
Bids Are Invited For Boq Bid 27023 Acetone 2.5 Ltr , 27142 Ammonium Acetate 500 Gm , 42055 Calcium Carbonate 500 Gm , 764000 Dihydrogen Potassium Phosphate 500 Gm , 293875 Erichrome Black T 25 Gm , 111248 Ethanol 500 Ml , 584115 Ferrous Ammonium Sulp, Srinagar-Jammu And Kashmir

Department of Higher Education has published Bids Are Invited For Boq Bid 27023 Acetone 2.5 Ltr , 27142 Ammonium Acetate 500 Gm , 42055 Calcium Carbonate 500 Gm , 764000 Dihydrogen Potassium Phosphate 500 Gm , 293875 Erichrome Black T 25 Gm , 111248 Ethanol 500 Ml , 584115 Ferrous Ammonium Sulp. Submission Date for this Tender is 10-02-2024. Medicine Tenders in Srinagar Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Boq Bid 27023 Acetone 2.5 Ltr , 27142 Ammonium Acetate 500 Gm , 42055 Calcium Carbonate 500 Gm , 764000 Dihydrogen Potassium Phosphate 500 Gm , 293875 Erichrome Black T 25 Gm , 111248 Ethanol 500 Ml , 584115 Ferrous Ammonium Sulp
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Boq Bid 27023 Acetone 2.5 Ltr , 27142 Ammonium Acetate 500 Gm , 42055 Calcium Carbonate 500 Gm , 764000 Dihydrogen Potassium Phosphate 500 Gm , 293875 Erichrome Black T 25 Gm , 111248 Ethanol 500 Ml , 584115 Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate Hexahydrate 500 Gm , 27017 Glacial Acetic Acid 500 Ml , 28454 Glycerol 500 Ml , 113460 Hydrochloric Acid 500 Ml , 28523 Hydroxylamine Hydrocholoride 100 Gm , 865850 Methyl Orange 125 Ml , 169215 Nitric Acid 500 Ml , 29423 Oxalic Acid 500 Gm , 29605 Potassium Dichromate 500 Gm , 29628 Potassium Hydroxide Pellets 500 Gm , 29477 Phenol 500 Gm , 606025 1 10 Phenanthroline Monohydrate 5 Gm , 24661 Phenolphthalein 125 Ml , 29638 Potassium Nitrate 500 Gm , 194915 Poly Vinyl Chloride 500 Gm , 29644 Potassium Permanganate 500 Gm , 29631 Potassium Iodide 100 Gm , 24325 Sodium Meta Silicate Pentahydrate 500 Gm , 26186 Sodium Meta Silicate Nonahydrate 500 Gm , 30254 Stannous Chloride 250 Gm , 30087 Silver Nitrate 25 Gm , 30167 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets 500 Gm , 225760 Sulphanilamide 500 Gm , 30121 Sodium Carbonate 500 Gm , 30264 Starch 500 Gm , 30226 Sodium Sulphite 500 Gm , 64605 Sodium Sulphate 500 Gm , 30605 Zinc Chloride 500 Gm , Dm 1345 Azide Dextrose Broth 500 Gm , Dm 1180 A1 Broth 500 Gm , 224625 Streptozotocin Stz Extra Pure 500 Mg Total Quantity : 119

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