Bids Are Invited For Science Lab Equipments 2 82 Holders , Droppers , Measuring Flask -Volumetric , Reagent Bottles , Glass Box For Storing Skeleton , Physics Optical Experiment Set , Chart -Nutrition , Chart - Digestive System , Chart- Monohybrid And Dihybrid Cross , Chart -Female Reproductive System , Chart -Nitrogen Cycle , Compound Microscope With Led Lamp , Glass Chimney , Cover Slip , Safranine Stain , 100X, 45X,19X Lenses , Lens Cleaning Fluid , Slide- Mitosis And Meiosis , Slide- T S Of Blastocyst Permanent -Blastula , Slide- L S Ovary, Vt S Testis Permanent , Crystal Violet And Saffranin Stain , Test Tube Cleaning Brushes , Black Polythene Bags , Tripod Wire Gauge , Methylene Blue , Slide- Entameoba Histolytica , Slide- Plasmodium Vivax , Slide - Ascariasis , Slide- Microsoorum , Slide- Growth Of Plollen Grain On Stigma , Connecting Wires - Steel , Connecting Wires- Copper , Spherical, Convex, Concave, Surfaces , Soft Iron Wire , Slotted Weight Set Hanger And Case 10 Gm Weight , Slotted Weight Set Hanger And Case 20 Gm , Slotted Weight Set With Hanger And Case 2.5 Kg , Quill Tube , Boyless Law Apparatus , Spring Balance 30Cm Long Mirror Scale , Spring Balance 30Cm Hanger With Pointer , Optical Bench -Lens Holder ,Screen Holder, Arrow Holder , Plane Mirror For Optics Experiments , Tuning Fork Activatoer -Molded Rubber Pads , 9V- Batteries , Gyycerine Liquid , Rheostat , 50Cm Wooden Scale , Scissors , Bell Pins , Paper Cutter , Crocodile Clips Black, Red Total Quantity : 34131