Bids Are Invited For 1 Submm Waveguide Passive Components -1 WR 2.2 Straight Section (1-inch) Operating Frequency 325 – 500 GHz VSWR 1.3 max. Insertion Loss 1.5 dB max. W/G Ports, Flange WR 2.2, UG387/U-M Base Material Brass, Aluminum or Copper Material surface finish Gold Plated Length 1 inch 2 WR 2.2 Straight Section (2-inch) Operating Frequency 325 – 500 GHz VSWR 1.3 max. Insertion Loss 3.0 dB max. W/G Ports, Flange WR 2.2, UG387/U-M Base Material Brass, Aluminum or Copper Material surface finish Gold Plated Length 2 inch 3 WR 2.2 E-Plane Bend Operating Frequency 325 – 500 GHz VSWR 1.5 max. Insertion Loss 3.0 dB W/G Ports, Flange WR 2.2, UG387/U-M Bend Type E-Plane, 90 deg. Base Material Brass, Aluminum or Copper Material surface finish Gold Plated Length 15 mm x 15 mm (approx.) 4 WR 2.2 H-Plane Bend Operating Frequency 325 – 500 GHz VSWR 1.4 max. Insertion Loss 1.5 dB max. W/G Ports, Flange WR 2.2, UG387/U-M H-Plane, 90 deg. H-Plane, 90 deg. Base Material Brass, Aluminum or Copper Material surface finish Gold Plated Length 15 mm x 15 mm (approx.) 5 WR 2.2 Twist Section Operating Frequency 325 – 500 GHz VSWR 1.4 max. Insertion Loss 2.0 dB max. W/G Ports, Flange WR 2.2, UG387/U-M Twist Angle 90 deg. Base Material Brass, Aluminum or Copper Material surface finish Gold Plated Length 25 mm 6 WR 2.2 Matched Load / Termination Operating Frequency 325 – 500 GHz VSWR 1.3 max. W/G Ports, Flange WR 2.2, UG387/U-M Average Power Handling 20 mW CW Nominal operating 5 - 35 deg. C, non-operating 0 – 40 deg. C Base Material Brass, Aluminum or Copper Material surface finish Gold Plated 7 WR 2.2 Directional Coupler Operating Frequency 325 – 500 GHz VSWR 1.5 max.(main) / 2.0 max (secondary) Insertion Loss 3.5 dB max. W/G Ports, Flange WR 2.2, UG 387/U-M Coupling 30.0 dB Coupling Flatness ± 3.0 dB max. Directivity 15.0 dB min. Base Material Brass, Aluminum or Copper Material surface finish Gold Plated 8 WR 2.2 Standard Gain Horn (SGH) Operating Frequency 325 – 500 GHz VSWR 1.4 max. W/G Ports, Flange WR 2.2, UG387/U-M Gain 25.0 dBi, at middle frequency Additional Data Gain vs. frequency measured data Base Material Brass, Aluminum or Copper Material surface finish Gold Plated 9 WR 2.2 Planar Near Field Probe Operating Frequency 325 – 500 GHz VSWR 1.4 max. (matched probe) 1.8 max. (unmatched probe) Quotation/ bid may be given for both matched and unmatched probes. W/G Ports, Flange WR 2.2, UG387/U-M Additional Data Gain vs. frequency measured data Base Material Brass, Aluminum or Copper Material surface finish Gold Plated 10 WR 2.2 to WR 2.8 straight tapered transition Operating Frequency Interband VSWR 1.3 max Insertion Loss 1.2 dB max. W/G Port 1, Flange WR 2.2, UG387/U-M W/G Port 2, Flange WR 2.8, UG387/U-M Length 1 inch Base Material Brass, Aluminum or Copper Material surface finish Gold Plated 11 WR 2.2 12.0 dBi Standard Gain Horn (SGH) Operating Frequency 325 – 500 GHz VSWR 1.3 max. W/G Ports, Flange WR 2.2, UG387/U-M Gain 12.0 dBi (approx.) at middle frequency Additional Data Gain vs. frequency measured data Base Material Brass, Aluminum or Copper Material surface finish Gold Plated 12 WR 3.4 12.0 dBi Standard Gain Horn (SGH) Operating Frequency 220 – 325 GHz VSWR 1.4 max. W/F Ports, Flange WR 3.4, UG387/U-M Gain 12.0 dBi (approx.) at middle frequency Additional Data Gain vs. frequency measured data Base Material Brass, Aluminum or Copper Material surface finish Gold Plated 13 WR 3.4 to WR 4.3 Straight Tapered Transition Operating Frequency Interband VSWR 1.3 max. Insertion Loss 1.2 dB max.