
Auction For Condemnation Of Unserviceable Tools, Equipment, Machinery, Furniture And Scrap, Delhi-Delhi

Department Of Technical Education And Industrial Training has published Auction For Condemnation Of Unserviceable Tools, Equipment, Machinery, Furniture And Scrap. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-02-2024. Scrap Tenders in Delhi Delhi. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Auction For Condemnation Of Unserviceable Tools, Equipment, Machinery, Furniture And Scrap
Open Tender

Tender Details

Auction For Condemnation Of Unserviceable Tools, Equipment, Machinery, Furniture And Scrap INSTRUCTOR TABLE STEEL BALCKBOARD GREEN TEA SQUARE ERASING SHELLED SMALL SIZE LEORRY PRINTING SHEET STEEL TABLE SUNMICA TOP Wire stripper Music system Over head projector VALUE BASE CUTTER (12PC SEP) WIRE GAUGE SET GIMLET HAND SHEAR 15CM BRADWAL FEELER GAUGE SOLDERING IRON 35W AC/DC MC METER (DC VOLTMETER) AC/DC VOLTMETER 0-10V AC/DC VOLTMETER 0-50V,01MC,01MI AC/DC VOLTMETER 0-50V,01MCP,01MIP SOLDERING IRON 65W END CUTTING NIPPER ADJUSTABLE SPANNER DC 500 MICRO AMPERE METER DC 0-1 MILLI AMPERE METER DC 0-5 MILLI AMPERE METER AC/DC 0-1 AMP. AMMETER AC/DC 0-10 AMP. AMMETER AC/DC 0-50 MILLI AMP. AMMETER HAMMER CROSS PEIN (1108M) DIGITAL MULTIMETER DIGITAL IC TRAINER DL ADIT VENITICS KNOB SCREW DRIVER 4 FIRE EXTINGUISHER 2.5KG PORTABLE TYPE DIGITAL STORAGE CRO,60MHZ,2 CHANNEL TDS 2002 TECHTRONIX O/P METER AUDIO WATT (MARKONEE) TWEEZER DUAL DESK PIPE PA AMPLIFIER ( 20 WATT) UNISOUND steel almirah (big size) LCR METER VTVM 1.5 V TO 1500 V FSD, MORAJ DIGITAL IC TESTER D-40 MICROPROCESSOR TRAINER 8085 WITH ACCESSOR SIGMA REMOTE CONTROL COLOUR TV TRAINER KIT SMPS TRAINER SIGMA 19 NO (SMPS 100A) CHISEL WOOD 15CM, SET OF FIVE RATCHET BRACE DRILL 10MM HACKSAW FRAME , ADJUSTABLE 20-30CM DIGITAL IC TESTER Fire extinguisher 2.5kg portable Hammer C/P 1/4 1b Hammer C/P 1 1b Long Nose Plier 8 Line Tester Nose Plier 6 Pipe Wrench 12 Plier Combination 6 Screw driver 6 Screw driver 10 Screw driver 4 Screw drire set of fine with neon bulb Ammeter 0-5ma Dc Ammeter 0-500 ma Ac/Dc Voltmeter 5v Ac/Dc Voltmenter 10v ac/Dc Voltmenter 50v ac/Dc Voltmenter 500v Ac/Dc Digital stronge Oscilloscope be 60 MHz Steel Almirah WOODEN STOOL A F OSCILLATOR MULTIMETER BIG SIGNAL TRACER ( MARKONEE ) TV ANTENNA WOBBLULE WITH SCOPE TYPE IE 49500 , 200MH3 0.50 MICROAMP. AMMETER CONSTANT VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER 500v SERVICE OSCILLATOR SIGNAL TRACER SCREW DRIVER , SET OF SIX DYNAMIC MICROPHONE AC/DC VOLTMETER 0-5v DISTORTION METER HM 8084 CRO DUAL TRACE PHILIPS PATTERN GENERATOR CROWN SIGNAL INJECTEOR STEEL CHAIR WITH ARMS TRANSISTOR TESTER ( SANWA ) AM/ FREQUENCY MODULATION & DEMODULATION ( ESCORP ) BALL PEN HAMMER (220GM) STEEL LOCKER ( 18 POCKET ) AC MILLI VOLTMETER ( TEKTRONIX ) COMBINATION PLIER (15CM) DIAGONAL CUTTER LONG NOSE PLIER 15CM Center punch Mallet plastic type with wooden handle Watch maker screw driver set Moving Stool Magnetic Whitw board Steel chair with out arm Steel chair with arm Steel Almirah Big Machine scissor Revolving low back chair with P.U Arms Arm less chair Classic Chair Canned with Arm Stool Wooden Small Chair Try Square Fix 4 Scribing Block 12 Tap Set 6mm 3pcs Goggles Plain File Square 3/8 Letter Punch Set (3mm) Hacksaw Frame 12 Fix Knife Edge File 4 Drill Y8 Drill 4.2mm Reamer Goggles Power Hacksaw machine Bench Grinder Drill Chuck with Key & Arber 6mm Marking Hammer 1/4 Lb Micrometer inside Pipe Wrinch 14 Drill machine 20mm Capacity with Accessories Drill Chuck with Key & Arbor Scraper H/R 6 Scraper H/R 6 Flat File Bastrad 12 Flat File Bastrad 10 Flat File Smooth 8 Flat File Smooth 6 Flat File Iind Cut 6 Square File 8 Half Round File 6 Half Round File 10 Half Round File 8 Trinagluar File 6 Trinagluar File 5 Hand File 8 Try Square 4 Pipe wrench 10 Pipe wrench 8 Goggel plain Steel locker ( 8 daraz ) Steel Chair Steel Table Centre Punch 4 Steel Tape File Hlaf Round 8 Chisel Flat 1 * 6 Letter Punch ( A to Z ) Lock 50mm Combination Set Taper Shank Drill 11/16 Parallel Shank Drill 3/8 Parallel Shank Drill 9/32 Drill 11/32 Screw Pitch Guage 55degree Die BSW 1/4 Piller Type Drilling M/C 20mm Cap with Motor & Assosories like Ext. key , Light Lamp , drill chuck 13mm cap & 20mm cap , MT Sleeve - M/C Vice 9 70 to 105mm ) , Spalsh guard , Pump Metal Cloth Locker ( 1980 * 910 * 480 )mm Screw driver Steel Almirah ( Big ) With Key Hand Vice 2 Hand File 6 Tey Square 6 Steel Almirah ( Big ) With Key Grinding M/C D/E 25cm Pedestal Type Feelas Guage Radius Gauge Vernier Cauper Hacksaw Frame Flat File Basterd 25cm File Half Round Iind Cut 15cm Flat File Iind Cut 12 Flat File Basterd 8 Hacksaw Fram Adjustable File H/R cm Bastard Centre Punch Double Ended Spnner 6 No Triangular File 5 Hand voice 2 Marketing Block Tap &Die Set B.S.W(¼ to ½) File H/R 4 File Round 10 x ⅜ File Round 12 Bastard Drill chuck ½ With Key Number Punch ⅛ Half Round File 6 2nd Cert Steel Rule 12 Drill M/C Motoresed 12mm Capacity Combination piler Twist Drill 19/64 Knife Edge File 4 Drill chuck With Key and Arber Blow lamp 1 point (prabhat) Micrometer o/s 25-50 used poland drill 11/32 Fill round bastand 112 Fill H/R 6(15cm.) Steel chair without Arm Steel table summika top with key Drill Chunk 1/2 Dasmass Drill 9/32, 19/64, 5/16, 25/64, 13/32, 27/64, 7/16, 15/32, 31/64 and 1/2 Fill square 6 screw wrinch 150 mm japan Machine vice (10cm) Divider spring 6 Drill Drift Key Extension Key - One No., M/c Light with M/c - One No. Drill Chuck 20mm MT2 - One No. MT Sleeve 2 to 1 - one No. M/c Vice - one No. Splash guard with m/c - one No. Arm Lifting Attachment Complete with Rack & Pinion - one No. Electric Coolant pump Complete with Water Tank - one No wooden stool sigma remote control color T.V model No CD M101A with TWO stand & Acryelic cover sigma B/W T.V trainer Model MOM 101 with stand and Acrylic cover Digital storage oilscope 100 MHz testronic model TDS 220 SNO.-B 029/9 Dish antena 3 meter dia col th Deluse Type stand mesh LNA / LNB band revision AM pltter banding with ceraocial cable Multi meter SANWAYX -360 TRJ Transister and FET Tister Model ST- 80 B/W TV20 BPL Makje AJIT B&W PORTABLE TELEVISION 14 MAKE EC Color T.V 20 with Remote control BPL Make Model EBR Printer EX 300 Wipro dot Matrics Two in one model SW 131K Make BPL Dual Desk Soldering iron 35 watt Soldering iron 25 watt Meter 0-50 MA P.L.C Trainer Kit Model VPC - PIIt With Asessories Server computer with Monitor & Key Board Photo Copier Machine Sharp AR - S0-154 DC Amperemeter 0.5ma Multimeter Small (Simon 53) Rheostate 50 OHM/3 Amp Rheostate 10 OHM/5 Amp Rheostate 200 OHM/1 Amp Watch maker Serew driver (set of five) T.V.B/W , model T-1073 CRO 20 mhz , Dual Trace model - 3213 (philips) Digital Killowant Meter (0-0-1999) Mouse Optical (Intex make) Test Bench with panel Accessories Commercial Receiver Transistors Portable (philips)D-196 Signal Tracer (Markoni Make) Two in One (Model Madhur) P.A Amplifier 20 watt with two columns one horn Dynamic Microphone with cable model No Avd 99xlr Ahuja ERASING SHELLED (SMALL SIZE) SCALE PLOTING BOX 6 METER SEAL STOOL FLEXIBLE CURVE DIVIDER STEEL PROTECTOR CELLULOID CIRCLE SEMI TEMPLATE BRASS PARALLED RULE IN Case PLAN METER SLIDING BAR PATTERN STENCIL SET 6H INTER LOCK CHANGEABLE BRASS STENCIL ROTTERING PEN SET SQUARE 2 MM 450* DEGREE DRAFTING TABLE DUKANE INTERACTIVE PANEL 19 DUKANE INTERACTIVE PAD (PORTABLE) PITOT TUBE FLOW METER DECADE RESISTANCE BOX DIGITAL PANEL METER 3 1/2DG.0-1000VDC DEPTH PANEL METER 0-150 MM OSCILLOSCOPE 20MHZ DUEL TRACE CONDUCTIVITY METER 3 1/2 DG., PROTABLE CRO TRAINER (SIGMA) LONG NOSE PLIER 8 OUTSIDE MICROMETA 50-75MM ADJUSTABLE HACKSAW FRAME FLAT FILE BASTERED 200 MM/8 FLATE FILE,BASTERED 250MM/10 LETTER PUNCH 1/8 SOLIDERING IRON 35W HALF ROUND FILE 2ND CUTR FILE 150MM WRITING BOARD 1200*2400MM 8 CHANNEL ANALOG MULTIPLEXER TRAINER 8 CHANNEL ANALOG DE-MULTIPLEXER TRAINER DECADE RESISTANCE RESISTANCE BOX ESCORP Wheatstone bridge trainer Discreet Component trainer ( Basic electronics trainer) Trainer on basic digital electronics (Digital trainer) Measurement of RMS voltage trainer Digital panel meter - 20VDC Digital panel meter - 500VDC Digital panel meter - 2ADC Digital panel meter - 10AAC Potentiometric circular chart recorder Watch makers screw driver set Screw driver set 5 blade + 1 handle Universal marking block 250mm Number punch 2mm Maginifying glass 75mm Cross cut clisel Digital LCR meter Taper shank drill set 12mm to 19mm ( 8pc. ) Ball valve 50 mm Butterfly valve 50mm Gate valve 50mm Globe valve 50 mm Digital multimeter, Hand held Decade inductance box Decade capacitance box Pressure regulator with filter input & output gauge Hand file 200mm Pressure switch 14 kg Pressure switch 28 kg Digital Ph meter 0-14 Ph with glass electrode & stend Telescopic gauge 8-150mm Frequency counter 50MHz Dry & wet thermometer Digital techno meter ( Portable) Digitronix Digital display sine / square generator (1 MHz) with frequency counter UNITECH Combination drill 5/8*1/4 Tap set M8 Tap set M9 Tap set M10 Tap set M12 Tap set 1/2 BSW Outside micro meter(counter types) 0-25mm Speedometer LML Drill set 1-13m*0.5(25pc.) Speedometer kawasaki bajal Speedometer Ambassador Hotplate with temp. controller MI type multi range volt meter 60.25/125/250v portable Tap and die set 6,7,8,9,10,12,14,16,18,20,22 & 24mm in woodenbox Screw Driver set with neon bulb (taparia) Domestic water meter 1/2 Hair hygrometer DC regulated power supply 0-30v/2A(digital) Stroboscope with batterycharger cum main adaptor 12 VDC 230 V,flash range 150-18000 rev/min Vaccum gauge 100mm dial bourdon tube types 3/8 BSP Bourdon tube pressure gauge ,40kg/cm,100 mm dial 3/8 connection Inclined limb manometer acrylic block 0-25mm Digital insulation tester with probe 100,250,500&1000 V Microscope in wooden box Digital conductinity meter with electrode (table top model) Recipiocating piston type flow meter(vertical) 15mm vibrating read frequency meter 45-50 55hz Digital ic tester sling psychrometer on wood Circular chart recorder 300mm chart,suitable for 230v Revolving center MT-A Wooden stool Veriner Caliper Allen Key Wire Grage Screw Driver 10 Feeler Grage Tweeger Oil cane Hand Drill (Small) manual Combination set Loock 65mm Locker Almirah (8 compartmenmt) Large Almirah Armed Chair Table Hacksaw Frame Steel rule 12 Steel rule 6 Adjustable try Square 4 Fixed Try Square Outside Spring Calipar Inside Spring Calipar Inside Micrometer Snap Garge Combination Piler Pipe Wrench( Small) Cross pane hammer 1/4 lb Ball pane hammer 1/2 lb Diamond point Chisel Flat Chisel 1 Round Nose Chisel Flat Chisel 3/4 Scraper( Half Round) Flat File 10 Hand File 10 Resp Cut File 10 Ring Garge Plug Garge C Clamp Binocular Ball pane hammer 1b Lock 60mm Work bench (6*4) 180*120*82.5 P,O Box Eye pices 3 focus Volt meter 0-500 VDC 100-0-100m Voltmeter Am meter 0-5Amp Drill machine bench type with electric motor, chuck, key &V belt Tool maker clamp Flat chisel 1/2 Flat chisel 1/4 Die 12mm Work bench (Top) summica Bench grinder Outside micro meter 25-50mm Thermo couple, length 2 with millivolt Meter (1200 degree c) with 2 different type of thermo couple Speed Indicator (counter) Surface plate scriber Odd leg caliper Divider Dot punch Tap Handle 6 Dial test indicator Centre guage SniP 10 Drill 10 mm Drill 10.5 mm Drill 7.5 mm Screw pitch gauge Line tester Energy meter 3 Phase Balancing Weight 50kg Earth tester without lead Table Lamp Spanner set (set of 5) Revolving centre MT-3 Megger 500v V block with clamp Pin vice watch makers Knurling Tool(2 bit only) Soldering iron 65 w Bench vice 120 mm Knurling Tool revdving head Dead weight tester (Ravika make) with accessories MT sleeve 3-4 Drill chuck (13mmm) with key Theodolite 20 sec in wooden box ( without stuff & prismatic compass Combination plier (jhalani) 150 mm Walt meter, portable(Nippen) current range 5/10A, Voltage range 150/300/600v Single phase coSφ meter MT sleeve 2-3 Sin bar 200 m Drill m/c(hand) variapal speed, cap 10 mm, 220 v with key Tachometer, centirifugal type 50,000 v.p.m Strip chart recorder, potentiometer type Resistanee thermmometer 0-100 c Steel Almirh (small) Vernier bevel protecter 150 mm Vernier height gauge 300 mm Digital vernier caliper 200 mm Vernier micrometer 0-1 Vernier micrometer 0-25 mm Anvi (50kg) with stand (68kg|) Duel Desk Prismatic compars with stand Energy meter 1 Vernier caliper 200 mm Scissor 10 Reamer 9 mm Reamer 10 mm Revolving Centre MT-4 Electronic Tmer Percentage Type Steel Almirah Big VCR .V. 6110 Remote C EC Tele teaches Cassttes Lock 65 Plaza With keys Lock 50 mm With Two keys Steel Almirah bag with Two keys Steel Chair with Arm Steel table with key Small Almirah with key Eight Pugeon Hole Steel Lockes Lock With Keys 50 mm Brass Lock with key 50 mm steel Chairs Air Compresser-Two Stage Water Pump (Maruti Car 800) Steel Almirah 1290*760*430mm with two keys (small) Steel Tool Box with lock key small Riviting m/c Foot operated Long Nose Piler Jhalani 8 Ring Spanner Set 12per (6-32mm) D.O. Open Spanner Set (6-32mm) File Flat Bastered 12 Hacksaw Frame Adjustable Work Bench Fuel Pump Assy (MPFI) Electric Hand Drill Machine 10mm 1400watt Samll Water Plier Hollow punch Assorted Size (8pecs) File Square (8 inch) Steel Chair with Arms frite saw Screw Wrench adjustable Distributer Maruti 800 Steel locker 12 compartment Philiphs type serew driver Ratchet screw Driver Standard Brake Linning & Riviting M/C Foot Operated Steering Gear Box Assy Steering Gear Box (Amb ) Complete Techmeter Counting Type width timmimg Light Filler gauge Ball pan Hammer Bajaj three Wheeler pick up van chassis No -22(969699214) E nO-2296F02369 Lock 60 mm Brass with two keys Spring Tension Scale For Checking Clutch Spring value ,spring compression Bench vice 5 (Jhalani HD) Portable elerctric Hand drill Machine 10mm (Black % deeker) Lock 50mm Ring Spanner set of 12 pcs(6-32mm) Lock 50mm Word Bench 8* 4*3 spark plug testing & cleaning unit Lock Harrision 60mm Hacksaw Frame Adjustable Power steering Assy (Maruti L*1) Surface plate 12*12 Lock Plaza (Godown) Fuel Pump Assy (MPFI) Round long Mase Plier F.I Pump 6cylinder Engine Mico Make Tata Gear Box assy (Amb) STEEL TABLE 120*75*75CM STEEL CHAIR WITHOUT ARM FRIT SAW DOUBLE ENDED GRINDER 3 PHASE 1/4HP(BENCH) BENCH VICE 125MM FIBRE GLASS BATH TUB STATE SNIP 10 STATE SNIP 8 STOVE HACKSAW FRAME 12 FIXED MONKEY SPANNER UPTO 50MM SCISSOR 10 PIPE VICE NO3/2 PIPE WRENCH 14(GEDORE3+1LOCAL) PIPE WRENCH 12(GEDORE +1+1 LOCAL EVEREST) SCREW DRIVER 6 SCREW DRIVER 12 WOODEN HANDLE SCREW DRIVER 10 SCREW DRIVER 8 PLIER COMBINATION 8 PLIER 6 PIPE BENDING MACHINE HYDROLIC DRILL CHUCK 6MM HAND DRILL MACHINE 1/4HP(WOOLF) CHAIN BLOCK-1 TON Pipe Wrench-300mm,(12) (3+1) Pipe Wrench-300mm,(14) (Gador) Trowel 4 Monkey Spanner (10) Bucket Steel Chair With Arm Chairs armless Almirah steel big Combination piler 8 Steel tap 5 mtrs Screw driver 8 Screw driver 10 Refrigerator 165 ltr kelvinator Bottle cooler Deep freezer Charging many fold with value of gauge Flaring tool Sling psychrometers Water cooler pr. Type model no. SR-45p Changing cylinder station with a Accessories, such as suitable gauges hand shut of valve ,double stage vacum pump ; electric point voltmeter, ameter gauge many fold all fitted an purtable trolley. Thermostic expansion value Water cooler storage type Model 150 sidwal make Tube cutter miniature File flat duble cut 300 mm Screw driver set of 06 blade Tapparia Dual desk Clamp mmeter a.c.d.c fluke make model 376 Steel pad lock 65 mm AC plant direct and indirect cooling water chiller complete with all controls including humidity control etc. cap-15000k cal/hr. Room AC 1.5 tn (ton) s.no.08458652 Voltas Portable evacuating refrigerant changing station. AC Window type 1 ton capacity make Feddev lloyd. Steel chairs with arrn Refrigerator 165 Litre kelvinator Visi cooler 165 Litre Air cooler steel body valve die for Two Wheeler G.I tray 8*10 Arbor press 200kg Hand operated Filler Gauge of Ten Blade in mm Tyre pressure Gauge portable Grease Gun 1/2 PINT terry Spanner Two Wheeler Phillip screw Driver 100mm/Everest DE spanner set & 8 pcs(6*7 to 20*22) Gauge setter for spark plug for Two Wheeler Standard Quality Soldering Iron 265W DE &Ring spanner set of 12 pcs 6/7 to 30/32 24 pilers socket wrener set Two Wheeler Scooter (vehicle no-66 FB DM83563) Almirah steel big (1980*910*480) Metal Cloth Locker Steel chair Width lane seat Work Bench 6*4*25 Allen key set 4 mm to 10 mm Protable electric hand drill machine 10 mm Selectionises engine (bajaj two wheeler) Low pressure scooter washing machine complete with other equipement Spark plug cleaning machine Double Ended Spanner set 6/7 to 20/22 set of 8pcs Combination peier 8 (Taparia) Screw Driver Plastick Handle 8 Circlik lock plier 7 inside Circlip lock plier 7 outside oil can 1/2 pint leg shaper electric iron automatic hammer ball pein 1.5 lbs.with handle swing machine with stool & tradle clutch puller por scooter magnet peier for scooter magnet puller for scooter scissors 10. L-square inches Badminton rocket Criket bat Chess board with coin Hockey stick Trunk (160*65*50)cm Whistle metallic Volley ball post 2 pipe Badminton pole with ratchet Disc through 2kg Shotput 8 pounds Shotput 12 pounds Shoyout 16 pounds REVOLVING COMPUTER CHAIRS COMPUER TABLE (SMALL) Printer table 24x24x20 STEET TABLE (INSTRUCTOR) CHAIR WRITING BOARD (GREEN) CABINET DRAWER FILING CABINET STEEL CUP BOARD FILING CABINET FITTED COMPTUER TABLE TOP MADE OF MDF 750X750X750 locks harrison 50 mm locks plaza 55 mm chair armless steel almiran (BIG) Typing Table Door Closer Oxygen Regulator 10 Liter Make Accetelyn Regulator 10L Make Ratchet Brace Tap 1/4 BSF Tap 1 BSP Die 3/4 BSP (2pcs Set) Die BSF/BSW Tap 3/4 BSP Tap 1/2 BSP Tap 3/8BSP Set of two pcs Spirit level three Angle Tap Handle 25mm Depth micrometer(Linear Scrale(60-300mm) Megnetic Dial Stand Vernier Height Gauge Vernier caliper 5 (old) Reamer 22mm Reamer 18mm Reamer 13mm Reamer25mm RASP FILE 10 BORING BAR TAP HANDLE TOTAM TAPS 1 BSW TAP BSW 7/8 TAP 22X2.5(SET OF THREE) TAP 3/4BSW +BSF TAP 20X2.5(SET OF THREE) TAP 18X2.5 TAP 5/8 BSW TAP 16X2 TAP 14X2 TAP 12X1.75 TAP3/8 BSW TAP 10X1.5 TAP 09X1.25 TAP 5/16 BSW TAP 8X1.25 TAP 7/16 BSW TAP1/4 BSW TAP 7X1 Square file 6/8 Feat file 6 Hacksaw Frame 12 File Triangular 4 Chiesel Flat 6x1/2 scriber 6 File Round 12 Baster Hansa File round 10 hansa Drill Twist H.S.S 1/16 - 1/2x1/64 OIL Can 1/2 Pint spray type Screw Pilin Gauge 6055 BSW Hacksaw frame Adjustable 12 scriber 6 Chiesel Diamond 6x3/8 File Flat smooth 10 Hammer Ball Peen 1/4 Pipe Wrench 18 Center Punch 4 Hand Drilling M/C 1/4 Caliper Old LFG 6 TRY Square 6 DEVIDER SPRING 6 MEDIUM Vernier Caliper 200mm Mitutoy HAND VICE 2 TAP DIE SET 1/4 TO1/2*1/6 CALIPER FIRM JAINT 6 LOCAL DRILL ST. SHANK 12/64 DRILL ST. SHANK 1/32TO 1/4 VICE M/C 4 SWILE BASE CHISEL DIMOND POINT 1/4 CHISEL FLEET 6 3/4 DRILL ST. SHANK 1/8 DRILL ST. SHANK 3/16 DRILL ST. SHANK 1/4 TAP SET 3/16BSW WARIER FILE H/R 10 FILE FLAT 2ND CUT 10/12 FILE TRIANGULAR 8 FILE FLAT 8 FILE FLAT 6 FILE TRIANGULAR 4 HANSA FILE WARDING 4 FILE SQUARE 10 FILE H/R 4 2nd CUT FILE ROUND 2nd CUT FILE SQUARE 6 FILE KNIFE EDGE 6 FILE TRIANGULAR 6 FILE FLEET BASTERED 10 FILE BASTERED FLEET14 FILE FLEET SMOOTH 4 FILE H/R 4 2nd CUT FILE HAND 8 FILE ROUND 6x1/4 FILE HAND 6 2nd CUT FILE BASTERED 12FLEET FILE HAND 6 FILE FLEET 2nd 6 FILE FLEET 10 FLEET FILE 4 FILE ALIDDH SET OF 12 HANSA FILE FLEET 10 ROUGH HANSA Drill Chuck with Key 6mm, 1/4 FILE FLEET 14 BASTERED HANSA FILE SQUARE 6 HANSA FILE FLEET 16 DRILL 1/32 DRILL 5/16 FILE H/R BASTERED 6 M.T SLEEVES 2-3 MORSE TAPER SLEEV 3-4 DOUBLE ENDED SPANNER SET 6mm To 32 mm STEEL RULE 30 CM RING SPANNER SET OF 12 Pcs 6mm to 32mm LONG NOSE PLIER 200MM COMBINATION DRILL 1/8* 5/16 H.S.S. COMBINATION PLIER 15 CM INSULATED Calculator Pocket Size Electric Motor 1 H.P Garden Scissors Leg Vice Assarted size Type Writer Tab Handle 340 mm Electric Motor 0.1/2HP Needle Lajer Electric Motor 0.75 HP Electric motor 2.5Hp Electric Motor 5 HP Anvil 40kg/25kg Hand Proof Press Low Pressure regular Accetelene Round Circle sheet cutting machine Hand swedge block different shape steel shuttering Blower of Cupbola furnance stool wooden cramp 6 cramp 4 cross pane hammer 1/2 LBS. Smoothing Plane Wooden Hand Grinder 4 Wheel Broken Iron Trying Plane 18 Hullow Punch Assaeted Iron Press Ordinary Die Handel Small Angle Plate Tap Handle 1/4 Die Handle 1 1/2 Tasta (Iron) Anglthe Ordinary Axe Elltric Motor 1 HP 2 phase Chisel 3/4*8 Surafce Plkate 12*12 Padstal Fan Wooden Die 2 tap Box Ass empty Hand Bag Leather Hand Bag Raxian Stool Woaten Weight balance with Weight DIES 14MM DIES 18MM DIES 08MM DIES 10MM DIES 7MM DIES 5MM Reamer 3/8 Reamer 3/16 Reamer 5/16 Drill 2.5mm Centre Drill 3|16X1|16 Centre Drill 1|84X3|64 Drill 1 mm Drill 1.5 mm Taber shank Drill 13.5mm Tasla S.W.G Hand vice 6X2 Brass Rule 12 Diamond Dresser Row plug Assasted size Row Bites Used Rawal Plug Handdle Grlndind Whell presser Die 12X1.75 Die 1/2BSF Die 7/6BSW Die 1/2 DIe 1/2X13 Die 7/16BSF Die 9/16BSF Die 3/4BSF Die 5/8BSF Die 1 BSF Die 12mm Die 10mm Die 09mm Die 08mm Die 07mm Die 6mm Die 5mm Die 4mm Die 3mm Die 3/8BSW Die 1/4BSW Die 3/16 Die 7/32 Die 5/32 Reamer 16 mm Reamer 14 mm Drill taber sbant h.s.s . 13.5mm Drill taber sbant h.s.s. 14.5mm Drill taber sbant h.s.s 21 mm Drill taber sbant h.s.s 2205 mm Drill h.s.s 19 mm Drill h.s.s 23 mm Drill h.s.s 20.5 mm Drill h.s.s 28 mm Drill h.s.s 1/4 Drill h.s.s 18.5 mm Drill h.s.s 13/16 Drill h.s.s 9/16 Drill h.s.s 13/16 Drill h.s.s 33/64 Drill 11/16 Drill h.s.s 12.8mm Reamer 20mm steel rule 12 steel rule 24 ROUND FILE 6 KNITE EDGE FILE 6 FLAT FILE 6 FILE RASP 8 Saw Set Peier Divider (Wing Compass) Adze (Without Handle) Chlesel Plane Blade 2 Firmer Chisel 1/4 Firmer Chisel 3/4 _do_ 1 Knife blade Firmer Chiset 5/4,3/2 NEEDLE FILE Hand drill Machine Hand Brace Counter Sunk Bit Assasted Size Hand Saw 12 w/o Handle Jack Plane 12 Iron 14 Jack plane Iron 18 Sledge Hammer 3/2kg Sledge Hammer 3/2kg C- Clamp No-04 C- Clamp No-03 Scraper SCRIBER FILE C- Clamp No-02 Gimlet Try Square 4 6 8 Assasted Screw driver 12 screw driver 6 screw driver 8wooden Handel claw Hammer 1 lbs Hammer ball pane 3/2 lbs sledge Hammner 3/2 lbs sledge Hammer 2 lbs . Cruss pane . Blow lamp Pressure Gauge oxygen (Regulator)| low pressure Blow pipe welding TRIANGULAR FILE 7 Hand vice 2 hand vice 5/4 / 1 pipe wrrench 14 Landle (kurcha ) Bench vice 7/2 Booster Divider spring type 10 Divide spring type 8 oddleg caliper 6(special ) Campass 10 wing compass 8 Wing compass 7 Campass 10 SQUARE FILE 10 Swedge tual Sapring divider 4 addleg caliper 4 Spring jpint inside caliper 6 addleg caliper spring type 6 addleg caliper w/o spring o/s spring caliper 4 pipe vice 2 i/s caliper spring type combination plier 6 lorg nose peier long NOSe peier SQUARE FIEL 8 combinationj plier ordinary class peier pipe wrench 8 number punch Letter Punch small size 2 Pibe Wrench 12 Ring Channer assasted she 4 Dogter endled Spanner assacted TRY Sq. Adjustable 4 ToOL makers clamp 3 Try Square Engo. 4 Bevel Square Spring Rivider 6 Fire extinguisher ROUND FILE 8 Hammer, Etruss Pane Feat Chisel 1/2X6 Feat chisel 3/4 *6/Side Feat Chisel 1/2X6 Chisel Nose USX6 cruss cut chisel 3/8*4 chisel Round cut Nose 1/4*6 Chisel Flat 1/4*4 Iron Plane Adjustable Iron Plane Adjustable Hacksaw frome Adjustable FIRMER CHIESEL 1/4 HALL ROUND FILE 10 Weight 50 kg weighting scall G.1 Bucket Gas welding Regulator (oxgyen ) Weight 5kg Weight 10kg Screw Driver Cross pane Hammer Type write hindi/English Pressure Gauge-63 mm 2 1/2 Voltmeter D/C A/C 0-10v. Feeler Gauge Ammeter 0-15 Amp Drill machine 10mm SQUARE FILE 6/8 Lock Broken Pipe Wrench Screw Driven 8 Broken Pipe Die 1/2 Collet 40mm Drawing Board 1/2 Imperial Lag Shaper 20 Wooden T-small wooden padstal fan Room neater u/s wooden chair broken SQUARE FILE 10 old charkha in wooden box electric motor 0.75 HP 3 Phase carpenter vice 2 carpenter vice 8 US Sheet cutter hand operate w/o Handle collect assarted size Ladder 6 Alumnium Ladder 10 Aluminium Hydraulic Pipe bending machine carpenter vice 8/9 Fire extinguisher Hand water spring spade phaura FLAT FILE 10 Halmet Plastic Mason scral folding complete w/o accessories coolent pump motor . 75 HP FLAT FILE 12 FLAT FILE 8 RASP FILE 10 TRIANGULAR FILE 8 TRIANGULAR FILE 10 FLAT FILE 12 SMOOTH Tap 5* 0.8 Tap 6* 1.0 Tap 24*3.0 Tap22*2.5 TAP 20*2.5 Tap 16*2 Tap 14*2 Tap12*1.75 Tap 1/2 BSF/BSW Tap7/16BSF/BSW Tap 12*1.75 Tap9/16 BSF Tap 5/8 BSF Tap 9*1.25 Tap 3/8 BSF/BSW Tap 10MM Tap 5/16 Tap 7/16BSW/BSF Tap 3/8 Tap11*1.5 Tap 9*1.25 Tap 11/16 Tap 7* 1.0 Tap M6 TAP M8 Tap 6*1.0 Tap MS*0.8 Tap 3/8 BSW Tap 3* 0.5 Tap 7/32 Tap 5/32 Tap 1/8 Tap 3/4 BSP TAP 3/8 BSP Tap 1/4 BSP TAP 1/2 BSP Tap 3/32 BSW Tap 5/8 BSW Tap 14*2 Tap11*1.5 Tap 12*1.75 Tap 8*1.25 TAP 9X1.25 TAP 8X1.25 TAP 7X1.0 TAP 10X1.5 TAP 3/16 TAP 4X0.7 TAP 5X0.8 TAP 7/16 DIES 1BSW DIES 7/8 BSW DIES 7/8 BSW DIES 1/2 BSW DIES 7/16 BSW DIES 16X2 DIES 12X1.75 Drill 15/64 Drill 9/32 Drill 1/16 Drill 5/32 Drill 9/64 Diamond glaziar Drill 15/32 Drill 11.5 mm Drill 12 mm Drill 11 mm Drill 11/32 Drill 9.5 mm Drill 23/64 Drill 7/64 Expension Reamer Hand 23/32to 25/32 n/1 Expension Reamer Hand 13/32 to 7/16 n/2 Expenson Reamer Hand 3/8 to 13/32 Reamer 12 mm Reamer 10 mm Reamer 9 mm Reamer 6 mm Die 3/32 BSW Die 1/16 BSW Die 1/8BSW Die 5/15 BSW/8mm Die 3/8 BSW Die 3/16 BSW Die3/4 BSW Die 5/8 BSF Die 11/1.5 Measuring Tape(Stell 5m) Pin Punch Thread Angle Gauge Stell Rule 12 Center Punch Assaeted Size Dot punch assarted size Dot punch assarted (marking Gauge Woden) Dial Type gauge 0-100 Dial indicator Height gauge- 12Arm. Marking block Megnet 12 Face Marking Block 12 Steel rule 6(15cm) Steel rule 6(15cm) cutter slot tab handle smallest measuring tape (3mtrs) collet 15mm collet 10mm collet 2mm collet 12mm collet 06mm collet 1/8 rib type collet 3mm rib type collet 25mm rib type collet 5mm rib type die handle 2 die handle 1.5 die handle1 tap handle tap handle(11length) measuring tape 20 meter hollow punch 19mm hollow punch 12mm hollow punch 10mm go not go plug gauge14mm uk make go not go plug gauge 24.5mm go not go plug gauge17mm one side missing go not go plug gauge20mm uk make go not go plug gauge 23mm go not go plug gauge 12.5mm go not go plug gauge 18.5mm go not go plug gauge 21mm go not go plug gauge 24.5mm go not go plug gauge 38mm go not go plug gauge 26mm go not go plug gauge 27.5mm go not go plug gauge 36.5mm go not go plug gauge 32mm go not go plug gauge35mm go not go plug gauge 30.5mm go not go plug gauge 29mm go not go gauge 42.5mm go not go plug gauge 33.5mm go not go gauge 39.5mm go not go gauge 47mm go not go gauge 50mm go not go gauge 45.5mm go not go plug gauge 44mm go not go gauge 45.5mm go not go gauge 41mm Ring gauge 12.5mm Ring gauge 18.5mm Ring gauge 22mm Ring gauge 17mm Ring gauge 14mm Ring gauge 15.5mm Ring gauge 18.5mm Ring gauge 17mm Ring gauge 21.5mm Ring gauge 12.5mm Ring Gauge inside dia 50 mm (plug Gauge) Ring Gauge inside dia 29.0mm Ring Gauge inside dia 27.5mm Ring Gauge inside dia 26mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 32mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 27.5mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 20.7mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 20mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 30.5mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 21.5mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 23mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 24.5mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 24mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 24mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 33mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 30.5mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 26mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 35mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 29mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 38mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 38mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 35mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 32mm Ring gauge plug gauge inside 41mm Ring gauge plug gauge 33.5mm Ring gauge plug gauge 39.5mm Ring gauge plug gauge 44mm Ring gauge plug gauge 42.5mm Ring gauge plug gauge 48mm Ring gauge plug gauge 50mm Ring gauge plug gauge 47mm Ring gauge plug gauge 45mm multiplier electrical 440/110 volt sprit level 36 grinder with flexible pipe hacksaw frame fix/ad; pipe die with die bit 1/2to01 chiesel flat 1 pipe wrench 10 pipe wrench 12 pipe vice ball pane hammer 2lb chisel 3/4x8 chain wrench 100mm ball peen hammer Claw Hammer 600gm. Slegde Hammer 3 kg. Cross Pane Hammer 400gm. Cross Pane Hammer 100gm. Ball Peen Hammer 1/2 Lbs. Wheel Bag. Die Conducts Wheel dresser with and one set Die Bits. BALL Pane Hammer 1 ½ Lbs. Gauge Go Not go. (25.5-32) Gauge Go Not go. (38-44.5) Gauge Go Not go. (32.38) Drawing Instrument Box Wheel Pipe Cutter Pipe Wrench 8 Width & Worth Gauge 60°/55° With Worth Gauge Small SAFETY Goggles SAFETY Goggles (Welding) NOSE Goggles Soldering Iron c Gurmala Karni Big & Small Towel. Palla. Brick Hammer Hacksaw frame Fix Pipe Die with two bit 1/4 Pipe Die BSP 1/4, 1½, 2 Pipe Die Set BSP 1/2 Bits Pic Axe (Ganti) Snip Assarted Size Electrical Holder Hand Vice 1½, 1¼ Woden Spirit level 12 Tong Flat (sandcai) Ball Pane Hammer 1 Lbs. Umbrella. Sine Bar 10 Self Center Chuck C-Clamp u Engineering Spirit level 12 Plastic spirit level 6 WOODEN SPIRIT LEVEL 6 SPRIT LEVEL 24 STEEL TAP HANDLE 1 TO 2 STRAIGHT EDGE 18STEEL ADD LEG CALIPER 4 DIVIDER 6 (SPRING) U.S USING COMPASS 12 ADD LEG CALIPER 4 DIVIDER 4 ADD LEG CALIPER 8 MARKING BLOCK POINTER(RED) SCRIBER FLAT CHIESEL 1*8 SOLDERING IRON BIG &SMALL TONG FLAT (ASSARTED) PLIER (NAIL REMOVER) PINCER RED C UTTER OLD. WOODEN PLANE WITHOUT ACCESSORIES HANDLE TOOL POST FAN BLADE(3PCS) WELDING GOGGLES D/E HANDLE SMALL Weighting accesaries (kanta) BUTTON Hall Scissors 4 L-Square Irun Rack steel Five Compartment Accessory coller chuck cycle old (damang) old pump. spraying mask Tennon saw 12strip without Handle. Tennon saw 10 Tennon saw without strip 14/12 Davetail sew 10Tennon saw. key hole saw Marking Gauge Wooden Smoothing Plane Wooden 9/7 w/0 accessories Moulding Plane Wooden Without Blude. Rebate Plane Wooden Grooving Plane. Wooden. Pincer Four Fold Wooden Foot Rule Spok Shave Plane LOCK Assasted Size 4/5 w/o Key Wooden Table 6x4x2 lock 33mm (pool) u/s chair wooden without arms Hacksaw Prame Mallat Pot Chain pulley black with three pipe leg ball pane Hammer Letter Punch Big Size Copper pipe Bending Spring Die Bits 1/4 Soldering Iron (Broken) Drill Bit 3/8 m/s Chain for cooler (150 Gram each) m/s Bending Rod Hacksaw 12 Tea Table round Wooden Lathe Machine chuck (Assarted) Piegon Hole Steel & Compartment Pipe vice 2 Table Clock Oil Can. V block and clamp. Planner 250 mm steel Flat file bastered Precision vice. Saffire welding blow pipe. Cutting blower. Hand file 6 smooth Triangular file 6 Triangular file 5 Triangular file 6 Triangular file 8 Divider,6 O.S Caliper 6 Chiesel 1/4 Chiesel 1/2 Feat. Angle plate 6X5X5 Vasule Chuck for jaw & with handle. Dies 6 mm Dies 5/16 Dies 1/4 Conduit pipe die 1/2, 3/4, 1 Centre Drill 3/4X5/16 Centre Drill 5/8X1/4 Drill 11 pkt of 10 pcs each 7/64 Drill 3/32 Drill 11/32 Drill 23/64 Drill 21/64 Drill 19/64 Drill 17/64 Drill 11/64 Drill 7/32 Drill 13/64 Ring gauge plug gauge inside 48mm Dies 22X2.5 Dies 24X3 Dies 22X2.5/20X2.5 Dies 5/8 BSW Dies 9 mm Class Room Chair With Writing Arm Working Table With Wooden Top SIZE 1250X950X1000MM CYLINDER OXYGEN &ACCETYLENE PORTABLE MINI WELDING TRANSFORMER OIL COOLED 250 AMP.SINGLE PHASE COPPER WINDED Type Writer English 49cm Sl.No. 615208 REGULATOR OXYGEN TWO STAGE REGULATOR ACITXLENE TWO STAGE Changing cylinder station with a Accessories, such as suitable gauges hand shut of valve ,double stage vacum pump ; electric point voltmeter, ameter gauge many fold all fitted an purtable trolley. Walk Man Logic Probe Exaust Fan Room Heater Speaker DUSTBIN PLASTIC WITH FOOT OPERATED LID EVAPORATIVE AIR COOLER 6000 CUM/HR JEEP DEISEL 4 CYLINDER M&M BLOCK NO. 833230 Center Lathe Superprise Leading 1650/1000 BED no-3361 Center Lathe Superprise Leading 1650 BED NO.3368 Center Lathe Superprise Leading 1650 BED NO.3265 Center Lathe Superprise Leading 1650 /1000 BED NO 3362 Center Lathe Superprise Leading 1650 BED NO.3369 Center Lathe Superprise Leading 1650 BED NO.3266 PADUSTAL GRINDER 10 WHEEL SIZE REVOLVING CENTRE MT.3 CROSS CUT CHISEL 6 MAGNIFYING GLASS REVOLVING CENTER DRILL SLEEVE SET OF 3 PIECES PLIER DRILL M/CS PILLER TYPE MOTORISED WITH OUT COOLENT PUMP DRILL CHUCK WITH KEY FIRE BUCKET WITH STAND STEEL LOCKER 18 SELF /COMPARTMENT LOCKER STEEL WITH 8 COMPARTMENT EARTH CLAMP BENCH GRINDER WORKING BENCH WITH FOUR DRAWERS (240*120*75)CM BENCH VICE SCREW DRIVER FLAT FILE BASTARD COMBINATION PLIER 150 MM ELECTRICIAN KNIFE WATCH MAKER SCREW DRIVER SPANNER ADJUSTABLE 150MM COMBINATION PLIER 200M HAND DRILL MACHINE SOLDERING STATION SIGNAL GEN AMFM (150 MHZ) SCIENTIFIC SCREW DRIVER 15CM NEON TESTER PEN WIRE STRIPPER ALLEN KEY SET HAMMER CROSS PEIN (200GM) LCR BRIDGE DIGITAL POWER SUPPLY 6V POWER SUPPLY30V DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA SOLDERING IRON(250W) Water Lifting Pump Test Bench File Half Round 200mm 2bd Cut File Triangular 150mm File Rasp Cut Half Round 200mm Hand Blender Test Bench Work Bench Voltage Senser Pencil Type Wire Gange Neon Tester Pen Type Wire Stripper Screw Driver Set of Five Soldering Item 25W 16v OHM Meter CRO Single Beam Inter Lock Digital Multimeter Soldering Iron 25W Desert Cooler Heat Converter Soldering Iron 65W COMPUTER CHAIR PCH-7031 Welding Generator set FIRE EXTINGUISHER (FOAM TYPE) DOUBLE STAGE PRESSURE REGULATOR (OXYGEN) DOUBLE STAGE PRESSURE REGULATOR ACETYLENE SAFETY GOGGLES WELDING HAND SCREEN HACKSAW FRAME CHISEL COLD CROSS(9 MM) HAMMER SCALING 0.25KG PORTABLE HAND GRINDER AG-4 manual metal Arc Inverter Size 200Amp ESAB Fire Extingsher (Co₂ Type) Safety Boots for Welder Braze Weldind Equipment (ESAB) Try Square Brass Rule (30 cm) Portable Drilling M/C single phase 10mm NAME OF THE ITEM OF COE (FURNITURE) GODREJ METTALIC PERFO CHAIR WITH DESKLET Rack steel Godrej Stool for Lab Locker with 8 Drawers Godrej Table 101 T-1 NAME OF THE ITEM OF SCRAP G.I Scrap Brass Scrap M.S Scrap Copper Scrap Aluminium Scrap

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