Delivery Of Consumable Items For Serb Funded Research Project In Zoology Laboratory Principal Investigator Prof Chitra Mandal , ( - ) -Epigallocatechingallate ( 50Mg ) , Annexin V-Fitc Apoptosis Detection Kit ( 100 Test ) , Resveratrol ( 100 Mg ) , Ibuprofen ( 5G ) , Naringenin ( 5G ) , Tolmetin ( 5G ) , Isopropanol ( 2.5L ) , Sodium Borohydride ( Nabh4 ) 100G , Griess Reagent ( Nitrite Assay ) 10G , Hoechst-33342 ( Bisbenzimide H 33342 Trihydrochloride ) ( 25Mg ) , Cdk Antibody Sampler Kit ( Cdc2 Mouse Mab - 20 ?L, Rabbit Cdk2 Rabbit Mab -20 ?L, Rabbit Iggcdk4 Rabbit Mab -20 ?L, Rabbit Iggcdk6 Rabbit Mab-20 ?L, Rabbit Iggcdk7 Mouse Mab -20 ?L, Mouse Igg2bcdk9 Rabbit Mab-20 ?L, Rabbit Anti-Rabbit Igg, Hrp-Linked Antibody-100 ?L, Goat Anti-Mouse Igg, Hrp-Linked Antibody -100 ?L, Horse ) , Lipopolysaccharide ( Lps ) ( 25Mg ) , Minimum Essential Medium Eagle With Earles Salts And L-Glutamine, Without Sodium Bicarbonate, Powder ( 1L×6 ) , Dulbecco’S Modified Eagle Medium ( Dmem ) , High Glucose W / 4.5Gms Glucose Per Litre, 25Mm Hepes Buffer, L-Glutamine, Sodium Pyruvate And Sodium Bicarbonate ( Powder ) ( 500Ml×2 ) , Sybr Green Rt Pcr Kit ( 100 Reaction ) ( 1 Kit ) , Acrylamide ( 500G ) , Bis-Acrylamide ( 100G ) , Aps / Ammonium Persulphate ( 500G ) , Temed ( 25Ml ) , Glycine Ar ( 500G×3 ) , Tris Base ( 500G×3 ) , Sds ( 500G ) , 2- Marcaptoethanol ( 100Ml ) , Complete Protease Inhibitor Cocktail ( 100X Concentrate ) ( 24×100?L ) , Chloroform ( 500Ml ) , Triton X-100 ( 500Ml ) , Tris Buffered Saline ( Tbs ) 10X ( 1L ) , Tween 20 ( 500Ml ) , Ripa ( Radioimmunoprecipitation Assay ) Lysis Buffer ( 10X ) ( 500Ml ) , Bovine Serum Albumin ( 25G ) , Bca ( Bicinchoninic Acid ) Assay Kit For Protein Determination ( 1 Kit ) , Trizol ( 100Ml ) , Hcl ( 1N ) ( 500Ml×2 ) , Nacl ( 500 G×2 ) , Kcl ( 500 G×2 ) , Paraformaldehyde ( 5G ) , Buffered Formalin ( 500Ml ) , Mtt ( 100Mg ) , Tris Hcl ( 500Ml ) , Methanol ( 500Ml ) , Ethanol ( 500Mlx6 ) , Acetic Acid ( 500Ml ) , Edta ( 500G ) , Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate ( Na2hpo4 ) ( 500G ) , Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate ( 500G ) , Protein A - Sepharose 4B ( 5Ml ) , Rna Later ( Stabilization Solution ) ( 100Ml ) , Rna Isolation Kit Research Grade ( 50 Reaction ) ( 1 Kit ) , Sodium Chloride Acs, 99.9% ( 500G ) , Potassium Chloride Extrapure, Ar 99.5% ( 500G ) , Potassium Dihydrogenoethophosphateextrapure, Ar, Acs, 99.5% ( 500G ) , Sodium Phosphate Dibasic Anhydrous ( Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate ) Ep, 99% ( 500G ) , Hydrogen Peroxide30% Solution ( 500 Ml ) , Thiobarbuturic Acid Ar, 98% ( 25G ) , L- Methionine Extrapure Chr ( 100G ) , Trichloroacetic Acid Extrapure Ar, Acs, 99.5% ( 100G ) , Nbt, Extrapure Ar, 99% ( 250Mg ) , Riboflavin Pure, 98% ( 100G ) , Edta Disodium Salt Dihydrate Pure, 98% ( 500G ) , Dtnb ( 5G ) , Nadph.Na4 ( 100 Mg ) , Glutathione Oxidized, Extrapure 99% ( 1G ) , Sodium Azideextrapure Ar, Acs 99% ( 500G ) , Cdnb ( 100G ) , Methanol ( Spl. Solvent ) Ar ( 10 Ltr. ) , Acetylcholine Iodide ( Powder ) 97% ( 25G ) , Sodium Phosphate Buffer Ph 7.5 ( 1 Ml ) , Dmso ( 500 Ml ) , Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate 99% ( 25G ) , Fast Blue B Salt 80% ( 1G ) , Alpha- Napthyl Acetate 98% ( 5G ) , Beta- Napthyl Acetate ( 5G ) , Phosphate Buffered Saline ( Ph 7.4 ) ( 1 L ) , Ethidium Bromide 95% Pure ( 5G ) , Sodium Hydroxide Powder Extrapure 96% ( 5 Kg ) , Tris Hcl 99% ( 1Kg ) , Triton X-100 Extrapure For Scintillation ( 2500 Ml ) , Deoxyuridine Triphosphate ( Dutp ) ( 5Mg ) , Terminal Deoxynucleotidyltransferase ( Tdt ) 99% ( 250 U ) , Low Melting Point Agarose ( 5G ) , Mouse Tnf-? ( Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha ) Elisa Kit ( 96T ) , Mouse Il-1Beta ( Interleukin 1 Beta ) Elisa Kit ( 96T ) , Mouse Il-6 ( Interleukin 6 ) Elisa Kit ( 96T ) , Mouse Il-10 ( Interleukin 10 ) Elisa Kit ( 96T ) , Dimethyl Sulfoxide, Bioultra ( 100Ml ) , Plasmid Mini Kit For 25 Preparations , Phospho-Akt ( Ser473 ) Rabbit Mab , Ptch1 ( C53a3 ) Rabbit Mab ( 20Ul ) , Oct-4A ( C52g3 ) Rabbit Mab ( 20Ul ) , Sox2 ( D9b8n ) Rabbit Mab ( 20Ul ) , Fluoromount-G™ Mounting Medium, With Dapi ( 20Ml ) , Opti-Mem™ I Reduced Serum Medium ( 500Ml ) , Gant61 =98% ( Hplc ) ( 5Mg ) , Clarity Western Ecl Substrate, ( 500 Ml ) , Ebioscience™ Permeabilization Buffer ( 10X ) ( 100Ml ) , Corning® Transwell® Polyester Membrane Cell Culture Inserts, ( 48Pc ) , Corning® Costar® Ultra-Low Attachment Multiple Well Plate ( 24Pc ) , Hard-Shell® 96-Well Pcr Plates, Low Profile, Thin Wall, Skirted, White / Clear, ( 50Pc ) , Microseal B Pcr Plate Sealing Film, Adhesive, Optical, #Msb1001 ( 100Pc ) , Lb Broth ( Miller ) L3522-250G ( 250G ) , Lb Broth With Agar ( Miller ) L3147 ( 250G ) , Ampicillin, Ready Made Solution, 100 Mg / Ml, 0.2 ?M Filtered ( 10Ml ) , Fetal Bovine Sera, Research Grade Sterile Filtered ( 500Ml ) , Iron Haematoxylin Powder ( 1 X 25Gm ) , Delafield Haematoxylin Stain ( 1 X 25Gm ) , Silver Nitrate Powder ( Er ) ( 1 X 25Gm ) , Mercuric Chloride ( 1 X 25Gm ) , Giemsa Stain ( 1X 100Ml ) , Eosin Stain ( 1X 100Ml ) , Crystal Violet Powder ( 1 X 25Gm ) , Hydrochloric Acid ( Conc. ) ( 1X 500Ml ) , Sulfuric Acid ( Conc. ) ( 1X 500Ml ) , Potassium Sulfate ( 1X 500Ml ) , Sodium Sulfate ( 1X 500Gm ) , Selenium Powder ( 1X 500Gm ) , Methyl Red ( 1X 125Ml ) , Sodium Hydroxide Pellets ( 1X 500Gm ) , Carbolfuschin Stain ( 1X 250Ml ) , Nitric Acid ( Conc ) ( 1X1 L ) , Salicylic Acid ( 1X 500Gm ) , Succinic Acid ( 1X 500Gm ) , Crystal Violet Solution ( 1X 250Ml ) , Grams Iodine Salt ( 1X 300Gm ) , Safranin Stain ( 1X 300Ml ) , Phenolphthalein ( 1X 125Ml ) , Bouin’S Fixative ( 1X 500Ml ) , Glutaraldehyde Solution ( 1X 500Ml ) , Sodium Chloride ( 1X 500Gm ) , Enzyme Assay Kit Sgpt ( 10X 10Ml ) , Sgot ( 10X 10Ml ) , Acid Phosphatase ( 1 X 5Ml ) , Alkaline Phosphatase ( 10 X 5Ml ) , Total Protein ( 1X 100Ml ) , Water Testing Kit ( Dissolved Oxygen ) , Paraffin Wax ( 2X 500Gm ) , Absolute Alcohol ( 12 ) , Dpx Mountant ( 1X 500Ml ) , Xylene ( Extra Pure ) ( 1X 500Ml ) , Glycerine ( 1X 500Ml ) , Glacial Acetic Acid ( 1X 500Ml ) , Sodium Hydroxide ( Pellets ) ( 1X 500Gm ) , Petroleum Ether ( Er ) ( 1X 500Ml ) , Ammonium Ferric Sulfate Decahydrate ( Er ) ( 1X 500Gm ) , Phenol ( 1X 500Ml ) , Leishman’S Stain ( 1X 250Ml ) , Coupling Jars ( 3 Dozens ) , Beaker ( 6 X 250Ml ) , Beaker ( 6 X 500Ml ) , Beaker ( 6 X 1 Liter ) , Glass Dropper ( 10 Pieces ) , Pipette Set ( Glass Made ) ( 1Ml X 3, 5Ml X 3, 10Ml X 3 ) , 250 Ml Reagent Bottle ( 1 Dozen ) , Petri Dish Set 2 Set ( 10 Pieces Each Box ) ( 3Inches ) , Borosilicate ( 6Inches ) X 1 , Test Tube Rack ( 6 ) , Test Tube Holder ( 2 ) , Measuring Cylinder ( 100 Ml ) , Eppendr Of ( 1.5 Ml X 1Box, 2.0Ml X 1 Box ) , Eppendrof Stand , Conical Flask ( 1Sets ) , Microtip Rack , Distilled Water Bottle ( 4 ) , Glass Funnel ( 5 ) , Mortar Pestle ( 2 ) , Crucible ( Pack Of 5 ) , Tarsons Micropipette ( 1-10 Microliter ) , Tarsonsmicrotip ( 1-10 Microliter ) , Tarsons Centrifuge Tube – 15Ml Tarsons Centrifuge Tube- 50Ml ( 3 Sets Pack Of 100 ) , Plastic Dessicator , Glass Rod ( 10 )