Ringcusion Covers , Gownsmasks , Patients Clothes Maleset , Patients Clothes Femaleset , Baby Dresses Of Different Sizesset Total Quantity : 1023