
Bids Are invited for Arduino Uno - Arduino Uno , Arduino Nano - Arduino Nano , Arduino Mega - Arduino Mega , 3D Pen - 3D Pen , Flamesensor - Flamesensor , Female Berg Strip - Female Berg Strip , 9V Battery - 9V Battery , 9V Battery Rechargble - 9V Ba, Kapurthala-Punjab

Department of School Education has published Bids Are invited for Arduino Uno - Arduino Uno , Arduino Nano - Arduino Nano , Arduino Mega - Arduino Mega , 3D Pen - 3D Pen , Flamesensor - Flamesensor , Female Berg Strip - Female Berg Strip , 9V Battery - 9V Battery , 9V Battery Rechargble - 9V Ba. Submission Date for this Tender is 01-03-2024. Ultrasonic sensor Tenders in Kapurthala Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are invited for Arduino Uno - Arduino Uno , Arduino Nano - Arduino Nano , Arduino Mega - Arduino Mega , 3D Pen - 3D Pen , Flamesensor - Flamesensor , Female Berg Strip - Female Berg Strip , 9V Battery - 9V Battery , 9V Battery Rechargble - 9V Ba
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are invited for Arduino Uno - Arduino Uno , Arduino Nano - Arduino Nano , Arduino Mega - Arduino Mega , 3D Pen - 3D Pen , Flamesensor - Flamesensor , Female Berg Strip - Female Berg Strip , 9V Battery - 9V Battery , 9V Battery Rechargble - 9V Battery Rechargble , 11.1 Battery Rechargble - 11.1 Battery Rechargble , Glue Stick - Glue Stick , Oled Display - Oled Display , Male Berg Strip - Male Berg Strip , 16X2 Lcd Display With I2c Fixed - 16X2 Lcd Display With I2c Fixed , Usb Cable Set Mini 12 Inches Or More - Usb Cable Set Mini 12 Inches Or More , Alligator Connectors - Alligator Connectors , Vibrating Motor - Vibrating Motor , Wemos D1 R2 - Wemos D1 R2 , Node Mcu - Node Mcu , Esp 32 - Esp 32 , Bo Motor Wheel - Bo Motor Wheel , Bo Motor - Bo Motor , Sound Playback Module - Sound Playback Module , L293d Motor Driver Module - L293d Motor Driver Module , Active Buzzer Big - Active Buzzer Big , Active Buzzer Small - Active Buzzer Small , Joystick - Joystick , Keypad - Keypad , Ldr Module - Ldr Module , Laser Diode Emitter - Laser Diode Emitter , Gsm - Gsm , 7 Segment Led Display - 7 Segment Led Display , Bluetooth Module - Bluetooth Module , 8X8 Led Matrix Module - 8X8 Led Matrix Module , Piezoelectric Plate - Piezoelectric Plate , Water Pump Module - Water Pump Module , Linear Voltage Regulator 7809 - Linear Voltage Regulator 7809 , Linear Voltage Regulator 7812 - Linear Voltage Regulator 7812 , Linear Voltage Regulator 7805 - Linear Voltage Regulator 7805 , Battery Clips With Dc Jack - Battery Clips With Dc Jack , Hook-Up Wires - Hook-Up Wires , Jumper Cable Maletomale - Jumper Cable Maletomale , Jumper Cable Maletofemale - Jumper Cable Maletofemale , Jumper Cable Femaletofemale - Jumper Cable Femaletofemale , Rgb Leds - Rgb Leds , Leds Red - Leds Red , Leds Green - Leds Green , Leds Blue - Leds Blue , Leds Yellow - Leds Yellow , Leds White - Leds White , Lm 555 Timer Ic - Lm 555 Timer Ic , Dc Motor - Dc Motor , Ultrasonic Sensor - Ultrasonic Sensor , Ir Sensor -

Key Value

Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 5 Lakhs /-
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