
Tender For Sale Of Ferrous And Non-Ferrous Scrap Materials Available Atvillupuram Edc, villupuram-Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited has published Tender For Sale Of Ferrous And Non-Ferrous Scrap Materials Available Atvillupuram Edc. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-02-2024. Aluminum Scrap Tenders in villupuram Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Sale Of Ferrous And Non-Ferrous Scrap Materials Available Atvillupuram Edc
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Sale Of Ferrous And Non Ferrous Scrap Available At Villupuram Edc , Lot - I Cond Lorry 5 Ton Capacity Ashok Leyland Lv Reg No:Tn32a-0421 Year-07 / 1998 With Stepney, Battery, Tools Box. Without Rc Book.No.-1 , Lot - Ii 1. M.S Miscellaneous Scrapkgs.-27000 2. M.S Rts Grill Scrapkgs. - 1657 3. Auto Parts Scrapkgs. - 8.5 4. R.S.Joist Cut Bits Scrap Kgs. - 1736 5. Tools And Plant Scrap Kgs- 368 6. Transformer Lamination Sheet Scrapkgs.- 2581 7. Rail Pole Cut Bits Scrapkgs. -1880 8. Teak Wood Scrapkgs. - 131 9. Cond Chain Pulley Of Sizes Nos.- 2 10.Cond Ug Xlpe Alu Cablekgs. - 498 11. Scrap Waste Paperkgs. - 26476 , Lot - Iii 1. All Aluminum Scrap Including Aac Cut Bitskgs.-1735 2. A C S R Scrapkgs.-20000 3. Pvc Aluminum Cable Scrap Kgs.-63 4. Ug Copper Cable Scrap Kgs.-2103 5. Aaac Scrapkgs.-1028 6. Transformer Aluminum Winding Wire Scrap With Oil Soaked Insulation Paper Kgs -7217.15 7. Brass Scrap Kgs -375.8 8. Ug Aluminum Cable Scrap Kgs. -134 9. Fused Sv Lamp Choke Nos. -6 10. Condemned Air Conditioner Nos. -2 11. Condemned Megger Of Sizesnos. -6 12. Scrap Radiatorno. -1 , Lot - Iv 1. Condemned Station Battery Various Of Sizenos.-943 2. Condemned Ups Battery Of Sizenos.-111 , Lot -V 1. Dirty Transformer Oil Ltrs.-2200 2. Sh Ms Empty Barrel 40 / 45Nos. -11 , Lot - Vi 1.Ms Empty Barrel 40 / 45 Gallon Capacity Leakynos.-74 2.Condemned / Burnt High Quality Meter Scrap ( Hqm ) With Coverkgs.-4436 3. Condemned / Burnt Static Meter Scrapkgs.-9411 4. Condemned Mobile Scrapno.-1 5. Condemned Winding Temp Indicator No.-1 6. Condemned Computer Chair Nos.-13 7. Condemnedfire Extinguishernos.-2 8. Condemned Cmri Meter No. -1 9.Condemned Tong Tester Nos.-2 10. Cond Fan W / O Regulatornos.-5 11. Cond Exhaust Fan Motornos.-2 , Lot-Vii I. Condemned Distribution Transformer Without Oil Various Capacities: Copper Wound: 100 / 22 Kv -20 Nos. 1.Apex-T-081 / 7426 2.Vt-6988 3.Hindusthan-2424 4.Tne ( Tt ) -Tt / 668 5.Vt-10007 6.Hindusthan-Nnp 7.Iht-6930 8.Lakshmi-Le033 9.Vt-3144 10.Indoapex-It-6221 11.Je ( Johnson ) -8588 12. Indoapex-It-2211 13. Indoapex-It-2046 14. Magdyne-218C2021 15. Venkateswara-Bn / 442 / 4209 16. Magdyne- Nnp 17. Magdyne-218C2305 18. Vt-11677 19. Vt-2010 20. Hindusthan-Nnp 200 / 22Kv- 2 Nos. 1.Apex-T-279 / 15986 2.Venkateswara-Ab / 219 / 4476 Ii.Condemned Wooden Drum 3-6 Ft Dia ( Available At Psc Yard Poothamedu ) Nos. 49 , Lot Viii I. Condemned Distribution Transformer Without Oil Various Capacities: Copper Wound: 50 / 22 Kv -1 No. 1.Crompton-2551 63 / 22 Kv-3 Nos. 1. Apex-T-476 / 29328 2.Danya-Dec / 916 3. Danya-Dec / 277 75 / 11 Kv-2 Nos. 1.T&S-Nnp 2. Ece-V-1745 75 / 22 Kv-1 No. 1.T&S-2997 100 / 11 Kv-4 Nos. 1.Crompton-B123 / 150 2.Rel-1254 3.Ete-2686 4.Gef-17998 150 / 11 Kv-1 No. 1.Jhonson-Nnp 200 / 22Kv-6 Nos. 1.Ngef-28-00032998 2.Ngef-Nnp 3.Ngef-28-00032990 4.Indoapex-851 5.Indoapex-It-902 6.Venkateswara-Vei / 200 / 1038 Ii. Condemned Wooded Drum 3-6 Ft Dia ( Available At Psc Yard Poothamedu ) Nos. - 49 , Lot Ix I. Condemned Distribution Transformer Without Oil Various Capacities: Copper Wound: 63 / 22 Kv -8 Nos. 1.Tne-832 2.Devi-6307 3.Senthil-Vl / 27 / 678 4.Vt-3296 5.Vigneswara-2297 6.Indotech-It-19150 7.Indotech-It-31175 8.Electromech-2026 100 / 22 Kv-5 Nos 1.Senthil-Seco / 599 2.Rel-M8727 3.Indoapex-It-8257 4.Rel-M12252 5.Tt-Tt / 1269 200 / 22 Kv-2 Nos 1. Indotech-It-8412 2.Electra-Et-6271 250 / 22 Kv-2 Nos 1.Apex-T-080 / 7099 2.Kirloskar-68Ff / 006 / 16 Ii. Condemned Wooded Drum 3-6 Ft Dia ( Available At Psc Yard Poothamedu ) Nos.- 49 , Lot X I. Condemned Distribution Transformer Without Oil Various Capacities: Aluminium Wound: 63 / 11 Kv -9 Nos. 1.Indotech-It-22524 2.Venkateswara-An / 2925 / 11319 3.Associate-A264 4.Ngef-2800073327 5.Indotech-It-30047 6.Indotech-It-8874 7.Rel-M5242 8.Vigneswara-2914 9.Indoapex-It-12721 100 / 11 Kv- 9 Nos. 1.Venkateswara-An / 379 / 1074 2.Hindusthan-100 / 176 3.Karnadaka ( Kvk ) -03812125 4.Senthil-Seco / 27 / 27 5.Apex-T-137B / 11580 6.Rel-M-2758 7.Danya-Nnp 8.Magdyne-217A2984 9. Vt-Nnp 100 / 22 Kv- 2 Nos. ( Amorphous ) 1.Indotech-It-28960 2.Indotech-Nnp , Lot Xi I. Condemned Distribution Transformer Without Oil Various Capacities: Aluminium Wound: 63 / 11 Kv -8 Nos. 1.Indotech-Nnp 2. Indotech-Nnp 3.Vt-10872 4.Vigneswara-2031 5.Kvk-02801975 6.Indotech-Nnp 7.Danya-Nnp 8.Vigneswara-3374 63 / 11 Kv -1 No. ( Amorphous ) 1.Indotech-It-26423 100 / 11 Kv -5 Nos. 1. Vt-3447 2.Geetha-Nnp 3.Sri Ramakrishna-Srt / 398 4.Vt-6582 5.Venkateswara-Nnp 100 / 11 Kv- 4 Nos. ( Amorphous ) 1. Indotech-It-27019 2. Indotech-It-26753 3. Indotech-It-29140 4. Indotech-Nnp 250 / 11Kv-1 No. 1.Weber-250953 , Lot Xiii. Condemned Distribution Transformer Without Oil Various Capacities: Aluminium Wound: 63 / 11 Kv -8 Nos. 1. Indoapex-Nnp 2.Vt-4375 3.Electra-Et-035 / 1846 4.Rel-M14722 5.Venkateswara-An / 2463 / 11800 6.Magdyne-Nnp 7.Indoapex-It-5045 8.Rel-M7052 63 / 11 Kv -2 Nos. ( Amorphous ) 1. Indotech-It-26636 2.Indotech-It-26441 100 / 11 Kv-3 Nos. 1.T&S-9586 2.Indotech-It-30304 3.Voltamp-896 / 10 100 / 11 Kv -4 Nos. ( Amorphous ) 1.Indotech-It-27062 2.Indotech-It-26983 3.Indotech-It-26837 4. Indotech-It-26808

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