Bids Are Invited For Required Equipment Equipment For Measuring Height , Vernier Caliper , Weighing Machine Dial Type Human , Stomach Tub , Ryles Tub , Hand Lens Study Of Fingerprint Purpose , Comparison Microscope For Fingerprint , Xray View Box One In Four , Animal Chaindog Chain , Cycle Chain , Police Laathi , Steel Rod , Hammer Flat , Hockey Stick , Iron Rod , Laathi Wooden , Stick Wooden , Bat , Hunter Weapon Rope , Aarisaw , Axe , Scissor , Vegetable Knife , Chhuri Rampuria , Gandasi , Hansiyasickle , Sword , Kataar , Fawada , Kukrikhukuri , Khurpi , Bhala , Dagger , Nailkeel , Screw Driver , Garden Scissor , Suvva Bori Needle , Ice Cutter , Post Mortem Autopsy Instrument Set , Urinometer , Clinical Thermometer Digital , Stethoscope Demonstration With Multiple Piece , Glass Distillation Double Apparatu , Ph Meter , Binocular Refraction Microscope , Ophthalmoscope , Colour Perception Lantern , Otorhinolaryngoscope , Barometer Fortein , Lactometer , Hydrometer , Hygrometer Wet And Dry Bulb , Filter Pasteum Chamberland Complet Set , Refrigerator , Forcepsadson , Forceps Debakey Sponge , Forcepsbrain Tissue , Clamp Bulldog , Clamp Hemostat , Clamp Kelly , Clamp Crafoord , Tracheostormy Tube , Ryles Tube , Bone Marrow Biopsy Needle , Liver Biopsy Needle , Proctoscope , Red Rubber Catheter , Spirometer Hand Held , Ecg Machine , Stethoscope , Measuring Tape , Knee Hammer , Sphygmomanometer Anerroid , Sphygmomanometer Digital , Torch , Pestles And Mortals Iron Glass Porcelain , Water Bath Rectangular , Sterilizers , Urine Pots Male And Female , Bed Pans Ei , Tongue Depressor Disposable , Suction Machine , Suction Tube , Artery Forceps Small , Artery Forceps Big , Back Rest , Oxygen Cylinder With Stand , Dressing Drum Big , Diagnotic Set Ent , Infrared Lamp , Weighing Machine , Pulse Oxymeter , Thermameter Digital , Xray View Box , Iv Set Stand , Folding Curtain For Ipd Beds , Mechanical Rotary Microtome , Centrifugue Machine Electric Rotofix , Haemocytometer With Rbc And Wbc Pipettes , Haemoglobinometer Sahils Type , Anaerobic Apparatus , Microscope With Oil Immersion , Computer With Accessories , Machine For Estimation For Blood Sugar , Colorimeter And Autoanalyser Total Quantity : 379