Supply Of Consumable For Laboratory/Immunisation, Ii) Laboratory Equipments, Iii) Generic And General Medicines And Iv) Various Vaccine Of Livestock And Poultry Birds. , A:Consumable For Laboratory/Immunisation , Cotton Wool (Absorbant) Absorbent 400 Gm Per Roll , Cotton Wool (Non-Absorbant) Non Absorbent 400 Gm Per Roll , Disposable Syringe With 24G Needle 2 Ml Per Piece , Disposable Syringe With 23G Needle 5 Ml Per Piece , Disposable Syringe With 18G Needle 10 Ml Per Piece , Bandage 15 Cm X 2.5 Meters Per Piece , Nylon Thread No. 1, 50Ft Long Per Piece , Cotton Thread For Suturing 50 Ft Long Per Piece , Catgut Chromic Atraumatic No. 1Per Piece , Catgut Chromic Atraumatic No. 2 Per Piece , Catgut No. 1/0 Per Piece , Catgut No. 2/0 Per Piece , B.P. Blade No. 11 Per Piece , B.P. Handel No. 11 Per Piece , B.P. Blade No. 23 Per Piece , B.P. Handel No. 23 Per Piece , Surgical Hand Gloves 7 Inch Per Piece , Personal Protective Equipment Kit(Ppe) For General Use Each Pack Contain I) Surgeon Gown-1 No., Ii) Hood Cap -1 No. Iii) Face Mask (3 Ply) -1 No. Iv) Latex Gloves 7/71/2 No - 1+1 No. V) Shoe Cover (L) – 1 No. Vi) Swimming Goggle -1 No. , Disposable Plastic Pipette(Hi-Media) 10 Ml Capacity Per Piece , Surgical Mask 24 X 14 Cm Per Piece , Ear Tag Applicator Standard Size Per Piece , Scalp Vein Set 20 Gz. Pack Of 10 , Iv Set 1500 Mm , Post Mortem Set Cartilage Knife-4.5” Amputation Knife 8” Brain Knife 10” Bowl Scissor 7.5”. Post Mortem Scissor-6” Allies Tissue Forceps 8 Dissecting Forceps 8” Hammer Round With Metal Rod Etc. Etc. , Endotracheal Tube 7.5 Mm Per Piece , Noso Oropharyngeal Tube 40 Mm Per Piece , Plaster Of Paris 100 Gmper Pack , Cannula 24 G Per Piece , B: Laboratory Equipments , Artery Forceps Stainless Steel Straight 6 Inch Long Per Piece , Artery Forceps Stainless Steel Curved 8 Inch Long Per Piece , Scissors Stainless Steel Straight 4 Inch Long Per Piece , Scissors Stainless Steel Curved 6 Inch Long Per Piece , Artery Forceps Toothed Stainless Steel Straight 10 Inch Long Per Piece , Artery Forceps Toothed Stainless Steel Curved 12 Inch Long Per Piece , Allies Forceps 6 Inch Long Per Piece , Allies Forceps 8 Inch Long Per Piece , Vaccine Carrier 20 Lts. Per Piece , Refrigerator (Vertical) 425Lts.Per Piece , Needle Holders Straight 6 Inch Long Per Piece , Needle Holders Curved 8 Inch Long Per Piece , Canine Nail Cutter 6 Inch Long Per Piece , Thumb Forceps 8 Inch Long Per Piece , Kidney Tray (Stainless Steel) 10 Inch Per Piece , Stainless Steel Tray With Cover 10X8 Inch Per Piece , Rat Toothed Dissecting Forceps 6 Inch Long Per Piece , Digital Clinical Thermometer 8 Inch Long Per Piece , Suturing Needle Assorted Size Straight Per Box , Vacutainer 10 Ml X 100 Per Box , Dissecting Forceps 6 Inch Per Piece , Sponge Holder 6 Inch Per Piece , Doyel Intestinal Forceps 6 Inch Per Piece , Randall Forceps 6 Inch Per Piece , Babcock Forceps 6 Inch Per Piece , X-Ray Film 12X15 Inch 50 Sheets Per Piece , X-Ray Film 8X10 Inch 50 Sheets Per Piece , X-Ray View Box 14X17 Inch Per Piece , Chemical Developer 13.5 Ltrs. Per Piece , Chemical Fixer 13.5 Ltrs. Per Piece , Iris Gum Scissor 11 Inch Per Piece , Screw Cap Sample Container 50Ml Capacity (Tarsons) 50Ml Per Package , Vacutainer Blood Collection Tube 4 Ml 4 Ml Per Vial , Ethyle Alcohol 500Ml (Qualigens) 500 Ml Per Piece , Giemsa Stain, 100Ml (Fisher) 100 Ml Per Piece , Centrifuge Tube Conical Bottom (15Ml Capacity) Plastics 15Ml Per Piece , Centrifuge Tube Conical Bottom (50Ml Capacity) Plastics 50Ml Per Piece , Blood Sample Collection Vial(Edta/Anticoagulant) 4 Ml Per Vial , Parafilm 4In. X 125Ft.(Himedia) 4In. X 125Ft. , Cryochill Vial Self Standing 1.8Ml Sterile (Tarsons) 1.8Ml Sterile Vial , Cryovial Box X 81 Places 1.8 Ml X 81 Places , Pbsliquid (Himedia) 500 Ml X 20 , Tarsons (Micro Tips 2-10?L) (Micro Tips 2-10?L) , Tarsons (Micro Tips 2-200?L) (Micro Tips 50-200?L) , Spirit Lamp 1 Unit , Hiviraltm Transport Medium, 3Ml (Himedia) 3Ml (Himedia) , Pasteur Pipette, 3Ml 3Ml , Olympus Magnus Microscope Model Ch20i, Led, 250 Volt Stage : Size Mechanical120 X 132 Mm Dimension :20X8x10 Cm Magnification : 4X,10X, 40X, 100X , Gram Stain Kit (Himedia) 200 Ml Gram Stain Kit (Himedia) , C:Generic And General Medicines , Inj. Ampicillin + Cloxacillin2 Gm Ampicillin 1 Gm + Cloxacillin 1 Gm , Inj. Ampicillin + Cloxacillin 3 Gm Ampicillin 2 Gm + Cloxacillin 1 Gm , Inj. Ceptriazone 500 Mg 500 Mg Per Vial , Inj. Ceptriazone 2 Mg 2 Gm Per Vial , Inj. Vitamin B1, B6, B12 Vitamin B1:50 Mg, B6:50 Mg, B12: 500 Mcg/Ml , Inj. Oxytetracyclin La Oxytetracyclin Digydrade 200 Mg/Ml , Anticocidial Powder Sulphaquinaxaline 18.7 Gm+Diaveridine 3.3. Gm , Inj. Procaine Penicillin 40Lac I.U. Per Vial , Inj. Dextrose 5% Dextrose Anhydrous 5% W/V+Sodium Chloride 0.9% W/V) , Inj. Dextrose Normal Saline Sodium Chloride 0.9% W/V , Inj. Nimesulide 15 Ml 15 Ml Per Vial , Inj. Avilin 10 Ml 10 Ml Per Vial , Inj. Dexona 30 Ml Per Vial , Inj. Meloxicam + Paracetamol Meloxicam 5Mg + Paracetamol 150 Mg + Lignocaine Hcl1% , Inj. Atropine Sulphate 0.6 Mg/Ml , Inj. Ethamsylate 125 Mg/Ml , Inj. Frusemide 10 Mg/1Ml , Glycerine 100 Gm/Bottle , Inj. Lignocaine Hcl Lignocaine Hcl 121.3Mg + Nacl 6Mg , Inj. Metoclopramide 10Mg/2Ml , Potassium Permanganate 100 Gm Crystals/Pack , Povidone Iodine Oint. 5% W/W , Turpentine Oil (Plasticcontainer) I.P. , Inj. Ivermectin 10 Mg (1%) Per Ml , Piperazine Hexa Hydrate Liquid Piperazine Hexa Hydrate 45% W/V , Inj. Enrofloxacin 5% Enrofloxacin 5% W/V 50 Mg/Ml , Inj. Chloropheniramine Meleate Chloropheniramine Meleate 10 Mg/Ml , Inj. Xylazine 10 Ml Xylazine Hydrochloride 23.32 Mg/Ml , Inj. Ringers’ Lactate Sodium Chloride 0.60 Gm. Sodium Lactate 0.27 Gm, Potassium Chloride 0.04 Gm, Calcium Chloride 0.02 Gm/100 Ml , Providone Iodine Solution 10% Ip 10% Ip , Inj. Dexamethazone5ml 4 Gm/Ml , Tab. Albendazole 600 Mg Per Tablet , Boric Acid 250 G Per Packet , Bleaching Powder 250 G Per Packet , Savlon 500 Ml Per Bottle , Phynyl 450 Ml Per Bottle , Surgical Spirit 450 Ml Per Bottle , Coal Tar Crude 500 G Per Bottle , Concentrate Formaldehyde 5 Lts. Per Bottle , Concentrate Sodium Hypochloride 5 Lts. Per Bottle , Mineral Mixture With Vitamin & Trace Mineral Powder 2 Kg. Per Pack , D:Various Vaccine Of Livestock And Poultry Birds , Black Quarter Vaccine (Containing Clostridium Chauvoei Killed Suspension) 30 Doses Per Vial , Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Vaccine (Containing Inactivated Pasteurella Multocida) 30 Doses Per Vial , Anti Rabies Vaccine Inactivated Cell Culture 10 Doses Per Vial , Lumpy Skin Disease (Lsd) Vaccine 100 Doses Per Vial , Ranikhet F1 Vaccine (Lasota Strain) 100 Doses Per Vial , Ranikhet Vaccine(Containing R2b Strain) 100 Doses Per Vial , Fowl Pox Vaccine 100 Doses Per Vial , Gumboro/Ibd Killed Vaccine 100 Doses Per Vial , Intermediate Type Strain 500 Doses Per Vial , Gumboro/Ibd Killed Vaccine 400 Doses Per Vial