Procurement Of Turbine And Governing Spares Of 500 Mw Kwu Design For Procurement Of Turbine And Governing Spares Of 500 Mw Kwu Design Forntpc- Vindhyachal , Stud Bolt,01050109000/46,L:785,Bhel , Stud Bolt,01050109000/47,L:905,Bhel , Stud Bolt,01050109000/48,L:1000,Bhel , Stud Bolt,01050109000/49,L:1070,Bhel , Stud Bolt,01050109000/50,L:1125,Bhel , Stud,01074341000/1,Bhel , Cap Nut,01074341000/2,Bhel , Stud,01074341000/3,Bhel , Cap Nut,01074341000&04,Bhel , Stud,01074341000/7,Bhel , Cap Nut,01074341000/8,Bhel , Stud,01074341000/15,Bhel , Spherical End Piece 10,01142305000&105-2 , Teflon Packing,01162705000&13,Bhel , Teflon Packing,01162705000&10,Bhel , Striker,01162705000&08,Bhel , Bush,01144601000&10,Bhel , Piston Valve,01144601000&07,Bhel , Bush,01144601000&06,Bhel , Stem,01142902000&14,Bhel , Threaded Spindle,01142705000&97,Bhel , Threaded Spindle,01142705000/48,Bhel , Compr Spring,01142705000/44,Bhel , Bush,01142705000 & 43,Bhel , Bush,01142705000 & 42,Bhel , Guide Bush,01142705000 & 41,Bhel , Guide Bush,01142705000 & 40,Bhel , Bush,01142705000&22,Bhel , Dog,01142602000/18,Bhel , Setting Screw,01142502000&14,Bhel , Piston,01142401000&28,Bhel , Piston,01142401000/03,Bhel , Piston,01142305000&58,Bhel , Compr Spring,01142305000/57,Bhel , Piston Rod,01142305000&56,Bhel , Bush,01142305000&14,Bhel , Fulcrum,01142105000&90,Bhel , Connecting Rod,01142105000&81,Bhel , Seat,01142105000&15,Bhel , Seat,01142105000&14,Bhel , Threaded Ring,01142105000&10,Bhel , Threaded Bush,01142105000&03,Bhel , Shaft,01231302000C/35,Bhel , Piston Rod,01231302000C/31,Bhel , Bush,01142401000/27,Bhel , Guide,01142401000/26,Bhel , Bush,01142401000/23,Bhel , Stem,01142401000/22,Bhel , Bush,01142401000/09,Bhel , Ovrsize Cplg Bolt,11183341000/1,Bhel , Ovrsize Cplg Bolt,01172327000/51,Bhel , Ovrsize Cplg Bolt,01183141000/16,Bhel , Stud Bolt,01050109000/51,L:1170,Bhel , Fitted Key,01160418000/38,Bhel , Fitted Key,01170327000/12,Bhel , Spacer,01181402000&04,Bhel , Spacer,01181402000/07,Bhel , Bolt Press Out,11076741000/13,Bhel , Washer,9-138-01-01000 & 44 , Hex Screw,9-138-01-01000/43 , Guide Bolt,01060236000/13,Bhel , Guide Bolt,01060127500/29,Bhel , Screw Set Hex,01060227000/12,M48x20x350 , Sealing Strip,21172127000&05,8X2 X1050 , Stud Bolt,01050109000/45,L 610,Bhel , Stud,01074341000/16,M48fo X 155Ri,Bhel , Cap Nut,01074341000/17,Pm48,Bhel , Hex Screw,01074441000/39,Bhel , Hex Screw,01074441000/41,Pm52x140,Bhel , Hex Bolt,01074441000/42,M56x160,Bhel , Hex Screw,01074441000/44,Pm42x100,Bhel , Scru Press Soc,01050109000/31,Pm24x 55 , Screw Hex,01060127500/46,Am24x50,Bhel , Anchor Bolt,01240425500& 02,M72x6,L=4060 , Anchor Bolt,01240425500&03,M72x6x4225 , Fitted Key,11181841000&18,Bhel , Sealing Strip,11181602000&04,8 X 2 X 900 , Parallel Key,01050109000&26,Bhel,Ovrsz , Parallel Key,01050109000&17,Bhel,Ovrsz , Spacer Oversize,01160418000 & 23,Bhel , Spacer Oversize,01160418000 & 26,Bhel , Key,1160418000 & 38,Bhel,4Mm Margin , Key,1170327000 & 12,Bhel,4Mm Margin , Spacer Oversize,01160418000 & 25,Bhel , Ftd Key Ovrsize,1181402000 & 36,Bhel , Ftd Key Ovrsize,1181402000 & 37,Bhel , Spacer Oversize,01160418000 & 24,Bhel , Washer,9-138-01-01000/20,Turbo Generator , Nut,9-138-01-01000/21,Turbo Generator , Spring Washer,9-138-01-01000 & 22 , Foundation Bolt,9-138-01-01000C , Alignment Screw Assy,0-139-12-01017 & 31 , Foundation Stud,0-137-02-01000&001,Bhel , Stud,0-137-02-01000/002,Bhel , Bolt,0-137-02-01000&04,Bhel , Hex Nut,0-137-02-01000&014,Bhel => Limited