
Supply of carbon brush complete with spring for carriage fan etc. emergency battery charger input 230 volts and output 110 volt DC etc. hand brake wheel etc, brake cylinder with hand brake for BOXNHL BMBS) Wagons etc, spindle for hand brake wheel long e, bhubneshwar-Odisha

Government Departments has published Supply of carbon brush complete with spring for carriage fan etc. emergency battery charger input 230 volts and output 110 volt DC etc. hand brake wheel etc, brake cylinder with hand brake for BOXNHL BMBS) Wagons etc, spindle for hand brake wheel long e. Submission Date for this Tender is 21-02-2013. spindle for hand brake wheel long etc Tenders in bhubneshwar Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply of carbon brush complete with spring for carriage fan etc. emergency battery charger input 230 volts and output 110 volt DC etc. hand brake wheel etc, brake cylinder with hand brake for BOXNHL BMBS) Wagons etc, spindle for hand brake wheel long e
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply of carbon brush complete with spring for carriage fan etc. emergency battery charger input 230 volts and output 110 volt DC etc. hand brake wheel etc, brake cylinder with hand brake for BOXNHL BMBS) Wagons etc, spindle for hand brake wheel long etc, circuit braker 15 AMPS etc , Resistor grid complete in sets etc, slack adjuster DRV 2K 300) etc, self priming mono block assembly with controller etc, forged door hinge for BOBRN wagons etc, forged door hinge for BOBRN wagons etc, hand brake wheel LH) for BOBRN etc,UTS thin client HCL WIN Bee or VXL ITONA or similar etc. supply erection testing and commissioning of electrical traction elevator etc, pillar mount jib crane cap 705 ton etc, cylindrical roller bearing no nu 328 for traction motor etc.

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