
Tender For Supply Of Horticulture And Landscaping In Municipal Corporation Satna (M.P.), satna-Madhya Pradesh

Municipal Corporation has published Tender For Supply Of Horticulture And Landscaping In Municipal Corporation Satna (M.P.). Submission Date for this Tender is 06-03-2024. Landscape Tenders in satna Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Horticulture And Landscaping In Municipal Corporation Satna (M.P.)
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Horticulture And Landscaping In Municipal Corporation Satna ( M.P. ) - 1 Supply of Horticulture and Landscaping 2 (11.4)Supplying, stacking and spreading of good earth for plantationat site including royalty and carriage (earth measured in stacks will be reduced by 20% for payment. 3 (11.9.1)Grassing with ‘Doob’ grass including watering and maintenance of the lawn for 30 days or more till the grass forms a thick lawn free from weeds and fit for mowing. ( if needed good earth shall be paid separately). In rows 15 cm apart in either direction. 4 (11.13)Providing and planting different variety of plants of approved quality and sizes as mentioned including making pits of required size at site, refilled with B.C. Soil mixture manuring and pesticide etc. complete (to be paid separately) including watering and 90 days maintenance from the date of final bill as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge complete in all respect(B.C. Mixture paid separately). 5 (11.13.1)Shrubs :- Bahunia Tomentosa, Beloperone Species, Caselpinnia Pulcherima, Bird of Paradise, Callandra Emarginata, Callandra Hybrida, Cassia Bi flora, Cassia Laevigata, Cestrum Nocturnum, Dombeya Mastersii, Euphorbia Caracasana, Euphorbia Pulcherima, Excorea bi color, Excorea tri color, Ficuas Blackii, Ficus Reginold, Ficus Panda, Gardenia, Gulphinia, Jasminoides, Hamelia Pattens, Heliconia, Hibiscus Rosasinensis, Hibiscus Verigated, Hibiscus Viceroy, Jatropha Multifida, Largestomia Indica, Malpighia Coccigera, Murraya Exotica, Murraya Koeniggi, Murraya Sambucum, Mussaenda Erythrophylla, Nerium Oleander, Nyctanthus Arbortristis, Plumbego Capensis, Putranjeeva Roxburghii, Tabernaemontana Coronaria, Tabernaemontana Divaricata, Tecoma Gaudi Chaudi, Tecoma Stans, Thevetia Nerifolia, Thuja Compacta and equivalent plants. 6 (11.13.2)Creeper plants (height:30cm to 45 cm) Allamanda Cathartica, Allamanda Grandiflora, Allamanda Violacea, Begnonia Venustha, Boughan Villas (Variety: Butiana, Lady Mary Bearing, Mahaara, Mohan, Scarlet Queen Variagata, Glabra Formosa, Peruviana Odissi, Partha, Shubhra, Thimma, Spectabillis, L.N. Birla, Refulgens), Clerodendrum Splendens, Clerodendrum Thompsonae, Ipomea Purpurea, Jasminum Grandiflorum, Jasminum Humile (Yellow), Passiflora Caerulea (Rakhi Bel), Petrea Volubilis, Quis Qualis Indica, Tecoma Grandiflora, Veronia Elaegnifolia (Curtain Creeper), Mandvellia, Garlic Creeper, Callimitis 7 (11.13.3)Ground cover plants height: 30cm-45cm Alpinia Verigated, Alternanthera species, Aspyragus Myerri, Aspyragus Springenii, Aspidistra, Canna (regular, Dwarf), Chlorodendron Inermii, Chlorophytum (Green), Chlorophytum verigated, Coffea Chinensis, Dianella Verigated, Durranta (Goldiana, Green, Verigated), Euphorbia Milli hybrid, Ipomea (Golden leaves), Iresine herbstii, Juniper Prostata, Juniper Africana, Ophiopogon plant, Ophiopogon jaburan, Portulacaria Afra (jade Plant), Schefflera Green, Schefflera verigated, Setcreasea Purpurea, Syngonium (Butterfly) species, Syngonium miniature, Syngonium Dwarf, Syngonium variegated, Tradescantia, Wadelia Trilobata, Zebrina Tradescantia, Pendanas, Spider Lily Black, Spider Lily verigated, Aclypha (Red, Green, Mini), Lantana (Red, Yellow, Purple, White, verigated), Haemalia Mini and similar plants. 8 (11.13.4)Winter seasonal height: 20-30 cm Any of one from Alyssum, Anemone, Antirrhinium Hybrid, Aster Hybrid, Begonia and its different varieties, Calendula, Carnation, Coleus, Daisy, Dianthus, Fressia, Gazania, Impatiens, Kalanchoe, Marigold Inca, Missam branthemum, Nemasia, Nasturitium, Ornamental Kale, Pansy Hybrid Sakata, Petunia Hybrids such as Bravo, Star and Picotee, Salvia, Stock, Stock, Verbena 9 (11.13.5)Summer and rainy seasonal plants Any of one from Celosia, Caladium Hybrid, Cockscomb, Cosmos, Gaillardia, Gomphorena, Kochchea, Portulacca, Sunflower Hybrid, Sunflower Single, Tapiocca Variegated (Manihot Esculenta), Vinca, Zinnia Hybrids. 10 (11.15.1)Providing & fixing tree guard of specified size with Angle Iron/ Flats and welded mesh or chainlink mesh as per approved design by Engineer in charge including applying approved steel primer. Steel work in built up section for construction of tree guard

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2000 /-
INR 20000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 10 Lakhs /-
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