
Tender For Purchase Of Quality Control Lab Equipment For The Year 2023-24, Chitradurga-Karnataka

Visvesvaraya Jala Nigam Ltd has published Tender For Purchase Of Quality Control Lab Equipment For The Year 2023-24. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-02-2024. Weight Measuring Instrument Tenders in Chitradurga Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Purchase Of Quality Control Lab Equipment For The Year 2023-24
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Tender Details

Tender For Purchase Of Quality Control Lab Equipment For The Year 2023-24 DIGITAL DIRECT SHEAR TEST APPARATUS complete with LVDT & Load cell, AS PER IS: 2720 (Part-VIII), ASTM D-3080 For determination of the direct shear strength of soils on specimen size 60 mm x 60 mm x 25 mm. Specification: The apparatus comprises of the following: Loading Unit: Supplied with load yoke with direct and lever system for applying load. Normal stress capacity 8kg/sq.em. Load is applied either directly of through a counter halanced detachable lever. Provision is made for load to be applied either through a steel ball recessed in the loading pad or direct through a boss on the pre calibrated loading yoke. The loading unit is provided with V strips and roller strips for frictionless movement of shear box housing. Shear Box Assembly: Comprising Direct Shear box in two halves for a square specimen size 60 x 60 x 25 mm one pair of plain gripper plates, one pair or perforated gripper plates, one pair or porous stones, one top loading pad. Shear box housing: Accommodates the Direct Shear Box assembly. Complete with two ball roller strips. Specimen Cutter: For cutting 60 x 60 x 25 mm specimen from larger samples. Set of weights to give a normal stress of 3 kg/sq.em, through lever as follows: To give kg/cm sq 0.05 4 Nos., 0.1 INo., 0.2 1No., 0.5 3 Nos. 1.0 INo. Complete set as above but without proving ring. Nett weight 140Kg. Essential Accessories: High sensitivity compression ring cap 200 kg one consolidation dial gauge 0.01 mm x 25 mm and one strain dial gauge 0.01 mm x 25 mm and one strain dial gauge 0.01 mm x 25 mm. Optional extras: Additional set of weights to give a normal stress of 5 kg/cm2 Soil Sampler for 60 mm x 60mm specimen and test from pad of 50. Spares: Porous stone for 60 mm x 60 mm size sample available in pairs. DIGITAL TRIAXIAL TEST APPARATUS complete with LVDT & Load cell, As Per IS 2720 (PART XII) The cell is useful for testing 38mm dia x 76mm high soil specimen. Transparent Perspex chamber with anvil and loading plunger, the cell is easily opened by releasing four nuts of the tie rods. It is leak proof up to 10kg/cm.sq. Fluid pressure. An oil plug which can also be used as an air vent is provided for introducing a thin layer of oil over water. This provides effective sealing at the plunger for long duration tests. The cell is fitted with four sleeve packed valves of no volume change type on the base. These valves are used for cell pressure, pore water pressure, drainage, or back pressure. The loading plunger of the cell has dial gauge rest. Loading pad made of Perspex for 38mm dia specimens. Pair of plain discs made of Perspex 38mm dia 6mm thick. Pair of porous stones 38mum dia specimen. Split sand former for 38mm dia specimen. Sheath stretcher for 38mm dia specimen. One dozen rubber sheaths for 38mm dia samples. For synthetic rubber o rings for 38mm dia specimen. One plastic drainage tube One load frame 5000 Kgf motorized, consists one rate of strain type, giving the following rates of strain. 1.25mm/min. Load frame is supplied with a dial gauge bracket. Universal triaxial cell (stationary bushing) 10kg/cm.sq. One lateral pressure assembly 0-10 kg/cm.sq. One lateral pressure assembly 0-10kg/cm.sq. complete with foot pump and rubber hose. One high sensitivity proving ring capacity 1000kg. One strain dial gauge 0.01 x 25mm. Suitable for operation on 230 VA.C. It is designed for application of cell pressure upto 10kg/em on a triaxial specimen in the triaxial cell. The unit is mostly used in routine tests which last for about 10 to 15 minutes wherein the variations of cell pressure can be tolerated. The apparatus consists of a pressure chamber which has a flanged top 2 cap fitted with a 10 kg/cm. Pressure gauge and a valve for pumping in air. Water inlet and drain cock are fitted to the chamber. 2 The foot pump supplied easily develops a pressure of 10 kg/cm2 Complete with connecting pressure hose. Supply, Erection/Installation with demonstration of Oven Thermostatically Control size: 18x18x18 Doubled walled inside chamber S. Steel outer chamber of mild steel heavy gauge duly powder coated Microprocessor Based PID Temp. Controller form 50 deg C to 300 deg C + 1 deg C. Beaded Heating elements are placed in the ribs at the bottom and sides. Completer with Two indicators, and on/off switch of fitted with industrial heater fitted on back side of the chamber, Triple walled, with blanket insulation/mineral insulation & Air circulation fan. To operate on 220/230 volts. Supply of VICAT NEEDLE APPARATUS As Per IS 4031, 2645, 2542 (PART-1), 1727, 5513 & 712 BS 12 146, 915, 1370, 4027, 4246, 4248 AASHTO T 129, Е 131. Specification: Same as Vicat Needle Apparatus but in addition is fitted with a dashpot which facilities gentle lowering of the needles. Accessories: Glass base plate 5 inches x 5 inches. Fulcrum mould, brass, 70mm i.d. base dia. x 60mm i.d. top dia., 40 mm height. Note:1) Normally set of needles and mould which meet is requirements as per 1.S. 5513 are supplied. While ordering please specify the specification code of the instrument required. 2) Vicat needle apparatus for determining consistency of hydraulic cement. Gypsum plaster, lime etc. As per ASTM C 187-58 C 472-62 C 110-58, IS 2542 (Part-1) can also be supplied. Supply of Digital Weighing Balance 0-100 kg capacity 10gm accuracy with battery backup Supply of Digital Weighing Balance 0-10 kg capacity 1gm accuracy with battery backup Digital Weighing Balance 300gm capacity 0.001 gm accuracy with wind shield Supply of Standard test sieves (Made of brass) confirming to IS 460 (Part II) Made of brass 200mm dia 4.75 mm 2.36 mm 1.18 mm, 600 mic,300 mic, 150 micand pan. Supply of Standard test sieves (Made of brass) confirming to IS 460 (Part II) Made of brass 200mm dia 90 mic & 75 mic. Supply of Standard test sieves (G.L.Framed) confirming to IS 460 (Part 1) Made of aluminum 300mm dia 125mm, 90 mm, 80mm, 75mm, 63mm, 53mm, 50mm, 45mm, 40mm, 37.5mm, 31.5 mm, 26.5mm, 25mm, 22.5mm, 20mm, 19mm, 16mm, 12.5mm, 11.2 mm, 10mm, 9.5 mm, 6.3 mm. Supply of LIQUID LIMIT DEVICE Motorized as Per IS 2720 (PART V), BS 1377-2, ASTM D 4318 Casagrande method in mechanical form is known as liquid limit method and has been in use for soil mechanics for a number of decades. The liquid limit data of soils is useful to correlate mechanical properties of soil, such as compressibility and lower shear strength Supply of Porcelain evaporating dish about 12 to 15 cm dia flat glass plate 10 mm thick about 45 cm square. Supply of Le chatlier apparatus Le chateliermould as per IS 5514 complete with glass plate and lead weights and le chatelier flask as per IS 4031 for testing soundness of cement Supply of Brush- A nylon or pure bristle brush with 25 to 40 mm bristle for cleaning sieve set of 3 nos Supply of Erection/Installation with demonstration of Accelerated Curing Tank 6mould capacity (150*150*150 mould) a) 24 Hour cycle from time of mixing. b) Controlled 350C or 1000C 20C Curing Temperature for concrete. c) Controlled 270C + 20C Curing Temperature for grey cement. The tank has been designed to accommodate 150mm/70.6mm cube mouldsupto 36/72 cube mould and fully insulated, complete with a hinged lid, heater, thermostat, and re-circulated pump. Provision of two removable racks allowing free circulation of water around each mould. The pump, drain valves and electrical equipment are housed in a compartment located at one end of the tank. The Tank is heated by a immersion heater under normal conditions and refrigeration system for grey cement the temperature is controlled at 350C or 1000C 20C/270C +20C, expect for the 15 minutes after immersion of the freshly made specimens. 1 Curing Tank for 6/12 moulds of 150mm/ 70.6mm size 2 Curing Tank for 12/24 moulds of 150mm 70.6mm size 3 Curing Tank for 24/48 moulds of 150mm/70.6mm size 4 Curing Tank for 36/72 moulds of 150mm/70.6mm size. Supply of Tray made of Gl sheet size: 12x12 Supply of Cyndrincal metal mould (Core Cutter with steel dolly) 100 mm Diade 1000 cm3 volume confirm to IS 10047. Supply of SCREW TYPE UNIVERSAL EXTRACTOR Table Model as Per ASTM D 698, BS 598:107 Designed to extract specimens from almost every type of sampling tube and mould used in solid engineering laboratory or in the field. It can be mounted vertically or horizontally as desired. It has an unique feature that three 38mm dia. sample with accesseries. Supply of Direct Shear Cutter only size 60x60x25mm Supply of Triaxial core extractor rubber membrane Supply of Hand Gloves made of Leather. Supply of Hand Gloves made of Rubber. Supply of Cement specific gravity bottle Le chatalier Flask 500ml. Supply of Pycnometer made of glass with brass cone and treading cap with rubber ring for water leakage Supply of Cube Mould shall size 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm as per IS 10086:1982. Supply of Cylinder Mould size150 mm dia 300mm height as per IS 10086:1982. Supply of Trowel made of MS, minimum blade thickness 1.5mm and 100 to 150 mm length with straight edge as per IS IS 10086:1982. Supply of Grade I, II, III Density IS SAND Bags (Each bag 25 kg) Supply of Terpentail oil. Supply of Beam Mould: made of cast ion size 150mmx150mmx700mm shall confirm 10086:1982 Supply of Displacement Block for CBR mould with handle as per IS:9669-1980 Supply of Volumetric jar made of PVC/Plastic made 1000ml Supply of Volumetric jar made of PVC/Plastic made 500ml Supply of Volumetric jar made of PVC/Plastic made 100ml

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